Friday Favorites: Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Lupus

Green smoothies are put to the test for the autoimmune disease SLE (lupus).

I think I only have one other video on lupus: Fighting Lupus with Turmeric: Good as Gold ( It’s not for lack of trying, though—there just hasn’t been much research out there.
I talk about another autoimmune disease, type 1 diabetes, in Type 1 Diabetes Treatment: A Plant-Based Diet (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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26 Risposte a “Friday Favorites: Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Lupus”

  1. Dr Goldner’s protocol is amazing and the smoothies she recommends are easy to incorporate into daily routine. Along with the Daily Dozen, my health is rapidly improving!

  2. I have Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism and I am worried that consuming lots of raw cruciferous vegetables would cause problems or impact on my daily dose of Levothyroxine. Does anyone know if I am right to be concerned?

  3. I shall just do with the info you provide ( Dr greger) cos I tried signing up at ijdrp they're a real pain in the…( You know what) are with the robot verification bs

  4. Dr. Dray, a dermatologist that pushes products like crazy on YouTube, is going after Dr Gregor.
    I liked her channel with reservations, but when it comes to credibility and unbiased research there’s no question that Dr Gregor wins. ❤

  5. Dr Greger, you should have given Dr Brooke Goldner her recognition for creating her smoothie protocol which has completely reversed tens of thousands of people’s autoimmune diseases. She has become the world’s leading expert in reversing autoimmune diseases through diet.

  6. i love the way you read things doc, its so attention catching while talking about subjects that people might not be the most interested in earing

  7. It's not cutting meat that improve the CRP ! The study said "However, a significantly higher amount of dietary fiber was observed in the vegan arm of the current study, and studies have shown that a diet high in fiber and low in fat is associated with less inflammation and lower incidence of major cardiovascular outcomes"

  8. Zoological Society of London
    Abstract. Great apes in captivity have been affected by a variety of conditions, including obesity, heart, gastrointestinal and dental diseases, and diabetes, all of which are at least influenced by an inappropriate diet.Dec 1, 2017

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