La fibra previene davvero la diverticolosi?

La parabola del minuscolo paracadute spiega lo studio che non ha trovato alcuna relazione tra assunzione di fibre alimentari e diverticolosi.

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Cosa diamine è la parabola di cui parlo? Vedi il brillante Lifestyle Medicine del Dr. Katz e la parabola del minuscolo paracadute (

Questo è il seguito del mio ultimo video Diverticulosis: When Our Most Common Gut Disorder Hardly Existed ( disturbo-di-intestino-comune-poco-esisteva). Assicurati di catturare questo “prequel”.<br/>
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La gente chiede comunemente I vegetariani assumono abbastanza proteine? ( ma forse dovrebbe essere più preoccupato dove tutti gli altri stanno ottenendo la loro fibra. 97% degli americani non raggiunge nemmeno il minimo giornaliero raccomandato.

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!

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43 Risposte a “La fibra previene davvero la diverticolosi?”

  1. As soon as I heard 25g of fiber being the "high fiber" group I didn't need to hear the rest. How does science like this even get funding? This is why the general population is so confused.

  2. Seems like there is a pattern here. Just like how the low fat groups in studies always get like 30% or even more daily fat calories. Seems like people need to re-evaluate what they consider high and low.

  3. Brilliant! Or, as another example of false conclusions, many people say to me: Well, my grandfather used to eat bacon and drink brandy (rakia) and smoked every day and lived 90 years. But they forget to realize, I reply to them, that their grandfather drank water we never even tasted, for 40 years from his birth, and for his first 40 years or so ate so natural food we never even saw in our whole lives, and never ate any junk food in his life, and never had such sick sensations we are experiencing from our youth, and never watched crappy TV program, so he has a vey big credit indeed…

  4. Although, being a cynic, I kind of expected this shadiness on the part of researchers, I'm still indignant.  What the bloody Walter?!

  5. man I've grown up eating crappy foods, I still do, I want to become vegetarian but its so hard as iv ate meat all my life, anyone got any advice on how to become vegetarian

  6. Do you know that most of the scientific conclusions like this one is "paid" ? And then that paid research is thrown to media. Its all about business. Thank you Doc for clarifying this. You are always awesome!! Fiber is extremely important part of the meal. Stay Vegan guys !!! 🙂

  7. This studies won't stop as long the people funding this studies stop doing so, which will be never. 
    Great video. I'm a about to become a nutritionist and I was wondering if you could do a video about high uric acid non-related to high protein intake, that'd be really helpful. Thanks for the great work.

  8. even the carbs consumed in Africa and Asia are of much higher quality than in developed nations as far as fiber is concerned.  there is just no comparison of wholesome cooking bananas, sweet potatoes, millets, versus your crappy sugary cereals, fructose, and white bread

  9. I've been looking for an explanation for the strange but very serious stomach-pain my mother sometimes experiences and that somehow no doctor found the reason for.
    When I saw the video about reflux and stomach-deformation, I already guessed that the very same thing should also be causing something similar unhealthy within the gut.
    So I was assuming that a condition where the bowels are deformed probably also exists without knowing that it actually does!

    I somehow feel honoured by that.

    I told my mother about it back then but without a name for the disease I wasn't convincing.

    Now that I know that what I described back then not only exists but even has a medical name, and is correlated to the exact same thing that I assumed back then, I'll tell her again!

    This madness of having to kill animals just to fuel your own ailments must stop!

  10. This is exactly what I have been trying to tell my co workers.  They hear one number associated with being normal and they think thats the bar.   When everyone around you has an IQ of 50, the one with an IQ of 80 is a Genius"

  11. BEWARE This is DANGEROUS MISINFORMATION The truth is that fiber can cause diverticulitis b/c it scratches the delicate lining of the colon.. The real cause of the disease is GLUTEN.. I wouldn't expect any less from Greger who is a shill for the wheat industry after all, allegedly : |

  12. I'm a physician. I'm not saying that Fiber is BAD-but we shouldn't be simplistic, Either.
    1. In Asia (not sure about Africa) folks are predisposed to getting right-sided
    Diverticulosis. That isn't as Bad in the first place, since waste moves from right to left in
    your Colon.

    2. The patients who get Diverticulosis young have lifestyle problems distinct from low
    fiber. They tend to be smokers, sometimes heavy drinkers, and, in earlier times, used
    Aspirin for hangovers and other pain. Desi Arnez was one such famous sufferer who
    was afflicted in his younger years.

    3. Similar to #2-there are both healthy and unhealthy behaviors that affect you. The
    pigment that makes red meat red may be associated with most of the problems with
    it. Red meat causes/worsens flareups. White meat and fish do not.

    4. As above, the oils in fish are anti-inflammatory.

    5. Obesity and a Sedentary Diet are associated with Diverticulosis, Too.

    For folks with Diverticulosis, who are prone to Diverticulitis attacks, I would advise Soluble Fiber and Miralax. Insoluble Fiber, like Bran Muffins, can stop them up GOOD. I've seen this happen!

    6. Diverticulosis was NOT commonly seen before the Twentieth Century. Greater
    Longevity is undoubtedly one reason for this (and, it also applies to most other chronic
    diseases, such as Heart Disease, Cancer and Dementia.) But-our diets HAVE changed
    since that time. Less Fiber?? MAYBE. They didn't separate out the germ from the bran
    when they made bread. But-our ancestors ate PLENTY of Bacon and eggs, game meat,
    etc. BUT-there was also less added sugar, and flour was not Bleached. Our ancestors
    were also generally not sedentary nor obese.

    7. The "Hygiene Hypothesis." Hey-I'm grateful, that in First World America, there's no more
    typhoid or cholera in the water supply. It was a Major cause of sickness and Death. But-
    it ALSO meant that kids got a "Live Polio Vaccine" without going to the Pediatrician.
    Polio only started to become a problem-and a BIG one at that-from about 1920 until
    1955 when the Salk vaccine finally came out.

    There also is a school of thought that hole-in-the-ground squatting toilets prevent Diverticulosis, but I am not so sure. The Anti-fiber people point out that the Masai of Africa who eat meat, and drink milk and cow blood, and FEW plants, are exceptionally healthy and don't get Diverticulosis, either.

  13. Fiber MAY help.
    I work in endoscopy, see so many intestinal tracts, and everyone is different w/ or w/out high fiber. Some of the most ill and obese have not even 1 polyp. It really surprises me. Some others more health cautious and active have the worst issues. I always ask about what they eat in a day.
    This topic in diverticulosis is fascinating. This is my experience, my specialty and I do maintain plant based lifestyle so no disrespect to Dr Greger on Divertics.

  14. Great work clarifying the need for sufficiently high fiber intake. But does the success of the vegan group versus the vegetarian group show that the added fats and possibly casein protein also make it harder for the intestines to move food along effectively, leading to more diverticulosis?

  15. I hoped my mom wouldn't have another flare up but expected it since she didn't go vegan with me. I just sent this and the last one to her, thank you so much 🙂 here's hoping she finally listens to me

  16. The question is : how misleading studies like these even get published in prestigious medical journals, isn't the process of peer review's goal is to detect such flaws?
    Studies like these can have dangerous chain reaction effect ,as other physicians may reference and rely on them,leading to more misleading studies based on false and shaky bases, making them misleading to the professionals as well as the public.

  17. My [sadly deceased, 83-year-old] roommate never made the fiber connection and was always amazed that I was never constipated. Considering that he smoked for over 50 years of his life—quit just in time to be diagnosed with lung cancer—he was an amazing study in "what not to do and still survive."

  18. Burkitt's fiber theory was disproved, both for diverticulosis and colorectal cancer. The reason – contrary to this video – is that the African natives he studied squatted for defecation. That is why they don't get "western" GI diseases. Diet has little or nothing to do with it. See this site for more information: By the way, genuine squatting (not the bogus squatty potty method) is essential to get the full benefits.

  19. I had my first and only full-blown attack a few years back. At the time I had been eating a low-fat diet prescribed by my doctor, including tofu products, and 3 Brazil nuts/day for selenium.I rarely ate meat and had been consistent with that throughout my lifetime. I also had been taking at least 4 Advil a day for knee and other pains. Over the counter, no problem, right? I continue to not touch Advil and Brazil nuts, exercise a little every day, and no longer follow a low-fat diet. I have my fair share of fiber in vegetables and fruit. Thank goodness I like both. Who knows the answer? Mystery. There was one other time when I felt some similar type of pains in my lower left. I Immediately switched to a liquid-only diet and stuck it out for 6 full days. No outbreak occurred and I lost 10 pounds to boot!

  20. I never thought I would ever care about fiber in my diet or funny-sounding diseases, but here I am, hanging on the doctor's every word, lol. Thank you!

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