Curcumina curcuma e artrite reumatoide

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DESCRIZIONE: Studio randomizzato controllato che ha confrontato la sicurezza e l'efficacia dei farmaci rispetto alla curcumina, il pigmento giallo la spezia curcuma, per il trattamento dell'artrite reumatoide infiammatoria autoimmune.

Avete indovinato era quello che c'era sulla copertina del mio ultimo DVD ( Difficile apprezzare lo splendido colore della radice di curcuma fresca a meno che tu non lo veda di persona. Dovresti trovarlo in qualsiasi grande negozio asiatico. Lo incorporo nella mia ricetta per il rimedio naturale contro la nausea ( Il colore interno è quasi fluorescente! <br/> Temo che i follower di si stanchino della curcuma, ma c'è un sacco di cose importanti nuova ricerca che sentivo di dover coprire. Successivamente tratterò la curcumina e l'osteoartrite della curcuma ( , quindi passa a Aumentare la biodisponibilità della curcumina (, e termina (per ora!) con un video su Chi non dovrebbe consumare curcumina o curcuma ( -non-dovrei-consumare-curcumina-o-curcuma).

Ho parlato del trattamento dell'infiammazione articolare autoimmune con diete ricche di piante in Dieta e artrite reumatoide ( e Potassio e malattie autoimmuni (
Se il fenilbutazone suona vagamente familiare, forse hai letto le mie domande e risposte La carne di cavallo è sicura da mangiare? (
Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!
Credito immagine: Qnr via flickr.
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30 Risposte a “Curcumina curcuma e artrite reumatoide”

  1. I'm curious… How many milligrams of curcumin are in a teaspoon of turmeric?
    I use 1 teaspoon of organic turmeric in all my smoothies, I also add Ceylon cinnamon… And I've had a big reduction in back pain since adding them daily to my diet…

  2. I bought some fresh to see if it has a more agreeable taste. I can only stand it in curry, but a dish of curry for lunch everyday would be quite welcome.

  3. I find that the easiest way to consume turmeric is to chase half a teaspoon of powdered turmeric with some juice after a meal. Based on a study I found quite a few years back, in regards to increasing its bioavailability by 2,000% by including black or white pepper, I immediately chase half a teaspoon of white pepper with some juice too.

  4. I ordered some and plan to steep it in hot water with some honey? that is what they recommend. we will see. If i remember i'll post how it go's . The black pepper thing was interesting. thanx to the people that add comments.   

  5. Regarding the TASTE of it…sheesh, I want to say GET OVER IT…this stuff is powerful and helps us in many ways!!!  Just find a way to include it daily!!! Here's to good health and THANK you Dr. Greger, again for great information!

  6. I add this in a lot of my food several times a week. I have OA in my wrist and it helps if I slip up and eat too many nightshades or citrus. I don't agree w/U on all U post, I am glad you do, TY n keep it up!

  7. Hey there, great vids. I am 20 years old and race on my college's cycling team. I just recently started eating vegetarian (mostly vegan) for the past 4 months and feel great. But, it seems that I am getting worse joint pain in my knees after I ride or go on a run. What's strange is that it's not directly after I ride, but after I sit for a period of time and get back up. There is also a popping and crunching sound in my knee when I bend it. Sounds terrible for a 20 year old to have, but the doctor's don't seem to have much advice. Do you suggest taking time off to heal my joints? It's very discomforting and I want to keep pursuing cycling, help!

  8. Hi! Thank you for your video! Hope you all are having a great day! Have you heard the buzz about "Brendt Miracle Arthritis Cure" (google it?) My uncle told me some great things about it and how his knees don't hurt anymore!

  9. can anyone plz help me. I want a link where it is mention that how turmeric benefits in arthritis. plz anyone knows then plz mail it me here ..the link..i will be very grateful. thankyou. 🙂

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