I rischi ei benefici di un'esposizione solare sensibile

Non dobbiamo scegliere tra il minore dei due mali: cancro della pelle e tumori interni da carenza di vitamina D.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Questo è il succo di ciò che l'ultimo 15,950 studi sulla vitamina D hanno ampliato la nostra comprensione. A meno che non venga fuori qualcosa di particolarmente innovativo, puoi aspettarti il ​​prossimo aggiornamento in 2021. Se ti sei perso i primi 5 video di questa nuova serie, dai un'occhiata qui:
• Gli integratori di vitamina D aiutano con il diabete, la perdita di peso e la pressione sanguigna (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-vit-D-supplements-help-with-diabetes-weight-loss-and-blood-pressure)<br/> • Vivrai più a lungo se assumerai integratori di vitamina D? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/will-you-live-longer-if-you-take-vitamina-D-supplements)
• Quanta vitamina D dovresti assumere? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-vitamin-D-should-you-take)
• La dose ottimale di vitamina D basata sui livelli naturali (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-optimal-dose-of- vitamina D basata su livelli naturali)
• Il modo migliore per assumere vitamina D: sole, integratori o saloni? (

L'attrattiva fisica è dovuta alla deposizione di carotenoidi nella pelle. Guarda i miei video:
• Golden Glow (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/golden-glow/)
• Mangiare meglio per avere un aspetto migliore (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/ mangiare-meglio-apparire-meglio/)
• Produrre, non pillole per aumentare l'attrattiva fisica (

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-risks-and-benefits-of-sensible-sun- esposizione e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Barni1 via Pixabay.

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100 Risposte a “I rischi ei benefici di un'esposizione solare sensibile”

  1. Dude… The sun is the most natural way to nourish your body. Not only does it improve the quality of your skin and health but also provides the most natural vitamin D there is…Why would people even think about supplementing if they could just expose themselves to a little sunlight.

  2. I think a great video to do next would be health effects of sunscreen. A lot of toxic chemicals in sunscreen are likely contributing to skin cancers as well. Health effects of those chemicals cooking on our skin in the sun?

  3. What is sensible sun exposure for dark skinned people who are IV and V on the tan scale. How long should they be out and for how many times a week? I see information out there on white skinned but nothing on dark. Also, is it true that we should not shower for 24 hours after sun bathing to give vit D time to process on our skins? Thanks, Doctor.

  4. Excellent video, thank you so much for your thorough evaluation of health and nutritional studies. There is another layer to this issue of sun exposure and sun protection that I would love to see a video on. I'm highly paranoid that the chemicals in sunblock are worse than moderate unprotected sun exposure. I've done some personal research but cannot find a clear answer. Could you do an exploration on whether sunscreen is worth the risk and/or if there is an ideal sunscreen on the market? Thanks again, I really appreciate your videos!

  5. Love your channel/site, and the work that you do, but your coverage of this issue is frustrating me. It strikes me as ignoring fundamental questions and falling into the reductionist trap.

    You've acknowledged other benefits of sunlight (coQ10, NO). Now, if we think about sunshine the way we do food, recognizing that it's better to eat whole foods with their numerous, complementary substances than to take isolated nutrients in pill form, could the same not be said about sunshine? That it's better for us to get the full complements of sunlight's numerous effects, than to isolate one component and take it in a completely unnatural way (orally, as opposed to our skin making it, bypassing our body's checks and balances regulating its creation and absorption, etc.)?

    Regarding the data on sunlight, and UV lamps, being associated with disease: again, these seem to be associated with overuse of these things (aiming for a "tan" and burning, as opposed to therapeutic use for vitamin D production, etc. that results in only a small difference in skin tone being produced), as well as other bad habits (sun-tanners have higher rates of smoking, junk food consumption, etc.). We're talking correlation, in other words, not necessarily causation, or at least, not necessarily a mechanism of causation that affects all of us equally.

    It's kind of like exercise. You've covered that exercise causes oxidative damage, and as such, a person eating a horrible diet and beating their body up through training could expect to have a very high level of DNA damage, etc. perhaps in some cases more than a sedentary person eating the same diet (?). If this is the case, it doesn't mean exercise is bad – it means we should be exercising AND eating a healthy, antioxidant packed diet that boosts the benefits of exercises while helping us recover from the "negative" ones (I use negative in quotations because these are normal effects in this context and, considering the complexity of exercise recovery, etc. are probably, in the end, good effects when managed properly). In the same way, perhaps we should be getting low to moderate sun exposure, while consuming that same healthy diet, to help us maximize benefit and minimize harm (or "harm"?). This means most of the data we have on sun exposure and disease rates may effectively not tell us much of use, because most of the people with higher disease rates due to sun exposure are also eating like crap, smoking, etc. If we health-conscious folk assume sunlight to be mostly bad because of this data, we may in fact be shunning something that's necessary for the very best health, and doing ourselves more harm than good.

  6. What is the best way to stay safe but still get a decent tan during summer? I live at the beach and these videos are making me so paranoid about skin cancer I'm getting worried about going to the beach too much..

  7. Are there studies measuring the risks of sun exposure on healthy eaters vs not so healthy eaters? I thought I heard him reference something like that toward end

  8. Great video as usual. . . one quibble is the evolutionary argument that we were all dropping dead at 40 in pre-history. This is false. It's an average that comes up when you factor in rather massive childhood mortality. Once you get past 5-6 years of age, the typical hunter-gatherer can expect to live about as long as people in western countries. That being the case, I would wonder what else the sun is possibly doing for us, given that we are probably adapted for spending more time in the sun that we typically do now.

  9. yeah why choose the natural solution with a tiny little risk of more cancer chance when you can take chemicals

    lol following that logic nobody should eat food because maybe it increases cancer risk a tiny bit because of pestizides, heavy metals or other toxins SO JUST supplement everything

    the benefits outway the negatives – the vitamin d protects more against cancer than the DNA damage from the sun hurts you

  10. That's interesting.

    I went vegan over a year ago and this summer I've managed to somehow get a tan, I work 10-12 hours a day indoors with no windows and was prescribed Vitamin D three years ago…. Nothing has changed work wise but here I am with my tan.

  11. i go out for hours in the sun and i do my level best to avoid red burning skin so all is good GET out the people

  12. I get it from the sun and sun only, if from the food then it's by an accident. It is also the best way to get vitamin D, the important thing is to be mindful, if you are pale like me you are more sensitive. But the more tanned you are the more you can tolerate, also keep in mind, no sun screens, these are the real danger. If you are mindful about your sun exposure and learn to tolerate the sun progressively, then there's no cancer. In fact the sun can be so powerful against any disease. This topic goes way beyond just this, what affects you is what you do with your skin, i.e. not putting chemicals on your skin, no stupid creams, shower gels and what not. Your skin absorbs these chemicals and this interferes with the process of supplying the body with vitamin D, because remember, the skin is the medium trough which you obtain this hormone and it is also responsible for it's further creation.

  13. I was a crane operator for 15+ years I had enough of the hot and cold to last me a life time. I go to the park and walk around and that is enough exposure for me.

  14. I'm just curious if we go back in history 100's or even thousands of years ago, were those people at that time experienced Vitamin D deficiency already? Obviously, I haven't take a look at the history, but I'm curious because most of the deficiencies seem to be apparent these days, but what about tracing back the history of it that perhaps we can have a good glimpse of what to do.

  15. are dermatologists really advising against their own best financial interest when they advise sunscreens when there is evidence aplenty that these are as a likely culprit in the cause of disease including melanoma

  16. Can you do a video on canned vegetables vs frozen or fresh? If there's even a difference at all? Since canned veggies are convenient for a lot of people, making it easier for people to get their veggies in would also theoretically make vegetable consumption more likely.

  17. Hi I'm trying to get some info on raw cacao powder or just cacao in general. Some fairly big statements about how it's full of more antioxidants than berries and can even lower blood pressure. Can you talk about the *proven benefits /how much should be taken to get benefits or address whether it is even healthy at all? 🙂

  18. The more time you spend running around playing in the sun, the less you will get burnt. I spent almost all of my childhood in AUSTRALIAN HEAT shirtless and never got burnt. Because the body was introduced to it everyday the body learned to adapt to it. I had the most amazing skin/hair/nails/eyes you name it i was golden..

    Now i do get burnt because i was introduced to the computer/smartphone/tv/jobs spending time inside the body has forgotten how to handle the rays and adapt to them so you have to start over. Little bit every day and slowly raise the time spent.

    Eventually you'll be golden again, full of life, healthy and never get burnt. Unless you sit in one spot for 12 hours. Use common sense you don't need all these things or supplements if you understand how nature and life works.

  19. People can show you all the numbers and data on paper, but whether you believe in evolution or a creator, we "evolved" to be in the sun. The sun increases seratonin, produces vit D, helps with depression anxiety and with restful sleep, so to say stay out of the sun, is kinda stupid. Anything in excess isnt good. The poison is in the dose, so maybe dont be out ten hours a day, but we need sun exposure.

  20. I run shirtless at noon for 60 minutes everyday In the UK, I had a tan in March and people ask me if I've been on holiday all the time. I also just sunbathe after a workout I feel amazing, the sun gives you life but only if you're healthy enough to absorb it.

  21. Telling people to completely avoid sun exposure is like telling them to completely avoid exercise – because they both increase oxidation temporarily. If the antioxidant capacity of the skin is robust, late afternoon nude sun exposure (I prefer sometime around 4-5pm) is good for a variety of reasons.

  22. But is it truly more healthy to supplement when they're often not fully absorbed? Surely it's better to just go outside 15 minutes a day in peak sunlight (and therefore peak UVB rays), and cover up inside (since glass filters all UVB but no UVA).

  23. Maybe it is because of the advanced english termenology, but I dont real get the resumee of this analysis. Can somebody explain it maybe? 🙂

  24. "When we were evolving" – just exactly what doid you mean by that, Dr. Greger? Are you suggesting that we "evolved", like from an ape-stage?? I've been watching your videos with interest, and even subscribed the other day, so I hope you have more sense than that… Anyway, God bless.

  25. wrong again . people get skin cancer because of the poison food they eat and drink and the sun is pulling it out of you through the skin . the sun is detoxing your body .and sun lotions or cancer causing .

  26. The sun let's us synthesize sulfated vitamin D which is water soluble which allows it to travel where it's needed very efficiently, without much of any energy unlike the others found in plants which need to be carried around by cells due to not being water soluble.

  27. The more sun you get on your skin the quicker you will die.
    Sun accelerates aging.
    Harmful UV radiation from the sun is the major cause of premature ageing, sunburn, eye damage, and skin damage leading to skin cancer.
    Countries who get the most sun on their skin live the shortest.
    People live in a hot climate in general have shortest lifespans, extreme poverty and full of diseases. For example: Haiti, Bangladesh,Sudan, Congo, Papua New Guinea,Sri Lanka, Cambodia, East Timor Madagascar, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, India, Angola, Cameroon, , Equatorial Guinea Gabon Zambia Malawi Mauritius Mayotte Mozambique Reunion Rwanda Seychelles Somalia Tanzania Uganda Senegal Sierra Leone Togo Solomon Islands.

  28. What about the nitric oxide though? You mentioned it in the first video but didn't expand on it. And also sunlight has benefits on autoimmune diseases, immune system modulation, mental health, and metabolic syndrome. Probably all those are independant of vitamin D. I would like to see more coverage on this very important topic.

  29. taking 2000 IU vitamin D suplement per day since I've read Dr.' book…did blood analysis not long time ago, and my vitamin D is on a good level (I leave in a country baltic country, Europe)

  30. More important than Vitamin D3 is nitric oxide and you can only peoduce it when exposed to sunlight. We need to sunlight exposure, period.

  31. High radiation reduces Vit D, get those rays in the early mornings and stay covered during high sun period. Also get those carotenoids🥕

  32. All pale people look so sickly. It doesn't matter if White, black, or hispanic, if you look like you are never outside, looks very unhealthy.

  33. Outdoor activities is they way to go. Move your body and get a nice suntan at the same time. Start slow and build it up. Your body will adapt and produce the protection / sunscreen that you need. You will circulate your blood, grease your joints and build up your muscles and get vitamin D all at the same time !

  34. I live in the tropical Indonesia. You don’t see our farmers who slave away under the sun from sunrise to noon get any skin cancer. However we do see a whole lot of heart disease & diabetes from our love for fritters. We fry everything under the sun from veggies, fruits, beans, all the way to fish etc.

  35. Furthermore it’s been shown it may actually be the chemicals in sunscreen causing the most harm for suns exposure. Choose one with zinc and check out EWG

  36. Great video as summer starts in the northern hemisphere. Thanks for addressing it from many perspectives. I'll never stop sharing this channel. It's gold and I am forever grateful!

  37. The sun is free and natural. Eat right and get more morning sun which portents you from the mid-day UVs. I'm fair skinned and spent decades burning every summer. Over the past 5 years as I have taken up a serious gardening habit, which drives me to be outside early before the humid southern heat kicks in, andI no longer burn. I didn't understand why until I read that the morning sun rays prepare your skin to protect itself from the afternoon UV rays. So be in the sun more — at the right times– to avoid burning. 🙂

  38. One thing that people don't realize… white people are white… because their skin makes vitamin D with much less sun than dark skin people… the tradeoff? Is sunburns and cancer…

  39. Expose as much of your body as possible for a short time (15-60 min depending how dark your skin pigmentation is), but only when the sun is high enough in the sky to to get maximum amount of Vitamin-D.

    Never tan at morning or evening even if it's still sunny outside since the sun is too low to give any benefits. Only tan around noon and only during summer months unless you live close to the equator, since the sun is too low in the sky rest of the year.

  40. I stayed out of the sun for 30 years since I had so many tans and sunburns in my youth. I recently started to get 20 to 30 minutes a day in the summer (I live in the northeast) when I started reading that’s all it takes to get adequate vitamin D and it’s better than supplements. Well, it doesn’t take long at my age for new freckles and age spots to appear so I’ve sworn off the sun again.

  41. Avoiding the sun isn't going to stop your skin going pale, besides we aren't supposed to get vitamin d from a pill it's a hormone that our skin creates in the right amounts, as for "why go outside when U can just take pills?" Well your kids are going to be frail little dweebs with glasses that need a container of pills just to survive meanwhile all the healthy kids will have a far better life in every way imaginable..

  42. After years of plant-based eating I asked my doctor to run a B12 test, which turned out fine. She also added a Vitamin D test and I was in the single digits! Really really low, and I live in California. I took a therapeutic dose for a time and now am on regular supplements and all is well. I’m happy my doctor tested me because I had no idea. Get tested!

  43. What about the mushrooms, they produce Vitamin D from the sun exposure. They even produce vit. D after they've been dried and powered…

  44. Ok, turn of the century…industrial rev….bla bla. When was iodized salt introduced? A trace mineral in toxic high quantities, but in proper absorbable quantities filters radiation. Its like we adapted to this planet or something. What makes iodine absorbable? What are it's cofactors? Selenium rings bells but Im not sure. But Plants make mineral rocks bioavailable. Do you have studies on the bioavailablity of minerals in water v. plants? What about the ratios of minerals, such as potassium to sodium and how we need 4x as much potassium than sodium. Given iodine and sodium are often pals. What is the relationship between potassium and iodine? Magnesium is buddies with and needs to be greater than calcium, or we get some wicked lady cramps. 43 years and I just learned this. stop selling excessive calcium in the form of dairy, obviously not you. All the years I ate ice cream to "feel better", it was making it worse. Mercury hijacks magnesium receptors. Ive got l9ads of it in my teeth from mercury amalgams, and vaccines, then ate loads of dairy. Magnesium was super low, calcium excessively high, and they sold a ton of advil, which causes viral shedding, and studies show decreases empathy. Turn of the century bla bla bla. Spanish flu 1909, people bleeding out, and didn't aspirin hit the market about that time? Industrial revolution as the unembodied ethereal untouchable cause. Just no. Nope. And Im still struggling to go vegan. Damn addictive foods. But Im 2 1/2 years fully caffeine free. And chocolate is NOT a good source of magnesium. One, it has a load of dairy. 2, soy, not the good kind. 3, an underestimated amount of caffeine. 4, tons of refined sugar. 5. A chemical that makes pain worse. Who needs that on a magnesium calcium imbalance during their lady time? Nobody! Knowledge, emotion, action. Its what I did to quit caffeine. Tell the truth about it until it sparks enough emotion to spark action. Even if that truth questions all sorts of studies, or blanket phrases, or blanket ethereal blaming like its all the fault of the industrial revolution. But I paused it, maybe you'll say…..until now. Lol

  45. How much sun exposure and how much vitamin D supplements are ideal? If anyone can direct me to a good place that answers this question, I'd appreciate it.

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