Come non morire: un riassunto animato

Abbiamo un enorme potere sul nostro destino di salute e sulla longevità.
C'è solo una dieta che sia mai stata provata per invertire le malattie cardiache nella maggior parte dei pazienti, questa dieta a base vegetale. Se questo è tutto ciò che può fare una dieta a base vegetale – invertire il killer numero 1 di uomini e donne – non dovrebbe essere quella la dieta predefinita, fino a prova contraria? E il fatto che possa anche essere efficace nel trattare, arrestare e invertire altri killer principali, come l'ipertensione e il diabete di tipo 2, sembrerebbe rendere il caso dell'alimentazione a base vegetale semplicemente opprimente.

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Il mese scorso ero così entusiasta di essere avvicinato dal collega YouTuber Malkhaz Geldiashvili di FightMediocity, che ha espresso interesse ad animare una panoramica di How Not to Morire. Che aggiunta perfetta alla mia serie di video introduttivi. Gli ho mandato una narrazione e due settimane dopo è stato fatto!

Questi video che si discostano dai miei tipici approfondimenti nella letteratura scientifica della nutrizione primaria sono solo i miei tentativi di mescolare un po' le cose e sperare di attrarre coloro che stanno appena aprendo il loro occhi e bocca al mangiare basato sull'evidenza. Se vuoi vedere gli altri undici video introduttivi, eccoli qui:

1. The Story of (
2. Perché dovresti preoccuparti della nutrizione (
3. Assumersi la responsabilità personale per la propria salute (
4. La filosofia di ( of-nutritionfacts-org)
5. Dietro le quinte di (
http ://
6. Come non morire di malattie cardiache (
7. Come non morire di cancro (
8. Come non morire da Diabetes (
9. Come non morire di malattie renali ( /come-non-morire-di-malattia-renale/)
10. Come non morire di pressione alta ( -pressione sanguigna)
11. Qual è la dieta più sana? (

Ora torniamo alla nostra programmazione regolare 🙂

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100 Risposte a “Come non morire: un riassunto animato”

  1. Its hard understanding you when you speak. It feels like you add many period and caumas when speaking, I don't know how to explain, but I have a hard time understanding when a sentence begins or ends. Or is it that you speak like every sentence ends with the question mark? But I guess that's what the subtitles are for!

  2. thanks for your ambitions and passion on nutrition facts, Dr.M.Greger Your informations help me and and so many others and your book is a cool gift for my parents 😉
    I'm looking forward to a recipe book.
    I already download your app right now 🙂

  3. On March 17th, I will be vegan for three years. Instead of losing weight, I've gained forty pounds. I eat a mainly whole foods diet which includes coconut oil and olive oil. I have had type 2 diabetes, for the past 30 years, no meds and my glucose levels are starting to increase. I'm reading How not to Die and feel like a complete failure. Reading the chapter on how not to die from diabetes and feeling super discouraged. Regardless of my whole foods, vegan diet, do I need to completely cut out coconut and olive oil to start seeing my glucose levels normalize?

  4. Excellent video! Very informative =). Just a quick question: Would you still recommend beans & whole grains to someone with Type 1 Diabetes? I pretty much follow everything on here, except I eat eggs & butter, and currently don't eat beans & whole grains due to the carbohydrates.

  5. My brother is a doctor… I was always the fat one who never exercised, he always the sportive thin one… when I started (quite suddenly) to eat a whole foods vegan diet, he asked me, why…and later said, he would accept "for ethical reasons", but not "for health reasons", because a vegan diet "is not healthy"… five years later my brother (who mainly eats processed foods) has a big belly and a hurting knee…and does not exercise a lot. I on the other hand have lost all my overweight (that I have carried around for three decades), am off of my thyroid medication and have finished a half marathon… so…yeah… not healthy…

  6. I finally found my community, my tribe, my leader. Lol! I started a plant based diet a few days ago and stumbling on your page just motivated and inspired me even more to continue my journey onto a healthy lifestyle! Thank you NutritionFacts Team!

  7. Awesome job, I really enjoyed the visuals, I guess I'm a real kid at heart. I passed on the info to my son who does video/sound editing that you were looking for more video graphic design in your videos. The graphics really pull you in verses reading highlighted captions etc. I shared this on FB.

  8. Even though I already am a whole foods vegan and have followed and benefitted from Dr.Greger's website, I still am learning a lot and greatly enjoying this book. The chapter on "How not to die from Iatrogenic causes" blew my mind! Thank you Dr. Greyer.

  9. Talk about a click/ read bait grandiose title for a book….how about you tone it down comedian and call it how not to get ill..nah woukdnt sell your just doing the SAME thing as the corporations and the GOVERENNT looking out for your pocket

  10. What an inspiring story. One thing that make me curious – why do people in India get a lot of the same diseases that we find in N America. My only suspicion is that they may be eating too much fat – saturated and processed and milk (animal food). They might not be eating a lot of meats, fish, or cheese.

  11. I follow a whole foods vegan diet and can't seem to lower my BP, Triglycerides, and cholesterol. I don't understand how this can be.

  12. Just ordered the book. I have been watching the videos for years, but my friend says he wants to get healthy and has a calcified heart artery. I am going to help him start learning the science, since his doctor told him that his condition is irreversible, which has been disproven by the plant based diet for more than 50 years.

  13. I’m open to his ideas but damnit, the way he drags words in his speech makes me is irritating. He does it deliberately and it feels manipulative… like a well practiced salesman using all his tools to get me to buy what he is selling. The information is great! Just speak normally damnit!

  14. Cut out most meat, bread, no dairy, very low sugar (zero sweeteners!) eat a lot of Avocados, cut down on everything else, no exercise – 21kg lost in 1 year. Subbed, this is good advice.

  15. Somehow I saw this only now. (Though i bought the book when it came out, see and share the videos regularly.) Very good. A brilliant and socially concerned doctor, all good wishes and power to him.

  16. Thank you Dr. Greger. You confirmed my own beliefs and changed my life! DNA is only as good as how we take care of it.

  17. He forgot to mention in this video that Vit D and B12 Supplements are necessary in his approach as well as are at the bottom of his app that he didn't show here, due to the fact that you don't get all the essential nutrients if you follow his vegan diet. No doubt he has good intentions, no doubt processed carbs, hormone and antibiotic meat that's not properly fed is unhealthy, but so is avoiding all meat and taking pharmaceutical supplements to fill in gaps of essential nutrients that human being evolved eating. Human brains evolved different from our ape ancestors due to our meat consumption.

  18. i 'm sure your meema was an extraordinary person. Thanks Dr. G for the wonderful memory of your grandmother.

  19. He’s right. Many times I ask my doctors or my fathers doctors, what should we eat / not eat bc of the symptoms and they NEVER suggest anything nor it never came to their mind to even counsel about nutrition! That has been strange experience bc it’s so typical in Asia the doctors will suggest one to stay away from certain foods n eat more of sth else. Don’t eat fried stuff when you’re inflamed, try eating some liver when you’re anemic, etc etc.

  20. Most impactful book I've ever read. Changed my diet about a year ago and never looked back. Unfortunately, it also has me saying things to other people that make them think I'm "in a cult". Here's hoping they all see the light someday.

  21. Can't believe some folk have actually given this the thumbs down. Why vote at all? Just go and 'enjoy' an abattoir vid instead if you're that way inclined. Still, 7,400 v 54.

  22. I’ll agree with Greger this much : behavior and diet are the key. That being said , thank goodness I discovered keto/low carb and fasting. I wish I would’ve known about that decades ago instead jumping on the high carb /low fat bandwagon.

  23. Vegan diet is the real fountain of youth that people have been searching for. Who would've thought that is all right here with us. All within. It slows aging by a large margin. Combine this diet with a strong mind; a mind that is free from greed, free from killing, and the art of letting go. You will become invincible!

  24. Plant based is A diet that can prevent the number one killer (heart diseases ) amongst other diseases… but it’s not the only diet . I loved the book but am not buying the whole either plant based or you’ll die is BS

  25. I am blind unable to read your book in print, Doctor. I would appreciate very much if someone could kindly lend us a helping hand to translate the Book into braille for the benefit of our blind community here. thanks ever so much for your kindest attention

  26. I am trying to find the video where Dr Gregor talked about how ineffective pharma drugs are, like less than 10% from memory.

    Can anyone direct me to it pls?

  27. I’ve done a lot of research into food and spoken with vegans and ex vegans and one thing we miss is that blood type has a lot to do with how certain people react with food. Also how much and how it’s grown or achieved. Organic food is always best. But I’ve found that unpasteurised raw dairy is actually very beneficial as opposed to the stuff in supermarkets. Meat from grass fed animals is very good as are eggs from grass fed chickens. Cured meats using the finest methods are also beneficial. So depends what the studies are based on. If we have cheap cured meats full of preservatives and crap, meat given GMO corn feed, hormone injections and antibiotics, and eggs from chickens fed GMO layers feed, then of course it will be harmful as would GMO vegetables given pesticides and artificial fertilisers.
    So there’s more going on. I know vegans who’ve done it for twenty years and almost died after developing hormonal problems due to their plangent based diet. I know vegans that are very healthy.
    I know meat eaters who are in amazing shape and healthy and those meat eaters eating junk meats who are in a bad way. Also many grains aren’t good for us and we’re never part of human diets in the past. It’s not as simple as we think.

  28. We have been following a WFPBD for a year. My husband had some sort of health crisis of unknown origin, cardiac or pulmonary that sent his body into shock, he has been in the ICU for three weeks. He finally turned the corner and is extubated and will start climbing back. Unfortunately it now looks like he will lose his feet due to sepsis. Since it is not infected we have some time before making decisions. Is their any dietary interventions that will aid recovery of circulation and tissue?

  29. Vegetables… There's an app for that! Seriously I never knew and I've been looking for something like this for quite some time. I just downloaded it as I recently switched to a plant-based diet and this is an amazing tool for reminding myself if I've gotten enough of everything. Thank you so much for your channel, your links to all of the studies, and that app. You really deserve some sort of award for helping people get and stay healthy!

  30. You are what you eat. Your diet impacts your health.
    Obesity in children and adults is rising across the world.
    Eat a healthy plant based diet and exercise regularly.
    Reduce or eliminate cows milk, eggs, cheese and meat. Eat more salad greens, beans, fruit and vegetables.Eliminate fast food and sugary drinks and juices.
    Every adult and child should own a bicycle and ride it regularly.
    Regular exercise will help you sleep better. Yoga is a great stress reducer.
    Obesity is all too common today. Get off the couch. Get off the phone, ipad or video game.
    A variety of stretching and other exercises help with increased mobility.
    Ride to work, ride to school, ride for fun.
    Every city should be a bicycle city.
    Speak up for bicycles in your community

  31. 05:06 – “Most deaths in the United States are preventable and related to nutrition. According to the most rigorous analysis of risk factors ever published: “The Global Burden of Disease” study funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the number one cause of death in the United States is our diet. The number one cause of disability is our diet which has now bumped tobacco smoking to #2. Smoking now only kills about a half million Americans every year, but diet now kills hundreds of thousands more.

    So obviously, nutrition is the #1 thing taught in medical school, right? The #1 thing your doctor talks to you about at every visit, right? How could there be such a disconnect between the science, and the practice of medicine. Doctors, have a severe nutrition deficiency—in education. Most doctors are just never taught the impact healthy nutrition can have on the course of illness and so they graduate without this powerful tool in their medical toolbox. There are also institutional barriers, such as time constraints and lack of reimbursement. In general, doctors aren't paid for counseling people on how to take care of themselves. Of course the drug companies also play a role in influencing medical education and practice. Ask your doctor when’s the last time they were taken out to dinner by Big Broccoli. It’s probably been awhile.

    It’s like smoking in the 50s. We already had decades of science linking smoking with lung cancer, but it was ignored because smoking was normal. Most doctors smoked. The average per capita cigarette consumption was 4,000 cigarettes a year, meaning the average American smoked a half a pack a day. The American Medical Association was reassuring everyone that smoking—in moderation—was just fine. There was this same disconnect between the science, and public policy. It took more than 25 years and 7,000 studies before the first Surgeon General report against smoking came out in the 60’s. You’d think maybe after the first 6,000 studies they could have given people a heads up or something? It was a powerful industry. And today’s meat, sugar, dairy, salt, egg, and processed food industries are using the same tobacco industry tactics to try to twist the science and confuse the public.

    Until the system changes, we have to take personal responsibility for our own health, for our family’s health. We can’t wait until society catches up to the science again, because it’s a matter of life and death.” — Dr Greger, “The How Not To Die” Animated Summary

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