Combattere l'infiammazione cerebrale dell'autismo con il cibo

Un alimento può essere in grado di combattere tutti e quattro i presunti fattori causali dell'autismo: disfunzione sinaptica, stress ossidativo, disfunzione mitocondriale e neuroinfiammazione.

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Drammatico sollievo del comportamento autistico durante la febbre? Se te lo sei perso, dai un'occhiata ai miei ultimi benefici per la febbre per l'autismo in un alimento ( ). Restate sintonizzati per l'emozionante conclusione in Best Foods for Autism (<br/>
Mentre aspetti, cos'altro può fare la magia dei broccoli?
• Broccoli contro le cellule staminali del cancro al seno ( cellule)
• La migliore disintossicazione ( the-best-detox/)
• Sulforaphane: dai broccoli al seno (
https ://
• Broccoli: germogli e integratori (
• Metastasi e broccoli da cancro ai polmoni (
• Miglioramento prolungato della funzione epatica da broccoli ( /miglioramento-della-funzione-epatica-prolungata-dai-broccoli/)
• Vegetale di sopravvivenza al cancro al seno (
• Protezione del DNA dai broccoli ( -from-broccoli/)

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100 Risposte a “Combattere l'infiammazione cerebrale dell'autismo con il cibo”

  1. Thank you so very much for your hard work. Now figuring out a way to get these vegetables in her, a pill perhaps? Indole-3-carbinol, Dr. Greyer is this supplement of any use?

  2. With regards to oxidative stress, Melatonin is a super anti oxidant that can pass the blood-brain barrier, Melatonin has a lot of benefits, a simple research on pubmed can show a huge number of research on it without any side effects, no wonder big pharma initiated a media and regulatory war against it in many countries

  3. Here's the problem, I have friends with autistic children and it is nearly impossible to get them to eat anything except the foods that they crave. They push it away they scream they even get triggered by the wrong Foods…. so how do you solve this issue? I'm not sure if mashing the vegetables and putting them inside a brownie will have the same effect especially because it's being baked with so much junk

  4. I work with kids who have various disorders such as Autism and I am routinely amazed at how poor their diets are. Today I watched one kid down two devil dogs while struggling to answer a basic question and I couldn't help but wonder what all that processed junk was doing to his brain.

  5. My 13 year old Autistic son loves broccoli. I don't want to ruin it for you but he still has Autism. As a responsible parent it's obvious to me that diet can increase his symptoms. Please don't forget that our children our born with this. It's a life long journey.

  6. This video inspired me to eat more cruciferous vegetables. I just made a smoothie. I have autistic traits but I don't know if I'm truly autistic, but hey, what's the side effects from cruciferous vegetables? Only positive ones.

  7. This is really great info. As always, thanks Dr. G! The thing that concerns me about this is that children with autism also have a lot of food sensitivity issues. I worked with several children who had mitochondrial disorder and they were all very picky eaters. In fact I've worked with dozens of children with ASD and only 1 of them ate vegetables willingly. This is a hard issue for parents because often times they feel their children just need to eat. Some children will go days without eating due to their high inflexibility and severe maladaptive behaviors. This is for sure a hard issue for parents.

  8. Dr. Greger, feed broccoli to an autistic child. my son of 6 only eats 5 things, 5 things and vegetables ain't one of them. He loves grilled cheese sandwiches or thing that are round and beige. Took him 3 year just to eat Smarties.


  10. This video is going to help lots of people. It sure is gonna help my little brother.The best bet on battling all diseases has been hiding in our diet all along, and all the "doctors" point to pharmaceuticals just to make cash. You are a hero Dr.Greger

  11. Why do people hate Autism so much? Without Autism I would be an entirely different person, probably a basic non-Vegan idiot. Why should people like me have to change to suit society? The human race is in perfect balance, there is a bell shaped curve of Autistic traits with most people having between 40% and 60% of Autistic traits and those diagnosed with Autism having in excess of 80% of Autistic traits. Why do you think we are wrong just because we have more of them? Autistic people are of great value to the world if we harness their abilities correctly and stop forcing them to try and conform to pointless social etiquette and sleeping patterns. Neuro-typicals are good at seeing the big picture, we are far better at seeing the fine details, so why not work together?

  12. Fuck broccoli. Im neuroatypical and i prefer sauerkraut. 🙂

    One food to rule them all, one food to find them, one food to bring them and in the happiness bind them

  13. Mutations in the MTHFR gene have been linked to autism and the best foods you can eat for that is broccoli and leafy greens because they are high folate foods and people with these mutations tend to be folate deficient. I'd love to see how this all links up. Great video!

  14. Most kids will eat broccoli….smothered in cheese. Cheese which causes inflammation….inflammation which makes this all worse, but makes the food taste better.

  15. Good luck getting kids with Autism to eat what YOU want them too. They are notoriously picky about what they eat. That's the one big problem with this approach to treating autism.

  16. Hey Dr.Gregor, big fan of your work, i have a quick question, my cousin has a post viral syndrome after what i assume was an infection with EBV or CMV (although antibody titres for both came up negative), he has been struggling with the illness for almost 3 years and it is very debilitating, interestingly i think he also demonstrates ASD features, is there anything you can suggest i recommend ? Do you think you could cover something on this disorder ?

  17. All fine and dandy, but how does one get their autistic picky fussy (I only eat 3 foods) kid to eat these food with sulforaphane !?

  18. Am I really the first to comment about this…there is a natural, plant based Nrf2 activator on the market that has been extensively studied and has been shown to increase glutathione.

  19. Watch VAXXED those children are sick and parents are heartbroken. USA mom went to jail not to vax their children, by the year 2025 1 in 2 children will have ASD brain disorders or mental conditions. Children today, get 15 more vaccines than 20 years ago-toxin from all the vaccines. Please do a video on MTHFR

  20. I have Asperger's/ASD. After watching this video, I decided to grow sprouts of my own. I have been eating a half of a cup of broccoli sprouts daily for 14 days now; I have seen no benefits or reduction in social difficulties whatsoever. No luck at all. Has anyone else tried this? If so, did it work for you?


  21. thank you for your passionate work, you are an amazing individual. receiving this kind of content for free is insane! I love the 21st century.

  22. Wow! I love broccoli. The question is, would the benefits diminish by cooking it? Should it be eaten raw? Autistic individual are picky eaters.

  23. Wow! Broccoli, Brussel sprouts and red grapes are the main diet for my toddler. He has many food intolerance and allergies. The aove items he tolerates wonderfully.

  24. The root of the brain lies in the gut. Many chemicles of the brain are created in the gut. Add GMO Foods and an overgrowth of yeast, (candida), and this causes inflammation, and a decrease in brain chemicals such as serotonin, and we have the perfect storm 4 autism, and many other brain disorders such as depression and anxiety… Please research and see the correlation and the amazing results by changing your diet.
    ***Leaky Gut Syndrome

  25. Oh yeah. Who paid for this study, Big Broco, don't you just hate those guys? No litetally, shoots are better.. 😉

  26. Autism is not being elevated by dietary habits and choices. If people could become autistic from eating Doritos there would be a higher number of autistic people. Gluten or lack of gluten in a diet for an autistic person such as myself will not increase or decrease how autistic I am. I am always the same level of autistic, my intestines just might appreciate me more. Please can we stop with autism being such an evil thing. It really is not. What is evil is the ignorance that has been pervade and nurtured throughout the years it's been identified and looked into. We are not defective neurologically average people, we are complete Autistic individuals with brains that process the world from a different viewpoint, we are not suffering. I am considered to require low support (although I can argue I need a medium level of support as my social anxiety can be rather limiting), and I have an older brother who would be considered high level support, he will need carers throughout his life, but the thing is, he's independent, just given guidance and assistance if necessary, he is an amazing gardener, he is brilliant with directions, his smile lights up a room and he always wants to make the people around him happy. If you wanted to argue because I am capable of a certain level of communication that I can not speak for all autistic people, truth is, i am not speaking for all, but trying to reach out to those who don't know our point of view. Please stop fearing the words "Autism", "Autistic" and "Aspergers", and many more like them. Love and education can go a long way in bridging the gaps of misunderstanding. 🙂

  27. an extreme response of the body and a continuous one makes sense if u are dealing with heavy metals in the brain destroying the brain.
    where do they come from? VACCINES!
    a lot of vaccines are done directly after the child is born and some even during pregnancy, so the idea, that "autism is genetic" or "ur'e born with it" are mostly bs and just a way to hide the hide the regression of the child one can't see, because the child doesn't talk yet or walk yet and if a mother before that time or even long after says, that it seems to be the vaccines, the doctors will deny this reality until the day they die! (in most cases)

    a lot of parents had success improving their kids autism, by putting them on a gluten and diary free diet and also trying everything they can to detox the poisons from vaccines out of the brain and body, and of course STOP ANY FURTHER VACCINES!

  28. My severely autistic granddaughter won't eat it, even if ground and mixed in with mince. Any ideas? She's only 4 so capsules won't work.

  29. I have Autism And even as a child I loved Junk food But my mum not so much.I love Steamed food now And I love Broccoli.I have terrible concentration now I have to eat more vegetables to boost my brain.

  30. God Bless you . wow. God Bless you. I've been blaming myself and I see that there's a light in that tunnel. We have tried so many things. Just started turmeric because I read about his gut being inflamed. Now sprouts!!! On my way to get some for both of us. So have you followed up with any research? We've love to be apart of the study!

  31. it's really important to educate ourselves on autism , what to do if you have it, and how to prevent it. contact Dr Oyalo for natural cure on his channel.

  32. Treat the bacteria causing the inflamation in the brain! The fever relieves the bacterial load? Test and treat for Lyme disease and Rickettsial co infections ! Are you people dumb?

  33. My son was diagnosed with autism non verbal and very violent, my grandma found Dr Isibor treatment online that his supplement are helpful and I bought the treatment for my son and very happy 😊 with the results

  34. My son was diagnosed with autism non verbal and very violent, my grandma found Dr Isibor treatment online that his supplement are helpful and I bought the treatment for my son and very happy 😊 with the results .

  35. My son was diagnosed with autism non verbal and very violent, my grandma found Dr Isibor treatment online that his supplement are helpful and I bought the treatment for my son and very happy 😊 with the results .

  36. My son was diagnosed with autism non verbal and very violent, my grandma found Dr Isibor treatment online that his supplement are helpful and I bought the treatment for my son and very happy 😊 with the results ..

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