Cosa mangiare per prevenire l'ictus

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OK, per ricapitolare: esercizio fisico, cereali integrali, frutta e verdura, in particolare agrumi, mele/pere e verdure a foglia verde scuro— tè verde, aglio e noci. Queste sono tutte cose che dovremmo sforzarci di includere nella nostra routine quotidiana. Oltre al fumo e al sale, c'è qualcos'altro che dovremmo evitare? Questo è l'argomento di questo prossimo video: Cosa non mangiare per la prevenzione dell'ictus ( ).<br/>
Per maggiori informazioni sugli alimenti protettivi, guarda i miei video precedenti sull'ictus inclusi:
• Come prevenire un ictus (
• Prevenire gli ictus con la dieta (
• PREDIMED: mangiare noci previene gli ictus? (
• Antiossidanti alimentari, ictus e malattie cardiache ( disease/)
• La frutta in scatola è sana (https://nutritionfacts. org/videos/is-canned-fruit-as-healthy)
• Cioccolato e rischio di ictus (
• I migliori alimenti per ridurre il rischio di ictus (
• Abbassare il nostro rapporto sodio/potassio per ridurre il rischio di ictus ( -Il nostro rapporto sodio-potassio per ridurre il rischio di ictus)

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77 Risposte a “Cosa mangiare per prevenire l'ictus”

  1. Dr Greger the updated Predimed study also showed that extra virgin olive oil reduced risk even further for CVD as a whole but a little less for stroke specific (nuts reduced stroke to a HR of 0.54 (46% reduction) while extra virgin olive oil reduced stroke to a HR of 0.65 (35% reduction)).. The adjusted HR of the extra virgin olive oil group (EVOO) for CVD (primary end points) is 0.69 while the group with nuts was at 0.72. So taking the totality of cardiovascular events, extra virgin olive oil is better than nuts.

    My point is, you're saying the data in this study on nuts is satisfactory but not on olive oil. And I know why make such a claim. Because of other research on olive oil that shows it's harmful effects. But still, if you're going to use this study to say that nuts are good but have another stance that olive oil is not it just seems a little off to me.

  2. Thank you, Dr.Greger, for your tremendous and important work. ❤️
    Please take care of yourself and get some sleep. We need you to live to 100 and beyond.

  3. *strokes not associated with congenital heart defects, right? Asking as confirmation as one who survived a stroke due to undiagnosed PFOs and septal aneurism (later corrected with occluders)…. not due to cholesterol/ heart disease etc. Thank you so much for your content. ETA for the record, I’m WFPB with a BMI of 19 and LDL under 70 😁

  4. No matter what
    I don't agree with high fruits…••••••>high Fructose 😏 less heart problems
    Sorry I don't agree unless you mention or you ment Low Glycemic fruits…they YES.. EXAMPLE ALL BERRIES
    High vegetable…👍👍👍👍♥️ Good quality carbs if you have good Microbiome

  5. Hey I really wanna stop smoking but I feel like I have little health incentive since Im vegan and I just feel that I mitigate so much stuff that smoking is kind of whatever. Can someone beat me over the head with something that can make me stop smoking? BTW I dont even smoke that much, 5-7 cigs a day

  6. Dr Gregor looks and sounds like he'll have a stroke one day. I'll keep eating eggs, meat and butter everyday just like my 83 year old grandad.

  7. Too bad doctor doesn't care about beans. Arginine. Vasodilation. Tea is a green leafy vegetable. I drink soup (broth??) of tea. Don't forget to add some tea to your salad!
    On a serious note I'm quite surprised to see how potent fruits are! No kidding… Wondering if dark skinned plums are up there too!!

  8. Top notch quality as usual – and why are we still surprised by the results? Eat real foods, high in vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts and legumes – and you're set.

  9. lets see that guts dr greger, im finding it impossible to loose weight eating chia pudding lol i think mcdougals right the fat you eat is the fat you wear, ill be cutting the chia pudding out in a few month to see if theres a change

  10. Thank you for this life saving information. My father died of a stroke at 57. He didn't even reach 60. He was a heavy smoker, ate junk food and never exercised. Look after your body, it's the only place you have to live.

  11. Good one. I tried adding peanuts to my diet, but I ended up snacking on them and had to give them up. They kept calling to me from the cabinet. I can only eat foods that either have low calories or take preparation time.

  12. Can you do an episode on mono-diets like a potato fast? I'm a binge eater who cannot seem to lose weight even on a WFPB diet because anything with any amount of pleasing flavor (even oatmeals and bananas) I will eat way more than I need to feel full. I am thinking the only way to get past it is a prolonged diet fast that has no variety.

  13. is the effect from garlic purely due to BP reduction? why did you emphasize only nuts in a study that uses general mediteranian diet & nuts? why mention neck artery thickness but then don't follow up with K2???

  14. Fabulous, Dr Greger 🤔 another one to refer back to. Easy enough to understand, even my son would have to see the benefit….👍

  15. Hello.Did you analyze the study "mortality among vegetarians and comparable non-vegetarians in the United Kingdom"? What can you say about it?

  16. Get your carotid arteries checked…..very non-invasive test…had it done 8 years ago…."NO plaque burden" was my result. EAT THE VEGGIES and fruits folks!

  17. Thank you so much for repeating this info on how, for instance, the quarter teaspoon of garlic powder a day may prevent strokes. Two weeks ago a caring, young, talented person who dedicated his life to improving the lives of those in need recently died of what sounded like a stroke, and the thought that such a simple remedy might have prevented this tragedy makes me know that I need to get out your message to as many people as possible.

  18. While I quit smoking solely for health reasons, I went vegan originally for ethical reasons, which has eventually turned out to be a great health benefit both physically and mentally.

  19. after I read your book my life has changed thanks to you doc! but I am so eager to spread your information here in Ethiopia. FYI GMO was not allowed in Ethiopia but now they allowed it for some reason. unfortunately, nobody is trying to educate about the power of whole foods and plants based diet, I wish you think about maybe try spread this goodness to African country 🙂 I am working on it by making youtube videos, but I wish great people like u could do something to developing countries, your cooperation is needed.

  20. So:
    1. Lower sodium intake
    2. Eat a bunch of fruits and vegetables (especially citrus fruit, apples/pears and dark green leafy vegetables), whole grains, nuts
    3. Drink green tea instead of coffee
    4. Include garlic in your meals
    5. Be active
    6. Quit smoking

    Thanks doc!

  21. My grandma had a stroke but she eats fruits and vegetables, but I think she underate in general cause she was always super super thin and didn't move much.

  22. How about an open letter from health care practitioners to food manufacturers to lower salt drastically? The issue needs help. Amy's drive thru and frozen foods etc. Impossible and beyond burger, tofurky, plant based cheeses and the rest, would all benefit by lowering added salt drastically with better health for themselves and their customers. According to news reports in recent years African Americans are more sensitive to salt. Regardless, our community are having higher stroke rates so lowering added salt is major. There were alot of African Americans who've never smoked having strokes in the 60s when I was growing up. This part of my reason for saying this. Then there's people like Richard Overton who live to be 112 years old who smoked not sure how much salt was in his dietary intake but he told everyone he smoked at least 13 cigars a day. I wouldn't do it just because he did it, but the fact that he didn't have a stroke matters.

  23. As someone who loves adding salt to their food, I wonder if the increased risk for stroke for those with a high salt intake is because salt raises blood pressure, or is there something about salt intake that makes strokes more likely independent of its effect on BP?

  24. Diets high in sugar-sweetened beverages at 0,3%? So drinking high fructose corn syrup coca cola does not contribute to artery inflammation, fatty liver disease and diabetes which is a risk factor for heart disease?

  25. Michael boychik, your mention of the demonic Bill gates in the first minute of the clip as "supportive sourse" for your spiel does you no may redeem yourself by expunging the reference to the Bill and Melinda foundation.

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