Flashback Friday: curare la gotta con il succo di ciliegia

È stato dimostrato che il consumo di ciliegie previene con successo gli attacchi di artrite gottosa, ma che dire del concentrato di succo di ciliegia?

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Ecco gli altri video che ho fatto sul potere delle ciliegie per controllare l'infiammazione:
• La vita antinfiammatoria è una ciotola di ciliegie (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/anti-infiammatori-life-is-a-bowl-of-cherries/)
• Trattamento per la gotta con una ciliegina sulla torta (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/gout-treatment -con-ciliegina sulla torta/)<br/> • Riduzione del dolore muscolare con frutti di bosco ( https://nutritionfacts.org/video/reducing-muscle-soreness-with-berries/)

Crostata di ciliegie ( le persone gentili con cui fanno le torte, non quelle dolci) possono anche aiutare con il sonno (Crostata di ciliegie per l'insonnia: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/tart- cherry-for-insomnia)

Cosa fai con le ciliegie congelate? Li mangio semplicemente lisci, li succhio come ghiaccioli, ma sono anche parte integrante dei miei milkshake sani al cioccolato (https://nutritionfacts.org/video /sani-frullati-al-cioccolato/).

Un altro modo per curare la gotta è bere molta acqua e conservare la propria urina alcalina mangiando molte verdure a foglia verde scuro (vedi Testare la tua dieta con pipì e cavolo viola: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/testing-your -diet-with-pee-purple-cabbage/).

Da quando è uscito questo video, ne ho uno più nuovo on gotta: prevenire gli attacchi di gotta con la dieta (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/preventing-gout-attacks-with-diet/). E che ruolo gioca l'acido urico nel morbo di Parkinson? Vedi il morbo di Parkinson e il punto dolce dell'acido urico (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/parkinsons-disease-and-the-uric-acid- Punto dolce/).

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flashback-friday-treating-gout-with-cherry-juice e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi avere un elenco di link a tutti i fonti utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/flashback-friday-treating-gout-with-cherry-juice. Troverai anche una trascrizione e ringraziamenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze, e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2, argomenti di salute.

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39 Risposte a “Flashback Friday: curare la gotta con il succo di ciliegia”

  1. Seems like WFPB diet is a win for all! I never had gout, but I did have some nasty arthritis that was reversed with a whole food plant based diet! These videos where part of my motivation to change 😄🙏🏼🥦🍎💪🏼

  2. Cherry juice worked pretty well for my friend with gout. He now used a mixture of apple cider vinegar, honey, and some cinnamon. He has almost completely eliminated his gout attacks. It works way better than the medication ever did. He also has not changed his diet at all. I'm not sure what the pathophysiology of this concotion is, but for anyone suffering from gout it's worth a try.

  3. I cut my meat consumption down to once or twice a week, removed processed foods and added fresh fruits and salads daily and no longer take allopurinol and have zero gout symptoms for nearly two years now.

    I think the removal of chips and crackers had the biggest impact, but removing lunch meats was probably a close second.

  4. Thanks Dr. Greger for All you do! I Stopped taking 300 mg. Allopurinol tablet after 30 years! Weened off on 1/2 dose first and no gout attacks! Eat frozen or fresh cherries occasionally but not everyday. I should mention though that I've been WFPB (Whole Food Plant Based) for over 10 months. Uric acid levels at 4.8 of (standard scale of low 4.8 — 8.7 high)
    Let Food be Our Medicine & Medicine be Our Food.

  5. Been using tart cherry syrup for years to treat gout in my family. I load caps with 750mg of freeze dried tart cherry powder, works like a champ. I get to skip the fructose.

  6. Mix 2 tablespoons cherry juice concentrate in a quart/liter of water add 1 tablespoon of celery seed stir it up drink it every day a miracle for gout you’ll stop hearing from gout

  7. Going vegan helped my husband from sitting in a wheelchair for several months per year because of gout attack inflammation to getting rid of the wheelchair for good! He gets achy every now and then but never an attack again, and it’s been almost 7 years.

  8. This worked 100 percent worked for me, and quickly too. I used the concentrated Montgomery cherry juice concentrate and took a capful every few hours when it was bad.

  9. I know this is unrelated but I wanted to request a video on drinking coffee for Alzheimer's prevention. Is it worth it to drink a black cup of coffee a day or stick to green tea? Alzheimer's runs in my family and I want to take any and all steps to prevent (already vegan for 9 years). Thank you!

  10. Such an incredible and humanitarian job you are doing. It will not be "payed" in the same way you look for people's health. Greetings from a spanish vegetarian. 😉

  11. Cherries and cherry juice concentrate do help but I've had the best success in preventing gout by taking devil's claw capsules. They have no side effects and no sugar, most juices have a lot of sugar. Also if you eat a whole food plant based diet like Dr. Greger promotes you likely wont have any gout attacks although some veggies can trigger gout, especially spinach, artichoke & mushrooms. Eat healthy foods and stay healthy.

  12. Plants don't have:
    Vitamin A, B6 (Pyridoxal, Pyridoxamine), B12, D, E (Animal) F, K2, Q10. Amino acids: Creatine, Carnitine, Carnosine, and Taurine. Heme-iron, Collagen, CLA (Omega 3), Cholesterol and Complete Protein (Consists of 9 essential amino acids)

    Antinutrients & harmful substances in plants: Alkaloids, Alpha-amylases, Arsenics, Cellulose, Cyanogenic glycosides, Fiber, Flavonoids, Gluten, Lectins, Mycotoxins, Oxalates, Phenolics, Photosensitizers, Phytic acid, Salicylates, Saponins, Sulforaphane, Tannins, Terpenoids and etc.

    A vegan diet indeed prevents heart diseases, by delivering you to the grave long before the coronary risk comes.

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  13. I work in a long term care facility and if my patient goes one to two days without drinking her cherry juice she will immediately have a gout flare up. I’m a big believer in cherry juice now🙌🏼

  14. Wish all medical professionals were as knowledgeable about nutrition as you are can’t stand those drug pushing doctors it’s like they forget the human body has selfing healing capabilities with nutrition

  15. NO joke Buy Gout Pro "G-Pro" on Amazon.

    That stuff lowered my uric acid and it's garlic and milk thistle. Great stuff. Also helped with heart burn.

  16. “Dr. Reginald Cherry says 10 Celery sticks a day will knockout gout!” My father-in- law had rheumatoid arthritis and gout. I shared the information above, and he showed me that it worked…he was able to open and close his hands with no pain!

    “Between rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, joint inflammation, and a very painful”

    Excerpt From
    Hidden Bible Health Secrets

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