I pro ei contro delle mammografie

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Questo conclude la mia serie sulle mammografie, il resto dipende da te. Quanto sono importanti per te i falsi positivi o la diagnosi eccessiva? È qualcosa a cui devi rispondere da solo. Per rivedere una delle mie serie approfondite di mammografie, eccole tutte:
• 9 su Donne male informate sulle mammografie ((http://nutritionfacts.org/video/9-out-of-10-Donne-disinformate-sulle-mammografie)
• Raccomandazioni mammografiche – PerchĂŠ le linee guida contrastanti (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Mammogram-Recommendations-Why-the-Conflicting -Linee guida)<br/> • Le donne dovrebbero sottoporsi a mammografie a partire dall'età 40? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Should-Women-Get-Mammograms-Starting-at -Età-40)
• Le mammografie salvano vite? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Do-Mammograms-Save-Lives)
• Conseguenze di risultati mammografici falsi positivi (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Consequences- di-risultati-falsi-positivi-mammografia)
• Le mammografie fanno male? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-mammograms-hurt)
• Le radiazioni mammografiche possono causare il cancro al seno? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Can-Mammogram-radiation-Cause-Breast-Cancer)
• Capire il paradosso del mammogramma (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Understanding-the-Mammogram-Paradox)
• Sovratrattamento del carcinoma mammario in stadio 0 DCIS (http:// Nutritionfacts.org/video/overtreatment-of-stage-0-breast-cancer-dcis)
• Le donne meritano di conoscere la verità sulle mammografie (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Women-Deserve-to-Know-the-Truth-About-Mammograms)
• Il cancro al seno e il mito del tasso di sopravvivenza a 5 anni (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/breast-Cancer-and-the-5-Year-Survival-Rate-Myth)
• Perché le mammografie non sembrano salvare Vite (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Why-Mammograms-Don)
• Perché i pazienti non sono informati sulle mammografie (http://nutritionfacts.org/vide o/perché-i-pazienti-non-sono-informati-sulla-mammografia)

Ho tonnellate di video sulla dieta e approcci allo stile di vita per prevenire e curare il cancro al seno, basta inserirlo nella barra di ricerca in alto e tutto sarĂ  rivelato.

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-pros-and-cons-of -mammograms e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherĂ  di rispondere.

Vuoi ottenere un elenco di link a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate in http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-pros-and-cons-of-mammograms . Troverai anche una trascrizione e ringraziamenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze, e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono piĂš di 2,000 argomenti di salute.

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34 Risposte a “I pro ei contro delle mammografie”

  1. In the east there are not many who gets breast cancer compared to the west, i read someting about it was because they use much tumeric and dont eat so much meat as we do in the west.

  2. I told my mother her cooking sucked even before she had her ovaries removed, didn't get that much better after. Think her PMS was reduced considerably, though it basically resulted in instant menopause…

  3. Sadly most people would rather eat unhealthy and risk dying, they are convinced nothing bad will happen to them.the medical industry does not want people to be healthy. Ignorance is bliss for most people until they become ill.

  4. Thank you, Dr Greger. This series is telling us more than just about this type of screening: how investigative procedures are used on the current medical paradigm.

  5. He has many videos as every single woman in US is always told they MUST get mammogram screening. Much like the vaccinations that were a must have for kids for many years. What he is sharing is very important for it impacts every single woman and the population of women is large. So sorry guys – important if you have children and if you have a mother

  6. 1:29 Holy God! This is outrageous, and that the outcomes for mammograms isn't much more ethically driven, it's no wonder this series was necessary! TFP.

  7. At my last Pap smear I was told they don’t perform pelvic exams any longer and after a certain age only a Pap smear once every three years and since I had a negative papilloma virus test I only need one every 5 years. What happened to stressing for decades how important it was for every woman to have a yearly Pap smear no matter her age. Well, they find it only leads to unnecessary procedures and too many false positives. I keep thinking the day will come when the yearly mammogram will go the same route.

  8. I don't know how many times I have commented towards Dr. Greger's tireless work on the better understanding of medical studies….but once again, THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! May your grandmother rest in peace knowing her grandson is doing more good in the world than harm!! THANK YOU AGAIN!!!

  9. First off, thank you for your work, I'm a big fan.

    Would you mind doing a video or just using your "share of voice" to debunk this guy's dangerous message?

    He's preaching BS under the umbrella of "science" in order to sell its supplements range.

    He's got another video explaining why green leefy veggies are everything but essential to human willing to thrive. https://youtu.be/KtgyJ–X61g

    That type of guys are just making me sick, using many fallacies and "science authority" to spread a wrong message.

    Thank you.

  10. I am glad that instinctually I have stayed away from mammograms (aside from one just before my implants. ) I eat a healthy mostly raw vegan plant based diet. Feeling good at 49! Thank you!!!!!

  11. MYCOTOXINS have a negative health effects on your brain and immune system-inflammation. MYCOTOXINS are found in beans, corn, chocolate, nuts, grains and coffee and would make a great video! Also Mycotoxins from mold in your house causes compromised immune system and can cause death.

  12. I get so angry. This series has made me soooo livid. Thanks Dr. G. at least there is one Doc out there that actually gives a sh*t about human (and animal) life.

  13. So…am I understanding this right…women who have no risk factors should make their own decision about getting mammograms. But women who have risk factors should still get them? I’m 33, I’ve gotten mammograms since I was 31. My mother had breast cancer at 41. I had to cancel my mammogram recently because of schedule issues, I’ve rescheduled….but your videos are making me skeptical and second guess the yearly mammogram. Not to mention the $330 bill I just got for last years mammogram/ultra sound for my super dense boobs.

  14. My first mammo at age 35 showed a mass. I had surgery. Benign. I stopped having mammos some years back after researching pros/cons. My family has not one woman who has ever had breast cancer. My older sisters (19 and 12 years older) don't have any incident, currently. The mammos pre-menopause were horribly painful due to my fibrocystic boobs. I mean, horribly painful–tears, painful. And I'd have bruises after. I have G-cup boobies. When they get smooshed, it hurts like hell.

    The stress of that first mammo with my husband terrified I'd have cancer was scary enough, thanks.

  15. I believe my sister was one of those that got breast cancer from the screening. She went for her mamography as usual like she was told to by her doctor and was told that it was negative, then 6 months later she had a huge breast tumor. She then had the breast completely removed but the cancer had spread to her brain and she had part of her brain removed but then died anyway. I will NEVER let my wife get another mamogram. By the way I attened radiation safety meetings at one of the hospitals I worked in as a radiology engineer and the physicist that held the meetings told us that it was possible for a person to get breast cancer from a mamography so this is not new information to me. Thank you for letting others know.

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