Cosa significano le nuove linee guida sull'intervallo di pressione sanguigna

Spiegazione delle linee guida per la misurazione della pressione sanguigna. Gli approcci naturali al controllo della pressione sanguigna possono funzionare meglio dei farmaci perché stai trattando la causa sottostante e possono finire per avere solo buoni effetti collaterali.

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Resta sintonizzato per Come abbassare la pressione sanguigna in modo naturale con i cambiamenti dello stile di vita (http:/ /, che confronta l'effetto del digiuno con i farmaci, la riduzione dell'alcol, carne e sale, mangiando più frutta e verdura o mangiando completamente a base vegetale. E poi, infine, una rassegna di tutte le prove di digiuno fino ad oggi in arrivo in Fasting to Naturally Reverse High Blood Pressure ( -reverse-alta-pressione sanguigna).

Il sale è davvero così cattivo? Vedi, ad esempio, Sprinkling Doubt: Taking Sodium Skeptics with a pizzico di sale ( with-a-pizzico-di-sale) e L'evidenza che il sale aumenta la pressione sanguigna ( /video/l'evidenza-che-il-sale-aumenta-la-pressione-sanguigna).

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100 Risposte a “Cosa significano le nuove linee guida sull'intervallo di pressione sanguigna”

  1. Whoever is reading this and you have been heart broken, betrayed, feel lost, lonely and confused. You can rise up again. Dont focus on your past. Focus on what's ahead of you

  2. Having low blood pressure is like being on standby most of the day. Aside from hydration and exercise, how can you increase your blood pressure a bit or just get the benefits associated with healthy BP?

  3. Sadly, the fix might be the drug/food/chemical cartels put themselves out of business by killing all their customers. Unfortunately, most people don't care and will continue down the road to perdition like those before them… dragging their families down with them.

  4. Perfect timng. Started a water fast three days ago, in order to try try lower my blood pressure. It was getting into the 150-160 range/80-90, which scared the heck out of me, because I do not want to get a stroke!! It’s down to 131/70 so far, but want to get, and stay, lower. I will definitely try to keep my sodium intake low, based on your informative videos on sodium intake. I am looking forward to your next video on water fasting!

  5. Dr. Greger, I am very angry at you for not making a single video on how Covid-19 began from consumption of animals and how it became a corona outbreak the world over ? Theres a severe request to make a series of videos on squashing these meat eaters who caused Corona virus since Wuhan is the largest slaughterhouse in Asia and my knowledge on a visit there tells me that nearly 90% of people who love there are complete meat eaters.
    They don't even eat vegetables there.
    I've been there and was shocked to see this that they're almost completely meat eaters, there's a video on YouTube which says why they have created corona virus.

    There's a video on YouTube by Vox with the term "why new diseases keep appearing in China"
    Please check that.

    This is the right time to put videos on Corona virus by a massive intellectual like you on why should we go vegan in this corona outbreak. Check that Vox video.

    It's the need of hour as everyone is going insane with finding info on Corona Virus.

  6. Here in the UK I think the goal is 120/70. At the moment, mine's about 100 /60 (pregnancy has made it lower than usual as it is usually 115/70) Xxxx

  7. Thank heavens I already comply with most of those recommendations to lower BP, those seem a lot more sustainable long-term than water only fasting.

  8. Ah man, more fasting videos? I thought we were done with that. I know, I know, a popular subject today, but only for a very, very small minority of the population.

  9. So true… My dad was on HBP medication for years and had all kind of strange side effects (choughing all day and constantly cold hands). Now he's on a whole food plant-based diet and he doesn't need the medication anymore and all side effect are gone! The GP said it's just a coincidence, but we know better 😉

  10. My blood pressure was a little on the high side but it lowered to optimal when I reduced the carbs and increased my meat intake

  11. In 2011 I dated a Chinese lady in China who had a BP level of 100/60. She was a lifelong vegetarian, only eating an egg or two/wk. No meat or dairy, save an ice cream cone because I asked for it…then. hahaha C'est tout!

  12. I have a question. How come there is only 1 picture of heart disease being reversed. I’ve seen that same pic on fok and so many others use it as well. I would think news this good from that long ago. We should have more pictures of reversal.

  13. I’ve been following a WFPB SOS free diet for more than 3 years, but cannot get my blood pressure down. I don’t want to take drugs. It seems like I’m the only one who this diet doesn’t work for. My cholesterol is high also. Take me at my word that I am completely compliant on this diet, I never eat out. I do cardio 3x a week. Gonna be 70 in a few months. Any suggestions, I’m very frustrated.

  14. Thank you Dr Greger for your videos. One of the videos on flaxseed to lower blood pressure really helped me from pre hipertensive to 110/65. Your videos are changing lives. Appreciate your efforts.

  15. Blood pressure machines are rigged to make patients appear hypertensive. My doctor always tries to tell me I have high BP because the machine reads something like 130/90. When that happens, I ask them to take it a second time, manually.Taken manually, it’s always normal, about 110/70.

  16. 2017 I started with a BP 190/110 on a pescatarian diet, after getting my Medication I switched to a vegetarian diet that got me down to 140/95. Mid-2019 I started with a vegan Diet and now 2 months ago, I got off my medication and my BP is 115/68. Around that time I lost over 100 pounds.

  17. ¡Very eager for your research and report on water only fasting. I fasted [for 58 days] on a water only fast in August 2007 and the benefits were so numerous; not the least of which was acute clarity.

  18. Table Salt is bad for blood pressure, but Unrefined Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt actually lowers blood pressure. Those with Hypertension, a low salt diet is dangerous for health.

  19. Face it, the US economy is everything to our government, and the US economy is based on killing people and destroying nature … oh, and programming people via the media to think it is natural, normal and even cool.

  20. I am on 2 heart meds. One for PVC, one for high blood pressure. My total cholesterol is 245, my LDL is151. I’ve been whole food plant based for 2 years! I make ALL my own food, I don’t eat any processed food, no nuts or oils, rarely an avocado. I’ve tried to taper off the high blood pressure meds only to have my blood pressure skyrocket out of control. I’m active, fit and ware a size 8! What’s up? Even though I believe this to be the best way to eat, I’ve eaten Whole Foods my adult life, in the eighties I was telling everyone I knew not to eat foods with hydrogenated vegetable oil!
    So, I believe it is not the total answer for every one! But it is the best plan of action for every one!

  21. After switching to whole foods plant based diet: My blood pressure went from 135/80 to 110/65 in 6 months, 105/65 in 9 months. Last two months average 102/62.

  22. I can attest to positive effect of Water Only Fasting for lowering blood pressure. I currently fast at least a day a week, and so do the healthiest people I know. I'm currently fasting right now. It's a great lifestyle decision if you've already taken other approaches and want something straight forward that works as long as you work it. Fasting has been a life-changer for me in the best ways imaginable.

  23. I'm doing all the right things in terms of exercise and diet. But the salt…I just can't quit salt. I've noticed it takes twice as long to finish a meal without any salt in it. It's a damn addiction I'm currently trying to break.

  24. I'm fine with the dietary and exercise recommendations, but the question I have is when is your blood pressure supposed to be 110/70? Didn't we evolve with the evolutionary adaptation of blood pressure variation or variability? Our blood pressure is not supposed to be static and it's not. What is the benefit of a higher blood pressure when you are loading and unloading bricks to build a patio behind your garage? When is it healthy for your systolic pressure to spike and when isn't it? So I guess I'm asking when is it a good thing for your BP to be high and when isn't it, or for long?

  25. I remember when my blood pressure was considered to be low now you say it's ideal with these new guidelines. What a surprise!

  26. I eat a fresh whole food diet. I shop at farmer's markets and Amish markets for fresh whole foods. I cook everything from scratch. No more processed foods.

  27. Before going vegan my MD: "you're starting to develop high blood pressure"
    Me: What can I do?
    MD: Nothing it's hereditary

    After a year vegan MD: Wow your blood pressure is perfect! What are you doing?

  28. I'm seriously considering a water fast. I've been SOS free WFPB for 8 months and my BP hasn't improved by much. I'm still on some med for it… and thinking that maybe that's hindering my progress? Can't wait for the water fasting review! Also, do you have a recommendation of a facility that does monitored water fasts?

  29. I recently found it interesting that hypertension is more of a risk factor for heart disease than cholesterol according to the Institute of Medicine referencing the World Health Organization 2017. Processed foods cured meats and salt are the main culprit. But salt that we add to our Whole Foods if we're only eating plant-based Whole Foods probably is not a big deal and actually may be beneficial for iodine sodium and chloride as long as we keep it around a quarter of a teaspoon a day. As soon as you go out to eat or start eating processed foods though you don't know what in the hell you're getting. If only I could find a way to make seaweed tasty that isn't going to have too much iodine, B12 analogues, or some sort of neurotoxins like beta methylamine alanine

  30. It’s another scam. The “health” and pharmaceutical industries simply wants more clients. They don’t care if they bankrupt you or the country as long as they make more money.

  31. i think i have genetic protection from high blood pressure but im not gonna push it! matter of fact last night i had a headache and felt all gross and pressurized, decided to check my blood pressure it certainly felt high i felt flushed! but it was 90/70 with 65bpm XD god damn gardein nuggets… my green smoothie and barley with tomato sauce certainly doesnt give me that feeling 🙄 im getting so sick of mock meats and cheeses i think nooch tastes better than the plant cheeses anyways. switched my son to a 100% peanuts peanut butter 2 days ago and hes already acting like he feels better.

  32. I have been on BP medication since my late 20s… I changed my lifestyle first toprol so was cut them I went to plain metoprolol twice daily both dosage changes was because of dizziness and light headed now I increased my raw foods a little more veggies no alcohol or caffeine my diet is predominantly healthy I still eat periodic fried foods and mock meat like 5 x's per week but no animal products at all and still I cannot get off my BP meds theres an improvement but not enough to stop taking my BP med I will get nauseous and headaches I dont know am o that 1% that has to stay away from all processed foods and no added salt or oil ever

  33. My mom is coming off drugs because of diet correction. Her doctor was surprised. He admitted they prescribe drugs because nobody actually follows through with diet.

  34. 4 years ago I had high blood pressure around 160/120. Doctor told me nothing I can do but take a pill. I didn’t like that answer so did some research and decided low carb was the way to go for me. Lost over 50 lbs , keeping it off, run & exercise regularly. Blood pressure was 98/68 during my last visit 2 weeks ago. I think most doctors (practice medicine) and are not helpful when it comes to natural remedies.

  35. What is the role of magnesium on blood pressure? How do we know that the food supply is having magnesium reintroduced to it?
    Quality of food is absolutely critical — don't lose sight of this just because to things look alike.

  36. The real message here is that Rockefeller Medicine Men (read the book, free on YOU are responsible for your own education, nobody else — didn't learn that in school!) simply follow orders and obey every changing metrics that actually conceal societal degeneration over time (~4% chronic disease in 1940s, ~50% now). Statistical process control is all about maintaining steady state parameters in order to identify problems in the system. If you always adjust the parameters, problems are concealed! I worked for a company that always adjusted parameters, and I had to change it so that actual problems wouldn't be concealed in the fluctuating parameters. The establishment doesn't want to alarm the people as their systematic degeneration occurs (and profits are maximized).

  37. Went to my GP last week for a medical and the Doc told me ( with an excited shock reaction) my blood pressure was that of a 20 year old, I’m 58!. Been a WF Vegan for 35 years, and not even had so much as a Common Cold since!.

  38. Did I miss the main point again? What exactly is the cause of the hypertension that is being treated? Funny how 60% of adult population now has hypertension by current guidelines and same percentage has diabetes or prediabetes. No way they could both have the same cause. Ya think????

  39. when someone tells me that "the loew the better" i just laught. Living with low blood pressure is no joke. And putting the limits for high blood pressure further down is ridiculous. You need a certain blood pressure to have energy and function normally.

  40. I, myself personally can testify to the efficiency of this plan of action.The other treatment I have personally experimented with are not long-lasting in sustaining my blood pressure level. There is none other treatment method out there that fulfill what it says. Following a couple of weeks, my blood pressure level has kept the 145/90 line. Together with Perfect Pressure its now working at 120/70.. I researched about this guide by Google. It calls Jason Cυnobroke
    Good luck

  41. I am going to confirm the effectiveness of this guide that deals with blood pressure level. Several other products I`ve tried only lowered the blood pressure momentarily. There’s no other treatment out there that accomplish what it says. Following a two or perhaps three weeks, my blood pressure level has retained the 145/90 line. With Perfect Pressure its now working at 120/70.. I researched about this guidebook by Google. It calls Jason Cυnobroke

  42. The , Notovα Shocking Plan (Go ogle it) has helped me to cut back my high blood pressure (accurately 20-point cut) for 2 weeks only of using it. Nevertheless, exercise for approximately THIRTY-FIVE short minutes every day is required in order for information to be successful. In general, I feel healthier now that my blood pressure is less than my normal..

  43. At my youthful age at 26 yrs . old, I have already started consuming medications to cope with my blood pressure level issues. Of all the so-called remedy I have tried using, , Notovα Shocking Plan (Go ogle it) is the one that has shown to work on my blood pressure level. The medicinal dr ugs prescribed to me to take were not of used any longer after having a four week period of consistently making use of this guideline.

  44. My blood pressure has been steadily dropping since cutting out salt, oil, and upping my daily exercise. Today I reached BP 95/60 HR 53. My app gave me an alarming message saying anything under 100/60 is dangerous. Am I in trouble? I feel so much better than I used to.

  45. Relative Risk, not actual numbers mind you. These fellows just love stats rather than actually measuring something real – no, they prefer you just focus upon the stats. Considering how INEPT most medicos are at taking Bp readings, and how widely they can vary depending upon whatever emotion you're operating under – you need more than just platitudes from vegans.

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