The Side Effects of Human Growth Hormone as an Anti-Aging Therapy

Taking human growth hormone supplements (somatotropin) may actually accelerate the aging process.

If hormone injections don’t work, what does? That’s the topic of my new book, How Not to Age (, and you can get your copy now from your local public library or wherever books are sold. If you haven’t seen them yet, check out the book trailer ( and my [new presentation]. (As always, all proceeds I receive from all of my books ( are donated to charity.)<br />
What about taking supplements of the hormone DHEA? Stay tuned for my next video, DHEA: What Is It and What Are Its Benefits? (

Some of my past popular videos on anti-aging include:
● Life Extension with FGF21 (
● How to Boost FGF21 with Diet for Longevity (
● The Best Diet for Healthy Aging (
● What to Eat to Prevent Telomere Shortening (
● Greens, Green Tea, and Nuts Put to the Test for Telomeres (
● Dietary Sources of the “Longevity Vitamin” Ergothioneine (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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32 Risposte a “The Side Effects of Human Growth Hormone as an Anti-Aging Therapy”

  1. Thanks for taking this subject on, it's gone on too long! I'd like to see you take on Vitamin K2 and its anti aging effects, body effects of K2/MK4 vs K2/MK7, side effects especially palpitations from MK7.

  2. Thank you thank you thank you. I believe this is helped me realize that what I’ve been doing with peptide shots are not a good thing. Hopefully others will learn from this as well.

  3. However, increasing your own HGH levels is very important for longevity. Not only is it free, but you'll be saving money. Fasting(16/8) or OMAD, strength training and prioritizing sleep with circadian alignment. Stress management will help everything.

  4. I tried an exercise supplement years ago that had hgh in it and it caused a cyst to form in my breast. A rather large and frightening one. My doc told me to take primrose oil and i stopped that supp and the cyst went away within a week. Never had one before or since and I'll never take hgh again

  5. I was on my way to metabolic syndrome when I starting following Dr Greger.. My doctor had doubled my BP(blood pressure) medication dose and a year later wanted to put me on a second BP drug… I followed Dr Greger's advice . I went on a strict whole food plant based diet and in two years had normal BP, normal blood lipids, lower blood sugar etc… Following Dr Gregers advice pretty much saved my life. That said maybe HGH therapy was done "all wrong and for the wrong reasons….. Thymus Regeneration Research. Greg Fahy….A lot of those "bad things" were most likely from supra physiologic doses of HGH. The dose makes the poison. The Thymus is a growth hormone dependent organ. An extremely important one that plays a big role in age related changes in immune system functioning. Much more important than merely increasing lean muscle mass or fluid retention (lol)… Dr. Greger is right that in the past (and even now) HGH therapy was not used properly.. Another huge interesting thing is that a lot of those people had white hair regain it's color… There are huge implications there, about stem cell health, mitochondrial function etc…Most of the "Hallmarks of Aging" (age related deterioration) are due to mitochondrial function, that's what I'm reading anyway. The real questions about HGH therapy? Does it improve mitochondrial function, or telomere length, reduce inflammation (inflammaging). Does it improve immune functions or activate any of the sirtuins etc ??? The answer to some of these questions is yes…

  6. All medications come with negative side effects, whether we feel them immediately or not. Certainly need to weigh out our choices carefully to make an informed decision!

  7. So much of what goes for new discoveries are old news. We knew about HGH in the 70s from Life Extension. No, thank you.

    Spermidine was just wheat germ then. And omega 3 was just cod liver oil.

    Low carbing was Banting in the 1800s….it goes on and on. I'm glad for the science of it, but really, there is nothing new under the sun.

  8. You ignore thymus regeneration in the Trim Trial. Your video is far too simple to understand the role of HGH/IGF-1 in improving the overall condition of an organism while being careful to avoiding its negatives, rather than simply taking a pill and hoping for a result without any nuance.

  9. do not do drugs, i thought that was common-sense. i guess not in america the land of trump tards and joe rogan carnivores……

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