Friday Favorites: Cut the Calorie-Rich-And-Processed Foods

We have an uncanny ability to pick out the subtle distinctions in calorie density of foods, but only within the natural range.

A key insight I want to emphasize here is the concept of animal products as the ultimate processed food. Basically, all nutrition grows from the ground: seeds, sunlight, and soil. That’s where all our vitamins come from, all our minerals, all the protein (all the essential amino acids). The only reason there are essential amino acids in a steak is because the cow ate them all from plants. They’re essential—we can’t make them, and the animals can’t make them either. They have to eat plants to get them. But we can cut out the middlemoo and get nutrition directly from the Earth, and, in doing so, get all the phytonutrients and fiber that are lost when plants are processed through animals. Even ultra-processed junk foods may have a tiny bit of fiber still left, but all is lost when plants are ultra-ultra-processed through animals.<br />
Having said that, there was also a big jump in what one would traditionally think of as processed foods, and that’s the topic of this video: The Role of Processed Foods in the Obesity Epidemic (

For more on n the cause of the obesity epidemic, check out:
• The Role of Diet vs. Exercise in the Obesity Epidemic (
• The Role of Genes in the Obesity Epidemic (
• The Thrifty Gene Theory: Survival of the Fattest (

If you’re familiar with my work, you know that I recommend eating a variety of whole plant foods, as close to the way nature intended. I capture this in my Daily Dozen Checklist, which you can download for free here (, or get the free app on iTunes ( and Android ( You will see that there’s also an option for those looking to lose weight: my new 21 Tweaks. But before you go checking them off, be sure to read about the science behind the checklist in How Not to Diet ( Get it for FREE at your local public library (but if you do choose to purchase it, note that all proceeds from all of my books go to charity).

You might be interested in my new video Ultra-Processed Junk Food Put to the Test (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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47 Risposte a “Friday Favorites: Cut the Calorie-Rich-And-Processed Foods”

  1. It's hard to be obese if you're vegan unless you're doing something unusual like drinking refined vegetable oils or consuming a lot of sugar or dried fruits & nuts most of the day. I hardly can hit 2,200 calories a day !

  2. It is not necessary essay to deprive yourself of modern super delicious foods to eat a healthy diet. The total calories of your entire diet is what's important. Eating an occasional Snickers bar, apple pie, ice cream, and chocolate chip cookie is not going to make you fat and harm your health. There is plenty of room in a 2000 calorie a day diet for these foods along with some exercise and still get all the protein, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients to keep you healthy and have a long life.

  3. Great podcast! This sums up our current predicament with the food industry… "practicing your wall painting" lol, that's why artists are good at raiding other peoples fridges.

  4. This was a large part of the first section of How Not To Diet-the one a lot of people complained about in the reviews. Too many words, too much like a textbook, just give me the diet already… The trouble is, those who do eat a lot of SAD CRAP really need to see how the deck is stacked against them. Once they start to understand their biological drive for calorie dense food, the (successful) attempts of food manufacturers to make processed stuff so addictive and the government subsidies that make it all possible, making truly healthy choices that fulfill our bodies' needs is much easier.
    I love this man. If I ever get to meet him I will make a complete fool of myself. How do you not when someone has helped save your life?

  5. Its not necessarily the more calorically dense thing people crave. People often choose cake (less calories) over nuts (morecalories), white rice (less calories) over whole wheat bread (more calories), soda(less calories) over raisins (way more calories). Often just the more processed food.

  6. This video should be used as a disclaimer before every processed food ad on TV or online. Thank you, Mr Greger once again.

  7. Animals are whole foods made by nature not created in a factory or milled into flour or a refinery into seed oil. 70% of calories in the American diet come from grain and seed oils. 30% come from animal products and less than 20% of that would constitute fat. So i ask how is it that animal products are always the villian when its primarily grain and seed that are where the majority of processed disease causing food is coming from in our diet.
    Animals, vegetables snd fruits are whole foods provided by nature not by humans and agriculture in plants and factories.

    A Look at Calorie Sources in the American Diet

    According to ERS’s loss-adjusted food availability data, total daily calories per person decreased by 2 percent between 2000 and 2010 from 2,545 to 2,481 calories. The share of calories from animal- and plant-based foods was the same in both years at 30 percent and 70 percent, respectively. In both years, grains were the primary contributor to daily calories per capita (596 in 2000 and 581 in 2010). Added plant-based fats and oils—such as salad and cooking oil, margarine, and shortening—ranked second (480 in 2000 and 518 in 2010), followed by meat, poultry, and fish (438 in 2000 and 416 in 2010).

    Over 1000 calories from grain and added sugar and sweetners and 500 calories from seed oils.
    Around 700 calories from meat, dairy Nd animal fats
    Vegetables and fruit only amounted to 200 calories.
    You vegans love to blame all the issues on animal products when they only account for 30% of calories in contrast to 70% from primarily grain, sugar and seed oils.

    Google the title to see the complete breakdown on the USDA website

    I will say it once again GRAIN is the foundation of our poor health.

  8. My greatest weaknesses are berries. Cherries are the worst followed by blueberries and blackberries. I can eat embarrassing amounts. I’m also kind of addicted to romaine lettuce (shrug), and broccoli, mostly raw. I eat lots and lots of food. If I had a weakness for high density foods it would be a disaster. Just luck I’m a little weird.

  9. Lust For Letuce. 2023 Vegan Techincal Death Black Metal Album name as fruits
    Letuce Lust = Dr. Greger' copyrighted !

  10. I was fortunate enough to have been introduced to Dr.greger a couple of years ago. Following his analysis on foods I was able to discipline myself and with my family doctor monitoring my weekly results, I got of my blood pressure medication in 3 months. Of course, my diet was changed significantly. Thank you Dr.greger?

  11. Any thoughts about RHD and wheather diet can reverse it? Or at least following a 🌿 based diet would not require regular injections.. any studies?

  12. Thank you for all the great videos and insights you've posted on this channel – you're a guiding light for me and many others for our health. 🙏

  13. This is similar information that Dr. Lisle presented in his book "The Pleasure Trap" by Dr. Doug Lisle back in 2006. This is why many have late-night cravings for C.R.A.P.. One possible solution: eat your last and/or only meal right before you go to sleep. As former meat, cheese, eggs, and dairy consumers know, C.R.A.P. cravings still can come, out of the blue, periodically, so you have to resist. If you indulge, you begin to re-condition your pleasure center, making it even harder to get back on the Whole-food, Plant-based wagon. Thanks for another great video, Doc.

  14. Monkeys also prefer cream sandwich cookies to bananas. A tour guide took a group of us to a place off the road where monkeys wait in trees for tourists' upstretched hands holding food. But then some tourist gave the monkeys cookies and they were no longer eager for bananas. The guide told us to use the special artificially sweetened cookies he provided since there's no dentist for the poor monkeys. The males also liked to get a lemon since it repels mosquitos when rubbed on their skin; they would trade a lemon with a female for sex. So, the world's oldest business turns out to be monkey business.

  15. So if animals don't get "fat" from their natural diet, we should all eat only meat. I have yet to see an obese and sick person on a carnivore diet.

  16. Another outstanding video from Dr. Greger and his team. Wouldn’t it be nice to see a nationwide chain of restaurants called The Daily Dozen? Eating out on a plant-based diet is almost impossible when practically every menu item features either meat or dairy or both! Good vegan or even vegetarian restaurants are hard to come by, at least here in Minneapolis.

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