Diete senza glutine e senza caseina per l'autismo messe alla prova

I risultati del primo studio randomizzato controllato di un intervento dietetico per ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).

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Questo è il terzo di una serie di 6 video sul ruolo del glutine e delle diete prive di latticini nel trattamento dell'autismo. Ecco i primi due:
• Autismo e caseina dal latte vaccino ( -mucca-latte)
• Il latte A2 comporta meno rischi di autismo? (

Resta sintonizzato per: <br/> • I benefici della dieta per autismo sono solo un effetto placebo? (
• Studio clinico in doppio cieco della dieta per l'autismo ( of-Diet-for-Autism)
• Pro e contro delle diete prive di glutine e caseina per l'autismo (

Le casomorfine possono anche svolgere un ruolo nella morte in culla (SIDS, sindrome della morte improvvisa del lattante):
• Apnea infantile indotta dal latte vaccino (
• Casomorphin di latte vaccino e morte per presepe ( /)
• Casomorphin di latte vaccino e autismo (https://nutritionfacts .org/video/cows-milk-casomorphin-and-autismo/)

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55 Risposte a “Diete senza glutine e senza caseina per l'autismo messe alla prova”

  1. Even though Dr Greger has been very specific and thorough on his explanation and previous stance on gluten, wait for the people to comment “I eat gluten free diet” “gluten is bad”

  2. Soy free, Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet, dried fruit free takes away tourettes syndrome and tics also. Believed to be caused by childhood vaccine shots but for some reason this takes them away. Organic wheat is good to take away hives created by the roundup chemical they spray on it but does nothing for tics, need to be off it completely. May take a few weeks to get completely out of the system.

  3. slowly dr greger is digging out the anti starch solution
    wheat and rice out of the windows already
    i wonder if he manages to get over the fact that the only reason why oats help with heartvalue is that they r high in soluble fiber which helps in excretion of diatary cholesterol – which any other non starchy food that contains soluble fiber does just as well

  4. why always autistic children.. what about adults?
    also in a gluten-free casein free diet can you eat anything that has "may contain traces of gluten/dairy" (which is almost everything) can you eat oats (they don't have gluten naturally, but for some reason they should be considered contaminated by default unless specifically sold as gluten-free)

  5. I'm pretty fucking autistic and I eat straight gluten on a regular and, almost daily, basis.

    Am I a part of the tiny percentage of autists that don't have a gluten intolerance? Or is it just convenient that gluten is a more potent and bioavailable protein than any dead animal shit?

    Mind you, small amounts: we don't run on protein.

  6. This is so exciting and could help so many children!! I couldn't even when you said the thing about giving children drugs instead of simply removing the problem from their diet though. That kind of thinking really scares me.

  7. As an autistic recently become vegan adult, I find this pretty interesting. I've always wondered if I could help my symptoms at all some way.

  8. Autism didn't become prevalent until vaccines became the norm. Sorry but I think it is all related to the vaccines. Maybe that is what is causing the problem with the dairy and gluten. Think about what people lived on for all the years before the past 100 to 200 years. Wheat and dairy. So why aren't they looking in to why all of a sudden we have these problems with wheat and dairy. No, I don't leave out the chemicals that are being used in our food these days.

  9. Dr. Greger, I know you and your team are busy educating people to be healthier but would you ever find some time to look into “syringoma” please..? My family’s been dealing with it for a very long time and no one hasn’t been able to help us:-(

  10. This is a sensitive topic that is consistently handled disappointingly poorly by Greger. I have an autistic friend who likes being autistic, considers it part of his identity, and detests the idea of this being changed by medicine or diet or anything else. I suspect a lot of autistic people share this view and it is vital to acknowledge that before discussing autism from a biomedical perspective.

  11. Could this be caused by celiac disease? because of the damaged villi? new Gastroenterology conference research published shows autistics are represented 4x greater than non autistics, in having celiac disease.

  12. Please link to the scientific sources you reference.

    It's great having them in the videos but we'd also like to be able to look at them for ourselves.

  13. He just made a video about the placebo effect and then he lets this study slide?

    Of course people knew which diet they were on. It should be done like described in his other paper: Everyone is on a GFCF diet, and they reintroduce G and C with pills in the control group. That way it can be made double-blind and maybe even crossover

  14. Only moderately promising though, unfortunately. No reason to run to your friend who has an autistic child and pester them with yet another "simple" solution to their autism. I pity parents of autistic children for the constant barrage of advice from well-meaning friends they must be getting. Annoying! The gluten/casein-free diet idea for autistic children has been around for many years and has been studied. Maybe not sufficiently, but also no reason to declare this THE solution in the same way that not giving certain vaccines appears to be THE solution. Keep in mind: we love simple solutions and we love being the one in the know about things. "Curb your enthusiasm" is good advice in this respect.

  15. I know this isn't related to Autism, but I'm curious about a potential tangent study from Gluten/Casein casomorphins. Just curious if these exogenous morphines can affect our digestive system. This study reminded me of a previous video linking fat/oil to heartburn due to a relaxing of the esophageal muscles. Could these exo-morphins have a similar effect on muscles? Personally, my siblings and I have noticed when we consume wheat (especially whole grain) or dairy, it usually causes heartburn/reflux or digestive upset. I'd love to know if there are any studies along this line.

  16. Weird thing though I have been eaten gluten-free for 3~ years now and I changed into a different person – depression became worse, because I was no longer exposed to opioids. I had a Taiwanese pineapple cake several days, bread, once a year and I was super-happy, super-horny, and laughing, but afterwards I felt bloated and sick, and it felt like something was stuck in my stomach.
    Milk also has opioids – vegetarian cheese makes me super happy. I thought it was tyrosine, but that is invalid.
    Fish, soy milk, cacao, oats also makes me happy but it is gentle.
    Now I kind of know why humans stopped eating fruit and went for grains – they were drugged.
    Then we lost enzymes to digest fructose (fruit) and now we have a problem –
    grains are problematic, fruit is problematic, red meat causes cancer, starch causes brain fog and insulin spikes when eaten whole day, only thing left to eat is vegetables, spices, and white meat…

  17. Maybe the problem is neither Gluten nor Casein, just the leaky gut &/or leaky brain barrier, which lets the casomorphins reach the brain? Maybe we should fix the leakiness? And maybe we are focusing on the wrong ones as culprit? What say Dr. Greger?

  18. This works! Ten years ago we put our autistic son on a strict gluten-free/casein-free diet. He improved within a few months. Over a year, he lost almost all of his visible Autistic behaviors, like hand-flapping, tantrums, unusual anxiety, unusual fears, obsessiveness. He's still rather quiet, but he has friends and is doing really well. He's very calm and mellow. He's now the highest-functioning Autistic person among those we know. This wasn't the only thing we did to help him, but it's what has had the most dramatic impact.

    It really helped when his teachers came on board with helping him to do this at school.

  19. My interest in casomorphin started when I recognized a correlation between milk consumption and drowsiness that no one could explain. I further wondered why the subsequent naps I took would feel so pleasant, when nighttime sleep didn't feel this way. The difference was night and day (no pun intended), but no one could explain the correlation since it didn't matter if it was warm or cold, full fat or skim, standard or organic, and it didn't matter much if I was otherwise sleep deprived.

    Probably 15 years after noting the correlation, I finally encountered a discussion of casomorphin and realized it fit. It also makes me wonder how much this accounted for the fact that I felt like a zombie all the time at school, growing up, even though I never had symptoms that others would identify as problematic since it probably made me a quieter, more compliant child (I sort of felt imprisoned in a role like on a TV show, and for unidentified reasons I didn't dare alter from my goodie-two-shoes persona). I personally believe there were spiritual things going on too, though, so it's hard to sort out.

    Since learning about it, I've read that the sensitivity may be genetic (some of my family members are practically milkaholics who also have sleeping issues), that it may be correlated with SIDS, and that the breed of cow the milk comes from makes a difference. I also wonder about the fact that when I had to buy Costco's milk which is ultra-pasteurized to the point of tasting slightly burnt, I didn't get the normal sleepiness. What I can't figure out is why I sometimes crave milk and sometimes don't, or where to buy milk from only a specific breed of cow since commercial milk is mixed for nutritional reasons.

  20. Taking out gluten had little effect, but as soon as we took out casein the first week was a nightmare. My daughter who was almost 3 at that time would scream and bite us when we try to hold her. Her anxiety was extreme and she was very depressed. But after a week, she became calm and was able to sleep really well at night. That's when we started seeing improvement in her eye contact.

  21. Well explained and showing some interesting research always prefer things that show evidence other than I say this because someone told me which is what a lot of dietary advice is based upon

  22. i have autism and my relative eats gluten i get stomach upset with cross contamination what can i do to expalin i have autism and the gluten is making me anxious

  23. My child is living proof of how dietary change helped him perform better linguistically, cognitively, socially-emotionally by cutting meat and dairy products and increasing a variety of vegetables and grains in his diet within a year's time. This topic resonates with me deeply. Autism is like cancer in a way where diseases are expressed through diet and lifestyle that we choose. Thank you, Dr. Gregor, for your work.

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