Dr. Greger in cucina: ciotola BROL con melograno e Cran-Chocolate

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Questo è uno dei miei modi preferiti di mangiare BROL (orzo, segale, avena e lenticchie) a colazione. Il mio BROL di base, che si trova in The How Not to Diet Cookbook (https://nutritionfacts.org/book/how-not-to-diet-cookbook/)—può essere utilizzato in tutti i tipi di modi dolci o salati, confezionando un sacco di nutrizione prebiotica e aiutando a spuntare quelle scatole di cereali nella tua lista di controllo della dozzina giornaliera. Per un credito extra puoi cospargere di matcha sopra. Trovate la ricetta scritta qui: https://nutritionfacts.org/recipe/tart-and-tangy-cran-chocolate-pomegranate-brol-bowl/<br/>
Gli altri miei video “In the Kitchen” sono Il mio nuovo dessert preferito e La mia nuova bevanda preferita (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/dr-greger-in-the-kitchen-my-new-favorite-dessert e http://nutritionfacts.org/video/dr-greger-in-the-kitchen-my-new-favorite-beverage).

Abbiamo anche altri video di ricette:

Ciotole di cereali mattutini (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/recipe-morning-grain-bowls)
Edamame Guacamole (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/recipe-edamame-guacamole)
Condimento per insalata Caesar all'aglio (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/recipe-garlic-caesar-salad-dressing)
Soba Noodle Soup (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/recipe-soba-noodle-soup)
Veggie Mac & Cheese (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/recipe-veggie- mac-cheese)
Tacos vegetariani facili (https:// Nutritionfacts.org/video/recipe-easy-veggie-tacos)

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Grazie per la visione . Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “Dr. Greger in cucina: ciotola BROL con melograno e Cran-Chocolate”

  1. Omg, we need MOAR cooking videos. Cut along the "equator"🤣 whackwhackwhack! Looks like a murder scene.🤣 You're the best, Dr. G! We have the same salad spinner. Your home looks nice and you've got a great view too!

  2. Haahaa! Thank you so much for such a fun video! I have never watched you cook anything before. I have only seen you on your treadmill. This was so awesome to see the fun side of you and also get a great recipe as well! Hope you do more of these! By the way loved that so so beautiful view out your window! Maybe you can show it to us someday. 😊👍

  3. What is wrong with Americans, yes, even the vegans, that they need sugar and chocolate at breakfast?
    Show me one Blue Zone that eats like this.

  4. Oi, Dr. Greger! Your pomegranates technique could use some work … for safety's sake.
    I have a few tips of my own when it comes to pomegranates:
    Roll the whole fruit to loosen the pips.
    Put a towel over the pomegranate to avoid staining clothes.
    If you buy a simple deseeder, which holds the fruit over a cutting board or countertop, you can avoid hitting your hand.

  5. Dear Mr Greger,
    Thank you for the recipe ✌
    But how can it be that tyou use a microwave oven? The highly energetic rays destroy the cell structure in an unnatural way..
    Beat wishes
    Maeggi Weiland from Germany

  6. Ahahaha, that video is sooo funny! 😂 In a good way. As for the groat mix, why is it such a struggle to find all those groats? I have found oat groats, thats it. I live in the UK.

  7. It is possible to have cranberries, unsweetened, year round. I buy whole dried cranberries that are not infused with oil or any additives. When you do a quick search for dried cranberries, all you find are sweetened and softened and therefore useless. Do a deeper search and there are places that sell the real deal. I found them less expensive than freeze-dried berries in general. I did not find freeze-dried cranberries, but the dried whole fruit cranberries are excellent when you just soak them in a small amount of water overnight.

  8. Great video, Dr. G! Can't wait to try this recipe!! Also, can't wait to try this 'equator' tamping pomegranate method! Looks so much faster than the traditional 6-section method!

    So excited to see that Dr. G has moved to Seattle!! I would give my left arm to bump into him and sit down and chat over a couple cups of hibiscus tea!

  9. So in your vids you talked about sour cherries being so good for us and here in the north we can only grow sour cherries (not sweet) and cranberries are saturated with (added) sugar but WOW dried sour cherries are a beautiful replacement for crans! Yay! Such good news for cold climate health!

  10. I laughed so much! My dear Dr. Greger, aren't you the most beautiful person who ever walked the planet! Also, loved the fridge tour!

  11. I learned a new kitchen skill, beating the tar out of a poor defenseless pomegranate. I like pre-mixing five different grains to achieve culinary efficiency and and nutritional variety. I do that with nuts and seeds, make a mix of walnuts, almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc. Make your own mix. Then just pour however much you want onto a "bowl," a salad, cereal (hot or cold), etc. for instant variety.

  12. I LOVE Dr. Greger! Subscribe to his daily emails but THIS is the greatest…watching him in his kitchen is sooooo neat! Makes it so personal….please keep doing it!

  13. Thanks so much for sharing your nutritious recipes. Loved everything about this cooking class except for one tiny challenge; I went online to find Ghiradelli's Sunrise Cocoa. It's only available in the 25 lb. size. That's a lot of chocolate.

  14. No fats,lectins,anti nutrients,missing esential amino acids and oxylates and also the soy….which is pure estrogen

  15. 9:14 – "We have a new Recipes page on NutritionFacts.org" — really? It's not a tab at the top, and it's not under any of the tabs at the top. I love your info and have purchased both books, but the website could use something more clearly compiled. Pretty please. With pomegranate on top.

  16. the chocolate vinegar seems to be a 100% american thing because 0 sellers ship to Europe 🙁 was prepping and really looking forward for this one

  17. I used to buy soy milk, drop 2 probiotic capsule in it, shake it, leave it on the table, warm place for 2-3 days and it becomes a sugar free,salt free, only water and soy mix yogurt. Later I dont even have to use capsules anymore, I use the yogurt as a starter so I have 1l soy yogurt for 2$ and it takes 1min to prepare.

  18. I do still have my home-made sweet beverage with table sugar. I enjoy my 2 ingredients Pure Cocoa powder+table sugar, I am grateful because I no longer waste my mind, time, and money thinking about choosing, buying so many existing or new instant flavoured, or pure coffee brands, or tempted to buy coffee from coffee shops ❤️❤️

  19. I do about the same thing in my creation. I have found Droste cacao is best for my taste buds. I don't have the luxury of two instant pots, so my purple barley, oat groats, rye berries, black lentils, sorghum, and finger millets get cooked all together at the 2 parts water to 1 part grain mixture at the "multi-grain" setting on the instant pot. When I mix my grains I use 2 parts oat groats to 1 part everything else. I cook up 2 cups of grain and 4 cups of water in the pot and store them in the fridge. Daily it's 1/2 cup of the grain mixture + premixed containers of 2 TBSP ground flax seeds, 2 TBSP pumpkin seeds, 2 tsp of cacao, a few grains of salt, 1/8 tsp of beet juice powder, 1 TBSP dried unsweetened coconut, 1 TBSP cinnamon. Microwave the precooked grain, 1 container of the additives, plus a scant cup of unsweetened soy milk. Add your berries after microwaving your mix. I use blueberries and raspberries. I'm excited to try Dr. G's pomegranate and cranberries, mint, and chocolate vinegar concoction though as a change-up. CAUTION: Read the labels make sure you don't pick products such as dried cranberries, dried blueberries, coconut, or soy milk. If it has added sugars find another product, you are sweet enough.

  20. Thank you! This was delicious. Made with a six-grain mix, haven't eaten that much whole grains in a while. The pressure cooker really gives them a delicious chewiness. With raw cacao and pomegranate seeds it's a true super meal! The seeds is one of those thinks that I just find more practical to buy frozen. Basically as healthy, but you don't need to go through the trouble of taking the seeds out, and they are always perfectly mature and never go bad on you. 🙂

  21. This looks delicious! I do the mix but now I’ll add all that other awesomeness! Dr Greger’s kitchen is almost the size of my apartment but I still manage to get a lot out of my postage stamp sized kitchen counter space!

  22. Feel better seeing Dr. Greger with all that hot sauce (including Tabasco) which is added salt. And the dutch processed cocoa, which he mentions removes some of the nutrients (but also makes it less bitter). And keeping nuts and seeds on the counter instead of the fridge. Lol

  23. A bit odd how this video popped up after a morning bowl of oatmeal, with wild cranberries, salmon berries and blueberries. Naturally sweet and tangy. Keep cooking DR. 👌

  24. The barley section is dark. Is this black barley? I've only ever knownw pearl barley which is light colored. Is dark barley better?

  25. Made me laugh as much as it informed me of healthy cooking habits — Dr. Greger is a natural host/comedian, and major props to the editor who made it even more funny and entertaining.

  26. If you don’t have a pressure cooker how else can you make these? Would a Dutch oven, slow cooker, or rice cooker work?

  27. Just a suggestion, all the lentils and millets are supposed to be washed before cooking as they contain pesticides. Also soaking and washing remove the phytic acid which might inhibit the nutrients absorption

  28. so I noticed, cranberries and pomegranates are pretty seasonal (october-jan), what are some good fruit substitutes for other times of the year??

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