Come vincere la guerra al cancro

Quanto è efficace la chemioterapia per il cancro del colon, del polmone, della mammella e della prostata?

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Sono così entusiasta di condividere alcuni dei sei nuovi articoli del Professor Emeritus Colin Campbell (https: // sulla ridefinizione del ruolo della nutrizione in medicina.

Per una panoramica sul potere della dieta, vedere Come non morire di cancro ( morire di cancro). E ho centinaia di video sul ruolo di diversi alimenti e modelli alimentari su diversi tipi di cancro che puoi sfogliare attraverso la barra di ricerca.

Per ulteriori informazioni sulla rivoluzione nel settore sanitario che è Medicina dello stile di vita, vedere ad esempio:
• Medicina dello stile di vita: trattamento delle cause delle malattie ( -medicina-trattamento-le-cause-della-malattia/)
• L'effettivo beneficio della dieta rispetto ai farmaci (
• Perché La prevenzione vale una tonnellata di cura (

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100 Risposte a “Come vincere la guerra al cancro”

  1. Chemo = Big Pharma Money Pigs 🐷🐷🐷 pulling the wool over the Masses in order for their monetary gains without any moral or ethical compass. There is another BREED on this planet that resembles similar traits……. "Egocentric Sociopathic Serial Killers".

  2. It's interesting how on that map Russia had a much lower incidence of breast cancer than Europe, the US, Canada, and Australia–interesting, because I'd have guessed that the latter areas would have diets and fitness levels similar to Russia's.

  3. This is so true. I used to work in cancer research and no one ever talked about diet or prevention. Ever. All our work was geared towards slowing growth, and 20% cure rates were considered great successes and celebrated. It was so odd to me. I never felt like that was good enough. The doctors in the department would give talks on how their aim was not cure, but maintenance…stopping the growth of tumors so the patient could live with them longer. I couldn't believe it. Patients want tumors out of them and gone. They don't want to learn to live with them. Would you? It was a very depressing job. When I learned about plant-based diets a couple years after I quit, and read all the science on it, I was blown away. There's SO MUCH information out there! Why hadn't any of this ever come up in department meetings?? I immediately switched to a whole-food plant-based diet and haven't looked back. Maybe if I'd known then what I know now, I might have quit sooner…

  4. No word about fasting as a cure against cancer? We have Dr. Jason Fung, Dr. Michael Farley, Dr. Alan Goldhamer and Dr. Darren Schmidt that I can name on the top of my head who all support this treatment.

  5. Thanks for the Emergency rooms but for the most part of modern allopathic medicine when going after diseases it is nothing more than legal drug cartel! And doctors are legal drug dealers!!!!

  6. Only 1 percent survival rate with chemotherapy? Why is this still the common go to treatment? Just to make money selling it?

  7. Dr Greger. Your information is appreciated. I've been on a plant-based diet for decades and feeling relatively well. However, is it possible that Weston Price protocol can have some value at least in the short run?

  8. Too much cherry picking in this video. The first article is based on a discussion papper from 1991. The advances in cancer treatments since 1991 are overwhelming.


  10. Very important question, please reply. Should I buy ground flaxseed or should I buy whole and grind my own. Or it doesn't matter. Please explain. Thank you in advance.

  11. I would say plants and vegetables and water and weed (vaping not smoking ofcourse) atleast that's what i do now and i feel great!

  12. #1 must-watch Dr. Gregor video! A classic! This critical information is NOT widely known and should be. Thank you Dr. Gregor for continuing to produce your evidence based truth telling videos year after year. It’s the only way lives can be saved.

  13. What doesn't add up is that Hong Kong who has the longest life expectancy also eats the most beef and specifically 40% more meat than the average american. Not doubting nutrition's important role but, clearly animal product consumption alone is not the biggest cancer causing factor.

  14. It would be incredible if you would produce a video with similar information, but suitable for children. Or, if anyone knows of something to relate this information to an 8 year old, let me know. He is tired of his mom's speeches:(

  15. I admire and respect your work but in this video you are absolutely wrong and you are misinforming to the people. You have the opportunity to correct this mistake.
    From the link above:
    The “2% chemo efficacy” comes from an Australian study into the contribution of chemotherapy to 5-year cancer survival, and the researchers claimed to have found that the average benefit of chemotherapy was about 2%. So: the study is about the contribution of chemotherapy to survival and not about survival of patients having chemotherapy.
    For obvious reasons, this study has become immensely popular with alternative therapists and is quoted by them ad nauseam.

    A rather strange phenomenon took place after the publication of this study: over time, the 2-3% contribution to survival had somehow become 2-3% plain survival – period. Some of these altmeds now actually claim the outcome of the study was that of all cancer patients receiving chemo, only 2-3% survive for more than 5 years.

    In other words: chemotherapy kills an average 97% of cancer patients within 5 years.
    What the study was about
    The researchers stated as the aim of their study:

    a literature search for randomised clinical trials reporting a 5-year survival benefit attributable solely to cytotoxic chemotherapy in adult malignancies.

    So they wanted to know what the contribution was of chemotherapy to 5-year survival. There are many therapies to treat cancer: surgery, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy, immune therapy – and chemotherapy. The researchers wanted to know to what extent chemotherapy contributed to five-year-survival of cancer patients.

    Of all 154,971 patients whose files were examined, in 3306 of these, 5-year survival could be attributed solely to chemotherapy.

    In 98% of the patients, 5-year survival was due to a combination of factors, of which chemotherapy sometimes also was a factor and sometimes was not.

    The researchers then extrapolated the outcomes to all cancers. The average 5-year cancer survival in Australia at the time of the study was 60%. On the basis of the extrapolation of the outcome of their study, the researchers estimated that the average contribution of chemotherapy to 5-year survival would be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA.

    Nowhere in the study does it say that only 3306 patients survived their chemotherapy and that consequently 151,665 patients died because of chemotherapy.

  16. Can you do a video on cannabis and lung cancer? I remember seeing that rates cancer drop to below average rate of cancer among population the purer (i.e. no tobacco) one uses cannabis. I don't know how true this is because of the damage that inhaling smoke would cause.

  17. My sister, a nurse, has a rare form of breast cancer that has spread to the mesothelium. She is on a new type of chemo. Diet advice from her doctor; eat more protein. She is also obese and has not changed her diet, except for more protein. She feels she is on a "state of the art" program.

  18. 3:56 "Everything we put into our mouth is a lost opportunity to put something even healthier in our mouth. …We need to eat foods with active cancer suppressing mechanisms by holistic nutrition, we're talking about WHOLE foods…whole, intact food." –Dr. Michael Greger

  19. This was focused on chemotherapy. Would be great to do additional charts on surgery and radiation. From that chart, one would conclude if your doctor suggests chemotherapy, find another doctor.

  20. I appreciate your information so much, and am encouraged to improving my efforts in keeping with a plant-based diet/lifestyle. Thank you!!

  21. No wonder Argentina has one of the highest cancer (and heart disease)rates. People eat heavy meat-dairy diets due to "culture" and of course thanks to the enormous power that these industries have here. My mother has a cholesterol over 200 hundred, eats mostly dairy and no vegetables and fruits and her doctor says it's ok. Also he told her to buy iron, cholesterol lowering and multivitamin supplements. I guess she has her days counted.

  22. Can someone please explain how the masai tribe in Kenya live so healthy when 90% of their diet is beef, raw milk and blood? I’m trying to learn more about healthy eating and it all points to plant based but my recent visit to Kenya left me confused. These are healthy people who eat animal based diet.

  23. Come on humans, there is no bad or good food. It all depends what we are evolved to eat. Try changing diet between lion and gorilla, both would suffer.

  24. the planet is so polluted by all kind of shit it does not matter what you eat…you will be infected by some poison no matter what! If everything was clean we could eat anything and live well and not get cancer!

  25. That momment when 26 years old with no family history of cancer, vegan, exercising daily and still have testicular cancer. Fuck my life.

  26. I never hear people talk about testicular cancer and its cure… I know it is a similar protocol but I would like to hear it specifically.

  27. l wanted to send this video to my friend who just got bad news but the facts at the beginning are so grim that l decided not to! 🙁 as much as l appricate the advice that comes after…you might want to look into easing the intro

  28. This reminds me of how big a splash is made that supposedly promote the religion of Darwinian Evolution, only to be quietly rejected after they realize they were wrong. However, that doesn't stop them from using the canonical image that has the hoax "missing links." I guess they keep following the same script that you show here.

  29. Wow. Reviewing an Oncology article from 2004 and discussing the chemotherapeutic treatments available at the time is just not going to cut it. There has been so much advancement in targeted therapy and molecular and genetic evaluation of tumors and their response to various treatments since then, that I have to assume that you are just ignoring the current state of affairs in the field of Oncolgy on purpose. Shame.

  30. I've had two different cancers (colon/testicular). I had genetic testing done and it was determined that I have Li-Fraumeni syndrome, a genetic mutation that predisposes me to a variety of cancers. I'm wondering what I can do (besides the obvious not smoking, etc) to limit my risk of developing another cancer despite having LFS.

  31. Awesome, awesome video!!! I've never had ANY intention of getting chemo/radiation if suggested. Years ago a guy told me chemo was only 2% effective and nothing's changed…smh. Still they subject people to all of that torture. No freakin way!!!

  32. I contacted HIV in 2009, I was told by my doctor that there's no possible cure for HIV. I started taking my ARV's, My CD was 77 and viral load was 112,450. my cousin told me about this herbal  Dr. Ambala thats helping people get cured and i also saw a lot of testimonials about him on how he uses medicine to cure HIV. I contacted him and told him my problems, He sent me the herbal medicine and I took it for 14 days which was two weeks as he instruct me to take it, after then I went for test check-up and I was cured. The medicine has NO SIDE EFFECT, there's no special diet when taking the herbs medicine. He also cure HEPATITIS B, BREAST/LUNGS CANCER, HERPES, MISCARRIAGES,HBP, STROKE, FIBROIDS, INFERTILITY PROBLEMS, LOSING OF BELLE FAT, GENITAL WARTS and lots more with his spiritual power and nothing is Impossible in his shrine , just want to make sure that this disease never happen to anyone, that's why i will be dropping his contact email ; Dr.v.ambala You can Call/WhatsApp him via;  +2347041190299

  33. What about environmental factors? Europe and the West I'm sure have more toxic environments than Africa.

  34. I take a number of plant based supplements and herbs to enhance my diet that are scientifically proven to improve health. I would throw out the baby with the bath water.

  35. With cancer foundations across North America raking in billions in donations and many owning expensive property in major cities, is it any wonder? Odd how nutrition recommendations on the major foundations' websites are mostly for patients already suffering from the disease. Could it be big meat, big dairy, and big sugar are huge supporters?

  36. Modern medicine does not even know where cancer is located in a cell. They believe it is in the nucleus, however, when they take a cancerous nucleus and put it into a healthy cell, it stays with proper function, when they put a healthy nucleus in a cancer cell, it stays cancerous. When they take a mitochondria from a healthy cell and put it in a cancerous cell, it stops, and when they put a cancerous mito in a healthy cell, it becomes cancerous. This shows clearly that it is something in the mitochondria that is responsible for cancer.

  37. You and your whole team deverse the best! You guys are true heros! You changed my life when I discovered the truth about nutrition, which is really difficult these days we live in! I really wish I could meet you one day! I´m so thankful to you guys! And Dr. Greger , I´m sure that your grandmother can´t be prouder of you! THANKS!!!

  38. My grandfather died of cancer in his 50s. My father last year has died of cancer in his 50s. Im breaking the cycle. Im changing my diet and lifestyle to do everything I can to not leave my 20 year old children scared and alone. Chicken is not so tasty that it makes me want to die in my 50s in pain like my father. People who continue to eat it hearing the evidence just downplay the risk.

  39. How much of this is because of the perverse incentive that there is a Cancer Industry that wants more people on expensive cancer treatment, to maximize revenue? More people with cancer, a longer treatment period, and greater suffering all mean more revenue.

  40. My mom now is with other type of breast cancer, we try to do a healthy diet this last 5 years but isn't enough, cáncer appears in her other breast, she haven't any type of exercise rutine because she is the old school, she only do her chores, she hates exercise. My moms friend had uterus cancer, my moms friend had a strict healthy diet, but she had eating disorder sometime she throw up the food because she missed our tradicional peruvian food. Finally, the metástasis advance so fast and she passed away, was very sad. I think healthy food works before the diseases, maybe during the cáncer threatmenr maintain the cells more healthy but isn't enough to rest it or dissapear.

  41. Please share this video with every English-speaking citizen you know. It is very relevant to our society. Even if you disagree about the part about what foods are best, you cannot disagree with the part about the big problems with modern and western medicine.

  42. Thanks Dr, for the herbal remedy. I was tested negative for genital warts for the last four months so I decided to recommend Dr Oluta on YouTube a great specialist with wonderful experience.

  43. I want to believe that just prevention works, but what about Christian Tomasetti's work about the "bad luck" of errors in DNA replication, accounting for 60% of most cancers?

  44. So I 100% agree that prevention should be the basis. Just wanted to add an obvious fact- those types of cancers that don't respond to chemotherapy are treated either by radiation or surgical removal. Of course prevention is superior, just wanted to mention that.

  45. Thanks dr udomegan for the herbal remedy I was tested negative for genital warts for the last four months so I decided to recommend Dr udomegan on YouTube a great specialist with wonderful expnerience

  46. Thanks dr udomegan for the herbal remedy I was tested negative for genital warts for the last four months so I decided to recommend Dr udomegan on YouTube a great specialist with wonderful expnerience

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