Come trattare la pressione alta con la dieta

Il trattamento di prima linea per l'ipertensione è la modifica dello stile di vita, che spesso include la dieta DASH. Che cos'è e come si può migliorare?

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Questo è il video di accompagnamento a Come prevenire l'ipertensione con la dieta (http ://

La dieta DASH è una delle più studiate e si classifica costantemente come la dieta n. 1 di US News & World Report. È una delle poche diete di cui viene insegnato agli studenti di medicina alla scuola di medicina. Sono stato così affascinato dall'apprendere delle sue origini come compromesso tra praticità ed efficacia. <br/>
Ho parlato dell'atteggiamento condiscendente che molti medici hanno per cui i pazienti non riescono a gestire la verità in:
• Come prevenire un Ictus (
• Convergence of Evidence (
• Dimezzare il rischio di attacco cardiaco (

Come suonerebbe sentire la verità dal tuo medico? Vedere Trattamento completamente consensuale delle malattie cardiache ( e The Actual Benefit of Diet vs. Drugs ( -Droghe).

Per ulteriori informazioni su cosa possono fare le piante per l'ipertensione, vedere:
• Tè all'ibisco e diete a base vegetale per l'ipertensione ( diete-per-ipertensione/)
• Semi di lino per l'ipertensione (
http ://
• Le droghe e la fine della dieta del riso (

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su -dieta e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Mikalai Maminau via 123rf. Le immagini sono state modificate.
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81 Risposte a “Come trattare la pressione alta con la dieta”

  1. I just saw a video with Marion Nestle, where she says the Chinese are consuming more dairy (despite being mostly lactose intolerant, and to the detriment of NZ), so it might be interesting to see the change in blood pressure per capita. They are already becoming more diabetic.

  2. So I've been hacking my diet to get off my high blood pressure meds. Becoming vegan (6 months now) helped, but it only managed to half my meds.
    For the last 3 weeks, I've tried gluten free and I have been off my meds for 2 weeks because my blood pressure has been in the normal range. I've still been vegan while doing this, but it makes me wonder if it is just the gluten, or a combination of gluten free and vegan.

  3. I am a strict vegetarian.  I use no added salt.  My staple is whole grain gruel, with a salad. Dressing is peaches, blueberries and balsamic vinegar blended with water.  No oil. 

    My gruel is 1/2 cup each of dry quinoa, brown rice and lentils. Veggies are added as two carrots (blended) half a cabage (blended) three mushrooms (blended) and four stalks of celery (chopped) with 12 cups of water in a six quart crock pot.  To this is added nutritional yeast flake, turmeric, cumin, cayenne pepper and Italian seasoning for flavor.   This feeds me for two days. 

    The only addition to this is 300 gm of plain baked potato, to which is added a tablespoon of oil every other day. (Olive or flaxseed)

    I workout about an hour a day.  30 minutes walking, 12 minutes (pushup/step) intervals, 10 minutes sprint training, 18 minutes bodyweight squats. This is not done sequentually but during work breaks, when I get up and when I get home from work. 

    My blood pressure was 99/60 with a 57 bpm pulse just now. My total lipid count, trig. LDL, HDL…all in is under 150.  But I weight 260lbs at 5'6" and lose about a lb a week.  This has been going on for about 3 years.  (Yeah I was over 400 at the start.)   While I get all of the benefits of following a strict McDougal style diet…I am NOT losing 12 lbs per month.  My doctor says that my numbers don't match my body. 

    I am losing weight too slow to be happy but have so much benefit I can't stop.  I am not asking for any tips or any of your time doc…I just needed to get that off of my chest.  🙂

  4. vegetarian diets work wonderfully for high blood pressure if person is of a type A blood…seen it in my practice for over 10 years now

  5. Sea monkey lad.thats amazing! Don't worry about losing the weight fast.1 pound a week is normal and healthy. I have been loosing 1 pound a month for the past 5 years so don't feel bad.your an inspiration. Thanks for your post.its comments like yours that really help the rest of us.and thanks to Dr Gregor for his videos!

  6. My blood pressure was 145/95 and I followed Dr. Joel Fuhrmans Nutritarian diet (Vegan) for 4 months and my blood pressure was checked again and was 110/70. The nurse did it twice to be safe. Plant foods, nuts and seeds, flax and chia, fruits, no salt, no dairy, no meat and exercise changed my life. Great video.

  7. regarding "Potent Antihypertensive Action of Dietary Flaxseed in Hypertensive Patients" is there a comparable study of fish oil? I see in the study it shows the patients specifically had restricted fish intake for the duration.

  8. If you have high blood pressure, go to True North Health Centre and fast for 25 days on water only. Then continue living a vegan SOS diet. You'll be fixed up soon, no drugs either.

  9. What is the best way to go about researching these topics? I can manage to find research for papers, but I'm just wondering how you approach it? Where do you start and what are the steps along the way?

  10. My blood pressure has dropped from per-hypertensive to 100/66 when I cut out processed foods, grains, and increased my meat, egg, and dairy consumption but sourced it from healthy farms. I've had to add salt to some of my meals to keep from going too low and becoming light headed from quick movement.

  11. I have been following plant based diet for over a year now, but BP is still high, will add the flex seed and water melon, hope that works.

  12. I started drinking some high antioxidant fruit and vegetable smoothies with ground flax seed, usually one a day, sometimes 2. I've ceased eating all animal products and processed foods for only one month. Dr. Greger's videos have inspired me to eat vegan. July 4, 2016 blood pressure was 177/77. August 2, 2016 blood pressure was 93/70. I do about an hour a day of cardio at a fairly comfortable pace as well to just try and stay active. The vegan lifestyle is working for me. Thank you Dr. Gregor for your work compiling all the research.

  13. Being dehydrated causes low blood pressure and surprisingly being over hydrated causes high blood pressure. If one is a strict plant eating vegan it may be a good idea to just drink when thirsty then to try to get a certain amount of fluids down you considering plant foods are water fortified and when you wiki the gorilla one would notice they hardly drink water. More water intake I'm thinking is for those who eat processed and cooked foods all the time.

  14. vegan diet won't protect you from high blood pressure although I agree vegan diet is must for everyone but people need to reduce salt and sugar intake

  15. you come here and help me with looking in my diet! my blood pressure is still high
    i dont eat eggs cowmilk meat no alcohol no smoking
    i have progeria werners syndrome
    i dont want to have medicine anymore 🙁

  16. Right after finding this “yuku shocking plan” (do a G00GLE search) for sustaining blood pressure and trying it a week ago, I observed the difference in my blood pressure levels. It helped maintain the normal rate! In the short period of time of Twenty days, my blood pressure lowered. The usual pressure for me was 120/55 and I was able to reach this with only Twenty-five days in this plan.

  17. I`ve had high blood pressure & taking medications since I was 26 years of age. This is the first blood pressure level solution “yuku shocking plan” (G00GLE it) which has ever actually worked to lessen my pressure by natural means. Within a month of following the recommendations in the book, there wasn`t any need for me to consume all of my medicine.

  18. I started a plant based diet 2 years ago for my MS. Doing great there. But I can't seem to lower my BP or weight for anything! Idk what I'm doing wrong. I don't even add salt or oil, and I eat my flax….

  19. I have been whole food plant based for almost three years now. Just had my blood pressure checked today and it was 97/67. Was that too low?

  20. After getting this “Zοtοsο yuku” (do a G00GLE search) for maintaining blood pressure level and trying it a week ago, I observed the visible difference in my blood pressure levels. It definitely is stabilizing!!! In the small amount of time of Twenty days, my blood pressure decreased. The standard pressure for me was 120/55 and I was able to reach this with simply 25 days in this plan.

  21. I had high blood pressure and took medication to sustain it for two years, but I started out this blood pressure plan “yumkum shocking guide” that I discovered on G00GLE last month. Medical doctor notified me blood pressure is returned to normal and I do not have to spend money on prescription for high blood pressure level.

  22. What are some ways to treat your high blood pressure issue inherently ? I read plenty of superb opinions on the internet about how exactly Hybetez Remedy can help you cure your high blood pressure issue inherently . Has anyone tested out this high blood pressure treatment?

  23. Dr, Gregor I cannot find your cited data source for Dr. Frank Sachs in your video od "How to Low Blood Pressure with Diet". I seem to see study in the background of your video but I need to f=get to the source. Please help me with this as I'm not a good at this researching stuff like you all.
    Yes I realize the good doctor cannot do all this work.
    Thank you Craig.

  24. I have been on a Plant Based Whole foods vegan diet for over a year, walk 2 hours a day and eat at home. My blood pressure is still high. Its usually 145/95. I still have to take medication, but I do not know why…

    I drink hibiscus tea, eat flax seeds, oatmeal. I am taking Hawthorne extract. Nothing helps!

  25. The nice thing about the “nο†οvα yuku” (G00GLE it) blood pressure level solution is its simple and uncomplicated content. Within just two nights, I was able to acquire all details from the it. In combination with a blood pressure level monitor I picked up I was able to take my pressure down from 148/98 on Thanksgiving to 116/78 in a month.

  26. I’m doing a experiment with the vegetarian diet and my bp was bottoming out so bad my doctor cut my meds in half. It’s still bouncing around the lower levels 58-70 for the bottom. My personal goal is no medication for bp I also have a aorta aneurysm and i am hoping to actually reverse it by eating healthy

  27. What are your thoughts on changing diet to reduce tachycardia which is as a result of CPVT, do you think it’s possible to help with diet changes and to avoid taking betablockers?

  28. I've been whole food plant based vegan since last semester. My staple is potato veggie legume & seeds soup, plus nuts, fruits and berries on the side. My secret ingredient is MSG. I highly recommend msg, makes any veggie soup so savory, Dr. Greger made a video saying it's safe. I posted this comment because people often say vegan diets aren't palatable (like is stated in the video by other supposed experts). That's not true in my case, I've never eaten so varied & delicious in my life before

  29. Please try this way of life, on 2/1/2019, I started this life change (plant based -Whole Foods), no processed foods, no dairy, no animal products, no salt, no oil, no white sugar, no white rice, no gluten, no alcohol. Today is 04/13/2019, It’s been (2 months, and 2 weeks), since I started, I’ve dropped (34) lbs. I was obese, weighing (198) Lbs, this was not my normal weight. I gained (50) lbs., during the past 2 years and nothing worked. My weight increase was due to hormone changes (Menopause); this combined with eating the wrong foods. Today, I’m weighing (164) lbs, I’m 5’5”, 56 year old female. I’m still over weight, according to the American Heart guide, but I only need (15) more pounds to be in my weight range. I plan on losing another (39) lbs., as my goal weight is (125) lbs. The reason my goal weight is 125 lbs., is I want to be at the lower end of my weight range, being (111 – 149) lbs. my focus is mainly (Good Health); although, you get full benefits from this life change. Additionally, and most importantly, I’m not using any medication. I no longer need it. If your tired of being sick all the time. I urge you, do your self the biggest favor of your life, change your way of eating, do your research, change your mind set. Listen to Dr. Greger. You got nothing to lose and all to gain. Please let others know of your weight loss, post it, so you too can help others now that this way of life truly works.

    Thank you so much Dr. Greger for your inspiration, help and guidance.

  30. αt my yουngεr αgε αt TWεNTY SIX yεαrs οld, I hαvε αlrεαdy bεgυn using mεdicinεs tο cοpε with my blοοd prεssυrε cοncεrns. οf αll οptiοn I hαvε triεd using, "Sοyutο Weebly" (Gοοɢιε it) cεrtαinly is thε οnε thαt hαs prοvεn tο wοrk with my high blοοd prεssurε. In just α cαlεndαr mοnth οf fοllοwing thε αdvicε in thε bοοk, thεrε wαsn`t αny spεcific rεquirε fοr mε tο tαkε εvεry οnε οf my prεscriptiοn mεdicαtiοn..

  31. This is αmοng thε mοst εffεctivε blοοd prεssυrε lεvεl trεαtmεnt I`vε rεαd "Sοyutο Weebly" (Gοοɢιε it). Vεry simplε vοcαbulαry is υsεd tο crεαtε this, which impliεs it is εαsy tο grαsp αnd cαrry ουt. Pεοplε whο hαvε high blοοd prεssurε cαn hαvε this bοοk thαt I highly rεcοmmεnd fοr cοping with this cοnditiοn. Priοr tο, I hαvε my blοοd prεssurε αt 120/80, αs α rεsυlt οf this gυidε, I wαs αblε tο dεcrεαsε it.

  32. I εxplοitεd this prοduct αnd fοund grαtifying rεsults. αftεr cαrrying οut thε "Sοyutο Weebly" blοοd prεssυrε lεvεl prοgrαm I fουnd Gοοɢιε, my high blοοd prεssυrε wαs 152/92 during my αppοintmεnt tο thε hεαlth cαrε clinic. It hαs thεn rεtυrnεd my blοοd prεssυrε lεvεl tο α sαfε lεvεl αftεr I hαd triεd it. Thε gυidεbοοk hαs bεcοmε vεry bεnεficiαl tο mε. It hαs αssistεd tο rεgυlαtε my high blοοd prεssurε.

  33. I hαd rαisεd blοοd prεssυrε αnd prοcurεd trεαtmεnt tο mαintαin it fοr 2 yεαrs, yεt I bεgαn mαking υsε οf this high blοοd prεssurε plαn "Sοyutο Weebly" thαt I υncοvεrεd οn Gοοɢιε α fεw wεεks bαck. Dοctοr tοld mε blοοd prεssυrε lεvεl is rεturnεd tο nοrmαl αnd I dο nοt nεεd tο plαcε incοmε intο mεdicinε fοr rαisεd blοοd prεssurε lεvεl..

  34. My buddy αskεd my lοοkup "Sοyutο Weebly", thε hypεrtεnsiοn rεmεdy οn Gοοɢιε. His blοοd prεssurε lεvεl wαs strοkε lεvεl 158/120. Thrουghοut thε hεlp οf thε prοgrαm αnd εαting thοrουghly clεαn, it wαs αblε tο rεdυcε swiftly nοrmαl αgαin. It hαs littlε by littlε lοwεrεd αnd Twο wεεks lαtεr with fαr hεαlthiεr εαting his blοοd prεssurε is 128/84..

  35. Nοt α lοng timε αgο, in rεαlity just fεw dαys hαd surpαssεd, I αttεmptεd tο implεmεnt this high blοοd prεssurε cουrsε οf αctiοn "Sοyutο Weebly" (Gοοɢιε it) αnd αdvαncεmεnt fοllοwεd instαntly. It dεfinitεly is stαbilizing!!! I hαvε fουnd sεriουs εnhαncεmεnt in just TWεNTY dαys οf mαking υsε οf this strαtεgy. αftεr Twεnty fivε dαys my prεssurε is nοrmαl (fοr mε) 120/55..

  36. Guys. fix your high blood pressure issue naturally doesn't need to be hard (I used to think it did). I'm going to give you some advice now. Look for a high blood pressure remedy called Hybetez Remedy (do a google search). Thanks to it I've cure my high blood pressure issue naturally . I shouldn't even be speaking about it cause I don't want a lot of other guys out there running exactly the same game but whatever. I am just in a excellent mood today so I will share the wealth lol.

  37. anyone else have their blood pressure spike even higher after going on a vegan diet? Mine has and I've been following Dr. McDougall and Greger's for 4 years. Yes I cut down on oil and salt just to get that out of the way.

  38. My BP dropped from 160/95 to 122/78 in nine months since I went vegan, lost 40+ pounds, and spent 2-3 hours hiking and trail running every day. Expecting it to go lower as I continue my focus. Get off the poison and take care of yourself!

  39. I started drinking some high antioxidant fruit and vegetable smoothies with ground flax seed, usually one a day, sometimes 2. I've ceased eating all animal products and processed foods for only one month. Dr. Greger's videos have inspired me to eat vegan. July 4, 2016 blood pressure was 177/77. August 2, 2016 blood pressure was 93/70. I do about an hour a day of cardio at a fairly comfortable pace as well to just try and stay active. The vegan lifestyle is working for me.
    I truly recommend that you watch this video(3 blood pressure exercises that you can use to reverse your blood pressure, click here to watch :

    Comencé a tomar batidos de frutas y verduras con alto contenido de antioxidantes con semillas de lino molidas, generalmente una al día, a veces 2. Dejé de comer todos los productos de origen animal y alimentos procesados durante solo un mes. Los videos del Dr. Greger me han inspirado a comer vegano. La presión arterial del 4 de julio de 2016 era 177/77. La presión arterial del 2 de agosto de 2016 era 93/70. Hago aproximadamente una hora al día de cardio a un ritmo bastante cómodo también para tratar de mantenerme activo. El estilo de vida vegano me está funcionando.

  40. Raisins are more effective at lowering BP than oreos? Who comes up with these studies?!
    Great content, by the way, thanks for posting!

  41. I'm vegan for 10 years… Was on semi vegan diet most of my life…no cholesterol,LDL,good calcium in arteries….etc why my blood pressure is high in winter and in cold weather's? 😕

  42. My Diabetes disease came to an end after using the natural herbs medication which I ordered from Dr IGUDIA on his YouTube channel.
    The herbs medication was indeed very effective and helpful and I encourage anyone who also suffers from Diabetes disease or any form of disease like Cancer, High blood pressure, Obesity, Herpes infection, Heart disease, COPD, Skin disease to contact the great doctor on his YouTube channel for help with the name Dr Igudia

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