Come abbassare i livelli di metalli pesanti con la dieta

Quale cambiamento nella dieta può aiutare contemporaneamente a disintossicare il mercurio, il piombo e il cadmio dal corpo?

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75 Risposte a “Come abbassare i livelli di metalli pesanti con la dieta”

  1. But how do they know it is lower absorbtion and not the extra fiber in the diet helping the body to dump more toxic waste down the toilet?

    Or maybe a combination of both?

  2. This would be more helpful if it was charting vegans. Also would be helpful to show specific foods that helped to remove heavy metals – like, chlorella or cilantro, etc.

  3. Feeding animal meat and bones back to the herbivores we eat? Feces too? Holy hell! I want to avoid heavy metals, certainly, but I want to Run The F— Away! from that toxic waste dump the animal agriculture industry is bio-concentrating in food animals. See 1:22

  4. Adequate intake of dietary selenium protects and reverses the effects of methylmercury toxicity:

    Best sources of dietary selenium include Brazil nuts which may contain up to 91 mcg (165% RDA for adults ages 19-50 years) per single nut:(click or scroll to Sources of Selenium section)

    The tolerable upper intake limit (UL) for adults ages 19+ before acute selenium toxicity symptoms appear is set at 400 mcg per day:(click or scroll to Health Risks from Excessive Selenium section)

  5. So if most of the lead comes from the bone meal or feces added to feed then as far as lead poisoning is concerned it would be better to eat grass fed beef or pastured organic chicken than a vegan diet but,,,,,, let's put it to the test! Yup! Dr Gregor clearly states in the video that veggies have more lead than meat, especially meat from confined, commercially bred animals eating a contaminated diet. So if you really want to be healthy eat a little humanely raised and slaughtered meat once in awhile! Not to much though! We still have to be concerned about sustainability!!

  6. I have relatives in the med community having issues medically, they trust their own, and will die accordingly, what a brave bunch of idiots they are! Big Pharma doesn't give a crap about how to heal you or anyone else, good health makes no money. Research And heal thyself!

  7. "It might be speculated that…" is not strong enough wording. I wouldn't bet my health on that kind of weak speculation.

  8. Could be due to lower ability to excrete from shift in amino acids. Glycine is known to increase glutathione and thus detox. Also methionine and taurine. Hard to get these in plants.

  9. Pity there's no (that we know of, so far) any sort of bioactive molecules in plant food or herbs that could bind and help excrete some of those heavy metals. Sort of like a natural chelation.

  10. Does avoiding heavy metal music helps reduce the heavy metals in the body? we didn't know UNTIL we put it to the test! A randomized, double blind, placebo controlled study… LOL XD JK

  11. What about freezed fruits and veggies, are they even more nutritious as fresh ones?

    Is it even possible to live that healthy? Because almost everything these days are being poisoned, the water, the air, fruits and veggies, so what is safe these days?

  12. The implications for social inequality: people with the lowest quality diet–lower SES–are likely to experience the effects the most.

  13. Just enjoying a large bowl of Dr. Greger's sweet potato and kale soup from his cookbook. I'm in love. It needs salt though, not smart I know.

  14. The levels in hair dont necessarily show that the people were consuming more heavy metals with meat. The detox pathways could've been working less efficiently which would show a low level in their hair because the metals are being stored within the body's tissues instead of being excreted. Levels in hair also dont show the bodies burden. A high level could show in hair, but you actually have a low level in your body and vice versa.

  15. Dont listen to this its designed to scare you with soft-disclosure and studies that do nothing but confuse you. Youre natural diet is meat and animal products, shop best possible. The Vegan/vegetarian agenda is what these studies lean towards. Stay vigilant.

  16. Don’t be fooled by the Optavia diet aka Medifast. Filled with 90% lead and cadmium, it blocks your cells from being able to take in any nutrients. Thus how you go into a very quick starvation mode. This can cause gastrointestinal issues, very serious ones, cancer and even death. Do your research and know that if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. This is one of those cases.

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