Dieta antinfiammatoria per la depressione

Se la depressione può essere indotta con farmaci pro-infiammatori, una dieta antinfiammatoria potrebbe essere efficace nella prevenzione e nel trattamento dei disturbi dell'umore?

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L'ipertensione può essere un Scelta (
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Maggiori informazioni sulle endotossine in:
• La teoria dell'intestino permeabile del perché i prodotti animali causano infiammazione (
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• L'esogeno Teoria delle endotossine (
• Endotossiemia dei batteri della carne morta (

Ho miliardi di video sull'infiammazione. Eccone alcune:
• Quali spezie combattono l'infiammazione? (
• Come i tumori usano la carne per crescere: xeno-autoanticorpi ( -autoanticorpi-xeno-carne per crescere/)
• Potassio e malattie autoimmuni (
• Antiossidanti antinfiammatori (
• Modern Meat Not Ahead of the Game ( -of-the-game/)

Quello studio che ha mostrato quella drammatica diminuzione dell'infiammazione in poche settimane su una pianta la dieta è stata quella che ho descritto in Biblical Daniel Fast Put to the Test ( -fast-put-to-the-test/).

E infine per di più sull'effetto che la dieta può avere sulla salute mentale:
• Combattere i Blues con i Verdi? ( piante/)
• L'aspartame e il cervello (
• Migliorare l'umore attraverso la dieta (
• Esercizio vs. farmaci per la depressione ( esercizio-contro-farmaci-per-la-depressione)
• I farmaci antidepressivi funzionano davvero? (
• Antiossidanti e depressione (
• La disidratazione può influire sul nostro umore? (
• Diete vegetali per migliorare l'umore e la produttività (

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su infiammatoria-dieta-per-la-depressione
e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Ars Electronica via Flickr.

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100 Risposte a “Dieta antinfiammatoria per la depressione”

  1. My boyfriend is the only person who witnessed how different I act now that I'm vegan. I used to be anxious, depressed, and veeerrrryyyyy angry. I lost my glue one day and I threw a bunch of shit around and screamed and cried. (I know, I'm loony. I think it was the depression making me angry) But since becoming vegan my mood gets better every day! I can even go for a stressful car ride without flipping out and becoming a "backseat driver". I'm much more patient and calm. My anger is suppressed and disappears almost as soon as it appears. I feel great, and my boyfriend is happy for me. (And happy that I'm not bitching all the time, lol)

  2. Highly recommend you rethink this video. I'm with most of the data Greger puts out, but not this one. And shame on people who bypass the science on this most serious topic. It is a leading cause of death especially for the younger peeps out there. So, lets get our heads out of the fruit garden for a moment…Preventative interventions (NOT DIET) are effective treatments. You should encourage that, before promoting diet which you should do secondarily. If preventative measures were not effective, then, we can say its all the diet. And I'm not including drugs as part of that!!! Its also hard to debate that inflammation is a consequence of the depression. Its a fact that depression causes immune issues. As for immune challenges, endotoxin is of limited use. Its better to find data relating to pathogens infecting or even alleregens, and resulting depression, such as

    You will see its not so simple as 'diet.' The article also suggests that Japanese and Inuits who have Omega-3 from seafood may explain lower rates of inflammatory disease.
    More on diet and depression:, The take home message is jury is still out on things like mediterranean diet, but leaning towards benefits.

  3. I've been eating a completely plant-based diet for 2 weeks now, and even after the first week I felt downright euphoric.

  4. If we evolved I think poop is stinky, why do dogs and other animals seem to be attracted to it? Aren't they at risk for infection as well?

  5. I suffered depression on and off my whole life, even as a baby. I have eaten a plant based diet for the past 11 years and for some reason now at 44 I don't get depression any more. I feel well balanced and happy all the time, I sleep well and feel very healthy and positive. My blood tests are great also. I don't like to go around saying it's because of my incredibly healthy plant based diet but I do wonder sometimes.

  6. Thanks for a very interesting article, here are several tips on anti-inflammatory dietary supplements…
    Curcumin: Research has shown the anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin to be as effective as some pharmaceuticals, but without the negative effect of toxicity. This powerful antioxidant also supports joint health and cardiovascular function.
    Resveratrol: This extract found in red-wine helps to quell inflammation, regulate the malfunctioning immune response, and defend you against cancer.
    Omega-3: Omega-3 fatty acids inhibit an enzyme called cyclooxygenase (COX), which triggers inflammation. Our fish oil is designed using emulsification technology that enhances absorption by the body.
    (I learned these and why they work on Mackyns Nature Guard website )

  7. I had mild depression before going vegan and now, 3 years on, it's pretty much gone. I don't remember when the change happened and I did notice my mood stabilized and I had more energy. Nothing else inmy life changed but somehow I felt the return of hope.

  8. Positive associations
      Sugar-sweetened soft drinks 0.39*** 0.05*** 0.09*** 0.08***
      Refined grainsc 0.36*** 0.04** 0.08*** 0.08***
      Red meat 0.33*** 0.01 0.07*** 0.09***
      Margarine 0.26*** 0.04* 0.04** 0.06***
      Diet soft drinks 0.23*** 0.01 0.05** 0.06***
      Other vegetablesd 0.10** 0.01 −0.001 0.04**
      Fish 0.06*** 0.0003 −0.02 0.04**
     Negative associations
      Wine −0.48*** −0.10*** −0.07*** −0.10***
      Coffeee −0.45*** −0.08*** −0.06*** −0.10***
      Olive oil −0.23*** −0.04** −0.05** −0.04**
      Green, leafy vegetablesf −0.21*** −0.05*** −0.05*** −0.02
      Yellow vegetablesg −0.15*** −0.03* −0.05*** −0.004

    In other words carbs are the major culprits if you actually bother to read the damn article rather than listen to the propaganda

  9. At 3:57 he only shows the part of the table where fish is seen to have a positive association with CRP (inflammation) while completely cropping out vegetables which also have the exact same association of 0.04… (scroll down to Table 1). It is one thing to only include studies that support your claims, but it is another thing to pick and chose findings from a single study while ignoring others that are equally as important. Cherry picking at its finest. By the way, I am not against a plant based diet, in fact I think we should all base our diets around plants. However, if you look at the totality of evidence for and against fish consumption, it is quite obvious that fish is an important part of the diet, and more people should be eating seafood, especially in populations where red meat consumption is high. I think skewing results from studies to demonise fish is without a doubt going to do people harm from a health standpoint – I wouldn't take this video too seriously.

  10. So true. I have worked out for myself over years that my depressive and anxiety episodes are strongly linked to my allergies. Worst allergies are tree pollen in February and fungal spores in autumn. Symptoms are relieved by taking an additional anti histamine. There are many neurotransmitters including histamine so lm wondering if the allergies directly affect the amount of histamine in the brain thus causing my symptoms. I have gone vegan these last few months so hopefully matters will improve but l was persuaded to eat fish the other day which l ate out of politeness. I then had a nasty bout of symptoms. Thanks to Dr Gregor for this information.

  11. Since going vegan, I;ve only had two episodes & it has been 1.5 years. This is such an improvement & it motivates me to keep going everyday.

  12. Well I can say, I only ate the bare minimum of fruit and veg throughout my twenties and thirties, along with high sugar, a lot of processed food along with meat, salt and alcohol and i suffered long bouts of depression and melancholy for most of those two decades.

  13. I don't buy this. Optimal nutrition must include some animal protein preferably from fish, grass fed beef and organ meat. Also, my own personal experience is evidence enough to me that 2 grams a day of EPA (an omega 3) work better at treating depression than the ssri's and snri's currently on the market. Where did I get the idea to take EPA to treat depression? Books and the internet. For example: and

    Veganism and Vegetarianism will not give a person optimal nutrition. Optimal nutrition has to include eating within an eight hour window every 24 hours when not fasting (fasting meaning not eating for longer than the 15 hour fast you should be getting every 24 hours), keeping your omega 6 to omega 3 ration between 1:1 and 4:1, eating only as much protein as you need, keeping your carbohydrate intake relatively low (that means getting your 20 – 150 grams of carbohydrates almost entirely from vegetables and never eating grains or legumes) and including 4 or 5 tablespoons of coconut oil a day preferably taken prior to meals (to reduce insulin response).

  14. This is why I will always recommend a plant based diet. After suffering from depression for over 10 years it just disappeared on a vegan diet and I've never been more happy it's been three years and I'm still amazed everyday.

  15. When I was healing from lyme disease I would go through periods where I felt worse even though I was getting better. My whole body would hurt and I would feel tired as the lyme bacteria died off and released toxins. I also went through a period of feeling really depressed. Now it makes sense. I knew I felt better when I exercised, but being sick prevented it. That was a very difficult rut to get out of.

  16. you know, you might have some good… even great info to share. I cannot get past your bothersome, highly-distracting tone of voice, phrasing of speech, however, to actually listen to you for more than 20 seconds…

  17. The author is only presenting one side of the argument here and probably has too black and white a story regarding antioxidants and free radicals. The latest science is showing that an important process called hormesis is vital to life and that free radical challenges to the body are vital to the quality and quantity of mitochondria in the body. Please think more deeply about these issues before presenting studies that fit your preconceptions about how diet “should be.” Some animal protein – particularly a pescatarian diet – is linked to longevity in the blue zone populations. This is not mentioned here. Again, please do your homework. Thanks.

  18. Definitely an interesting Video. I have been going vegan off and on, and it is so evidently clear that veganism is the way to go. I suffer from crippling anxiety and I know the link between gut and brain health is strong. Would be interesting if you did a video on anxiety and the Gut Microbiome

  19. Lovely Video clip! Forgive me for butting in, I would appreciate your initial thoughts. Have you thought about – Lammywalness Erase Depression Guide (do a google search)? It is an awesome one off guide for beating depression fast without the hard work. Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my mate at last got excellent success with it.

  20. Diet definitely is the place to start in trying to overcome depression, but if it doesn't work it can be toxicity from heavy metals or herbicides like glyphosate. Some people get better after taking a spore based probiotic, that can also bring down brain inflammation.

  21. Bit of a stretch to blame oxidative stress on all animal products. Saturated fats which typically come from animals are less prone to oxidation and cheap vegetable fats have high levels of polyunsaturated fats.

    But that's the problem with looking at consumption of "animal products" what is the trend with animal products? LOW FAT!

    Skinless chicken in nuggets, mince beef proudly boasting "less than 5% fat", skimmed milk, low fat cheese, low fat yogurt. Everywhere the fat is being cut out of animal products and sold as waste.

    But what happens after all the good animal fat is cut or skimmed off, taking the nutrients with it? To make up for how lean the animal products are, low nutrient refined plant products are put back in, typically seed oils and fructose based sugars such as sucrose or HFCS.

    How is fish most commonly prepared? Without the skin and in a refined vegetable oil. You're not getting fish oil, you're getting vegetable oil!

    Few people have extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil that is low in polyunsaturated fats.

  22. a (mostly) whole food vegan diet has helped me switch from feeling miserable all the time with occassional moments of happiness to feeling good/ok as a norm and just having a crisis from time to time bc of things that just happen in life :p. when someone asks me if i'll ever go back to eating ""normally"" i always say yes a and shiver a little at the thought because it would kill me, quite literally because i really used to want to die and if nothing changed it might have happened. i'm infinitely grateful and hope more people can get relief that way

  23. I was depressed for around a year. I saw a video similar to this one and decided why not give anti inflammatories a go. I reduced the amount of cooking fat I consumed and made it a rule that I consumed cod liver oil tablets daily (high in omega 3 which is anti inflammatory). The change i've felt in the last couple months is incredible. I feel much more like my normal self and find my feelings of anxiety and depression greatly reduced. Please to anyone reading this, give a similar diet a go for at least a few months. Depression and anxiety are dreadful to experience and I hope anyone experiencing them can overcome them as soon as possible.

  24. Nutritionfacts ignores studies they don't like and is a vegan promoter. Fact is that sugar causes inflammation, blood and mental instability and weight gain. Many vegetables create lectin inflammation. Hormones affect depression. In many foods in the USA – the estrogen in soy has feminized males and makes males and females angry/depressed. Via respect and food, testosterone moderates the mood of males. Meat is the most nutrient rich food. Eating more meat and fewer carbs has cured depression, weight and immunity problems and much more, for many females and males. video – Does Red Meat Treat Depression and Mental Illness?

  25. expected vegans to come in and talk about how healthy they are. Tell that to Steve Jobs and others who die of cancer. Enjoy your high sugar low protein lifestyle. Btw: eating right with meat is quite healthy . Most athletes, olympians and fitness models eat meat.

  26. Plant diet is anti-inflammatory?
    "Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases II: Celiac sprue and gluten intolerance."
    Now even eco, bioproducts are contaminated.
    Glyphosate has also an influence on microbiome: human and in the soil.

  27. Too bad I fell into doctors hands and was told to get a bp/ds or I’d die. I need way more protein than veggies can give or I’d die.

  28. A major problem with this video is that it doesn't address the fact that depression can be very generalized. There could be a thousand different vectors for depression & inflammation.

    So if a vegan diet works for you then stick to it, otherwise you need to keep searching. A major warning I'd like to give to anyone switching to a vegan diet is to take solid care of the amino acid (protein) composition of the foods you'll be consuming.

    For me, it was peanuts (butter) & it bloated me the fuck out & gave me a lot of other issues. Apparently, a lot of vegan protein sources are high in an amino acid leucine, taking excessive amounts of this lowers your Vitamin B3 (niacin) which can wreck you if you were already low in B vitamins, which you likely will be as chronic inflammation drains them.

    Not having enough niacin can induce depression as well by increasing rate of excretion of tryptophan which is a precurosor to serotonin & melatonin. As you can tell, this is all one big vicious cycle. Guess what else is high in leucine: dairy/whey protein. This might be why avoiding dairy works for some.

    Niacin is also responsible for lowering cholestrol. There's your cardiovascular disease connection.

  29. Must depression they one from intoxication alcohol candida pathogen mucus fungi fungus mould dust flu virus herpesvirus 123 Herpes parasite plagues brain damage neuron disorder because of alcoholism and drug and substance lack of sleep because of intoxication and bad practice of sex unhygienic bad diet dirty food unhealthy food.

  30. I really want to know what to eat for depression. But I cant get past this evolution nonsense! Evolution is not a fact, its a religion. How can intellegent people be so stupid? You need so much more faith to believe that nothing exploded and created everything than just simply believe there is perfect design behind everything.

  31. Hummmmm humans have only gotten depressed more and more in the past century and we eat less and less meat(not inflimatory) and more sugar aswell as certain vegetables(inflammatory) jezzzzz i wonder why people are getting more depressed

  32. Routinely do not sleep well at night and wake up feeling very depressed. I ate two hamburgers and a banana right before bed last night. Slept better and woke up feeling amazingly better. (More energy, eager to get up and virtually no depressed feeling.) Any clue as to why?

  33. Things are not passed down simply because they are beneficial. Things are passed down when individuals procreate before they die. If evolution were providential there would be no cancer or any congenital diseases. Evolution is NOT in the direction of the best-possible world. It's goal is not to increase life-spans indefinitely.

  34. I've just eaten tahini but now i have inflammation in the brain :/ not sure how to deal with it.
    I thought tahini would be something good to help absorbtion of fat soluble vitamins from my plates of steamed veg.but now my brain is inflamed and i dont know how to deal with it.pleawe advise

  35. What we need is a sister Youtube channel for people who can't keep up with Dr. Gregor's fast and detailed reporting and visual stimulation. I have a friend I thought to send this to but don't believe she will be able to follow this. Despite being smart, she only has a high school degree and little motivation to decipher this video. Another one is educated but also little motivated to stop the video occasionally to read what he is reading out loud but I am beginning to zone out to. These videos are important, but we need eighth grade level videos for the masses. Maybe you can suggest who is already mirroring your messages on Youtube.

  36. Why would depression be part of evolution? That is something like saying: heart disease is part of evolution…

  37. I can't thank you enough for this video! I keep referring back to this. Over the years I've come to experience both "mental" depression and "bodily" depression. "Mental" depression is more psychological, from past traumas, beliefs about yourself and the world, or having a negative thought "attack" (having a flurry of negative thoughts in quick succession). Been there, done that, got the T-shirt and spent nearly two decades learning to heal, accept and love myself through hypnosis, NLP, affirmations, etc. I can confidently say that I'm a much more confident and happy person today than I was.
    Other times I get "bodily" depression. And that's the worst depression I've ever had. I'm talking about being down right suicidal, laying in bed crying my eyes out, not wanting to talk to anyone or anything EVER AGAIN, bristling with anger if someone comes within a 5 meter radius of me. And none of it feels like "me". It's as though my body has all of these reactions on its own with no mental input from me. Usually I make myself some golden milk (turmeric latte) and up my carb intake with some oats and fruit and I instantly feel better. There's definitely something to this.

  38. Reversing Bipolar is possible with detoxification…

    Reversing Bipolar Disorder [ MY book on amazon and Facebook page] ….. DETOXification and cleansing from trauma from childhood and stress and abuse. It's a toxic world and now toxic brains now and bodies, bipolar, anxiety, ADHD, autism, dementia, etc. Bipolar just like type 2 diabetes, it can be reversed, in time, not easy, but possible for all of those that can commit to the journey of gaining knowledge and putting it into practice, every day. Takes a few months and then if the person is ready a weaning off medications can start. This needs to be done at 5mg every 2 weeks, suddenly stopping meds is never a good idea for any med. I know people do it, but usually they regret it, it has to be done properly as withdrawals are bad with lots of these mind-altering drugs. Slow is the way to go. The Limitations of Research and Science, first of all, we have some amazing neurosurgeons today that have developed and regularly perform life-saving procedures, and for that I am very grateful. Unfortunately, due to this lack of progression, we are in the same place we were many decades ago in understanding bipolar disorder. A common theory for an answer for bipolar disorder is a chemical imbalance in the brain. This was just a marketing trick to sell meds that fix. They don't or people wouldn't have to take them all the time.

    The truth is, however, that it is NOT! impossible for the body to naturally disrupt its own chemicals and cause an imbalance when there are no outside factors. The answer is toxic heavy metals and chemicals sensitivities, trauma and stress pathways set up from when younger, abuse. many healing modalities to uses, sound as in tuning forks or gong baths etc, Yoga, and walking, massage, music all these things can calm the mind. Ancestral trauma is a thing look into it. Research and medicine stay away from the discussion on toxicities and heavy metals particularly, and trauma or abuse. There is little to no conversation about them in medical communities, let alone in relation to how they cause mental disorders, ADHD, autism etc. Heavy metals are passed down, the genetic bit, which is one reason why children can have heavy metals in their systems when they are so young. This truth is still unknown to medical communities and science and research. As you can now understand, there is much more to this condition than science and research have discovered yet. Bipolar is not due to malfunctioning hormones. The only aspect of bipolar disorder that is related to hormones is the adrenaline and cortisol that pumps up from the adrenals into the brain that contributes to the emotional storm. So, calming the adrenals and flushing the kidneys is the start to healing.

    This can be as simple as ditching coffees and teas in favour or celery/cucumber/ginger juicing or filtered water. Yoga and movement and walking and music classes also needs to be regular, not all but to pick one that is liked. Many bipolar people are very artistic and paint or play music. Along with a particular adherence to diet. Much has been written around gluten and grains as drivers of psychosis, and also dairy and sugars and eggs. Acid forming gut clogging foods that take a lot to digest. Alcohol is sometimes used as a self medicator. What the brain really needs for fuel is fruits and herbs to clean the digestive tract and calm down the episodes. Alkaline foods that cool and calm. Things like oranges and bananas, oats and dates. When our bodies feel better, we in turn feel better. Many people can't exercise as this requires lots of energy and bipolar brains burn nutrients. So gentle walking in nature and making sure people eat and drink every hour a great snack. Hydration is the start, to flush and eliminate all the things people have inside, yeasts, moulds, viruses, bacteria, fungi, infections etc. #salads #fruitheals #coconutoil

  39. For the last 8 years i have been taking treatment and am glad to see this. I am in the process of doing the change. Thank you so much.

  40. I had so many aha moments when listening to Dr. Greger. He is the plant-based doctor I learned the most from, it's part of how my vegan journey started. I get feelings of nostalgia when thinking about it, lol. Thank you so much for all the work you do for us. You've helped countless people in their lives, it's incredible.

  41. So many personal factors in depression. Good to know this is one tiny area that might help. Vit D so often tooted as the happy vitamin, definitely sends me in the glass is half full mode. We are all unique.

  42. we are only scratching the surface of this. Vitamin D, like clockwork shoots my mood to the dark, glass is half full. Yet, everywhere all you hear are the positives. & I can't deny that if I eat a little meat, I feel the strength from it the following day. However, I agree that there is probably along with the strength, increased inflammation, asthma, etc.

  43. Depression is a message that something is wrong in our lives. That we are living in a way or in relationships that are bad for us. It’s a friend not a foe. Listen to it, and change your life.

  44. Stress triggers cortisol, cortisol lowers inflamatory resistance + shrinks the hippocampus, resulting in depressed mood ? All likely independend from nutrition ?

  45. I totally believe in this diet anti-inflammatory (low fat) or even candida free diet it worked for me… I started to feel better.. And it definitely worked for me. At first I thought what 🤔 I was amazed.. Worth trying

  46. Funny that you mention getting a vaccine can cause depression 3:15 min…. if you only knew 6 years ago when you made this video how vaccine crazed the world would become.

  47. Not sure about this explaining everthi g evay via evolution. Like it selected depression to survive as a protective measure against depression. Doesn't really resonate with me that. What resonates more is the fact that depression isn't really a thing in cultures that still live in balance with themselves. Like tribes. They eat whole foods and don't sit in front of a screen all day. That couldnt find any trace of depression they didn't know what it was when it was looke for in such places. I think depression hasn't been dealt with by evolution because it's only been around recently. Look at the statistics it's a new age thing. And so are screens working all day and key I think eating food from a factory not from the ground.

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