Friday Favorites: Vegetarian Muscle Power, Strength, and Endurance

Randomized controlled trials put plant-based eating to the test for athletic performance.

This is the final video in my 3-part series on vegetarian athletes. In case you missed the other two, here they are: The Gladiator Diet – How Vegetarian Athletes Stack Up ( and The First Studies on Vegetarian Athletes (

I was honored to be a scientific consultant for an amazing new documentary about diet and athleticism called The Gamechangers. Check it out at<br />
If you’re interested in more videos on athletic performance, see:
• Why All Athletes Should Eat Plant-Based Diets (
• Do Alkaline Diets Help Athletic Performance? (
• Comparing Vegetarian and Vegan Athletic Performance, Endurance, and Strength (
• Improving VO2 Max: A Look at Vegetarian and Vegan Athletes (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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31 Risposte a “Friday Favorites: Vegetarian Muscle Power, Strength, and Endurance”

  1. I'll share my experience. I was almost vegetarian for many years, no meat, fish very occasionally, but eggs and diary daily as well as whey protein shakes (I do exercise a lot, both strenght and endurance). I vent WFPB, because I felt bad with such diet – energy level, tired after food. Also LDL 140. At first I was afraid that I might feel low energy or smth, but what surpriced me how much more energy and endurance I had, also recovery time and it seems that muscles absorb more protein than on vegetarian diet.

  2. For me just going vegan, not even healthy (but still trying) helped me from being winded whilst walking uphill. I've been vegan for ten years and haven't been exercising regularly but joined a gym and can run without being winded on the treadmill!

  3. Love that we're all looking for superhuman strength — realize most people are still brainwashed to believe vegans are completely weak and couldn't possibly live, much less compete. Showing similar results is definitely a win on that end. But if they were to look at recovery time, the vegans would stomp the competition 🥦❤

  4. It would be very interesting to look into the soviet era scientific literature, as they performed very rigorous testing on thousands of elite athletes. Everything from diet to cold plunging and all the fad stuff making the rounds now.

  5. Scientists ? 4 days testing ? Looks like some elementary school hocus pocus . My dear x-perts , effects of the food stay three months in a body . Three months . Get your ducks in a row

  6. I wanted to ask you about an issue with my wife's eating. She seems to have adrenal gland/cortisol dysregulation. She is seeing a nutritionist who is basically telling her to eat lots of animal protein. I was looking for WFPB adrenal support info and wondered if you might know anything about this or where I can look.
    Thanks much.

  7. I think the important thing here is that there is NO difference between the two. In a world where vegans and vegetarians are constantly made feel like they are weak and missing out on something this proves that they aren’t 🤷‍♂️

  8. Been whole foods plant based for 6 1/2 years. I am a personal trainer. I also teach grappling (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and wrestling) and train 3-4x a week. Whenever people ask me “Where do you get your protein?” I just tell them I’m protein deficient and walk away😂😂 I feel absolutely amazing and would never look back. Every chance I get to lead people to the Gregster I do it👌

  9. It makes me sad but also befuddled how many people are still promoting keto and other ridiculous fads when we have sooo many amazing sources like Dr Greger to learn about plant-based nutrition and just the very real impact of those diets on the planet around us. Thanks for doing what you do.

  10. Hey Dr Greger – do you have a place where viewers/fans can submit questions? I recently started eating mostly healthy vegan (whole plant diet weekdays and maybe sat or sunday), with 1 cheat day/week when I'm going out to a restaurant or hanging out with friends, and having research diet/nutrition/supplements like nmn etc for the past few years, I've been curious why garlic isn't part of your 'daily dozen'. And cinnamon – from what i understand it has a ton of health benefits, and is inexpensive. It made me curious if perhaps you were trying to hit all aspects of bodily health, and those items on the list hit each area, so additional picks aren't necessarily needed (eg cinnamon for heart health already being taken care of by nuts).

    Another big question I've had since going vegan is about protein combining – do I need to have all amino acids in the same meal to ensure i'm getting anough whole protein, or could I have my morning whole grain toast with avocado, then some nuts and seeds with my smoothie later on, and combined all amino acids being hit would be sufficient?

    An easier example would be eating some hummus as a snack, and then having rice later without any beans/pulses – would that still be a complete protein for nutrition's sake, or do they need to be consumed in the same sitting?

    Thanks! Kyle

  11. I have return to regular gym year ago as I was going 8 years ago, 6 years ago I became vegan and I'm surprised that unlike previously I don't get much sore muscle during workout or afterwards. This is shocking I can't explain it and only thing that makes sense it that large amount anti-oxidants must be combating exercise stress like Dr. Gregs says. My endurance is brilliant I can snowboard whole days without break or kitesurf for 6 or more hours. Vegan diet is truly remarkable for me because I can do exercise how long I want not how long my body allows me.

  12. High fruit low fat plant based ethical vegan for 17 years. Completely inactive before, diet change gave me so much energy I HAD to start being active. In the best shape of my life and turning 38 in two weeks! Never look back

  13. Short Term no difference in endurance or strength. Is there no study over at least 6 month how Building up strength or endurance with/out Animal products works out? Is there a difference if you start sports and try to train or if you are already trained ? This video misses the opportunity to inform. 😢

  14. I find it odd that when people think of protein they think of chicken breasts, whey, or other meats. Tofu is often what people think about for protein for vegetarians. But many fruits and vegetables contain significant amounts of protein too.

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