Fibra vs. FODMAP basso per i sintomi SIBO

Il FODMAP basso è la dieta migliore per i sintomi della SIBO? Potrebbe non essere il numero di batteri che crescono nel tuo intestino tenue, ma il tipo di batteri che possono essere corretti con la dieta.

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• Kiwi per la sindrome dell'intestino irritabile (<br/> • Pepe di Cayenna per l'intestino irritabile Sindrome e indigestione cronica (
• Olio di menta piperita per la sindrome dell'intestino irritabile ( -per-sindrome-dell-intestino-irritabile/)
• Zenzero per nausea, crampi mestruali e sindrome dell'intestino irritabile (

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67 Risposte a “Fibra vs. FODMAP basso per i sintomi SIBO”

  1. I hope there is at least another video for SIBO and or IBS type symptoms, because this is not helpful for people who are already on a whole foods plant based diet for a long time and still see no improvement…

  2. Interestingly enough I've heard from some folks diagnosed with irritable bowel that their health care professional recommends against eat fibrous foods in particular beans.

  3. This is such a helpful video! Thank you! Could you please talk about diets for endometriosis? So many doctors suggest to avoid soy and add naturally raised meat.
    Would really love to know your opinion Dr Greger 🙂

  4. You mention prevotella in the gut. One possible way of safely increasing prevotella in the gut, is to throughly chew your foods rather than gulping down whatever it is you stuff in to your pie hole. Saliva is amazing. Get you some.

  5. SIBO or microbial dysbiosis- it has several names- doesnt mean it's not a specific condition and doesnt just show results from breath tests. You can biopsy for several strains with deep EGD and even spot yeast based strains in bloodwork. Are we also discounting the thousands of testimonials available (including mine) that low fiber, SC diets and AIP have behind them showing success. I can tell you personally, until my gut was fully healed, thr smallest bit of fiber would have me bedridden for days. There is no glass slipper in nutrition so please dont say things like ALL THE EVIDENCE points to…

  6. Is there more coming regarding this topic? From what I read it does not seem as easy as it sounds here to simply up your overall fibre intake and get better or cure SIBO. What about tests for certain bacteria that need to be wiped out – unfortunately by antibiotics- first to then build up a healthy gut biom?

  7. Those that already have IBS have a hell of a time treating and trying reversing it largely because they can't tolerate fiber as it wreaks havoc with their digestive systems. (I do not have it BTW)

  8. IDK about this one. Of all the millions of bacteria in our gut, we've been able to isolate just one that a deficiency may be causing IBS?

  9. N=1 so take my advice with a grain of salt.

    Had a lot of gas symptoms a while ago. Thought it was fiber. I started avoiding it like the plague.

    Well, apparently it WASN'T the fiber. I tried a lot of stuff. Probiotics. Digestive Enzymes. Trimebutine (which regulated motility and other stuff).

    Tried changing the food. I didn't notice a correlation @ type of food, but mostly the quantity of food – i.e. if I ate over 2,000kcal I'd get gas symptoms.


    Once I started taking 10-20g psyllium per day? My gas symptoms subsided.

    Worth trying in my opinion. I take mine with orange juice as that stuff is disgusting with water.

    And I take simethicone as well – doesn't reduce the gas per se, but it reduces the surface tension and makes the smaller gas bubbles coalesce thus it favors …expulsion and reduces bloating.

  10. not all fibers r created equal
    for candida ppl soluble fiber things (fruit/vegetables/non-sprouted grains and legumes) are bad but leafy (non crunchy) fibers good – they scrape the intestines clear (if they r not cooked – i hope u savages dont cook ur food, do u?)
    but also only if the greens r grown in non-ass-soil/sprayed with crap (organic or wild only) and contain minerals so they r not dehydrating while they pass thru ur guts – if grown on ass soil/sprayed with crap they dehydrate ya and feed retard bugs in the process

  11. If you’re like me, fiber isn’t enough. I wish the answer were that simple. Elimination diets suck and are especially hard when you’re an athlete but i strongly encourage them when you’re doing everything else right and symptoms still present themselves.

    Background: I’ve been essentially WFPB for 4 years and have had digestive symptoms for over a decade. As of the last couple months I’ve figured out corn, gluten, and yeast all trigger episodes. I also finally cut out artificial sweeteners (a tricky thing to do when you’ve been hooked on pre workout since 2008).

  12. What about these YouTube "ex-vegans" that claim high fiber over time made there SIBO symptoms worse? A lot of them turned to a plant based diet to cure there symptoms in the first place.

  13. This is very interesting but unfortunately does nothing to help the people already on high fiber diets who have SIBO symptoms and many of whom seem to helped by SIBO protocols (which Gojiman has been documenting on his channel). There needs to be more support for plant-based dieters who have digestive issues rather than "it's all in your head" or "go back to eating meat/switch to carnivore diet" dismissal.

  14. Hmm, I still got symptoms on about 80g of fibre/vegan diet after longer multi antibiotics therapy after an accident and the wounds got infected with MRSA Bacteria… only a genetic Microbiom analysis got the key… now restore a healthy Microbiom and the symptoms stop… and it wasn't only gas/bloating and pain… I had it all, headache, joint pains, fatigue, concentration issues, mental health issues…

  15. AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ALL: Dr. Greger isn't an expert in this complex topic you should take some of what he says with a grain of salt, no doubt there's absolutely a ton of bad information out there and SIBO is thrown around like a buzzword. Now most studies have a very narrow and simple understanding of SIBO, to complicate matters further SIBO is generally too simply defined and understood at this point. And yes it can be misdiagnosed or treated incorrectly by those who know very little about SIBO. Also don't self diagnose, talk to a Doctor first who also specializes in SIBO, it has to be a case by case basis and customized treatment plan with an expert, in some cases it can take up to 2-5 trials of treatment before SIBO is fully resolved. What we should realize with SIBO it should be looked as one component of understanding in the bigger picture as so far as it pertains to the overall health of the intestinal tract.

    A good resource to start to get a understanding of SIBO is linked below:

    Gojiman's The SIBO Hub:

    Also strongly recommend watching this comprehensive playlist on SIBO/IBS/IBD by Dr. Richard Hagmeyer D.C, CFMP:

    Hope this helps someone have a broader & fuller perspective, and be free from chronic health woes.

    upvote if you found this helpful so others may see it

  16. Dr Greger please talk more about methane producing (archaea) SIBO. Main symptoms are constipation and bloating but fiber doesn’t seem to help. Atrantil is the thing that has helped me, though I don’t know how it works.

  17. FODMAPs are still relevant. I can eat fibre rich fruits, grains and green veggies for days but I still can’t tolerate beans, artichokes, inulin etc. I would love an explanation of that.

  18. Obviously this doesn’t speak for everyone: my diet is constantly pretty high in fiber (constantly use Cronometer). I still suffer from heavy SIBO type reactions on seemingly random but normally consistent days. If this is the only battle against SIBO then unfortunately many people who are already vegan may continue to suffer.

  19. I must say that’s disappointing. This series did not really address the problem of people who are actually suffering. Telling us that the tests are not accurate does not solve our problem of bloating, gas, diarrhoea and abdominal pain.

  20. On a very low calorie WFPB diet I'm getting about 60 grams or more per day of fiber & I feel fine. My movements have never been better. Is there gas? Some days, but not painful & there has been no bloating. The movements on days with more than 1600 calories are epic. If my calorie intake is under 1600, then not so large.

  21. A little misleading. I was vegan when the bloating and gas’s became unbearable. The low Fodmap diet worked. I can’t speak to the science, I just know what works.

  22. I have SIBO and adding Acacia or Guar Gum has helpe while avoiding the bad FODMAPS like onions and wheat. Plant gums also help feed beneficial bacteria without fermenting too quickly.

  23. Anybody who is already on a high fiber plant based diet and has sibo symptoms is not comforted by the "eat more fiber" advice.

  24. In my case, I had 2 or 3 months of excessive gas, bloating and intermittent diarrhea episodes when I was eating an omnivore (Mediterranean) diet.
    After changing to a mostly WFPB diet, it went away very quickly.

    Sadly, 2 months ago, without changing anything, got all the symptoms back. I actually eat more WFPB and no longer use oil for cooking but I guess the change of diet only hid the symptoms temporarily.

    After being ignored by my doctor after he said I was describing "very generic and ambiguous symptoms", I will have a stools test and a special analysis to discard an intolerance to gluten (my sister is celiac).

    It's frustrating how little doctors know about nutrition and what little help they gave. If nothing comes from these tests, I'll maybe do the SIBO one….

    Any advice is appreciated!

    PS: in my case I completely swapped diets overnight which caused bloating for 2 weeks but then it went away for more than 6 months… So I doubt it could be the reason?

  25. Hi Dr Greger! Big fan here. Have you seen a response from #askGojiMan on the subject:
    I would love you to agree to his debate request as your SIBO videos don't really explain much in terms of helping people who have the symptoms and are already eating a high fiber WFPB diet. Please consider debating him, there's an audience genuinely interested in the matter. Thanks!

  26. This is absurd; I was whole food plant-based for five years, still whole food now after treating my sibo; I was symptom-free for the first two years and had some improvements, and then it all got awful. I tried the increased fibre approach, and it made things worse. I tried elimination diets. By the end of it, I could eat nothing, so don't tell me that increasing my fibre was the answer to my gut issues. You and your team need to address this horrible cherry-picked miss-representation of the evidence! After working with a professional, I have been symptom-free for close to a year. I can eat as much as I want!

  27. First time Dr greger is 100% wrong for people with Sibo. I have had sibo for the last 15 years, I live with it everyday. Dr Greger os 100% wrong regarding Sibo. Sorry Doctor you're 100% wrong and time will prove you wrong. I am disappointed

  28. why are doctors always discrediting things they have not experienced themselves and then only look for evidence that supports their view? that is not good science.

  29. I WAS eating a whole foods plant based diet for 6 years straight despite debilitating sibo like symptoms. Tried cutting down fiber, eating more fiber, etc etc. and nothing helped. Eventually got sick of going to the bathroom 6+ times a day, literally constantly farting and looking like I was pregnant, and had to reintroduce fish and white carbs. I think 6 years WFPB high fiber diet was long enough to realize this doesn’t solve the issue. I would love to eat 100% wfpb again but it simply makes me feel too unwell. doctors here have no idea what I’m talking about when consulting about the symptoms either. “What is sibo” “why don’t you just eat a balanced diet and not vegan?” Etc etc etc. exhausting.

  30. There is a possible simple solution for those that are plant based / vegan and suffering with gut issue, digestive troubles, SIBO, switch to a low fibre vegan diet. This is where there is a problem WFPB perspective, there is the tendency to be too restrictive and label all processed food as evil and not having any benefit, this is just not true. For people with digestive problems sometimes they do better with some processed food. For example wheat in high volumes is considered high FODMAP, but wheat gluten is not because it’s just the wheat protein. Beans are high FODMAP but tofu isn’t. So faux veggie meats could be helpful for those that can’t handle a lot of fibre. Too many WFPB advocates have completely vilified these foods because they contain oils and salt. Not everyone needs to be salt free, moderate salt consumption is ok. On days where you consume a high salt item just ensure the rest of your food is low or no salt. As for oil and fats again the WFPB perspectives have an imbalanced perspective on both, moderate oil consumption is fine and we require health fats. Just because some people medically need to avoid or reduce fats it does not mean we all need to act like they are poison. Studies show there is no benefit to extremely low fat or extremely high fat keto type diets in long term for weight loss. The fat you eat is not always the fat you wear, it would be dependent on whether you are over consuming calories. I only mention the weight loss portion because it’s the one of the primary reasons WFPB advocate against faux meats, it’s an oversimplification imo, they believe because they contain no fibre they won’t fill you up, well that varies from person to person and you can eat high fibre with them if needed and able. So the WFPB perspective that everyone should eat high fibre, low fat, no salt, no oil, no artificial sugar really isn’t correct, some people do well on it but others will struggle with the large amounts of high FODMAP foods and low fat diets are not satiating for all because you can be fibre full and not satiated.

    I think it’s possible to make a low fibre, low FODMAP vegan or plant based diet. However your chances are better if you examine some of the claims made by WFPB advocates a bit more critically and realize some of the claims are inaccurate or distorted. This is why I recommend following dietary advice from vegan dieticians (Ginny Messina, Jack Norris) over some plant based doctors, right now the dieticians just have less bias. Whole foods are great and healthy but you don’t need 100% of your diet to be whole foods, select the balance that is right for you. For all the fear mongering and criticizing dangers of being “junk food vegans” has anyone noticed that pretty much all the public ex-vegans were not “junk food vegans”, they ate either raw or very restrictive versions of WFPB. Maybe the most sustainable way to be vegan or plant based is a middle path between whole foods and processed “junk” foods, maybe a whole food diet can contain some oil, less restrictive amounts of fat and moderate salt and be just fine and you aren’t failing if you decide to add some veggie meats or even if you sometimes have a fast food veggie burger. Deep fried foods still aren’t good for us, but sometimes we want something not good for us, if we keep it to a minimum it will probably balance out.

  31. Dr. Pimentel is the leading expert for SIBO and IBS, and he has discredited the notion that breath tests are "invalid" or inaccurate. This video is outdated.

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