Sinergia alimentare

Combinare alcuni alimenti insieme può essere più vantaggioso che mangiarli separatamente.

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Perché dovremmo preoccuparci del potere antiossidante degli alimenti? Vedi:
• Antiossidanti e depressione (
• Trattare l'asma con frutta e verdura ( -vegetables/)
• Antiossidanti alimentari e cancro ( /cibo-antiossidanti-e-cancro/)<br/> • Cibi ricchi di antiossidanti ad ogni pasto (
• Minima “dose giornaliera raccomandata” di antiossidanti (
• Antiossidanti in un pizzico (
• Potere antiossidante delle piante rispetto ai cibi animali ( /potere-antiossidante degli alimenti-vegetali-contro-gli-animali -foods/)

Se non hai familiarità con questo concetto di “riduzionismo”, dai un'occhiata ad alcuni di questi altri video:
• Risposta del settore alle piante non alle pillole ( -per-piante-non-pillole/)
• Perché la nutrizione è così commercializzata? (
• Riduzionismo e Mentalità da Deficit ( the-deficiency-mentality)

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100 Risposte a “Sinergia alimentare”

  1. I think it's your great sense of humour that makes me coming back, a lot of people say they'd rather have it in plain old fashion and that's fine you have the website for that but for me there's no fun in that. And subjects like these typically are not seen as "fun". You sir are a hero to me at least.

  2. You have the best health channel on Youtube Dr.Greger!!!!! Please never stop!!! Your work is very appreciated. Thanks to you I went vegan a year ago.

  3. Just started reading your book all over again, and that's how much I love you! You're unbelievable dr. Greger. Thank you so much for the great work you do. You've changed my whole life. Thank you.

  4. Very interesting Video! I have searched through your videos but haven't found anything about intermittent fasting. Could you give us your opinion about it? Thanks :))

  5. ok…. so we keep bashing vitamins and saying that they're useless and just a money making scheme. Should i be worried about my B12 supplement then? is that working??

  6. In the same way that toxic chemicals that by them selves doesn't cause much harm, but added together might cause a synergetic effect that can pose a serious health risks. It makes sense that the same would be the case for nutritious foods. Strangely enough I never considered it.
    Another great video from Nutritionfacts!

  7. I agree completely. Whole foods and whole plants are the best way to get the benefits available because of the other components they need to work. A good example is why Sweet Wormwood worked so well against Ebola as a whole plant medicine instead of just the active ingredient alone. The same is true with treating Malaria. Thank you Dr Greger.

  8. tHE Charts are very nice to look at BUT I'd like to Hear what happens when u drip animal fat on cancer cells. My but feeling tells me it will also slow the rate of growth ….BUT u wont hear that on this channel!Q

  9. I like all kinds of combos of veggies, beans, fruits, and seeds. I'm a little bit random about it as I can't buy everything and eat it every week.

  10. Love that you put yourself in your videos now, both figuratively and literally. I'd say keep the green screen on for most of the video, though…

  11. Here's the thing, so pills are always given a bad name because the whole food is supposed to be greater than its parts. Yet I take B12 supplements which is an isolated part of a whole food. Shouldn't I be taking the whole foods instead of the supplement if the whole foods have so much benefit? :

  12. Dr Greger popping up on the screen is the best part!

    Also is there a list of these optimal food combos? (other than the shown ones?)

  13. Wow, Level 10 multitasking: Treadmill walking/standing desk editing/hummus and carrot snacking . . . I bow down in awe : ) Thanks for posting this evidence of what most of us plant people suspected all along.

  14. In Ayurvedic medicine, food combinations are very important. They have been studied in depth. Many vegans combine bananas with spinach for their smoothies. This is a bad combination, for example. In addition to this, everybody reacts to food in a different way and needs different food. Every person is unique.

  15. I take a daily vegan omega 3 supplement containing linseed oil, seaweed oil from algae & natural vitamin E to prevent the oils from oxidizing, adding up to 200mg of ALA and 75mg of DHA. Is this an alright supplement to take? I am mainly concerned about the vitamin E.

  16. You're awesome Dr. Greger! love your little pop ups! Great addition to your videos!!! You are doing an incredible job spreading the word, love you for that!! A very proud Vegan! 🙂

  17. been following your info now pretty much a year, and haven't commented ever (don't know why tho). But your humor! spot on, every time! 😂 loving your videos, and web! ✌

  18. Love the Doc. Please keep in mind that when the Doctor talks about "whole plant foods" he is talking about RAW FOOD. Cooked food by definition is not "Whole".

  19. In my quest to get the benefits from food synergy, i always make large batches of chunky soup with a wide variety of vegetables, sweet potatoes, some fruit to sweeten grains and loads of healthy herbs and spices. I gently cook in a very large slow cooker and when finished i portion off and then freeze and this will last me about two weeks. I keep seeing claims on the internet that reheating certain vegetables is bad for your health because the Nitrates contained in some vegetables becomes toxic to the body when reheated – is this true?

  20. This is exactly the same thing my old friend said in 2005! Just from her presumption and instinct without any scientific evidence. Anyway, thumbs up for Dr. Greger to deliver such a detailed yet clear and easy-to-understand explanation supported by plenty of scientific journals and thesis.

  21. I am wondering if this is so, I know Dr. Greger suggest olive oil is not good for you.
    But what if you cook with olive oil and you are cooking a stir fry (so broccoli, onion, mushrooms etc), would this have a synergistic effect to blunt the negative effects of the oil then?? (obviously besides now for the calories).

  22. its funny how recipes in older cultures like indian and chinese have ingredients that just happen to be so great for us, not by coincidence. people in the past had this all figured out. how did we lose all this knowledge?

  23. Crucial info, but we need another video on high-impact combinations and low-hanging fruits of combinations. We know about mustard seeds with cruciferous, and turmeric with black pepper, but need more.

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