I gargarismi possono prevenire il comune raffreddore?

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DESCRIZIONE: I gargarismi, come comunemente praticati in Giappone, non solo possono lenire il mal di gola, ma addirittura prevenirne uno. Questo è uno dei risultati fondamentali di cui temo che nessuno sentirà mai parlare perché nessuno trae profitto. Nessuno, cioè, tranne i milioni di persone risparmiate dal contagio! Mi sono preso una pausa dal mio spietato programma di viaggio (http://www.drgreger.org/dates.html) per lavorare su il mio 2013 lotto di video, ma appena torno in viaggio spero quei secondi mi aiuteranno a proteggermi da tutti quei germi aeroportuali.<br/>
Se questo video ti è piaciuto, potrebbe piacerti anche The Risks and Benefits of Neti Pot Nasal Irrigation (http:// Nutritionfacts.org/video/the-risks-and-benefits-of-neti-pot-nasal-irrigation/), (insieme alla mia risposta di ameba mangia-cervello http://nutritionfacts.org/questions/should-i-sterilize-my-neti-pot/) Sonno e immunità (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/sleep-immunity/), Antioxidant Level Dynamics (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/antioxidant-level-dynamics/) e Zinc Gel for Colds? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/zinc-gel-for-colds/)

Cos'altro potremmo imparare dai giapponesi? Vedi Smoking Versus Kale Juice (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/smoking-versus-kale-juice/), Le viscere della terra (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/bowels-of-the-earth/), Asian Paradox (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/asian-paradox/) , Perché le donne asiatiche hanno meno cancro al seno? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/why-do-asian-women-have-less-breast-cancer/) e qualsiasi mio video su green tè (http://nutritionfacts.org/topics/green-tea/) o 41 video sulla soia (http://nutritionfacts.org/topics/soy/).

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-gargling-prevent-the-common- freddo/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Immagine di credito: Dr. John McDougall, DoctorKlaper. com e protoflux tramite Flickr.

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25 Risposte a “I gargarismi possono prevenire il comune raffreddore?”

  1. @Pearl Cristo Over 13 years now! My kids, who were born and raised vegan have never experienced eyes, ear or sinus infections, the flu, food poisoning or rashes…. All things their non-vegan friends are constantly battling. It makes me angry to always see their friends sick. It's like a form of abuse!

  2. I have found great sucess by using a baking soda solution, rather than a saline solution, based on the fact that bacteria, which may contribute to sore throats and URD, cannot survive in an environment with a pH of 8.5 or higher.

  3. How much of the illnesses that your children never developed were based on the degree to which they played outdoors? So many of the rashes and infections can result from overprotecting children by keeping them out of the natural environment. For example, I have never contracted poison ivy in my life, probably because I used to roll in it as a child! Children eating dirt are actually building immunity against many types of infections.

  4. Another avenue to avoid is infulenza vaccines. They lower your immune system's ability to prevent infections and colds, and you can very well end up with a worst case than if you had never been vacinated to begin with!

  5. Comparatively, they are outdoors less than most of their friends, but they certainly aren't shielded. The big difference is the infections, upset stomachs, vomiting, etc. that their non-vegan friends always seem to come down with. Interestingly, their vegan friends aren't sick either… anecdotal, but I'm convinced that our lifestyle has given them many advantages over their peers.

  6. I agree…if you have ever seen the way our beef, poultry, sheep and pigs are tortured, victimized, and adulterated with hormones and chemicals which result in bacterial infections, nerve destruction and death, it is understandable just why a vegan diet is safer!

  7. Why would you avoid vaccines? If the vaccine works it is because it creates immunity, not that they lower your immunity. Please explain/cite references. I am not a doctor.

  8. I cannot put the URL in a comment, but you can look this up…as well as many other sources:
    “Vaccines Responsible for Massive Decline in Natural Immunity”

  9. No surprise as a throat is a perfect place for bacteria to grow – it's warm, wet, supplied with an oxygen, protected from a sunlight. BTW same with nose – nose rinsing with salty water (with water coming all the way down to a mouth) definitely works for me. Just as I fell I'm about to have a flu I just start rinsing my nose for a few times a day. Then I don't get ill.

  10. Ive had a sinus infection for two years ive changed what i eat to try and help it and breath better it got slightly better but its not going away. Help any suggestions?

  11. Purchase a "SinuPulse" machine. I had a sinus infection for about 8 months, and it finally helped to break it … (I don't sell these machines, it was just so helpful for me) …Also, working on the gut (it is intimately connected to sinus health) with probiotics and fermented foods helped me a lot.

  12. Wow, I'd almost forgotten about this! We used to hear this all the time as kids growing up in Southern Africa– as soon as you felt that throat irritation that sometimes came before a cold, you gargle with WARM salty water

  13. cool. i'm an expat living in japan. my gf always gargled as soon as we came home from somewhere, especially during winter. then she'd tell me to do it, too. she says it prevents the cold. i never believed it until now.

  14. No money in telling people to gargle plain water. We must keep this a secret to protect BIG Pharma. More money in selling sanitizers and fly shots.

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