Dormire a sufficienza aiuta a perdere peso?

Sonno e perdita di peso: dormire anche solo un'ora in più a notte può aiutare a controllare il peso.

Questo video era basato sulla sezione del sonno nel mio libro, How Not to Diet, di cui puoi saperne di più qui ( /book/how-not-to-diet/) (tutti i proventi vanno in beneficenza), oppure dai un'occhiata alla mia presentazione basata sul libro: Evidence-Based Weight Loss (

Se ti sei perso il video precedente, vedi La mancanza di sonno ti fa ingrassare? (<br/>
Le informazioni sul “jet lag sociale” che ho menzionato possono essere trovate in The Metabolic Harms of Night Shifts and Irregular Meals (

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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18 Risposte a “Dormire a sufficienza aiuta a perdere peso?”

  1. Isn't that instrument good for vagus nerve stimulation, because of the skull vibration? Isn't that supposed to be stress reducing?

  2. can you do a video on what are greens and do peas count as greens or other veggies and is there like spinach that you can eat to much peas.. and can berries/mustard powder/ flaxseeds/ other fruits be hitted in the microwave or do they lose there health benifits? Do you have any easy meals? Have got the how not to die book and cookbook but I am a single mum IBS and have very little energy/time so are there any easy no prep meals?? Lots of love and enjoy your day. Joyce from the netherlands

  3. Did I miss the mechanism of action? And what exactly is the defined amount of "enough sleep" as determined by all of this research? It would have been nice to end on an actionable note that is clear and precise so viewers understand what this means for them. The didgeridoo joke is such a unnecessary distraction from a serious topic that impacts millions of people.

  4. This last week I averaged 8hrs 49m a day with a min. 6hrs 20m and a max. of 10hrs 30m.
    This last month I averaged 8hrs 27m with a min. 4hrs 30m and a max. of 12hrs.
    And I'm still a fat git!

  5. You don't need to read this to know that if you're not sleeping well you eat more, it's to do with the cortisol levels. Even a monkey knows that or anyone that doesn't sleep very well..

  6. How do I control my sleep please because I have inconvenience so do I stop drinking hot water 3 hours before bed as if I stop drinking water I then have a dry throat what is the best solution I've invested in a blackout blind to arrive this week for the UV light that goes through the top of the curtains

  7. Alsoy sleep schedule because I don't know how to sleep faster usually is 2am to 9am because it takes 2 hours to fall asleep

  8. Dr. Greger! I have admired your videos for quite some time now. I am always sharing the knowledge I’ve learned from them with my friends and family. I’m commenting because I need some advice for my mom who is newly experiencing “optical migraines”, according to her doctor. She has a history of seizures and is light sensitive. She’s having the optical side effects but not the actual migraines. Do you have any recommendations? I’d greatly greatly appreciate any help.

  9. Sleep deprivation is linked to an increased risk of weight gain. Getting enough high quality sleep is important if you’re trying to lose weight. Losebellyfatchallengecom provides you with a full detail of what could cause your weight to increase. You need to check it out if you wonder what is causing your weight to increase day by day!

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