Cosa non mangiare per prevenire l'ictus

Qual è la relazione tra rischio di ictus e latticini, uova, carne e bibite gassate?

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La bibita dietetica aumenta il rischio di ictus tanto quanto la bibita normale? ( Guarda il video!

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• Uova, colina e cancro (
• Carnitina, colina, cancro e Colesterolo: la connessione TMAO (<br/> • Risposta dell'industria delle uova alla colina e al TMAO ( -response-to-choline-and-tmao)
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Quali sono alcune scelte dietetiche migliori? Questo è stato l'argomento del mio ultimo video Cosa mangiare per la prevenzione dell'ictus ( -prevenzione dell'ictus).

Ma aspetta, che dire di quei titoli che suggeriscono che i vegetariani erano a rischio maggiore? Lo esploro nel mio prossimo video, i vegetariani hanno davvero un rischio di ictus maggiore? (

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60 Risposte a “Cosa non mangiare per prevenire l'ictus”

  1. Think I’ll keep to the legumes, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices and swerve the corpses/animal secretions then! 😆

  2. I'll be honest, I used to find Dr. Greger's style of delivery so very annoying. Now, it's arguably the best part. After the content of course. I find myself in advertently mimicking his voice and style when discussing the effects of a healthy diet or at least hearing his voice when I read anything related. Keep up the great work!!

  3. Let's face it, animal foods are always prescribed after a heart attack or stroke, right? Not heart clogging vegetables! People who eat the most plant foods litter the emergency rooms. This video is fake news! 😋😆

  4. Let's face it, animal foods are always prescribed after a heart attack or stroke, right? Not heart clogging vegetables! People who eat the most plant foods litter the emergency rooms. This video is fake news! 😋😆

  5. Lots of correlary tables and words like "could" and "maybe" here. Id like to see Greyer go global more with his study search since most cultures with low heart related diseases still eat meat and dairy while meta-analyses of vegans in the US still die of the same heart diseases their counterparts do with small variances.

  6. My mother, 87 yo, just had a small stroke even though we are Vegan, her for only 4 yrs so she still has some of the plague along her carotids from meat of past 4 yrs ago. We do however eat vegan icecream almost every evening as a treat. Could So-Delicious caramel ice cream be causing her current stroke? Yes, it has sugar in it

  7. I'd appreciate it if you would give links to the studies you present so that I can read them for myself. Videos without links to claims are suspect

  8. 🤔 … Yet Dr Berg brags that he eats 4-5 eggs a day … don’t you love to see a debate between both of those doctors …

  9. vegetable fat vegetable oil will mess up with your hormones and send you to the ER
    being on the SAD diet with low or no fibre at all is the silent killer not just overeating fat you need something to cleanse your GI tract and help you control your blood sugar and your blood pressure

  10. 1.Soda, 2.eggs, 3.meat, 4.refined sugar..
    Wow..I know a guy that cant function w/o Coke soda,he tries to kick the habit w/ diet Coke 0s but always goes back, he openly talks about his blood pressure issues. Im So happy I quit soda, and eggs in my early 20s,.. mid 30s now and cant stomach soda,& the smell of cooking eggs make me want to vom🤮

  11. But what was the people eating in the egg study? Were they eating factory farmed eggs with a standard American diet or were they eating organic free range eggs with a whole foods plant based diet?

  12. A few days ago, I read about a study done in Israel where they discovered that antioxidants may cause bowel cancer. I was really taken aback. I would love to know your thoughts on it, Dr. Gregor.

  13. I love these vids and the cute endings he always has…..although, many times I find myself scratching my head about what to do exactly……so, here, we are to avoid, soda and eggs? or avoid drinking and eating both at the same time…..and the studies he points out that are funded by conflict of interest companies….is there ANY truth in those??….so, the takeaway here….I believe is to not drink soda (which I'm assuming he means the ones that have TONS of sugar in them) and not eat eggs very often and avoid red meat, but know that other meat is bad as well, just not as bad……..I do think that the evidence is out there that Vegan is the way to go, although he does note that diary products don't seem to be as bad as actual meat, but they are still bad….and did I hear him or see a chart that suggest that fish protein, while still not good, may be the best animal protein choice??? Finally, I do find it interesting the conclusions on some of these studies that seem to think its impossible for people to maintain a reasonably strict vegan diet….I really think if people understood how easy it is to be vegan and how much better they would start to feel it would not be hard at all for most people…….as you can pretty much come up easily with a diet menu that is vegan and be very very very simple and easy to make…and most would find themselves more than full after only consuming these types of foods…..anyway, I always enjoy what this guy has to say…..

  14. Has Dr Greger covered the weird phenomenon of vegetarians and vegans having high stroke rates ?

    Not trolling – I am vegetarian myself.

    I'd like to know what the reasons are.

  15. For the record, my grandma died at 100, eating 2 eggs every day, and a Mediterranean diet plenty of meats, fish, poultry, fruits, vegetables, garlic, onion, and of course, olive oil…… I strongly believe that a all inclusive balanced diet is the key 😋👌🏻

  16. ugh, these videos are becoming harder to summarize, is soda and meat the cause? the eggs? I know whole foods diet is best, but what was it specifically??

  17. We trust the drug companies' own scientists and data to figure out whether their chemicals are efficacious. If you all are going to do that, you should have no problem with a study on eggs by the Egg Nutrition Center. Otherwise it's a double standard.

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