Domande e risposte in diretta con il Dr. Greger di il 15 febbraio alle 12:30 ET.

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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85 Risposte a “Domande e risposte in diretta con il Dr. Greger di il 15 febbraio alle 12:30 ET.”

  1. My husband had a heart arithmia. He was a vegetarian eating dairy. He switched to junk food vegan diet. Can you explain. Thought these foods were bad for the heart also 💓

  2. Hi Dr Greger! My question is about my 3 years old vegan son. His blood test was: • 0.44 mg/dl serum creatinine (av 0.72-1.25) • seric proteins: alfa 2 was 14% (av 6.5-13.5) and gamma 10.2% (av 10.5-20.5). What is wrong and what should I do? Thank you!

  3. I always miss these! Does anyone have any thoughts on best teeth care? Fluoride or non fluoride? Are grains bad for teeth? I dont know who to believe these days whenever I ask my dentist questions I wonder if he is just regurgitating what he has been taught

  4. I know you speak highly of nutritional yeast but they speak so bad of it. Is it safe to ignore the bad data on nutritional yeast

  5. Dr. G…wfpb now 3 months ..cholesterol dropped…Hdl…dropped…my Dr said that's not good…have a followup appt now…any advice?

  6. Would carbs in a serving of apple be as effecient as effecient as ones in say… Honey or an energy gel? Deciding what i should do when carbing the f up and whether or not count the fruit carbs the same way i would for other carbs. I guess carb density, maybe. 💁 I hope you understand what im talking about. 😁😁 As always, thanks for the vids and info. 👌

  7. Anyone know if essential oils are safe to use as a mouth wash?? And if essential oils if accidentally swallowed has same negative effects as vegetable oils?? Thanks anyone who has any idea

  8. 2:23 What toothpaste do you use, Dr. G?
    4:07 Have you read anything on Raynaud's Syndrome?
    5:05 Which plant foods contain lead?
    7:00 My nails are missing lunula. What does that mean?
    7:40 Sodium vs sodium chloride. Is the salt or the sodium bad?
    8:10 Have you run across any information on aortic aneurysms?
    8:40 Does freezing turmeric, ginger, or hot chiles reduce the health benefits?
    9:27 Textured vegetable protein?
    9:55 Thoughts on green powders such as spirulina?
    11:00 How do you make nutritional yeast stick to popcorn?
    12:30 Can you comment on MSG?
    13:46 Do marathon athletes live longer?
    14:02 How do I convince loved ones that dairy is unhealthy when doctors recommend it as part of a healthy diet?
    16:25 Are eggs healthy to consume?
    17:07 Do you have any videos on polycystic ovaries (PCOS)?
    17:44 Any good tips for a Type 1 Diabetic who just started eating whole food plant based?
    18:56 What are the best foods for weight loss?
    19:56 Do dried fruits raise triglycerides?
    21:09 What's the best mouthwash?
    22:23 Can a Chron's patient eat bread?
    23:50 Is there any news about psoriasis and diet?
    24:23 Is it just a myth that cow's milk leeches calcium from the bones?
    25:37 Please do a video about anaphylactic shock and oral allergy symptoms related to Hay Fever.
    26:23 I have been eating plant based but still suffer from a fast resting heart rate and insomnia. What would you do?
    28:04 Any advice for trigeminal neuralgia?
    29:00 Dietary advice for someone who's been plant based but suffers from high cortisol, low estrogen and chronic telogen effluvium?
    30:38 Are avocado pits safe and beneficial to grind and eat?

  9. OMG thank you so much for the tip how you can stick the nutritional yeast to the popcorn!!!! I was struggling with this so much and didn’t know what to do! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🌱🌱🌱🌱 im so happy now for your answer!!

  10. Hi there, I keep missing all of your lives q and A's. And I have a very specific question I want to ask you when is the next one so I can mark my calendar?

  11. i never thought of eating through opportunity cost. a great way to think of it. why would i blow 400 calories on brownies when i could eat something packed with whole grains, legumes, and vegetables. why pass up the goodness and complex flavors just for simple sugars that are honestly one-trick ponies. they just taste sweet and that's it. i mean, i add cocoa powder to my oatmeal in the morning anyway! who doesn't love a good chocolatey oatmeal to start their day? without the processed sugar and salts and oils

  12. You want spirulina and barley grass juice powder to gather up and remove toxins from the body. Chlorella drops the toxins rather than removing them making this a poor choice. Source: Medical Medical book series.

  13. TMG is the non-rashing shingles virus and fast heart beat is a build up of gunk on the mitral valve caused by a virus. I had that too and am cured. Thank goodness.

  14. Thanks again for the cookbook Dr. Greger. Some of the best recipes we've had in years.

    As he's exercising in a suit. What? Change your clothes first? Why make exercise more difficult than it needs to be? 🙂

  15. Textured vegetable protein is no good as elevating protein is not a good idea. You should have a low protein high carbohydrate diet and implicitly low fat. Things like tofu have a lot of protein and a lot of fat so its better to avoid tofu. Beans and nuts are touted as so wonderful but they should be a kept to smaller amounts compared to the staple grains and potatoes.

  16. Mycotoxins and aflatoxins in Beans, Corn, Coffee, Nuts, apple cider vinegar, mushrooms, grains and dried dates, prunes and raisins would make a great video. Also mold poisoning and detoxing of the cytoxins that cause CIRS chronic inflammatory response syndrome.

  17. I missed it again…and I have you on notifications, which is a pain in the neck. But I just have to say, please let me come and tidy your office, it sets my OCD off something chronic seeing that behind you LOL

  18. Dr. Greger, would you be able to create a video and ask your viewers to keep a HEALTH DIARY? Tracking everything they eat on a daily basis. This will help them to work out what makes them ill, and what keeps them fit and healthy. I have been keeping a Health Diary on and off for just over three years. Thanks to Google and You Tube, I found you! We need a Dr. Michael Greger Supermarket. One that sells frozen Dates with no Sulphur Dioxide: The Health Diaries will help Scientific Studies on the Plant Based Diet! Look forward to hearing back from you. Sharon

  19. What information do you have on post kidney transplant patients? My husband is 5 years post. Low energy, symptoms of hypothyroidism. He's been plant based for 4 years this summer. This has lowered his blood pressure. He has eaten ribs about 2-3 times a month in the past 3 or 4 months, and says he feels better after eating the meat (or eggs) which he also will have about once a month. Could this be because he just needs more calories in his diet?? Why does he have more energy eating these animal products and what can you tell me about protecting his donated kidney and keeping it healthy for many years to come?

  20. I have been a vegetarian most of my life and the last 5 years plant based. But I still have prostate problems and will soon need some intervention so I can pee freely again. So going plant based doesn't cure everything

  21. Dr Greger, sublingual B12 for Raynaud’s. Test first so a potential low result (deficiency can still occur with a false high result) will be on medical record for future reference regarding b12 malabsorption.

  22. Any advice for getting rid of cervical HPV? Is there over diagnosis of CIN and over treatment similar to breast cancer?

  23. Dr. Greger please do a video on sauerkraut fermented with salt. I love sauerkraut and since watching your video on kimchi I’ve stopped eating it.

  24. Hello Dr. Greger! Is liquid smoke toxic ? It is being sold as natural and is being widely used by food industry but I have not seen a lot of health information about it. Thank you !

  25. Hi Doc, I’m a surfer. Do you have any tips for someone exposed to our oceans and sunshine for long periods of time?

  26. If egg and fish are harmful to human being, how can the japanese people live more than any other? They basically eat rice, egg, fish and vegetables.

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