Come Trattare la Parodontite con la Dieta

Le diete a base vegetale si mettono alla prova nel trattamento della malattia parodontale.

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Per ulteriori informazioni su dieta e salute orale , controlla:
• Non usare colluttorio antisettico (
• Diete a base vegetale: salute orale ( diete-vegetali-salute-orale/)<br/> • Diete vegetali: salute dentale (
• Qual è il miglior colluttorio? (
• Protezione dei denti dal tè all'ibisco (
• Dentifricio antibatterico: nocivo, utile o innocuo? (
• L'uvetta provoca la carie? (
• Il sodio lauril solfato è sicuro? (
• I rischi dell'estrazione del petrolio ( -estrazione del petrolio)
• Il ruolo dei latticini e del glutine nelle afte (
• Miele topico per afte ( -in-Canker-Sores)
• Gel di Aloe Vera: il miglior trattamento per il lichen planus? (
• Il miglior cibo per la malattia parodontale e la gengivite (http ://

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64 Risposte a “Come Trattare la Parodontite con la Dieta”

  1. Best way of getting decaying a vegan diet!😁😉

    Edit: Sorry for this comment. This, and the following statements I made in this thread was under heavy influence from the "ancestral"/paleo/keto/carnivore communities that I was in at that time, 2 years ago. I have now been vegan/plantbased for a year and have a better understanding of this topic. Live and learn….😸🌸

    Second edit: I'm back on a animal based diet. It wasn't possible to thrive on a plantbased diet. I explain more to a commenter at the end of this thread.🌺

  2. Thanks making this!! I had perfect teeth until around the time I got married. I changed my diet a bit when I got married (I baked more). I also went on the birth control pill so I wasn't sure if that changed my teeth too.

  3. What on earth is the reason that people who lost weight had improved dental health? He said it as if the weightloss itself caused less dental problems, not being connected to eating healthier. Or am I missing sth?

  4. Well I am on a high-fat ketogenic diet but I also follow fasting on different levels and my teeth and blood work are perfect by inflammatory markers are excellent and by the way I do not have high cholesterol 168 was my number and at 49 years old I am in excellent shape so it's not one-size-fits-all and fat is not the enemy people sugar is the enemy processed foods are the enemy

  5. Literally am going to the dentist today to have a injured tooth extracted. Perfect timing thank you for giving me some hope that it doesn’t have to be downhill from here!

  6. Floss, floss, floss. Many cavities occur in between teeth where a tooth brush can’t get to. Not flossing is also is related to heart disease. Keep in between your teeth clean.

  7. The problem with every study is that none cover a HEALTHY meat eating diet. They are all based around the standard first world diets. Of course restaurant burgers and fries are bad for you. Now try covering someone who has grass fed beef and a big pile of green veggies for dinner. That's the ultimate human diet right there.

    I have nothing against a plant based diet, but for me and many others, it makes us feel awful. Just adding small amounts of meat or eggs does wonders.

  8. As powerful as these studies are, I feel like I need studies like this to include high and low sugar and high and low acid.  Can we assume those are less important than saturated fat?  I feel like there were other stories to show sugar was related to teeth problem and I know that you have covered citrus as having caused problems with tooth enamel if you brush too close to eating it and you have covered how the artificial sweeteners mess with the microbiomes, so I guess I am looking for a way of reconciling the information.  Were the people in this study soda and artificial sweetener and sugar free, too or does the study stand on its own?

  9. Dr. G, I hate it when you say “which we’ll cover next”. The suspense is killing me! 😂😂 just kidding, thank you for your awesome work. Guess what: daily dozen for two months and my cholesterol is down 40 units. Thank you so much!!

  10. I got really exited about this video because I originally had planned to make my dentistry diploma thesis about this topic 😀 Thank you for sparking my academic interest in medicinal nutrition.

  11. I am glad the doctor is doing more informational videos on dental problems. This is a major cause of problems in many folks. Plus, the high cost of dental care in the USA makes these videos by Dr Greger even more important imo.

  12. I'm 24 and was told I have periodontis when I was 22. Any further suggestions would be great. I'm a fairly healthy individual but I probably could have flossed more during college /:

  13. Are there any studies on the affects of eating a lot of fruit in the diet? I am developing very sensitive teeth, and my dentist keeps telling me it's from an acidic diet (eating fruit). I don't eat refined sugar in my daily diet. I eat about 2-3 serving of whole fruit per day (no smoothies).
    I do rinse my mouth out with water directly after eating fruit, but this doesn't seem to be helping much.

  14. im 66 had this problem a long time, i have been vegan for 2yrs, 8mths ago i had an attack of this disease, i awoke one morning with loose skin in my mouth, during research i discovered ,s,l,s [sodium laurel sulfate ] which is used for creating froth in tooth paste, i found a tooth paste which is s,l,s free, and ;bingo; my mouth is not totally cured , but there is a marked difference, my disappointment is not ever being told by a dentist that s,l,s can have a detrimental reaction on my gums,

  15. Dentistry is the next profession to just get blown to smithereens. Let's scrape all this stuff off and have you put toxins down into this portal constantly to keep badies away. Wow, that is so dumb, yet it's still SOP everywhere. Learning about the microbiome has not metastasized yet.

  16. I know this is anecdotal…I started a 12 daily dozen style, whole-food, planet-based diet 3 years ago. It has done wonders for my weight & energy. I make sure to supplement B12, Omega 3, D, Zinc & Magnesium. I'm almost 40 and I'm now in the best shape of my entire life. However, 1.5 years after starting my new diet I developed periodontal disease…basically I'm suffering from bone loss and gum recession. I have great oral hygiene habits and have never had a problem in the past. I believe the diet is causing this. I won't stop my diet however, because so far the other benefits have been great for me. I've done some reading online and it appears other planet based dieters have had similar issues. What I don't get is that I'm very careful with my diet…I follow the daily dozen religiously. Any advice anyone?

  17. I have periodontal disease so it's going to be interesting to see what part 2 is like. I have noticed since going vegan, I've had much less issues with it though.

  18. I had gingivitis for 20 years Dentist couldn’t improve it – went vegan and became more alkaline my sweat didn’t sting my eyes anymore and no more bleeding gums!!! Others I have converted to vegan have had the same result

  19. Many indigenous tribes found around the world never used or had toothbrush/floss/paste ect.. yet perfect set of teeth. Explain? Those who say you need to brush/floss are full of it.

  20. Please make a video on what kinds of breads to eat. Also, huge thank you for making these videos Dr. Greger. I'm honestly really grateful.

  21. I have been on a WFPB diet for just over a year and had a dentist visit this month. I was shocked at the lowering in measurements from hearing 7s and 8s to mostly 0s.
    I had been told by my dentist that it is incurable and that I could only slow it down but eventually would lose my teeth. Dentists are so unaware of diet benefits.

  22. awesome video, I hope we can have more on tooth health from dr greger, if you want to help your teeth for a good oral hygiene regiment then using a range of tools is important, a decent tooth powder is great and a all natural toothpaste also E.O.s can be good, salt water rinse after eating, you can get some awesome products for your oral health

  23. When i took on a vegan diet a year ago, i had shocking problems with inflamation abcesses pockets, my dentist said i was to just live with it and visit him every 3 months,well after 3 months of eating vegan every problem went away!! And lots of other things did too!! I see him once a year for a clean now, I never expected that to happen, its wonderfull!!!😊

  24. Dr Greger – you should change your title. It is misleading. It should say how to "help prevent" instead of treat. I'm a dentist and we see patients with periodontal disease- lots of calculus stuck to the roots of their teeth and bone loss. The treatment, which every dentist and hygienist in the world knows, is to scale the calculus off. So you can't "treat" by saying follow this video, the calculus will come off. This video talks about treatment. Misleading. You should title it something else. I'm disappointed in you Dr. Greger. Don't help uneducated people misunderstand the basics of dentistry.

  25. While you are trying to give dental advice to people, you should mention that people should floss to clean the sides of the teeth where the toothbrush cannot reach. Either give complete dental advice and real advice on actual treatment of perio, or stay in your lane. I don't want my patients to believe they can treat perio themselves with diet. Diet won't be physically removing hardened calculus stuck to the teeth below the gums. The title of this video is truly misleading and disappointing

  26. God bless you for this video, this is exactly what we need more of and the dentist isn't always aware of anything but oral hygiene solutions despite diet being a big part of everyone's health story. Thanks again!!

  27. I wish that, when you say you will cover something next at the end, you give us the option to click on the next video in that subject, rather than leave us hanging.

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