Friday Favorites: Are Ancient Grains Healthier?

Ancient wheats like kamut are put to the test for inflammation, blood sugar, and cholesterol control.

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Whole (ideally intact!) grains—ancient and modern alike—are an integral part of my Daily Dozen ( checklist—the healthiest of healthy things I encourage everyone to try to fit into their daily routines.

They’re especially good for our microbiome:
• Resistant Starch & Colon Cancer (<br />• Getting Starch to Take the Path of Most Resistance (
• Gut Microbiome – Strike It Rich with Whole Grains (
• Microbiome: We Are What They Eat (

What about gluten? See:
• Is Gluten Sensitivity Real? (
• Gluten-Free Diets: Separating the Wheat from the Chat (
• How to Diagnose Gluten Intolerance (

You might also like my videos on sorghum and millet:
• Is Sorghum a Healthy Grain? (
• The Health Benefits of Sorghum (
• Studies on Millet: Is It a Healthy Grain? (
• The Benefits of Millet for Diabetes (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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32 Risposte a “Friday Favorites: Are Ancient Grains Healthier?”

  1. We have been eating Spelt or Kamet for about 18 months. It's all apart of a Lifestyle change in eating and living according to a Whole Foods & Plant Based Diet. Donna is living with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. It's been 30 months since the original diagnoses and prognosis.

  2. Kamut is a registered brand of Khorasan wheat. A Montana farmer did extensive growing and marketing of the ancient grain and popularized it. For whatever reason he decided he needed a trademarked name for it. Anyways, it's khorasan, and I grow it myself in my home garden.

  3. And do we have a study showing that not eating any kind of gluten cereal like kamut or spelt also improve considerably patients conditions! We can not digest this protein, nobody can… Look at Pr. Jean Seignalet work.

  4. It is important to note that ancient grains may not be affordable to everyone but common more available whole grains are sold as animal feed for less than 20 cents a pound

  5. Our current programming, our DNA, was written over thousands of years of ancient grain consumption. Nature has it worked out for us, it seems foolish to go against Nature by way of modern grains where we can step back into ancient grains conveniently. I realize that many folks will have limited access to them.

  6. Could it be the modern grains include glyphosate (roundup) from crop application and soil buildup and the more ancient grains are farmed in a small more natural (healthy) way?

  7. Here lies the problem. Grain is almost always processed into flour. This is why agriculture is the foundation for disease and dysfunction. When you take any grain and mill it into flour whole or even worse, process and remove the fiber you are turning a seed that goes in an out of a digestive system into the manure/ scat, into a high glycemic highly toxic seed and make food out of it that isnt what nature intended. Processed grain and seed oils constitute 70% of the Standard Ametican diet. They constitute a substatial portion if Vegan and most supposed healthy diets. The problem is our digestive system was never designed for processed grain and it damages our liver and creates dysfunction and disease. You do not see this in nature with any other animals eating their species specific diets. You only see it in diets created after the creation of agriculture by humans.
    Whole food animal products, vegetables and fruit in large part are healthy but not processed foods znd grain and seed oils constitute the majority of all ultra pricessed food but more importantly stand processed grain into flour for food like bread and pasta if eaten habitually as your foundation are still creating damage to your liver and body

  8. The problem is our digestive system was never designed for processed grain and it damages our liver and creates dysfunction and disease. You do not see this in nature with any other animals eating their species specific diets. You only see it in diets created after the creation of agriculture by humans.

  9. I wish I could find kamut in my local supermarket like amaranth, farro, fonio, kamut, sorghum or teff but they don't sell them, the only ones I see sold are barley, bulgur wheat, freekeh, millet, quinoa and rye.

  10. Would have been nice to include a list of what ancient grains are.

    From Wikipedia…

    "Ancient grains is a marketing term used to describe a category of grains and pseudocereals that are purported to have been minimally changed by selective breeding over recent millennia, as opposed to more widespread cereals such as corn, rice and modern varieties of wheat, which are the product of thousands of years of selective breeding. Ancient grains are often marketed as being more nutritious than modern grains, though their health benefits over modern varieties have been disputed by some nutritionists.

    Ancient grains include varieties of wheat: spelt, Khorasan wheat (Kamut), einkorn, and emmer; the grains millet, barley, teff, oats, and sorghum; and the pseudocereals quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, and chia. Some authors even consider bulgur and freekeh to be ancient grains, even though they are usually made from ordinary wheat. Modern wheat is a hybrid descendant of three wheat species considered to be ancient grains: spelt, einkorn, and emmer."

  11. USDA
    A Look at Calorie Sources in the American Diet

    Over 1000 calories from grain and added sugar and sweetners and 500 calories from seed oils.
    Around 700 calories from meat, dairy Nd animal fats
    Vegetables and fruit only amounted to 200 calories.
    You vegans love to blame all the issues on animal products when they only account for 30% of calories in contrast to 70% from primarily grain, sugar and seed oils.

    Google the title to see the complete breakdown on the USDA website

    I will say it once again GRAIN is the foundation of our poor health.

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