Esiti di gravidanza a base vegetale e latte materno

La composizione del latte materno viene confrontata tra donne vegetariane e non vegetariane.

Il video sulla vitamina B12 che ho citato è The Optimal B12 Dosaggio per bambini, gravidanza e anziani ( -b12-dosaggio-per-bambini-gravidanza-e-anziani/), e il video sul DHA è: le donne vegane dovrebbero integrare il DHA durante la gravidanza? (

Ecco i link ai due libri che ho suggerito: Your Complete Vegan Pregnancy di Reed Mangels (https:// e Nourish, coautore di Brenda Davis ( ).<br/>
La formula non è un sostituto adeguato del latte materno umano. Le famiglie adottive o coloro che usano surrogati potrebbero voler cercare una banca del latte nelle vicinanze.

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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8 Risposte a “Esiti di gravidanza a base vegetale e latte materno”

  1. My boy is 100% plant based (whole food) since birth and so is and was his Mother while and before pregnancy.
    He is 2 years young. Wad never sick. Has the cleanest skin. Lots of hair. Is prerry strong but leaner than most others. And everyone – seriously everyone – is saying how damn beautiful cute and smart he is.
    I can't proof it is the diet but I know it is part of it.
    Other part is my Genes of course 😎

  2. I've have vegan pregnancies and 1 non-vegan pregnancy (my first). My vegan pregnancies were all healthier. However, there was only a 4 oz difference birthweight between my two girls (one vegan preg vs. non veg.) and my last vegan pregnancy yielded a healthy nearly 11lb boy. I am pregnant again now and am enjoying surprising my healthcare providers with my low blood pressure and how healthy I am despite their misconceptions about veganism.

  3. I'm scared of having babies incase i screw the nutrition up and this really calming despite having studied Cornell University plant based certificate and reading all Me Michael Greger and his team's books and audiobooks and Brenda Davis book becoming vegan with this video it refreshes I still need to learn more because dha epa from algae oil is essential with empowering education is life saving work

  4. Thank you so much for this video. Since I'm pregnant right now with my first child trying to do as much plant-based as possible, everybody keeps telling me it's unhealthy for the child to be plant based..
    It's so good to know, that it's possible!! And thank you also for the book recommendations,will look into it.

    Could you maybe do a video about nthe best natural sources for calcium during pregnancy? That would be awesome 👍.

    Thank you!

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