Gli effetti delle perdite di radiazioni dai forni a microonde

Semplici esperimenti in cucina possono confermare che le microonde fuoriescono dai forni a microonde durante il funzionamento, ma rappresentano un rischio per la salute?

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100 Risposte a “Gli effetti delle perdite di radiazioni dai forni a microonde”

  1. So the radiation doesn't hurt us, but does it effect the quality of the nutrition of whatever you're putting in there? That's why I've been sceptical over the last couple years. I do everything on a stove top now, and after reading the comments i feel the need to point out it's not inconvenient at all, stop being so lazy people.

  2. I do tell my kids not to stand next to mine. Not a fan of the microwave, but for precooking potatoes it can't be be beat. Our oven gets preheated to 400 degrees while the potato cooks in the microwave for about 6 minutes. The the potato gets finished in the real oven. It is super quick and tastes a lot better. Sometimes we do the same thing with a pressure cooker. Pressure cook large potato for 25 minutes and then transfer to a real oven to finish.

  3. I am glad for this report because it is better to not be afraid of so many things. Remember how Dr Gregor changed his stance regarding the healthfulness of avocados from a red light to green light food? Don't you think that he would do the same thing for microwave ovens if he found out they were dangerous and change his report from favorable to negative? I do not understand why many people choose to maintain an unreasonable bias in the face of hard evidence. That is why we watch these videos, so we can make better choices based on accurate information. Thank you for easing my mind.

  4. My smartphone doesn't receive my calls while inside the microwave oven, BUT my Nokia dumbphone DOES receive calls while inside (with door closed).
    What does that mean??

  5. Thanks Doc. One other thing, I remember a ways back people saying that microwaving food changes the molecular make-up of the food itself, which does sound believable. Then eating that changed food having negative consequences on our health. I wonder if that all is ba-hooey or maybe some truth in there somewhere. In another supposed test, someone used 2 potted plants trying to grow something from a seed. One was watered with tap and the other with microwaved. Apparently the one watered with microwave water did not grow while the tap water seed did. Hmm…..

  6. What I would like to know though is: what kind of modifications occur at the cellular level to the foods that are heated in a microwave ? Is it comparable to heating in a pot through convection ?
    What about the well know experiment where plants, watered with microwaved water, quickly die contrary to plants watered with boiled water ?

  7. All these funny jokes about fat american idiots dropping it on their foots, wow i cant bare the excitement i get from your jokes m8. What about the electromagnetic radiation into the actual food? What about nutrient conservation after you have microwaved foods? Cover important topics please, dont beat around the bush.#ScienceIsGettingNowhere

  8. Common, Dr. Greger!
    You know very well the question is not about burning, exploding, splashing and dropping things around microwave ovens. But rather about the effect on the food. Unless you plan a 3rd clip or you think you answer in your last sentence – sad! (to quote a stable genius)

  9. Even with this video, the nutters are undeterred in the comments section, I see. It fascinates me how people pick-and-choose scientific information to suit them. Even when confronted with the fact their preconceived ideas have no evidence to support them whatsoever, they still refuse to change their mind.

  10. I have not used a microwave in 6 years and have not needed one to prepare any meals…..the old heating methods is the best way. You do you and I will do me.

  11. I am busy, and the microwave makes eating healthy so easy…a bowl of cut up vegetables in a glass dish covered with glad wrap with holes punched in it and in six minutes, I'm eating

  12. I got rid of my microwave more than 20 years ago and I only cook in glass containers,(vision ware). I've worked too hard all my life ,(sacrificing much) to kick off early , going to live past 100 and play tennis every day.

  13. There have been a number of stories lately, and a larger controversy about cell phone radiation which it says here is close to microwave radiation.  The suggestion is to not carry your cellphone on your body.  So, that would indicate that "microwaves" are in some way dangerous with longterm close up exposure.  Can you comment on the relevancy of what you said here and cell phones and their radication?

  14. Two very disturbing stories emerging from this video. 1) The case of very unusual child abuse. 2) The Soviets hated us that much to use such insidious methods to hurt noncombatants.
    The world is sick and getting sicker. Sad really.

  15. Are these studies really conclusive though ? I mean have there been systematic studies on the effect of these microwave on life functions ? Like fondamental research rather than industry commanded studies ? In short what do we know about those waves ? Not much from what this series shows.

  16. what about specific chemical reaction (different from purely heat induced ones) with microwaves ? it is used as a catalist in chemical engineering and might create some moelcule our body (digestion) is not used to deal with.

  17. So that explains all this foot pain I've been having. I always questioned dropping my microwave on my foot, but thanks to this study I finally have confirmation!

  18. You're all exposed to WiFi 24/7 and it's in EVERYPLACE you go, unless you live off the grid away from civilization. Also solar radiation, radio waves go thru us all day long, and many other types… you're not EATING radiation from a microwave. They excite water molecules in the food and it essentially steams. That's all. Honestly I'd be more concerned with WiFi being in and around almost all of us 24 hours a day.

  19. Haven't had a microwave for over 3 years now…mine smoked, sputtered and died, and just didn't feel like buying a new one. Don't even miss it.

  20. Hello Mr. Greger,
    Could you provide a link to an accurate listing/site for the protein contents by weight of the various non-meat/dairy foods (veg, fruit, legumes/beans, etc) as compared to the meat and dairy products *please*?

    Depending which site you go to, or what meme you see (haha) it varies and it's hard to know what the facts are.

    Thanks a lot.

  21. Thanks for the microwave info! Not sure if I'm leaving a request in the right place but…..I'd love to see a video on household cleaning chemicals (bathroom cleaners, laundry detergent, dryer sheets) I'm slowly getting rid of many of these cleaners and making my own (and replacing many of my cleaners with Dr. Bronner's, baking soda, etc. )or sometimes opting out like using dryer balls instead of dryer sheets. I recently saw a quote that stated home makers are 54% more likely to die of cancer than those that work outside the home (unless of course on has a job as housekeeper or hotel cleaning, etc.) and many suspect it has something to do with the household cleaning chemicals we are exposed to. I'd really like to see some facts and valid studies on this one. I think ultimately, I'm saving money and I don't really miss them but still curious if there is validity to getting rid of them for safety.

  22. I couldn't find any video or article about soy and hyperthyroidism, Dr. Greger do you recommend to stop eating soy products when having thyroid problems?

  23. Nothings safe i guess. Its about how much safe you are willing to amount. Basically the word "safe" itself doesnt exist and was used to label but peoples assumptions on words is what they perceive. To many studies/ no ending/ no end/ there is no finish line, no results (only for some important facts: ex. Diabities and other medical fields.) I guess im just pissed that im not born in the future where knowledge and society has advanced in this field.. But even then nothing is absolute. I was just getting off some steam. I feel better. Dr.greger how much vitamins and minerals does each human need? O thats right you dont care or if you did you will know that there is no exact anwser. Humans were ment to die. Its like your trying to prevent death but thats not possible. Go look at some research were they did a study of how carpets can cause death.. It probably can but the percentage is probably low. How do we know if your sources are right even if they are a relieble source. Where you there? Was it filmed? I know that there is probably more important criteria to be focused on that need solving. But it seems like there can probably be a way to kill 2 birds with one stone by focusing on important topics with sufficient important reible evidence. You can prevent and cure most problems by focusing on vitamins and minerals. Im done talking this massage wont be read anyway and wont get across to you or anyone. Part of it is the goverments fault.. For god sakes the fda let coca cola be legal .. People cant controll themselves. I just wasted my time. Bye

  24. Well, that was pretty entertaining, but I'm surprised that you didn't mention anything about EMF.  Good ol Dr. Mercola (whom I've started trusting less and less) is all agog re the extra electricity that microwaves and other electric appliances can spew into the air.  He even advises having NOTHING ELECTRIC AT ALL in your bedroom!!    I actually got one of those "gauss meters" (?) and the thing just SHOT SKYWARD when I put it anywhere near a running microwave.  He says this EMF is very very bad for you.  Is that what you meant by "radiation," Dr. Mercola, or are they 2 different things?  Cheers from Cindy in Seattle

  25. I'd be more worried about talking on a cell phone hours on end every day. And even for that I would not be really worried about. Still, if you are a telemarketer, I'd recommend a headset, just to be sure.

  26. Funny how Dr Greger suddenly loses the scientific skepticism when it comes to ridiculous anti-Soviet myths. Next he will be telling us Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

  27. I'm interested in how microwaves effect the nutrients/enzymes within food when cooked in microwave compared to gas stove when heating foods to the same degree.

  28. I respect and appreciate Dr. Greger so much, but I’m confused about this video. It sounds like there’s no hard evidence proving microwave oven use is dangerous, but that’s because he couldn’t find any studies (perhaps because they don’t exist yet?), NOT because microwave ovens were proven to be safe. I invite respectful and thoughtful comments.

  29. Yes Dr Greger, but have they done any studies on the food ingested from the microwaves? AFAIK food from nature what the human body is supposed to be ingesting (IE: raw unadulterated fruit) isn't supposed to be heated before eating as it kills all the nutrition and enzymes.

  30. I hate those things. Had one for about a year some 15 years ago, failed to clean it (too lazy), it grew moldy inside, then chucked it by the curb! Never been happier since! Leaky or not, I just didn't like that dubious thing sitting in my kitchen.

  31. Believe it or not, as a physics undergrad in the 80's, I actually passed on putting a microwave in my home because I was afraid that the "radiation" would cause cancer and turn my reproductive system into mutant factory. Silly, silly, silly. That's because no one explained to me that it is high frequency (low wavelkength) ionizing radiation that causes cancer. These are gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet (UV) rays, alpha rays, and beta-rays. These are NOT ionizing radion: Radio waves, microwaves, infrared rays (heat), and visible light.

    Ionizing radiation consists of high-frequency/low-wavelength photons that will strip the electrons off of most atoms. Low-frequency radiation (including the microwave part of the spectrum) simply does not have enough energy to do this. High doses of ionizing radiation will vaporize everything into a plasma; in the upper atmosphere, this happens to oxygen and nitrogen and you get the northern lights. With low doses bathing the replicating cells of your body, ionizing radiation (NOT microwaves!) mess with the biochemistry of your dna and causes all sorts of mutations, some of which will lead to cancer. This happens in your skin everytime you step out in the UV light of the sun. Higher frequency waves like X-rays and gamma rays penetrate your skin and tissues and bathe your whole body in this stuff. Limit your exposure to these. Feel free to stand near your microwave though. It might boil the fluid in your body's tissues (which you will notice very quickly), but it won't alter your dna and turn your future offspring into mutants.

    Anyway, thanks for these high-quality, entertaining, and informative videos. It keeps my hope for a sane humanity alive.

  32. Also Alton Brown on Good Eats discusses the boiling issue. Put a wood toothpick in your water. This will give a rough surface for bubbles to form.

  33. For Year 12 I did a research project type thing on the biological effects of non-ionising radiation. The damage wasn't a matter of thermal heating but rather oxidative damage from the microwaves which in turn strip DNA and can lead to cancer. I would just leave the room when using a microwave, better safe than sorry. Good video though, really interesting, but microwave damage occurs in the long term, after years of exposure. Sadly not many 10 year + studies exist to prove it. If you're interested, check out the BioInitiative report. They are brilliant at researching this stuff

  34. LOVE NutritionFacts. Can't sift through all the information all the time on everything. Without a reliable trustworthy and knowledgeable interpreter of the sea of information out there, we would drown in it!

  35. Think about it how can microwave food be good for our bodies is that natural? Definitely not so it's definitely not good for our bodies I havent used one in over 10 years

  36. Then why does my EMF detector go up to 700 when the microwave is on and drop back down to 0 as soon as it shuts off? That's really weird considering the wifi usually rests around 100 (which is also above the warning indicator of 10).

  37. If the size of the waves from a cell phone were the same size as microwaves …You could cook your lunch with your phone…. (Relatively, microwaves are much larger.)

  38. Thanks, I did the phone in the microwave and I could call my phone. It's my friends microwave and I hope he will not use it anymore since I showed him this.

  39. Microwaves don’t emit ionizing radiation (the type of radiation that causes cancer and damages cells and dna). It only emits electromagnetic radiation, which only conducts heats.

  40. I was trying to understand background radiation affect on longevity (especially radon) and came across a couple of studies saying that very low background radiation is worse than moderately low levels of background radiation. One study was an experiment on dogs. One study compared background radiation levels of all U.S. counties and average lifespan in those counties. Can you cover this?! Neither of these studies are the gold standard, so I'm inclined not to believe them and continue to try to minimize my radiation exposure.

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