Dovremmo prendere EPA e DHA Omega-3 per il nostro cuore?

Qual è il modo migliore per soddisfare il fabbisogno di grassi essenziali omega-3?

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L'emozionante conclusione della mia ultima serie di omega-3, Dovremmo assumere integratori di DHA per potenziare la funzione cerebrale? ( -take-DHA-supplements-to-boost-brain-function) dovrà attendere la pubblicazione di nuovi dati sperimentali entro la fine dell'anno. Ho avuto accesso ai risultati ma voglio poterlo mostrare a tutti da una fonte sottoposta a revisione paritaria.

Nel frattempo, ecco i link al mio video più recenti sugli omega-3: <br/> • Consumo di pesce e suicidio ( /)
• Omega 3, cancro alla prostata e fibrillazione atriale (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/omega-3s-prostate-cancer-and-atrial-fibrillation/)
• Omega-3 e l'Eskimo Fish Tale (

Se il beneficio senza cuore ti ha sorpreso, dai un'occhiata all'olio di pesce è solo olio di serpente? (

Se il legame con il diabete ti ha sorpreso, vedi:
• Pesce e diabete (
• Diabete e diossine (
• Pollutants in Salmon and Our Own Fat ( grasso proprio)

Maggiori informazioni sui PCB nelle fonti alimentari di inquinanti chimici PCB ( e altro su altri inquinanti in:
• Diossine nel pesce gatto allevato negli Stati Uniti ( us-farm-raised-catfish/)
• Gli inquinanti alimentari possono influenzare i livelli di testosterone ( gli inquinanti-alimentari-possono-influenzare-i-livelli-di-testosterone)
• Inquinanti ritardanti di fiamma e sviluppo del bambino (

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su -omega-3-for-our-heart e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: PublicDomainPictures via Pixabay.
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99 Risposte a “Dovremmo prendere EPA e DHA Omega-3 per il nostro cuore?”

  1. Assuming that the next video is going to tell that we should get DHA for it's protective effects on the brain: what does damage the brain in the first place, isn't it a SAD diet to begin with ? Does somebody eating "WFPB" have the same risk and need for extra DHA ? I mean, if DHA had protective effects on the respiratory system for smokers, would we recommend taking DHA for smokers and non smokers, instead of recommending smokers to… stop smoking ???

  2. I'm very happy to see this video, Dr Greger. It has been at tad frustrating not understanding for sure why anyone should take DHA (or EPA). I eagerly await the follow up to this video.

  3. Thank you for clearly addressing the video's main question and then giving us additional information. Looking forward to the next video!

  4. The amount of ALA (omega3) converted to EPA and DHA is all relative to the amount of omega6 consumed….the more omega6 the less conversion takes place (omega3 and 6 compete with each for digestion). Also saturated fat further inhibits the conversion process

  5. this just doesnt make any sense, why would we need to supplement fats in our diet? no other species on the planet has to, why would we need to do that?

  6. Does we make enough EPA and DHA giving the ALA intake is adequte/enough ?
    We can check vegans that eat falxseeds for omega 3… Why this isn't done one YEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ?

  7. I think I mistakenly encouraged my dad to buy the Horizon milk that says on it, "Omega-3" for brain health. That's all he buys when buying milk now. In fact, he had all but quit drinking milk until information from my brothers and me together got him back to drinking it, but only the one with the O-3 in it. (My brothers, as well as one alternative doctor, said he needed more brain protein, and I looked at the milk carton one day in the store while helping my parents shop). Now, I need to try to fix that. If I lived next to them, I'd prepare your daily dozen, which they do about half those on their own. But, alas, I live too far away and one brother that lives next door doesn't get the alternative health conviction.

  8. Random question, but what can I eat to help with fatigue? I'm a vegan and eat around 2000 calories a day. I exercise regulary as well, but stilll find myself tired throughout the day :/

  9. An adivce to get any sufficient EPA DHA Guyz ? 😡 Supplment Algue Oil is good ? What do u think ?

  10. Thank you for all your work Dr. Greger, but we need more videos like this on obtaining hard to find nutrients on a vegan diet! Vit K, Zinc, Iron, EPA and DHA etc.

  11. we can easily get the recommended omega3 from flax seed, walnuts, and greens. fish is totally unnecessary. don't worry about conversion to EPA and DHA. we have evolved long enough to have that figured out, just stick to your physiological diet and avoid excess omega6 in most industrially produced vegetable oils today which artificially jack up your need for omega3s

  12. I am allergic to algae, makes me super nauseated, I take cod liver oil and then afterward eat my shredded red cabbage which is full of sulforaphane and fiber
    to clean out any toxins.

  13. With my vegan diet and using flaxseed meal for EFA, I typically get about 2.3 grams of Omega 3 (142% of needed) and about 6.4 grams of omega 6 (46% of needed) according to the online Chronometer. So I find veganism awesome 🙂

  14. I eat at least two tablespoons of ground flaxseeds a day. Plus, I don't eat refined oils like soy and olive oil. Not sure if I'm getting enough omega-3 but I'm pretty sure I'm almost there.

  15. Good Dr. My question is not should we be taking EPA/DHA for prolonged heat health, but should we taking DHA for long term Neurological/Brain Health instead? Thank you!

  16. Or simply buy and consume pomegranate frequently and this will help with a good heart function like opening your arteries to allow more blood through, in people with bleeding gums this fruit will help also to prevent that condition (providing you brush daily, don’t smoke , don’t use drugs, and prevent drinking heavily).

  17. Watched this whilst eating Date balls with ground flax seeds, chia seeds, almond extract and cacao. I've read ALA conversation is helped by vitamins B3, B6, C, and the minerals zinc and magnesium. Chia seeds and dates contain B6 and Vitamin C, Cacao contains B3, magnesium and zinc. Also for every 100 grams there's about 35 grams of fibre. Win? They taste like chocolate flavored marzipan.

  18. Great information, but it's presented way too fast. I had to pause, go back, read and hit play multiple times to get through this video. The spoken words and text don't match up and it's impossible to focus on both at the same time.

    I know you're excited about all the evidence, Dr. Greger! I'm a big fan of Nutrition Facts. I've learned so much from your work and eat a lot healthier food because of this.

    So could you slow down please? : )

  19. I don't eat much fish but I do have a daily fish oil capsule. They're screened and filtered of all the harmful chemicals. I also put ground flax seeds in my cereal/oatmeal.

  20. I have an bad gene of people in my family with oscoses where their bones break really easy and I'm vegan and my mom was talking about how am I going to be able to live without omega 3 and cnow I'm here

  21. EPA+DHA supplements are very expensive though, costing over $30 per 90 pills when flaxseed oil supplements cost $8 for the same amount. Even multivitamins cost around $10. What's the alternative?

  22. I'm confused. I've seen your older videos recommending only flax. Are you now saying we should have algae pills for our brain health?

  23. Hey Dr. Greger. I was wondering if you could shed some light on this article from dr mercola. Love your book. Thanks!

    You would want to choose an animal-based variety – most of the health benefits linked to omega-3 fats are linked to the animal-based EPA and DHA, not the plant-based ALA.

    Furthermore, ALA is converted into EPA and DHA in your body at a very low ratio. What this means is that even if you consume large amounts of ALA, your body can only convert a relatively small amount into EPA and DHA, and only when there are sufficient enzymes.

    Remember, though, that plant-based omega-3 fats are NOT inherently harmful or should be avoided. Ideally, what you want to do is include an animal-based form in your diet. For instance, you can combine flax and hemp in your diet with animal-based omega-3s."

  24. I suggest farmed mussels or oysters, they can only survive in the most pristine waters and have loads more nutrients without the toxicity/detriment to oceans that fishing causes. Also high in B12, iron and selenium among many others including omega-3s.

  25. OK now I'm really confused. Does a high omega 6/3 ratio still increase the risk of a heart attack?.. By the way, thank you for all the info here and on your website!

  26. I heard Hemp seeds are even better they contain chemicals that allow much better
    conversion of EPA/DHA along with GLA which is not found in flax or chia
    or other superseeds.

  27. I had a Triglyceride Level over 800 my doctor had me to go a lipidologist, and she put me on massive does of fish oil. (She said fish oil did not help with general heart health, but in massive doses it could lower Triglycerides. It helped a little. I was using an aweful lot of fish oil. Then I went on a whole plant food diet and eat the daily dozen pretty much every day (with some fasting regime). I stopped all fish oil. My last doctor appointment: My triglycerides were 63. So Fishoil helped a little, but diet helped a lot.

  28. If you buy omega 3 containing capsules (fish oils) that are Molecularly Distilled, it is tested to be free of potentially harmful levels of contaminants (i.e. mercury, heavy metals, PCB's, dioxins, and other contaminants).

  29. Interesting. No mention of wild salmon and sardines which are extremely low in heavy metals and other toxic waste. At least mercury. They just don't accumulate it and if they do, it's very minimal where our body can easily handle and neutralize that particular amount.

  30. He we go again with that dreaded word 'may' may do you, may screw you, may work, may won't kill you, may let you live longer. The favorite CYA word of scientists.

  31. Macadamian nuts and walnuts also would be a good option for vegan but otherwise just eat mackerel or herring if you can't afford wild caught salmon..

  32. consuming algae? Doesn't that have that share the same risks for heavy metal contamination as fish? especially since certain algae's are marketed as a 'dietary supplement', there is literally no industry regulation. stick to whole foods that are easily available (yes even fish or omega 3 eggs)

  33. Dr Greger, there IS way more to taking EPA/DHA from algae than heart disease prevention. I have suffered from dry eyes for YEARS, only to see it get worse and worse over time. No matter what over-the-counter drop or other things or tacticsI tried, it only got worse. Then I discovered a possible connection between dry eye syndrome and deficiency in omega-3 and/or EPA/DHA. I started taking algal DHA/EPA supplement and I noticed significant difference before even making my way through the first bottle. I continue to take it and now I can actually make my way through a major department store without looking like I'm crying my eyes out. In fact, I'm not bothered by my eyes at all. So…we need EPA/DHA for a lot more then heart disease prevention. thank you for your work…it is truly appreciated!

  34. Clary sage omega oil ! Just saying! Or Soak 1/4 cup of flaxseeds in a cup of water overnight for 16 hours mix and down the hatch , flaxseeds and all , they lubricate ur intestines as well . Goodluck and God Bless !! Be careful people false information is just as bad if not worse than ignorance!!

  35. According to Brenda Davis, Japanese and other Pacific Islanders cannot produce enough enzymes to convert ALA omega-3 fatty acids to EPA/DHA fatty acid. Maybe, evolution of certain races and their relationship to their environment has to be factored in. I will continue to consume salmon and sardines to get my EPA/DHA as algae supplements are too expensive for the average person especially in food deserts where algae supplements are non-existent.

  36. When I don’t take my extra strength EPA/DHA, my resting heart rate and blood pressure go up after about 2 weeks of not taking them. This effect is not controversial and is borne out in the literature, EPA and DHA do lower your resting heart rate and blood pressure without question.

  37. Do you suggest taking 250mg of DHA OR EPA algae omega 3's, or do you suggest taking BOTH daily? I'm having a tough time finding one with both that doesn't have nasty additives like sorbitol, palm oil, carragenaan, corn starch etc. I'm considering Truvani, but it's DHA only, no EPA. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you in advance. Also, I VERY MUCH appreciate your wealth of knowledge and am enjoying your book on Audible.

  38. Some information:
    Plant foods don't contain DHA and EPA. They contain ALA wich can be converted into the mentioned. Conversion rate seems to be between 1-5% so pretty low.
    Algae oil is not contaminated because it isn't from wild algae in the ocean but it's grown in controlled environments.

  39. Please explain the diagram @ 1:371:43 for conversion factor ratio. Dr Klaper is doing a study on himself for conversion of ALA to Omega 3 by submitting bloodwork to 4 different labs around the country after eating flax, chia and walnuts on wfpb. If enough conversion from ALA to omega 3 in his blood comes back even by all four labs it can be used to gauge whether plant based needs supplementing or not with algae oil. If the results come back inconsistent or too low for the 4 labs, then it is not considered a viable test for ALA to Omega 3 conversion. Stay tuned optimal eaters.

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