Soul Food che fa bene all'anima

Le migliori origini del soul food sono legate alla dieta dell'Africa occidentale incentrata sulle piante.

Per ulteriori informazioni su questo argomento, dai un'occhiata al lavoro del Dr. Eric Walsh e del Dr. Columbus Batiste al The Slave Food Project ( ).

Un'altra grande risorsa è l'autobiografia del sindaco di New York City Eric Adams Healthy At Last ( com/Healthy-Last-Plant-Based-Preventing-Reversing/dp/580).

Ho già parlato di come una dieta a base vegetale può aiutare a ridurre le disparità di salute razziale (https:/ / e i danni associati al mangiare di più in stile meridionale Cibo (<br/>
Le diete tradizionali dell'Africa occidentale, prevalentemente a base vegetale, incentrate su una base di verdure, frutta, legumi, noci, verdure, cereali integrali, e ancora più verdure. Scopri di più sulla dieta del patrimonio africano su Oldways (

Il Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine ha intervistato Tracye McQuirter sull'influenza che Dick Gregory, rinomato attivista per i diritti civili e comico, ha avuto sul suo stile di vita e sul suo lavoro, nonché come la storia dell'alimentazione a base vegetale per le comunità nere. Puoi guardarlo qui (

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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49 Risposte a “Soul Food che fa bene all'anima”

  1. Soul food is extremely unhealthy! But tastes good because of sugar, salt and fat. I am whole food plant based vegan and cook my own food. The impact on your body is almost immediate. You feel better and look better and you lose weight rapidly.

  2. I started growing up in the south. I used to spend a few weeks every summer with my aunt Eloise and uncle Millard. Millard had a big garden. A meal I never forgot: corn, okra, and tomatoes cooked all together, with yellow squash, black-eyed peas, collards, and cornbread. Peaches for dessert. Beans, greens and cornbread every day. Lots of ripe tomatoes. Corn on the cob. That was a great life.

  3. It's not that veganism and anti-slavery come hand by hand. They both are the same hand.:nonhuman animals don't belong to human animals. Using them as resources for food, clothing and entertainment is an ethical abomination. Veganism, or animal exploitation. There's no third choice. Vegetarianism is still animal exploitation. Thank you 🍀🙏🏻🌺

  4. Visited New Orleans coming from the Midwest. The vegan soul food made me never want to leave. And all of the restaurants were highly active in their surrounding communities. It was inspiring to see

  5. I have some southern roots ( Alabama …further back the Carolinas) though I was born /grew up in the south west we always had beans, cornbread, and collard greens. The collard greens were cooked usually with ham hocks so that the fat would permeate the greens and my family would put vinegar on our greens. It was very tasty. I would like to recreate the dishes without the high salt and without animal fat or additional processed oils. I’ll keep experimenting and getting recipe ideas from others. ❤

  6. I keep telling people about soul food where I get argued with. Some guy on another video where they made a comedy skit about how bad soul food was to people. Some guy in the comments was angry said it was our food. I said, it's not our food. Our food is African food. Soul fod is slavery trash. All those chitterlings, pig testicles, which they call rocky mountain oysters, ham hocks, pig feet, ears, tails etc was trash the master didn't want. It's soul food alright. It will take your soul, because it kills.

  7. I am African-American, born and raised in the south, and only recently went plant based. I appreciate this video discussing this important topic! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  8. I celebrate this movement. Now where to find these hidden Black owned vegan restaurants and eateries that serves healthy soul food, that would be great. They are all far and few but a great start none the less.

  9. Dr. Greger is truly committed to closing the racial gap in life expectancy. I hold every doctor I visit now to his standard. If they aren't overtly committed to demolishing racial health disparities in their disease area, I'm looking for the exit.
    Medical history hasn't been friendly to historically disadvantaged nonimmigrant black American families. God bless Dr Greger for inspiring change, for stimulating ambitions, for giving us substantive evidence we can use and implement to help our families.❤

  10. Great video! In addition, veganism really, truly is "justice and equality" for all. There cannot be justice and equality for all as long as animals end up on our dinner plates.

    “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
    — Martin Luther King Jr.

  11. Yes! And, if you go back to our beginnings, a few thousand years ago, and read what the original diet for mankind and animals was in Genesis, chapter 1, verse 29, you'll see the superior diet of fruits, vegetables and whole grains!

  12. I'm a black vegan and I eat all of the healthiest, whole food, plant-based "soul foods" every day: rice and beans, sweet potatoes, greens, beets, cornbread, etc. I cook with minimal sugar and oils, and virtually no salt! My BP is 110/65 and my rhr is 55-60. I am so grateful to have found Dr. Greger and all of his data-based videos. 😊

  13. Corry Booker? A LUMINARY? What a creative way to dash your own credibility. You are out of your cotton picking mind! Your delivery needs modified, too, I don't mind telling you; the groans and uhhs make it seem like the audio track was recorded after a "hello" from E. coli on the seat of your home throne room – Not necessary.
    My WHITE Scottish-Irish, south West by God Virginia t'other-end-of-the-holler grandmother made the most of the wild greens and garden raised vegetables LONG before folks started calling them "soul food". We just called it good eatin'. Hard work, in those days, and smaller portions worked off the body fat added by frying, salt pork for flavoring and bacon.
    Today's so-called soul food is just plain unhealthy "comfort food" because it sets you back in the recliner for the rest of the evening… but, it tastes so damned good. Dangerous combination. In my not so humble opinion the "soul" needs cancelled because it's doing no one any favors. Get back to the food's cultural roots and call it from where it came – West Africa. And get people back on their feet and doin' sumthin.

  14. One of our favorite vegan restaurants here was started by Makini Howell, who comes from a family of Black vegan restaurant owners and was raised vegan. She has been instrumental in spreading the message that veganism is a very natural outgrowth of traditional African diets. Hope this movement spreads like wildfire!

  15. I would strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with the work of The Black Nutritionist. I'm not saying there's no validity to what you've said here, and what's going on with black veganism certainly is very exciting. But talking about the nutritional habits of the AA community is often a way of placing the blame on vulnerable people. The most pressing problems are food deserts and lack of access to quality care. Additionally, the very real racism of many healthcare providers is a significant deterrent.

  16. I recently read that 8% of Black persons and 8% of Hispanics are vegan, vs. 2% of whites. When I visited Mexico last year, I met more vegans in ten days than I meet in the U.S. in one year. Nothing is more nutritious, healthier and more affordable than brown rice, beans, and all sorts of fruits and veggies compared to red meat and fish and other animals. 🫶🏿🫶🏿🫶🏿

  17. 4:44 I don't agree with Muhammad that "soul food celebrated the fact that slave holders denied slaves access to quality foods." I think it was about highlighting the resilience of Black folk to make a way forward where no clear path existed. That resiliency and strength was what was being celebrated in the veneration of soul food. But it's time to stop operating in emergency mode. The Black body has been forced to operate in fight or flight for too long. To build ourselves up we need good health built on good nutrition.

  18. ❤ I love the previous words in that 1853 article as well, something like of course plant-based people are enthusiastic about the truth, they're healthy so their minds work well

  19. It is a matter of returning to your roots. When you look at the traditional African diet it is primarily whole grains, roots, legumes (beans & lentils), vegetables, and fruit. Traditionally, meat and eggs were only consumed during special occasions like weddings, holidays, and to honor special visitors. I was fortunate to work in Ethiopia for several years in my younger days. The Ethiopian people primarily ate chickpeas, lentils, and vegetables with injera their whole grain flat bread. At that time eating a desert was frowned upon – something Western people consumed. Their diet is considered very healthy. We need to rediscover our "true" roots.

  20. So hilarious. Nothing compells me to keto carnivore diet as much as "nutritionfacts".
    "Listen to those who seek the truth, run from those who claim to have found it", sure, but I'm sticking around for the comedy.

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