Come prevenire picchi di zucchero nel sangue e trigliceridi dopo i pasti

Entro poche ore dal consumo di un pasto malsano, possiamo avere un picco di infiammazione, paralizzando la nostra funzione arteriosa, ispessendo il nostro sangue e causando un risposta nervosa di lotta o fuga. Ma ci sono cibi che possiamo mangiare ad ogni pasto per contrastare questa reazione.

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In precedenza Ho trattato l'effetto che l'aggiunta di bacche a un pasto ha sulle risposte di zucchero nel sangue in Se il fruttosio è cattivo, che dire della frutta? ( Ciò solleva la domanda: quanta frutta è troppo? (<br/>
Oltre alla domanda sulla marmellata di frutta, nel mio prossimo video tratterò The Effects of Avocados and Red Wine on Postprandial Inflammation (

Anche l'aceto aiuta: l'aceto può aiutare con il controllo della glicemia? (

Forse questo spiega parte del vantaggio di longevità del consumo di noci. Vedere Nuts può aiutare a prevenire la morte (

Ho anche parlato di quella reazione infiammatoria immediata a scelte alimentari malsane nel mio recente video Best Foods to Improve Sexual Function (

Sorpreso dalla reazione di pollo e burro? La stessa cosa accade con il tonno e altre carni. Guarda il mio video Le diete paleo possono negare i benefici dell'esercizio ( -esercizio/).

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100 Risposte a “Come prevenire picchi di zucchero nel sangue e trigliceridi dopo i pasti”

  1. Does anybody know if tofu has this same sugar spike blunting effect? The only vegan meal my school sells is a tofu and white rice bowl. I prefer brown rice over white because of the fiber, but if the tofu helps blunt the sugar spike that would make me feel much better about eating it 🙂

  2. We need more info on triglycerides doc.. 13yr vegan, 8yr fruit based w starch dinners in winter, all whole foods and just had blood results of 127LDL and 181tris. Thank you for your work. Im going to go eat a giant vegan pizza now as it doesnt seem to matter

  3. While I believe that whole plant based foods may have what appears to be a dramatic effect on blood sugar spikes, my own testing with a glucose meter says that at least dairy isn't causing a spike, but rather lowering my blood glucose even more. My experiment so far: I tested a baseline fasted state glucose level this morning, 96, a little high but I have the dawn phenomenon issue. I then drank a cup of coffee with heavy cream (grass fed cows). I waited an hour and tested again, I got 86. It actually went down. I plan to test this again next week with Coconut and Almond milk creamer (Better Half).

  4. My triglyceride results came out shit even though I eat mainly whole plant foods. I'm sad to say this because I really love animals, but I'm seriously tempted to go back to eating meat since I was healthier as an omnivore.

  5. I wonder if you add soy milk (organic, nonGMO) to your coffee if it would reduce the cortisol spike?

  6. I’m type two diabetic and along with eating a WFPB diet I’ve been eating French fried potatoes cooked in an air fryer with very little oil. I’m concerned because the numbness has gotten worse.
    I’m gonna try taking apple cider vinegar with them, hopefully that will help. 👩🏼‍🌾

  7. Learned a lot from from this short video. I thought that any kind of animal fat such as butter could blunt insulin and sugar spikes when combined with carbohydrates.

  8. It's the American way, this is America Jack, we eat what we want to eat because that's what we want to do, we are well aware of the consequences, but we don't need some fucking know it all "QUACK" telling us what to eat how to live for whatever money they can get out of it, we are Americans, we are free, and we despise anyone trying to tell us what to do!!! If you don't mind I'm going to get back to doing what I was doing before I go come up on this stupid video, indulging in a big greasy cheeseburger from Mickey D's!!

  9. Here is where I see a problem with your conjecture. First, I noticed that when you added Animal Fat to your lentils chart you conveniently neglect to point out that this 'spike' in insulin is only in the matter of minutes – not hours, as previously demonstrated with high carb foods. And second, (and I know this is what you really don't want pointed out) In the examples with Chicken or Animal Fats, that if you removed the Lentils or the Carbohydrate source altogether there would be ZERO INSULIN SPIKE. You wouldn't even need to mitigate the insulin spike at all by adding an avocado (a purely fat source) or almond butter (another almost purely fat source).
    Not that I wouldn't agree that the majority of actual food be vegetable based, but the way this information is couched is just as disingenuous as the biased studies and propaganda they come from. I could eat a HFLC keto diet all day long and never spike my insulin levels, therefore never needing any anti-oxidant mitigation. So why not compare Apples to Apples instead of Apples to Pop Tarts?

  10. I like how all of the highlights he used all stop when it discusses that lean animal proteins do not cause any problems. This study also states that adding fat, this includes oils, butter and animal fats is effective at controlling insulin spikes. I just wish that in all of his videos he wouldn't cherry pick out information that the researchers work so hard to get.

  11. How can you compare adding fat(almonds) to a meal vs adding protein(chicken) to a meal? That's a completely non valid comparison… and there's no surprise in the diferent outcomes… just sayin'…

  12. Makes sense but- for diabetics, Mastering diabetes is all about the fat in the cells- this video would bring an excess of fat to the cells- Avocados and almonds are high in far, healthy fat or not- it isnt recommended on the MD plan, is there a solution to this?

  13. Help please . I’m 30 years old I’m skinny and I cycle 6 hours a week. I been plant based for 3 years . Mostly starches and veggies. Before i started this diet I went and got my blood work. My fasting sugar was 85 and my A1c was 5.7 my cholesterol was 188 ldl 109 hdl 50. So I changed my diet now my total cholesterol is 99 ldl 45 hdl 45. But my fasting sugar is always around 110- 115 and A1c is 5.1. Why has everything got better but my fasting sugar has went up . My sugar is always below 140 2hours after a meal. So I believe this diet has dropped all forms of heart disease down for me but the elevated fasting sugar I’m worried about. They say this diet helps with this but I’m not having that issue.anybody know why

  14. I’ve been vegan for about 4 months and I had what I think it a bad sugar spike today. I believe it’s because I ate simple sugars for breakfast. I ate a dragon fruit with some strawberries and homemade hemp milk and a few rambutans. It was very nerve wracking because I was assigned to do a project where I had to do calligraphy and it was impossible! I was shaking beyond control and my heart was in my throat. People like dr. Sebi and many other doctors recommend that u only eat fruit for breakfast. I really like the idea because I can confirm that cereal makes me feel sluggish and horrible, while fruit makes me feel light and amazing, so I usually compromise by making s bit of oatmeal and then adding a bunch of fruit and berries. But today I guess since I didn’t have the oatmeal, it spiked. I’ve never had this happen before tho since I eat smoothie bowls often. Maybe it’s because I tend to add nuts and seeds. But those r always made with bananas, which people say are one of the most sugary fruits… does someone have an explanation or advice from own experiences???

  15. 0:09 Meat and fat doesn't spike blood sugar! Carbs do. Those who eat plant based diets in order to get the daily macro requirements for ones TDEE, are at the highest risk for developing metabolic syndrome due to your excessive carb consumption.

    Also, fat will only SLIGHTLY slow the blood sugar rise but not "blunt" it. Go get yourself a blood glucose tester and test it for yourself. Eat a bowl of rice with not fat and test your blood sugar after one hour. Do it again later with fat and test again. The bottom line is that if after any meal, your blood sugar is over 140 about an hour after the meal, you are putting yourself at risk for all the negative effects outlined this video.

    3:00 Nuts and seeds are also high in omega 6 fatty acids which CAUSE oxidative stress unless one is balancing with high quality omega 3 EPA/DHA from animal sources such as salmon, cod liver and krill oils. Plant based omega 3 have to be converted and are not the same bioavailability.

    If one wants to avoid diabetes and heart disease, one must eat a LOW CARB diet…PERIOD. A plant based vegan diet is a HIGH CARB diet…PERIOD. My plant based diet has lead me to a coronary calcium score of over 1000! So, I would admonish anyone reading this comment to re-consider whether a plant based diet is really the way to go for optimal health.

  16. It is now time to respond to the fast “unhealthy” food industry and it's franchises. This can be led by the MDs and other professions who so eloquently explain the reason it is needed.

    I envision such a response would use the McDonald's playbook starting with its golden arches. Instead of arches a giant silver V would be underlined with the franchise name: Whofoplaba (short for Whole Food Plant Based). It would serve both take-out and dine-in.

    A super salad bar offering no less than 25 vegies would be the centerpiece (local and organic where possible). Of course it would include a range of nuts and seeds. In addition, a fruit salad bar would be a feature. Again, at least 25 choices could be made available. The menu would range from raw broccoli and cauliflower with a wide choice of hummus dip to cooked rice and beans, steamed vegetables, varieties of starches including baked potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes. To round out the menu selections choices can be made from the many vegan recipes created and already published. Finally customers could request customized personal plates based on their personal preference.

    A highlight of a WHOFOPLABA franchise would include a library where customers would have the opportunity to purchase many of the Whofoplaba books available.

    McDonalds is successful because it bought the land upon which it built the structure. Thus it had absolute control of what was offered and how it was managed, else the franchisee would have to go. I am addressing this suggestion to the many Whofoplaba doctors and other professionals, some of whom are listed below. T. Colin Campbell, PhD, Caldwell Esselstyn, MD, John A. McDougall, MD, Joel Fuhrman MD, Neal Barnard, MD, Brooke Goldner, MD, Michael Greger, MD, Michael Klaper, MD, Joel Kahn, M, Pamela A. Popper, PhD, ND, Garth Davis, MD, Alan Goldhamer, DC,Doug D, Lisle, PhD, Robert Ostfeld, MD, MS, Ellsworth Wareham, MD, Matthew Lederman, MD, Alona Pulde, MD, Dean Ornish MD, Ron Weiss MD, Robert Lustig MD, Kim Williams MD, Joanne Kjong MD, Anthony Lim MD, Brenda Dsavuas RS, Micelle McMacken MD, Tati Kvis MD, Benjamin Benulis MD, and so many more.

    I am also asking the vegan community to offer your support as future customers. On March 1, 2019 I started my third year as a vegan. Two years ago I was obese, had diabetes and high blood pressure and consuming lots of drugs. After watching youtube videos of most of those listed above, I am no longer obese and do not have high blood pressure or diabetes. And I take no drugs. I am 78 years of age and now b elieve I will make it to 100.

  17. Dr Greger, thanks for opening our eyes about nutrition with solid scientific research. After reading your book, I started a vegan diet and it helped lower my cholesterol!

  18. Whilst reading this , my blood sugar level is 300 and my A1c was 11.5%. That is what I have come across two months ago. I exactingly adopted it . And it worked for me personally. I could not contain my joy as I discovered that my average PP sugar level was lowered to One hundred forty.

  19. I’ve been asking this question myself! Why do we always test fasting levels when most of the time we are NOT fasting. Additionally the post prandial glucose is the first to rise when developing insulin resistance

  20. With all those studies, look at just the animal proteins or just the fats, or nuts, the insulin spike diminishes. Insulin spikes with starches, grains, fruits types of carbohydrates alone. Food combos with other foods like animal protein and or fats does increase it, because of energy priority.. just eat the meats or fats alone… your insulin will do better off

  21. I wish I knew all this before! My dad had diabetes and he used to have white bread with butter most days for breakfast. He chose to be a vegetarian when he was around 50yrs if age and had lots of beans, legumes, veggies etc. I guess this is one of the reasons why he lived up to 76yrs of age but died of a heart attack 3yrs ago. Had he been off butter and white bread he would’ve survived. He was very fit and looked 10yrs younger since he went vegetarian

  22. Does the same count when eating the almonds soaked+peeled? I read that the tannin in the skin reduces nutrient absorption, is that the secret? or is it something else within the almond it self

  23. Hi Dr Greger, thanks for the awesome work, but how come 95% of your videos for diabetes are about Type-2 diabetes and only minuscule 5% is about Type-1 diabetes?? Can you kindly please allocate some decent amount of time on Type1- diabetes to help us how we can live with this unfortunate situation! Thanks very much.

  24. If meat spikes insulin then how are ppl doing keto reaching ketosis? I thought the whole point of their diet was to eat things that dont spike blood sugar? Is it bc they eat so much fat with it?

  25. My mother brother died from diabetes cholesterol salt sugar processed foods very little vegetables canned foods bacon sausage oil fried potatoes (specialist sports nutrition personal trainer 25 years people never listen to me ) dr we must listen too key nutrition

  26. I love your science-based nutritional info, but your link to the "In addition to the all-fruit jam question" video is bad.

  27. Almonds were increasing my inflammation. My arthritis hurt much worse until I stopped eating them. I used to eat almonds every day for years until I learned they cause inflammation.

  28. Can someone explain to me why all the examples of good foods the Dr has mentioned to reduce spikes are fats but then when talking about the cause of insulin resistance in other videos he says fats are the ones that cause it, while compkex carbs are what helps?

  29. Isn’t this just a tiny bit deceptive, in the way it’s presented? I mean, yes, if you combine carbs and meat and fats, you can get dangerous situations. But it makes it sound like the problem is where it isn’t. What i mean is, all these researchers know that it doesn’t matter if you go with a carnivore, keto, vegetarian or vegan diet. Any of those will lead to fat loss, disease reversal, and greater health, on one condition, and that condition is exactly the same, no matter which of those diets one chooses. The one crucial point is that carbs and fats must NOT be combined. It’s either one, or the other. The Keto and carnivore world often focus on protein and fat, while vegetarian and vegan focus on protein and carbs. Either works equally well, which is what researchers and doctors who have a stake (or steak!) in one or the other don’t want to tell you. The problem only arises when one tries to combine all three. Our bodies are designed to burn either sugar (carbs) or fat, and they burn either with efficiency.
    The one difference is: we have essential amino acids (proteins that we need) and essential fatty acids (fats that we need) but there are absolutely NO essential sugars or carbs, except the minimal sugars the brain needs, which can be created by the body naturally, on a completely carb/sugar free diet.
    So, the thing not said here, and that is rarely ever said, but could save countless amounts of suffering, is that we should not combine sugar/carbs with fats, because our bodies are overwhelmed by the combination. This is the thing that is causing so much weight gain in the world today!

  30. There is too much confusion as to how we should eat Because even Most Plant Based Doctors don't agree on what to Primarily eat. However, every single Doctor or Health Expert I've heard Both Plant Based and Non Plant Based Clearly Agree that PROCESSED FOODS and JUNK FOODS should be avoided at all costs. The caloric Density, lack of Nutrients, and mind controlling ,body destroying , Chemicals make them very toxic to the body.

    So the best thing we can do is Eliminate all of the Processed Foods from our lifestyle, this will automatically boost our health Tenfold, & will make it much easier to decide what Whole Foods will give us the Best results.
    This Quick 2-Minute Quiz Will find out the easiest way to lowering blood glucose levels, click here:

    Hay demasiada confusión en cuanto a cómo debemos comer porque incluso la mayoría de los médicos basados en plantas no se ponen de acuerdo sobre qué comer principalmente. Sin embargo, todos los médicos o expertos en salud que he escuchado, tanto a base de plantas como no a base de plantas, están claramente de acuerdo en que los ALIMENTOS PROCESADOS y los ALIMENTOS DE BASURA deben evitarse a toda costa. La densidad calórica, la falta de nutrientes y los productos químicos que controlan la mente, destruyen el cuerpo, los hacen muy tóxicos para el cuerpo.

    Entonces, lo mejor que podemos hacer es eliminar todos los alimentos procesados de nuestro estilo de vida, esto automáticamente aumentará diez veces nuestra salud y hará que sea mucho más fácil decidir qué Whole Foods nos dará los mejores resultados.

  31. Why are all the nice things in life so bad …

    Life sucks 😑😑

    But we will all die anyway no matter how healthy u may think you're living. That's the sad part 😣 life's a B*tch

  32. Would be good if you could do a clip showing what foods are good low insulin spiking foods and what are bad high spiking insulin foods.

  33. God bless Dr Igudia on YouTube for his herbs medication I used in curing my high blood sugar and diabetes. You all can also contact him for diabetes cure and other kinds of health related illnesses because his natural herbs medications are the best .

  34. I just wanna express my gratitude to Dr Igudia on YouTube for curing my Diabetes with his herbal medication. God will bless you Dr Igudia

  35. I recommend Only Dr Igudia on his YouTube channel for diabetes disease cure because I have used his herbs products and it cures my type 2 diabetes completely

  36. Really appreciate Dr Igudia on YouTube who cured my type 2 Diabetes with his herbs medication which I got from him and I can eat all kinds of food after using his herbs.

  37. I don't definitively know the answer to the last Q, but yeast + carbs + sugar all speaks of an alcoholic recipe in the making.
    Therefore glad my last meal was meat and gluten/yeast free. Ruined it with a mouthful of red wine though. Palette cleanser indeed. What was that about the alcohol?
    Oh well, I did at least go for a stroll afterwards. Not forgetting my ACV, lemon and cinnamon/clove combination.
    Continuous glucose monitor? Nah! If that ain't enough, then we're all doomed.

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