Cosa fare se vieni con il COVID-19?

Stanze per malati e altre precauzioni da prendere in caso di contrarre il COVID-19. E gli animali domestici come cani e gatti possono essere infettati da COVID-19 e sii contagioso?

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· Da dove vengono i coronavirus mortali come MERS-CoV? (
· Il SARS Coronavirus e Wet Markets (
· Dov'è finito il COVID-19 Da dove viene il coronavirus? (<br/> · The Last La pandemia di coronavirus potrebbe essere stata causata dal bestiame ( -bestiame)
· R0 e periodi di incubazione: come sono stati fermati altri focolai di coronavirus (http ://
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· Fattori di rischio e comorbidità modificabili per COVID- Infezione ( fattori-di-rischio-e-comorbilità-per-covid-grave-19-infezione)
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· Le pastiglie di zinco potrebbero aiutare con COVID-380? (
· Come evitare il COVID-000 (
· Lavarsi le mani & Sanificazione per inattivare COVID-580 Coronavirus (

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· La migliore maschera o copertura facciale fai-da-te per COVID-19 (
· Come COVID-380 Fine: vaccinazione, mutazioni e lei d Immunità (à-di-mandria)
· Il COVID-000 La pandemia potrebbe essere solo una prova generale ( -covid-000-pandemia-maggio-solo- be-a-dress-rehearsal)
· Come prevenire la prossima pandemia (

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73 Risposte a “Cosa fare se vieni con il COVID-19?”

  1. With all of the discussion about returning to schools, can you look at the research from other countries who are back in school? Thanks!

  2. I am an international student currently studying in Melbourne Australia, upon the coronavirus first hit in Australia, me and my partner decided to wear masks everywhere just in case we have the virus and we might not even know – we thought it's a responsible act, however, there's really no one here ever wear a mask excepts a few people with Asian ethnicity. What's more shocking to us is that, during the first few months of the whole corona situation, me and my partner have been discriminated and verbally abused countless times, we were also especially humiliated to be wearing a mask.

  3. There has been documented transmission of the novel corona virus to ferrets (being raised for their furs), spreading quickly among ferrets in breeding cages, and transmission to agricultural workers from ferrets. This has been reported in at least two separate breeding farms in The Netherlands involving a total of five patients who are known to have acquired CORVID-19 from the ferrets.

  4. 2:50 With all due respect, dr. Greger, you cannot disinfect the Universe. I'm sorry to say, but based on what I learned from your pre-pandemic stuff, this is junk science. Same thing on masks, gloves and other protective gear, that are designed for very limited use in both space and time, being in fact close to useless against wide spread viruses and bacteria.

  5. There is a whole discussion on terrain theory vs germ theory going on that would definitely pique interest from healthy, free-thinking individuals. Yet with the somewhat alternative plant-based Dr. here we get nothing but crickets on the discussion and peddling the narrative of fear of something that has not even been isolated nor has any virus.
    What we put in our body has everything to do with how the body goes to work to use and expel including toxicity. Could 'viruses ' be just the body's natural way of healing itself by removing these toxins?

  6. It's so depressing that all the talk is masks while no one is talking about why epidemics and pandemics are happening in the first place (except t 'wet market', 'wild animals'); why they will keep on happening more frequently anywhere on the planet, why, to quote you Dr. Greger 'this is just a dress rehearsal'. Is it so difficult to see the link? For media and experts to share the effects of animal farming, animal killing, animal eating in terms of epidemics, pandemics, antibiotic resistance, environmental damage …

  7. The masks are as effective in controlling a microscopic virus as your underwear is in controlling a fart. Come on, people, this is nonsense!

  8. 4:20 is baloney. People wear masks to protect themselves from others, 99.99%. They work everyplace which has mandated use. I am tired of the lazy stating the opposite day after day, WEAR a mask whenever you are going to be in close proximity with other people and their trailing activity. There is plenty of data and statistics to support mask wearing. There is no debate on this. If you want that talk about infection loads.

  9. Lots of mink farms are infected with Covid19 in the Netherlands. I was shocked to find out they were there in the first place. They were going to be banned in 2024 and hopefully they are going to be banned now. It is cruelty.

  10. 1st thing I would do IS NOT listen to a nutritionist who follows the lead of people and organizations with reputations like Gill Bates, the CDC or Fauci. They have enough money and have done enough destruction. Well that is unless you are seriously demented and like to harm others for a profit. Victimhood is trending…

  11. No one should care any more. It is tantamount to a mild cold. The tests aren't accurate and are a big waste of time. Wearing a mask will only make your breathing clean fresh air and not protect anyone else from anything as viruses are not spread person to person. "The Germ Theory" is just a theory. It has NEVER been proven. If the germ theory WAS valid, wearing a mask is as effective as wearing underpants to stop fart gases from spreading.

  12. I surely hope you're also talking about the lifestyle choices you should be making once you're infected – nutrients you should be taking etcetera. That's a CRITICAL piece that public health ins't talking about and it's NEGLIGENCE!!!

  13. Vitamin c 5.000mg split in many doses daily , zinc 20mg daily all without food. This for 2 weeks and as an additional action take 10.000 Iu vitamin d3 for 1 month

  14. 6:50 – What happens if you are isolating in a place after you get over the disease? How long will that room or house be toxic, and what needs to be done to disinfect it as much as possible?

  15. 3:12 'most people who contract COVID-19 spontaneously recover without the need for medical intervention' Thank you for that hopeful and optimistic fact; while this clearly can be and has been deadly, especially for high risk groups, it's good to try to keep cautiously optimistic when possible.

  16. Least scientifically based video I’ve seen you do. Most was an appeal to authority not because of the science. What about the outpatient study that was recently published? #zelenkoprotocol his study is definitely worth researching and talking about. You can take quercetin and zinc and have similar effects to the protocol of 220 mg zinc 1x day, 200 mg HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine) or 500mg quercetin 1x (preventative) or 2x (acute) a day and 500mg azithromycin (acute). That’s an actual study and he’s saving the lives of his patients cheaply, before they have to go to the hospital. $20 for the whole treatment. This is what we plan to do if we get the virus and also take massive doses of vitamin C. You need to look into how China and other places also used vitamin C. Please look at actual science and not just appeals to authority.

  17. The real information I am interested in is if you do get it what should you take to minimize the symptoms.? Of course to avoid getting it what extra things should you do besides living a healthy lifestyle? I’m talking about something like extra vitamin C, extra lysing, perhaps extra zinc, I wish Dr. Greger would discuss these things.

  18. If you have spent 10 minutes near a probable case and are
    found on contact tracing to have any number of symptoms that could be
    caused by asthma, allergy or the common cold, you are counted as a
    COVID-19 case, even without any laboratory testing result.

  19. We are still over reacting. Sweden either has herd immunity or Covid is not as dangerous as we are being told. The fact is there are many more infected ppl than reported so the fact is, the mortality rate is much lower thsn reportef. Put in perspective: annually 100K+ ppl die from perscription drugs; 100K ppl die from seasonal flu; 100K ppl die from car accidents; millions die from SAD diet. These are all preventable yet we have not shut down the economy because of them. We accept the risk. COVID effects the elderly the most. The death rate for ppl under 60 is maybe 0.1 percent. Either we let COVID run its course to get herd immunity or we will FOREVER be in the process of quarantining, social distancing, and being AFRAID of each other.
    Remember Darwins theory, Survival of the Fittest. Shit happens, and ppl die, live with it. "LIVE FREE OR DIE".

  20. Let’s admit here. This covid-19 is a full of crap. Dr you know how to fight this virus. Get Vitamin D and C. Be healthy. Your body will fight off the disease. Sheesh. The virus might be every where. You can’t hide from it. If you get it you will probably feel the symptoms but eventually get better. Still not as bad as the Flu. The symptoms are cold-like to Flu-like symptoms. This Dr, although I look for honest advice for health from Greger, is putting a bit of fear like the society has been since this virus was invented from humans. Just eat healthy. Yes, healthy people may get sick or show symptoms but your body will fight it.

    Health, you can show symptoms of ANY man made diseases regardless if you’re healthy or not. Blame humans for creating the virus. Blame people for blaming all diseases, viruses, HIV, etc.

  21. If you develop respiratory symptoms, find a doctor that will prescribe you neabulized budesonine (takes away the inflammation in the lungs and slightly suppresses cytokine response(another issue)) then take zinc, vitamin c, vitamin d3 and it wouldn't hurt for something like clarithromiacin for secondary infection while having slight suppressed immune system. There are doctors all over the world treating it as soon as symptoms set in and doing stuff like this gets rid of it quickly. why in the world would you take a risk on it getting so bad especially is you are overweight with hbp etc. Taiwan and few other countries have done this since the start(treating early that is) and have much lower deaths and…lower cases because if someone beats it out quick they are less likely to have higher viral loads which in turn can spread easier. What other diseases do you wait on to get bad before you start any treatment.

  22. Yeah Mr. Chinese surgeon general, you know what another "big mistake" is? Not believing your own doctors when reporting on a novel type of highly contagious infection, and then also hiding the very existence and evident high virulence of it from the rest of the world.
    "He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone…" Mr. surgeon.

  23. Well lets see, the molecularity huge spaces around the masks and open exposure of the eyes guarantees the exchange of germs.I've live thru decades of flu even those that actually killed more without fake stats and my million yr old immune system did it's job. You have not mention the several other safe drugs that have been around for decades are helping people in many other country's. Like in Taiwan with 25 million jammed backed people with only 7 deaths and what they do, duhhh.

  24. My neighbor is 95 with a pacemaker has CV19 but has no symptoms. My friends son-in-law has it, he's in his 30's has active asthma, got a high fever for one day, then fine, no respiratory issues which amazed me !! EVERYONE SHOULD wear a mask while out in public. Why is this so hard and difficult for so many?

  25. Here is a protocol that has the studies to show that these supplements block the ACE receptor, and kill it outright..

    If you watch the video, and especially if you read the comments they show many people getting better quickly using the following:

    NAC – 3x day
    Grapeseed extract – 3x day
    Quercetin – 3x day
    Zinc – 50mg / day
    Vitamin D – 15,000 to 50,000 / day

    I know of 2 people personally who had Covind-19 and were rapidly getting worse. This turned them both around in 3 days..

  26. Apigenin binds ACE2, Nattokinase stops bloods clots, vitD3 lowers replication, Caesalpinia Sappanidin stops cytokine inflammation(cytokine storm) in the lungs, hesperidin lowers inflammation. Budesonide binds almost all of the inflammatory markers. Your welcome!

  27. Or you could just achieve nutritionally acquired immunity by optimizing vitamins A, C, D, zinc and iron levels and not even get sick at all? Dr. Gregger what happened to you man? This is super simple stuff. Why are you shilling?

  28. Covid and any other viral symptomatic expression is literally just nutritional deficiency and you know this Dr. Gregger. The immune system is internal. You know this. You know that end stage AIDS is called Nutritional Deficiency Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome for a reason, and if the dramatically increased nutritional requirements were addressed from the get go, viruses would not progress to produce fatalities. You know this, you're shilling. I'm disappointed.

  29. 1. get drunk and bathe ur internal corpuscles in alcohol.
    2. at first sign of illness cover nasal passages, throat and stomach with clinical mouthwash, and if this fails to relieve sore throat coat throat in undiluted tooth paste. sore throat will disappear in 5 min. swallow some and get some soap in stomach.
    3. head straight to sauna and heat urself as long and hot as u can stand.
    4. breathe hot air into your lungs for at least 10 min–u can put nose close to hot car heater, this will do the trick.
    5,. breathe in moderate amount of isopropyl alcohol.
    6. If u have any virus after the above, try some natural microbials in combo–reishi mushroom, high dose cranberry and garlic. Some have suggested polyphenol supplements and vitamin D.
    Google mouth wash and corona and u will see a post that Japanese blame low rate on mask and garglng with their own special mouthwash.

  30. Love how many #doctors there are in these comments demanding he talk about vitamins, minimizing symptoms, hydroxychloroquine, and how he's only discussing big pharma or big Vax facts…but that's the point.

    Dr. Greger only really goes over studies that have been completed and their findings as well as disclosing when the funding for those studies comes from a source that might want to skew the results.

    That it's.

    If you got a problem with it, fund some studies, but please stop linking or claiming some # to have proof of something miraculous.

    You don't think that if a study fou d hard evidence, that could be replicated, that zinc or a combo of multivitamins would make Covid 19 more mild than a winter cold it wouldn't be all over the news and screamed from the rooftops?

    I guess you can't take the tin foil hats away from everyone 😷👽

  31. I really don’t know what to believe anymore about the masks. Just because the CDC says something, doesn’t make it true. I want to see some science backing their claims that masks are effective and/or whether they are safe for kids to be wearing all day long at school.

  32. Why weren't we all wearing masks BEFORE the pandemic, to stop it before it even started, like they do in many Asian countries? The masks work, otherwise the pandemic would also be in Chi… Oh wait. 🙂

  33. Society has everybody scared of the sun, all entertainment is inside the house. I would like the vitamin D levels of everybody that got it. The sun is bad if rays hit you through glass, if you burn, if you shower then get in the sun, do not put on lotions, sunscreens or oils on your skin otherwise humans been under the sun for millions of years and it is the first defense against viruses. And load up on vitamin C foods would be a wise thing to do. Get a nice tan and eat some bell peppers and ripe picked high vit C fruit together is a powerhouse. Oh and stop eating processed food.

  34. Wow, I just finished watching a show about the CIA mind control/brainwashing experiments, and damn if this whole covid mess doesn't sound eerily similar! There have been far more dangerous threats than this, so why the constant media blitz and fear mongering, paranoia, politicizing and controversy? The "new normal"??? I understand initially trying not to overwhelm our already dysfunctional medical system with this novel virus… but it's going to run it's course, it isn't going away! If you are vulnerable, quarantine! Why lock down everything emulating communist China when their results weren't even laudable? This whole thing is too creepy, and the virus itself doesn't feel like the biggest threat.


  36. Vitamin D, lots of direct sunlight on your skin. (Not through glass.)
    Fresh air. Air conditioning can spread the virus.
    UV light disables viruses. Far Red UV light in the 222nm range is safe on eyes and skin.
    Tonic water with quinine in it.
    Gin made with Juniper berries. Make a gin and tonic, after you go out in public around people.
    Zinc is essential for the sense of smell. So 40 mg of zinc. More can make you nauseous. Works best at the very beginning of your illness. Or take some in case you are low in it already.
    NAC, n acetyl choline, helps the epithelial cells lining your lungs and blood vessels.
    Elderberry syrup, or extract.
    Tamiflu used to be made of Star Anise. Boil and simmer some Star Anise for an hour to make a strong tea. Put a little of this in your drinking water. This works best right after you get exposed to the virus, when it's replicating, not so much later on.
    L lysine.
    Valtrex, if you have access to it, might help early on.
    Blood thinners, like heparin, niacin, aspirin might help in case you get clotting from the virus.

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