Friday Favorites: Are Beyond Meat and the Impossible Burger Healthy?

What happens when you compare the trans fats, saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol levels in plant-based versus animal-based burgers?

Check out these other videos in this series on plant-based meats:
• The Environmental Impacts of Plant-Based Meat Substitutes (
• Are Pea and Soy Protein Isolates Harmful? (
• Plant-Based Meat Substitutes Put to the Test (
• The Health Effects of Mycoprotein (Quorn) Products vs. BCAAs in Meat (<br />• What About the Heme in Impossible Burgers? (
• Does Heme Iron Cause Cancer? (
• Heme-Induced N-Nitroso Compounds and Fat Oxidation (
• Is Heme Iron the Reason Meat Is Carcinogenic? (

You may also be interested in getting the digital download ( from my webinar on this topic.

Note: In 2022, Impossible Foods announced it is cutting the saturated fat in its plant-based burgers from 8 grams down to 6 grams.

Want to make your own healthful, whole-food veggie burger? Check out the recipe for Black Bean Burgers ( from my first cookbook (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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64 Risposte a “Friday Favorites: Are Beyond Meat and the Impossible Burger Healthy?”

  1. Thank you. That's what it is.
    You can keep living the way you do, while making healthier and more ethical choices. But that's also opening up the possibility to live even healthier and cheaper.
    Fact is you can make it a mix. Whenever you crave an animal carcass, you can get fake meat and eat whole foods for all the other meals

  2. The cure may be worse than the disease. An estimated 80,000,000 acres of land are dedicated to cornfields in the US. No thanks – give me meat, fat, bones, liver & leather, like my forefathers.

    I’ll add my own fiber as many do: lettuce, tomatoes, onions, jalapeños, pickles, mushrooms…There is something else at play I can just feel it. We are always lied to.

    Remember when sugar was promoted & blame pinned on fat, by Harvard Dr. Mark Hegsted in the 1970’s? How many times are we willing to take the bait?

  3. Im a little confused by your statement that trans fats have been phased out. Its my understanding that manufacturers do not have to include transfat on the label as long as it comes in under 0.5g. My own hospital uses a product called Whirl, which is a butter flavored soybean oil. The first ingredient is soybean oil, the second ingredient is hydrogenated soybean oil. Does that not contain trans fats? With a serving size of 1tbs, its easy to keep the trans fat less than 0.5g. Not to mention all the other highly processed products out there with hydrogenated oils..

  4. Doesn't the Impossible contain something called heme-something that is potentially carcinogenic? Beyond doesn't contain that but it taste less nice than the Impossible.

  5. I know it’s not healthy, but it keeps my husband from eating real meat. He’s happy and it keeps him off the transplant list for kidney. He’d be even better w/o dairy, but…

  6. I listened to a podcast with the maker of the impossible burger. Her big argument is that she wanted to make a plant based burger as close to the real thing as she could make it while still making it healthier than meat- but also- make it a burger. She quoted “it’s a burger. Not a salad. if you want a salad, eat a salad.” usually when you want a burger you typically aren’t as concerned on your health for that particular meal.

  7. Vegan burger and vegan cheese companies need to stop using coconut oil. Rape seed oil and sunflower oil are much better options.

  8. Except naturally occuring trans fats found in meat arent linked to heart disease whatsoever. As far as saturated fat goes, you could just eat lean beef and eat less saturated fat than in a nasty mushy soy concoction. More lies from this sickly looking doctor.

  9. I guess people need to eat things that look and taste like meat? I don't get it. You can make things taste way better by just making them taste good rather than have them imitate a food that they aren't.

  10. Thank you Doc. 7 years ago after reading your “How Not To Die” book, my wife and I each switched to an all-plant diet. It took a few months to find and test a few dozen recipes to find ones we liked. We certainly don’t miss meat, dairy, and eggs. What a pleasant surprise that has been. Thanks for helping us live longer.

  11. I think the science being drawn upon for his arguments are born of conventional ag and CAFO feed lot animals. Eating diseased animals or their products will result/accumulate disease. However, regenerative ag and animals raised in alignment with that is a different story. Most studies we have showing meat is bad, saturated fat from animals is bad, etc is based on animals from Big Ag/CAFO operations (I'll say most instead of all because Big Research has likely planted some contradictory around). It doesn’t make sense to replace an unnatural product (Yes I consider CAFO animals unnatural when they aren't living in a pastured habitat foraging using their own body wisdom to select what they need to stay healthy but instead are medicated with gmo hormones, given their diet in a supplement format and standing in their feces) with another unnatural even synthetic imitation (lab-created fake meat) . Read the book 'What Your Food Ate' to get this evidence-based understanding. I've done the vegetarian route for several years…and wouldn't say I was healthier for it. Eating any acellular carbs sets your teeth up for periodontal disease, which is an entry point for pathogens and parasites into your blood stream. Why did they promote high carb diets and make animal saturated fats a villian based on industry wishes without evidence? CAFO animal saturated fat profile IS inflammatory and unhealthy compared to pastured-raised animal saturated fat. Overall, animals raised conventionally are unhealthy for animal, human and the planet while pastured-raised animals are healthy for all three and the earth needs the foraging ruminants as part of the soil food web (dung is a resource for beetles who take the dung microbes into the soil as part of the chain of events that draws carbon into the soil so plants continue to grow).

  12. My question to these types of studies/comparisons is the meat -especially beef organic grass fed /grass finished or conventionally junky meat? Thanks! Love your channel and all the research that you do!!

  13. When comparing sodium levels it should be noted that most people season their meat with additional salt so the beef burgers would likely be higher anyway. No need to add extra salt to the meat replacement products since it's already in there but of course if you did it would also boost that level even higher.

  14. I'm literally watching South Park episode Let them eat goo. Plant based cafeteria food makes Cartman go crazy have a heart attack. Hilarious

  15. If it's been created in a lab and contains chemicals and genetically modified organisms then it's not healthy! If the EU has banned it due to carcinogenic ingredients then it's definitely not healthy!

  16. If it's been created in a lab and contains chemicals and genetically modified organisms then it's not healthy! If the EU has banned it due to carcinogenic ingredients then it's definitely not healthy!

  17. The short and honest answer is that they are not particularly healthy but they are healthier than meat, and much better for the animals and the environment.

  18. Why does the first graph only go to 2010? I'm all for eating vegan, but that comes across a tad misleading. I believe beef consumption has been declining or stabilized over the last decade in the USA.

  19. With BeyondMeat having their stock price fall 96%…. its great to see people like you getting paid to try and convince morons that that garbage is ok to eat. THINK OF THE SHAREHOLDERS!!

  20. Excited to be undertaking this journey… to hopefully avoid being undertaken (early) on our current journey. Thanks Dr. Greger and team. We appreciate you!

  21. Of all the people to take your nutritional advice. I wouldn't take it from Michael Greger. He looks like he is death warmed up. Milk bottle glasses, emaciated body. The vegan community needs to find someone who isn't a skeleton 💀😅😅

  22. A lot of us are programmed as young children (a very impressionable age) that protein (only)comes from eating animals. That is a very challenging concept to unravel in One's Mind. So ,I see these alternative meats as a good "stepping stone" to get on the right track to eating Whole food plant based. When i learned that the term "whole foods" actually means that the cells themselves in the actual plants are fully intact …i began to finally understand that this is the way science says we should be eating.The body recongizes these cells and as a result …functionality increases. When i saw it happen in my own body i was so convinced . Thank you for trying to normalize this information. You must feel defeated sometimes …having to repeat yourself in so many ways. Thanks for persevering.

  23. Beyond burgers have canola oil in them and about 40 other ingredients. It can't even be compared to beef. Especially a grass fed- grass finished beef. There is no study showing any harm in the trace Trans fats that are in animal products. There is studies showing the harmful effects of trans fats in industrial modified oils.

  24. I do have friends that have gone plant-based. They are not healthier and their bones are not stronger. That’s the major difference I see. I guess they’re not doing it correctly? I’m not a big meat eater at all. But I do like eggs and fish. I only eat small portions.

    When I have eaten plant-based, my blood sugar skyrocketed, as did my kidney disease. My kidney disease got worse. It boiled down to me eating just cauliflower and cabbage as my main source of nutrition which wasn’t going to last long. So I did need other nutrients, besides cabbage and cauliflower, and foods that would not hurt my kidneys or push my type two diabetes into the next

    This is not easy, and I don’t care for processed foods, such as meat as it is majorly from industrialized farming as are our plants.

    Tons of concerns with spraying who knows what on our food. Never mind, DDT may be making a return. Never mind that it takes 100+ years to eliminate this from the soil never mind all the other things in our soil. There’s more to it than just eating plants. Way more to it. No easy out of all.

    Whatever works best for each individual. Whatever works to keep one in the best of health.

    Dr. Jason Fung is working with a carnivore diet for people with kidney disease which seems to be turning their around. So I have no idea the science behind this concept, but I certainly would be interested in learning. I do know there’s nutrients in red meat that don’t exist in any other forms anywhere.

    When I do eat fish, it’s wild caught and I try to make sure it’s not from places that have unclean water to the best of my ability. I also prefer grass fed and finished meats preferably lamb from New Zealand, and on occasion, Australia.

    Yes, whatever works best for someone’s health.

  25. If the government quit subsidizing meat, then the price would double/triple and most people would not eat meat for all 3 meals a day. Plus slap a tax on this unhealthy "food" called meat. It will shorten our lives like a cigarette.

  26. Not very good information. Inflammation is what causes transfats to cause problems. This study contradicts other studies that showed a low amount of transfats were fine if not consuming an inflammatory diet. Repeating the word 'science' a lot does not make it more true.

    I find it childish to cite Harvard, an institute that denies chromosomes exist, making a very toddler-like claim that they are scientists and no one else can practice science. Reality of course says otherwise and billions of healthy people eat transfats daily and have for all of human history.

    If transfats were so bad then why are they in human breast milk that is designed strictly for human consumption? Was evolution wrong and Harvard is more intelligent than life's basic structure itself? Why did we evolve lactose tolerance if milk is poison?

  27. It is important to discuss soy protein isolate, as many people are having trouble digesting it. Also, many people who want plant based burgers don't usually want it to taste like meat. So based on that, they aren't desirable by taste.

  28. Yes they are reasonably healthy and can be consumed with other pb healthy food options. Do you know what's NOT healthy? Dead animal flesh so loaded w/ sat. fats, hormones, preservatives, antibiotics and a HUGE quantity of animal cruelty and violence.

  29. Yeah, beef does not contain any plant fiber in it. If only there would be a way for someone to eat a completed burger with whole grain buns with flax, sesame and sunflower seeds baked in and sprinkled on top, and fill it with fermented pickles and kimchi, salad, tomato, cucumber, onion and stuff like to have some fiber in the burger. Then munch on some nuts and apples for a snack.
    Oh wait!…

    Btw I am not a burger or beef lover and don't think burger is healthy, but I would rather eat real beef than plant based meat alternatives. Who knows what else is in them. They are super highly processed junk worse than any chips. More studies needed. I'm pretty sure that healthwise I would be better off with a real burger once in a while as a treat or a celebration than eating beyond crap.
    No offense but misinformation bugs me greatly and a half truth is worse than a lie.

    Better sustainability is also questionable.

  30. Just an anti-meat agenda. BS. Just as there are no meat-based plants, there is no [plant-based meat. You just have to look up the ingredients in these ultra-processed foods. Sorry, this is disinformation.

  31. Hi , I watched a programme on these burgers and the meat juice that was added and developed by the producer 's of these products was awful . They industrial fluids in the juices was poisonous and carcinogenic . There is no chance in hell would I eat that crap . The industrial juice has 27 different liquids that were banned but , they still used it . 👍

  32. There's a massive campaign from the meat industry to make vegan meat substitutes look like some ultra toxic food made with "chemicals". Google: berman and company fake meat

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