Come raggiungere l'antiossidante RDA

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DESCRIZIONE: Anche nove porzioni di frutta e verdura al giorno potrebbero non raggiungere l'assunzione minima raccomandata di antiossidanti se non si fanno le scelte giuste.

Questo è lo studio laser di cui ho parlato: Antioxidant Level Dynamics (<br/>
Cosa intendo per minimo giornaliero di antiossidanti? Devi esserti perso il mio ultimo video, dose giornaliera minima raccomandata di antiossidanti (
Ho usato una tecnica simile per illustrare il potente potere antiossidante delle spezie. Vedere Antiossidanti in un pizzico (

Frutta e verdura non sono tutte uguali. Sottolineo questo punto in modi diversi in video come Quale frutto combatte meglio il cancro? ( e Antiossidanti Anti-Infiammatori (

Ho una serie di video sui cibi che contengono più antiossidanti. Vedi contenuto antiossidante di 3, Alimenti (–foods/) e il potere antiossidante degli alimenti vegetali rispetto agli alimenti animali ( /video/potere-antiossidante-degli-alimenti-vegetali-contro-alimenti-animali/). Si noti che questi sono misurati in base ai test in provetta. Esistono modi più sofisticati per misurare l'attività antiossidante. Vedi Anti Up on the Veggies (
Qual è la fonte comune più economica di antiossidanti per alimenti integrali? Vedi Superfood Bargains ( per confronto di un dollaro per dollaro. Qual è la fonte non comune più economica? Vedi Sangue di drago (

Ci sono rendimenti decrescenti nell'assunzione di troppi antiossidanti? Vedi Maxing Out on Antioxidants (
Quindi se abbiamo quella ciotola di frutti di bosco al mattino per soddisfare il nostro fabbisogno minimo giornaliero di antiossidanti possiamo semplicemente chiamarla un giorno?. Suggerimento: il titolo del mio prossimo video è: Antioxidant Rich Foods With Every Meal ( -cibi-ricchi-con-ogni-pasto).

Fai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su rda/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Anthro_aya, Fritzmb e Cogdogblog via sfarfallio; e Brian Arthur, Sanjay Acharya e Henna tramite Wikimedia.
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41 Risposte a “Come raggiungere l'antiossidante RDA”

  1. I think it is important to have some kind of chart for common fruits and veggies that are relatively inexpensive.

    if a food costs 1/10th of the price but has half the anti oxidants it is worth it, just because it will be consumed more regularly.

    Which beans for example are almost as good but cost way less?

    blue berries are too expensive. what about raisins?

  2. I throw blueberries into my oats in the morning, does the hot water destroy some of the anitoxidants?  Should I eat them separately and fresh?

  3. fresh 7 nanas, 8 dates, 1 cup strwber., 3/4 cup mango, and 1 cup apple juice(for taste and liquid purposes because its pasteurized unfortunately :/) for breakfast.

  4. Thanks for the guidance provided.

    As per the USDA website.. " The data for antioxidant capacity of foods generated by in vitro (test-tube) methods cannot be extrapolated to in vivo (human) effects and the clinical trials to test benefits of dietary antioxidants have produced mixed results. We know now that antioxidant molecules in food have a wide range of functions, many of which are unrelated to the ability to absorb free radicals.For these reasons the ORAC table, previously available on this web site has been withdrawn." 

    Your comments please on this…

  5. maybe a weird question but can one overdose on antioxidants? For example if one consumes a bunch of extracts of plants high in antioxidants. Would highly appreciate an answer to this question

  6. Hello, Dr Gregor,

    I was meaning to ask, how many antioxidants are in sweet potatoes when steamed? I can't find the results anywhere.

    Thanks again for your hard work.


  7. I love you so much!!!  You make me laugh so hard I am " hollerin" on most of your videos.  Thank you for all the good info.  I am aging beautifully and easily!!!!!!!!! 

  8. Is black tea different from green tea? I thought they're all from the same vegetables, just different manufacturing later :/. Does that influence the antioxidant contained inside them?

  9. show me the scientific article that demonstrates meat consumption is unhealthy, I can show dozens that show evidence that quality meat, like grass fed lamb is highly beneficial, meats are not made the same, stop misleading people with your corrupted close-minded attitude.
    look at the diet in Iceland, they consume more red meat on a daily basis than any other country and we all know that Iceland is the world's
    healthiest nation. of course a burger meat which was cooked on an easily oxidative vegetable oil is extremely dangerous for health, but a nice wild pig or grass fed lamb cooked on a coconut oil is very healthy and nutritious, educate yourself first before teaching others.

  10. Unrealistic to eat a antioxidant bomb every meal….bitch please. Just the breakfast alone and your good to go. Better than your ancestors most likely because they just had to eat what they had before hand.

  11. What is maximum amount of antioxidants we can safely eat? I read article which says that too much will cause damage. I get 60k per day.

  12. Anti oxidants should now become mainstream with info available on all food packaging, similar to the ‘5 a day’ movement for veggies,

  13. One recent concern has been the presence of high levels of aluminum in hibiscus tea and for other concerns some black regular tea as well.
    Dr G pls coment on concerns of hibiscus tea especially as I wish to drink extra amounts as an antioxdant beverage.

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