Migliorare il VO2 Max: uno sguardo agli atleti vegetariani e vegani

Le diete a base vegetale migliorano le prestazioni di atleti e non.

Il video che ho citato che confronta le prestazioni atletiche è Confronto tra prestazioni atletiche vegetariane e vegane, resistenza e forza (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/comparing-vegetarian-and-vegan-athletic -performance-endurance-and-strength).

I miei altri video sugli atleti includono:
• La dieta del gladiatore: come si accumulano gli atleti vegetariani (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-gladiator-diet-how-vegetarian-athletes-stack-up/)
• I primi studi sugli atleti vegetariani (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the- primi-studi-sugli-atleti-vegetariani/)
• Potenza muscolare, forza e resistenza vegetariane (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarian-muscle-power-strength-and-endurance/)<br/> • Perché tutti gli atleti dovrebbero mangiare piante -Diete a base (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/why-all-athletes-should-eat-plant-based-diets)
• Le diete alcaline aiutano le prestazioni atletiche? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-alkaline-diets-help-athletic-performance)

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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53 Risposte a “Migliorare il VO2 Max: uno sguardo agli atleti vegetariani e vegani”

  1. Glad to see exercise getting due attention. Sleep quality is another aspect of health, disease resistance and longevity that would be worthwhile. Also, the role of positive vs negative thoughts, attitudes, reactions, and emotions.

  2. Dr. Greger is notorious in the nutrition world for picking really bad quality studies and this is no different…He looks 78, but talks like he is 15. Floors me to this day people get there nutrition information there life depends on from a high-pitched bald man because he has a Youtube channel and says "Untillll Noww."

  3. So in professional sports, where millions of dollars hinge on the slimmest of marginal improvement, veganism and vegetarianism are exceedingly rare just because they haven’t yet watched this channel I suppose. Best kept secret in history.

  4. good point. less craving so true.. +1 same amount calori diferent result nice (this gonna make so many people consider plant based diet… WHAT i can eat MOREyes i eat way more as vegan +nutriment -calori per volume = + volume = not hungry = miss no nutriment = no animal die = im healthy not hungry for cheaper ? i get rich to not get hungry? while causing less deforestation monocrop gmo corn for cattle? xD
    huge detail. i hope many nonvegan get it.
    im 3 year vegan and i jump around like a gazel and loss 22% to 16% ish bmi
    i feel so light, i eat 2x more than when iw as nonvegan, more nutritious, ..
    imagine eating 2x more and losing more fat than 1x junk , nad not losing music, and gaining endurance and energy
    its insane. plant based diet changed my life
    veganism changing our lives and thier lives

  5. Hopefully one day in the Future eating meat and dairy will be a laughable idea. Like why would we even consider putting that junk in our bodies?

  6. VO2max is somewhat tied to weight. Vegan people are known to be lighter, but lungs don't gain or lose weight with the rest of the body. If you are lighter, you take in more o2 per body kilogram giving higher vo2max.

  7. At 57 if you are older and looking for exercise for strength, functionality, improved cardio vascular and metabolic performance you need to be doing moderate to higher heart rate resistance circuit training for at least 1 hour 3 times a week and then some walk/run intervals on softer ground the other 3 days.
    As far as diet goes good luck getting enough quality protein on plants alone. I eat salmon typically before i go to the gym as the last thing you want over 50 is too lose muscle.

  8. Hey Dr Greger. I'm considering drinking blue pea flower for my health, and it's matcha form, can you do a video on its health benefits & what the literature says? I would like if you went deeper into medicinal mushrooms & herbal medicines, even popular ones such as ashwagandha. I believe you'll enjoy knowing these medicines & adding them as functioning parts of your diets & educating the rest of us on them. You have spoken about Reishi in the past once, but it has considerable health benefits you seemed to not have investigated fully enough. Thanks.

  9. A bit over three years vegan and no more alcohol with an increase from about 7k km per year on my road bike vs now 18k km a year I would say, dear Doctor, the science might be right 😃

  10. As a lifelong and now older athlete performing at high level, I can attest to the merit of plant based eating on athletic performance

  11. So at 47, I have a vo2 max of 59, along with a resting hr of 41. I haven’t eaten meat since 1996, I am fairly sure this isn’t a coincidence! My hrv is off the scale for someone my age too. I’ve been a lifelong athlete so I’m sure that has a bearing on my numbers

  12. Dr. G is savage. Love how he just keeps posting study after study after study.
    Literally 13 years and 2,500 videos of studies!
    I've never seen a carnivore guru post any studies at all.

  13. Well i speak for the rest of the Panthera leo community (lion) and i attribute all my strength, stamina, good teeth and high sex drive to a diet high in animals with a side of poo, partially and fully digested plant matter for my gut health. You grain fed vegans sound mighty tasty 😻

  14. Plant based diets are the biggest scam of this century. The amount of misinformation regarding the ”ethical” brainwashing propaganda is criminal and utterly sickening. Malnourishing yourself and your children. Listen to your body, and research without content what our ancestors true diet and lifestyle was

  15. I'd appreciate it if Greger would not state such missinformation (at least without context it's missinformation).

    Elite athletes go to the extremes to push their performance, if simply going vegan would give them such a significant edge, everyone would do it for sure…

  16. At 3 mins in the video, the conventional diet people trained for 12 weeks and their VO2 max went down. Sounds pretty unusual. Any idea why the odd result for this group?

  17. I have been whole foods plant based 5.5 years and was inspired by Dr. Greger to make the switch, thank you so much!! My athletic ability is leaps and bounds better now, I am 52 years old and will never, ever go back to the S.A.D. diet.

  18. Fascinating. One factor that may be contributing to improved VO2 Max relates to breathing efficiency. A vegan and vegetarian diet is generally more alkaline-forming than a diet that includes meat, which is acid-forming. When our blood pH is more acidic, we blow off CO2 to bring it back into its normal range. This leads to a faster breathing rate and the respiratory muscles are worked harder, less oxygen is released from hemoglobin in our blood owing to the Bohr effect, meaning reduced oxygen flow to the muscles and cells where it's required.

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