Come trattare l'odore corporeo con la dieta

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63 Risposte a “Come trattare l'odore corporeo con la dieta”

  1. fruit diet gives absolutely no bad body odour, even after training and run with fully sweaty clothes. not even needed shower for days and training. Every species on their natural diet gives no body odour.

  2. Heh well , I haven't tried many people but my mother always complains that I stink, even after being vegan mostly whole foods diet for years now :D. Still, her complaint is a bit generic, can't say from her reactions if it's less intense or a different type of smell now.

  3. Meat makes you smell. Imagine the amount of news articles if the opposite was true. But now the truth suffocates because people don't want to hear that they are wrong or what they eat is unhealthy and wrong. Everyone loves to claim that they are rational, don't behave ridiculously and are willing to understand opposing points of views, but everyone apparently lies.

    I am trying to focus more changing and cherishing things that I can have an impact on, like my own circle of life, instead of worrying about society as a whole because it's clear that stressing and worrying about things you can not change is a waste of time and extremely unhealthy. But it is really difficult. Once you think collectively it's hard to "become selfish" again.

  4. I've been vegan for almost 10 years. I used to smell really bad when omnivore. Now I smell like flowers and fruits.
    But women aren't any more interested.

  5. Honestly eating lots of garlic and onions (some spices as well) makes the sweat stink….But my choice is made, I prefer to stink than a life without garlic

  6. your cadence of speaking is really interesting.. especially your catchphrase; "you don't know….until…you ppppuuUUUTT IT to THE TEST!"

  7. can anyone give advice I do shave and use white vinegar in water to wash does that cause breast cancer or other health issues?? I use it to wash instead of soap. I put a bit of vinegar in my water and wash my body including armpits (shaved) and wash my body with a washcloth and dry of. Can white vinegar with water then left to dry hurt your skin/body? Cancerrisk etc?

  8. I was recommended to wipe with a slice of lemon or juice. It absolutely works. I was very surprised. You can use it even the night before your morning shower, it still works. I guess it kills off any unpleasant bacteria before it can build up. A bit nippy if you've just shaved tho 😂

  9. I hate having to deal with so many humans-smell-bad-people, who only feel acceptable when they smell like parfum. So hard to find trash bags that aren't scented. 🙄

  10. Low fat diet with lots of spices, and don't use soap. Just scrub with a clean flannel. No BO, just smelly nicely and spicey.

  11. I’ve always had very acrid smelling pits even as a whole food eating vegan. I use an exfoliating cloth to scrub with and a natural paste deodorant.

  12. It's true: after one month on the McDougall diet I don't use deodorant anymore, I'm not smelling anything. I walked under the sun for 3 hours yesterday, not a hint of body odor and I was wearing one of those t-shirt that evacuates the sweat but amplify the odor.

  13. People with metabolic odor conditions such as trimethylaminuria, sulfur intolerances, inability to digest certain proteins, etc. smell worse when consuming plant based foods too. Meat is also not helpful, but anything rich in choline, sulfur, protein, etc — green veggies, crucifers, soy, legumes, whole grains…all the "good stuff" — is a recipe for disaster.

  14. I found red meat and fish the absolute worst for body odour. Cheese wasn't great either. I find eating plants creates very little body odour and I suspect the more green leaves eaten the better, plus lots of water. I use baking soda as a deodorant. It can be harsh on skin and very harsh on clothes but if you apply it to very dry skin (it can sting if skin is wet) and rinse it off half an hour later it still works without damaging clothing.

  15. If you visit carnivore diet groups online, they are routinely asking how to not smell bad. One I saw was banned from their workplace bathroom because their crotch smelled so bad.

  16. I have not used a deodorant sin becoming a vegan in 2009. My sweat simply does not smell bad after an entire day of physical hard work. Even after exercising it does not smell. Before is smelled like a wet beaver 👍😉

  17. It should be added that colognes and perfumes which mask body odor are not solutions. There is still a problem underneath that bandaid of cologne!

    I had a roommate once who ate primarily processed meat and dairy and every single time he took a shower the apartment stunk. It was simply disgusting. And on occasion, probably once a month, he would used the toilet and it smelled like vomit even though he didn't vomit. Simply disgusting. I predict he will probably die of coronary artery disease in his mid-50s if he continues his diet. And he will stink then, too.

  18. Some plant foods and even whole plant foods increases body odor like the sulfury ones and protein rich ones (methionine), legumes, onions and garlic, cabbage etc…That is why raw food plant fruit based diet is the best is the most efficient diet to not have body odor.

  19. Well BO is from over growth of bad bacteria primarily and they love to feed on diets high in sugar.
    I have never wore deodorant or cologne in my life. I tried in my high school years but it never became a habit and im glad it didnt. Considering the close quarters work i did if i smelled i would have been told. Only time i notice myself is in the humid summer days working outside by the end of the day. Deodorant/antiperspirants promote BO so its like spraying fabreeze on a turd.
    The worst smelling people are the garlic supplement people.

  20. Plant based garlic supplmenters are the most offensive smelling people on the planet. I eat a foundation of meat diet i go to the gym 3 days a week and i have never worn deodorant or antiperspirant. Even before the diet change i never wore deoderant and im 57 years old. When i drank lots of Mountain Dew and craft beer i had over growth of bad bacteria and once became pre diabetic i would get candida yeast issues. So excess blood sugar also does contribute to bad bacteria and fungal issues.
    The human body is in a symbiotic relationship with bacteria and our oral, gut and skin are all part of the equation. So when our metabolism dysfunctional and/or diseased it manifests inside and outside our bodies.
    Its why processed foods made primarily of grain cause an imbalance of bad bacteria snd yeast. The excess pure fuel/sugar feeds the bad actors leading to rotten mouth, bad breath, BO rotten body.

  21. Whst causes oral health issues and cavities? Sugar, starch and grain, So guess what, BO which is an over growth of bad bacteria and candida love sugar as well. My 3.5 year old fox terrier never fed commercial grain based pet poison, eats a animal foundation diet. He has no plaque or tartar, requires no brushing, has no smelly breath, no skin issues or allergies or offensive smell. Apparently the fact humans and our pets both eating grain foundation diets being the only two animals on the planet requiring a tooth brush is pure coincidence 🤣
    Must also be coincidence that our pets also get the same metabolic issues and diseases like humans including type 2 diabetes, cancers, allergies, oral health issues. Wild canines like wolves and coyotes don't contend with food related health issues.
    A brain sucker would starve at a Vegan convention.

  22. I have a natural body odor that is not so bad (smelling it myself). But If I eat more meat I find I smell more unpleasant and also my feces (poo-poo) smells pretty bad and a lot more!

  23. Preeeeetty sure it's: height > jawline > shoulder width > hair > eyebrow ridges > social status > bank account > body odour … that attracts women to men, then D size keeps them around…

  24. Interesting. I just use virgin coconut oil as a moisturizer and a homemade deodorant which I make with baking soda, coconut oil and corn starch or potato starch mixed with rubbing alcohol. I also use unscented detergent and bar soap free of dyes. This combined with a plant exlusive diet seems to all work well in keeping down odors.

  25. I would rather sniff all the armpits for free than get paid $2000 for the study because I would have to take a month off work for the study (and avoid all people outside home) and I would get paid more working a month at my just over minimum wage job

  26. This is certainly true. When I ate meat, I always had to use deodorant because my sweat was unpleasant. Now, I just use baking soda-,based deodorant from time to time and that's it. Rumor has it, certain bodily juices (ehem.. from 🍑🍆) also taste better. 😂 Wonder if there's some research on that too.

  27. Plant based diets are the biggest scam of this century. The amount of misinformation regarding the ”ethical” brainwashing propaganda is criminal and utterly sickening. The "evidence based nutrition" is so corrupt at this point its diabolical. Resulting in you following these guidelines or current fabricated cherry picked and/or tampered studies regurgitated by these fake doctors that leech your trust in them. Within years of following such ridiculous diets you malnourish yourself, and by god, your children. Listen to your body, and research without content what our ancestors true diet and lifestyle was

    My story, I am a 25 year old male with multiple sclerosis & evidently went a biblical, no fault "Whole food vegan diet WITH supplementation" as it was "evidently" the healthiest diet for the disease and human health in general. How delusional i was. 3 years in suffering with a plethora of symptoms, constant inflammation restricting my body from working out as much as i wanted to and doing normal every day things, even though i was eating every single "anti-inflammatory" "Superfood" (biggest clown word used in this plant based culture, as most of them are loaded with toxins like saponins, goitrogens, lectins, oxalates, tannins, and phytates. Which they don't disclaim any harm. Wonder where kidney stones come from?) under the sun, neurological issues (depression, anxiety & hypochondriac mainly), never ending brain fog & bed ridden fatigue, DAILY bloating, constipation, 2-4 stools a day (from the indigestible fibre, practically consuming sawdust) and everything was getting worse by the week. I was giving up on life and eventually decided to add meat back into my diet as for these 3 years whole food vegan with supplementation, it was as if my body was instinctively telling me to eat some sort of meat, yet my ignorance and self righteous pride attached to this plant based diet neglected such efforts to consume it. So I thought at this point, I may as well give it a try as i have nothing else to lose right? Unbelievably within a couple days things started getting a little better. So i decided to see this out for a couple more weeks and everything got better and better. Now this is where i thought i should try the biggest transition of all. To the other side of the spectrum, as this plant based diet COULD be a complete joke. Essentially I went cold turkey & started going keto/carnivore (low carb). It was hard eliminating all these toxic carbs/sugars (only whole food plant based carbs and sugar is only from whole fruit sources) full of oxalates & anti nutrients, as well as carb/sugar withdrawals which have been closely linked to the same symptoms you could get from withdrawals on alcohol/cocaine and other hard drugs. The first month was bumpy but the most amazing thing for me was that my digestion from only eating grass fed & finished beef/lamb(or any ruminant animal), organic pasture raised no soy or corn fed free range eggs, raw cow/goat/sheep milk(or pasteurized if you cannot get raw), parmesan cheese (or any fermented cheese, preferably unpasteurized), salt & water, was better than the entire 3 years on what seemed to be a joke of a diet at this point. All these terrible GI/neurological symptoms diminishing. Seeing most of my debilitating symptoms from the MS unnoticeable/minimal. I am now 2 years into this keto/carnivore diet/lifestyle and am stronger and healthier than ever, living my life to the full. No longer feeling like a sick animal, i feel like I'm THRIVING and living as nature intended. Still having minimal symptoms of MS but everything in every aspect of my life is amazing, even though I still wake up to this nightmare of a disease daily. This story is my own testament & only hope for others to see this story and try an animal based diet our for themselves before they get too malnourished and sick on plant based diets by your own ignorance and pride to make changes if things aren't working. Remember, any diet that requires any type of base line supplementation (Vitamin D, B12, DHA, IODINE) is NOT a proper human diet. I feel even closer to mother earth now as consuming an animal for its nutrients and vitality is as natural as it gets. For something to live, something must die. This is the cold hard truth of the cycle of life. Anyone still afflicted by these ideals please research into what has happened to our world since the agricultural revolution. This plant based movement has only really been around for 80 years or so, so really think about that & research without content what our ancestors true diets were. The answers lie there if you need an abundance of information before you make any drastic changes to your health. Remember health is not only wealth, it is everything in this life we have. Do not let emotions, ignorance, pride & brainwashed ideals segregate your thirst for the truth

  28. I'm fortunately blessed with the ABCC11 Gene variation which means I have very low body odor – thank you, dad

  29. The study said meat, generically. And I did not see it list what type of meat was used. Then in the end it said red meat could impact BO. Interesting study, but hardly scientific or meaningful. People against meat can think it is better not to eat meat. People for meat can pick holes in the study. =p

    Caffeine impacts me most by making me sweat profusely. For me, it's not the meat, but rather the coffee I have as dessert.

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