Frullati verdi: cosa dice la scienza?

La rottura della fibra mescolando la frutta potrebbe comportare un assorbimento troppo rapido dello zucchero?

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Ecco a che punto siamo nella serie di frullati in 5 parti: Nel primo video, i frullati verdi sono buoni per te? ( Ho parlato del nutriente potenziato assorbimento della disponibilità. Allora in I frullati verdi fanno male? ( Ho sollevato le domande su flora intestinale con le lacrime agli occhi e cereali, fagioli e noci intatti. Poi arriva Calorie liquide: i frullati portano ad un aumento di peso? ( e infine, The Downside of Green Smoothies (<br/>
L'esperimento sulla bacca di cui ho iniziato a discutere è descritto in dettaglio in questo video: Se il fruttosio è cattivo, che dire della frutta? ( C'è un limite alla frutta intera, però? Vedi quanta frutta è troppa? (

Fruttosio cattivo? Vedi:
• Il succo di mela può essere peggio dell'acqua zuccherata ( -può-essere-peggiore-dell-acqua-zuccherata/) (sebbene ci sia un frutto il cui succo è più sano
• Quanto zucchero è aggiunto Tanto? (
• Big Sugar affronta l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità ( /video/big-sugar-takes-on-the-world-health-organization/)

Da quando ho appena digerito il cibo crea radicali liberi, è meglio essere sicuri che il cibo che mangiamo sia ricco di antiossidanti:
• Minima “dose giornaliera raccomandata” di antiossidanti (
• Come Raggiungi l'antiossidante “RDA” ( /)
• Cibi ricchi di antiossidanti ad ogni pasto (

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su -science-say e cercherà di rispondere!

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100 Risposte a “Frullati verdi: cosa dice la scienza?”

  1. Why doesn't someone notify researchers of the existence of Raw til 4? With their gigantic banana and date smoothies, there's your study cohort right there! So glad that green smoothies with berries have gotten the green light; thanks for posting[and finally concluding!].

  2. Dr. Gregor, now we know about apple juice/water, but would orange juice and other citrus juices have a similar hypoglycemic effect? I'm curious to know since citrus is often juiced and used a model breakfast drink. Thank you.

  3. Watching this video while drinking my morning smoothie made me go through a roller coaster of emotions… from "Oh no, its bad" to "whew" to "oh no!!" to "Thank you berries!!"

  4. So the moral of the story is that green smoothies are good but not as good as eating huge salads without dressing? I think I will stick to the smoothies and also add lots of berries.

  5. I also include in my blueberry smoothies hemp hearts, chia seeds and ground flax seed for a whole food protein and many more seed oriented phytonutrients.

  6. I make my breakfast shake with berries and Soy Yogurt and vegan protein powder with flex-seeds, chia seeds taste amazing and keep me full till 1PM 🙂

  7. Why drink smoothies to begin with? Is that extra nutritional density going to make a difference? From what I understand the body will dump excess nutrients so, what is the point in consuming multiple RDA levels of nutrients? People only suffer through this crap because they think of it as some sort of immortality serum and/or it's an excuse to indulge in fruit sugar.

  8. A smoothie should have 4 main ingredients. Its common sense to me.
    Sugars: /Fruits ect..
    Greens: /Vegetables ect..
    Antioxidants: /Berries ect.. Or if its a different smoothie Cacao/Herbs can be replaced as the antioxidants.
    Healthy fats: /Chia/hemp/flax seeds/coconut oil/avocado ect..
    (In my opinion)

    All small additives like super-herbs and other super-foods are optional.

  9. Even if berry smoothies do not cause a spike in blood sugar the doctor did not address the issue of liquid foods contributing to over-consumption of calories and not leading to "fullness" the same way that whole foods do. Be very careful with liquid foods if you gain weight easily as I do.

  10. this study is disturbing in that I always thought fruit is fruit and each fruit comes with its own bunch of phytochemicals and antioxidants and whatever. but now it seems that some are more equal. anyway, bottom line is to add greens and berries to your fruit smoothie just to be on the safe side as far as blood sugar spikes are concerned.

  11. My concern with green smoothies and the large quantity of great greens you can get daily with them, are nitriles, goitrogens, and oxalates. What are your thoughts on those?

  12. it was interesting you said that after the apple juice or smoothly your insulin spiked than fell below fasting point where your then dumped fat into your blood stream for energy. Well isn't that a good way of burning fat ?

  13. it was interesting you said that after the apple juice or smoothly your insulin spiked than fell below fasting point where your then dumped fat into your blood stream for energy. Well isn't that a good way of burning fat ?

  14. Interesting. My concern with the "smoothies" fad has always been that you're giving your body fuel in a way that it's not designed for, and insulin resistance is bound to become a problem down the line because of sudden over-production. Remember, a large amount of sugar is being consumed in a very short space of time here, and in addition to that let's not forget the high toxicity of greens in their raw form. Not a recipe for health. Don't be lazy fucks and eat whole.

  15. WOW, I was getting nervous at first thinking I was harming myself with my smoothies when I was listening to the begging of this video, But then to hear at the end that the exact smoothie that can help you is the exact smoothie I make myself all the time……..

    1 Banana
    1 Cup of Blueberries
    1/2 cup Homemade Almond Milk
    1/2 cup Filtered Water
    Big handful of Spinach and/or Kale and/or Other Healthy Greens

    This happy Gal is off to make a Smoothie 😉

  16. So heres my theory on why theres still a spike in insilin levels with the smoothy. It may be because the chewing of the apple has created a abundance of siliva which has many enzymes responcible for digestion produced by our glands, this abunance of enzymes which is not pressent with any of the tests shown on the graft may be the cause of the spike. Maybe if each sip of the smoothy was swoshed around in the mouth mixing with the siliva and activating the glands to produce more enzymes, there would be a more possitive result and prevent the smoothy from rushing throught the system. Was this theory at all considered in the testing that was conducted i wonder.

    Id love to hear all your thoughts.

  17. my smoothie recipe is kale, carrots, rainbow chard, broccoli sprouts, tomato, blueberries, Apple skin, orange/lemon peel, garlic, ginger, flax milk for the liquid and some Greek yogurt or banana on occasion.

  18. I never liked smoothies.  I would go  "ooooh Yuck".    However, I loved vegetable soups.   I would throw in lots a celery, some onion, perhaps some lentils, whatever.   Then at the end I would puree it with my hand blender so I didn't need vegetable stock.  That is when I realized:     I am just eating a HOT smoothie.  Rather than a cold sweet smoothie, I was eating a hot savory smoothie.   So I suppose smoothies are good, but you have to know how you like them.   🙂

  19. Did you not mention greens at all or did I somehow miss it? one moment he is loud and clear and the next he mumbles and talks fast. Haha. Maybe it is just my speakers…

  20. What is the opinion on cancer fighting superfood smoothies for someone with an ileostomy? Had Peritoneal carcinomatosis so after crs/HIPEC I have been left with a ileostomy and cancer free until now that new growths have been found in peritoneal and hepatic(liver) growth. Wanted to start using smoothies or juicing(which would be better) but don't really know if there is any benefit to it with an ileostomy. Any input would be greatly appreciated as I can't find much on this.

  21. the risk of "overly rapid sugar absorption" really interesting, so is it just the rapidness of consuming the juice and not so much taking away the fiber? do you advocate veggie juicing since there's not much sugar in them if any? thank you

  22. A little less aa-aa-aafect in the vvvoice, please! Seriouisly. I have a hard time watching any of this guy's videos because he refuses to just fucking say what he has to say, but resorts to a most annoying intonation and pacing. It sounds like a guitar string being slowly stretched past its elastic limit over. and over. and over again. Fuck, this guy sounds like he's gargling marbles.

    Other than that, keep up the good work 🙂

  23. The title says GREEN smoothies but he only talks about fruit!!!!!!!! I do veggies with maybe a half of an apple. Geezz
    Fix the Title a green smoothie isn't 5 apples and 1 spinach leaf!!!!

    I am so surprised he didn't mention that berries are one of the Dirty Dozen and to please wash them before consuming. Stay healthy babies! 😍

  25. mango is my fave fruit (I'm in Florida and we have trees of the stuff all over)…so glad it has a beneficial effect, and I make smoothies with blueberries often (for brain health)…yay

  26. Kale, Spinach, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, celery. Turmeric, Beets, Cranberry s. Put in blender, LIVE TO BE A HUNDRED.

  27. What about drinking carrot or spinach smoothie juice without fruits? What does that do to blood sugar levels? Do you have any answer to that one Doc?

  28. but what happened when we adds greens tho? i think fibers in greens will helps to control blood sugar even with an apple smoothie

  29. I'm hypoglycemic and nothing stops the hypoglycemic dips after drinking a smoothie, even made with low-sugar fruits like berries and green apples. A little protein powder helps but not much. WFPB for 3 years.

  30. Not sure if insulin should be the only isolated variable determining whether we should eat whole fruits, blend them or juice them. A lot of the juicers from Charlotte Gerson (age 96), Jay Kordich (age 94) to Dr. Norman Walker (age 99) must have quite some nutritient uptake to reach their respective ages. Please do video on the difference of nutrient absorption when juicing and blending. It seems that certain combinations, such as carrots and apples are particularly healthy.

  31. I was drinking a home made banana spinach smoothie when I saw the thumbnail for this video. Halfway through the video, after the publications on apple smoothies, I put the smoothie back in the fridge with the intent of reducing my fruit pureé consumption long term. Then I finished watching the video and, with the broader context at the end, retrieved my smoothie from the fridge. What a rollercoaster ride!

  32. Doctor, at age 57 I’ve suddenly started getting heart palpitations and have never had them before. I don’t smoke, weight is normal, and I’m very active but my diet hasn’t been the best. Any comments?

  33. The only problem i have with this video is that there are only fruit smoothies in it and no "green smoothy", what the title of the video says.

  34. My favorite:
    1 cup Leafy Greens
    1/2 Cup Cruciferous Vegetable
    1/2 Cup Berries
    1 Banana or Mango, peeled/pitted
    1 tbsp Flaxseed, ground
    1 tbsp Ceylon Cinnamon, ground
    1/4 tsp Tumeric, ground
    1 dash Black Pepper, ground
    1-2 cups Water

  35. I have a cinnamon cocoa blueberry oat spinach smoothie every day that's out of this world! And it keeps me satisfied for hours. One of those at lunch and I'm good until dinner.

  36. But who actually eats 9 whole fruits in 1 day? Eating them in a smoothie is a lot easier…And surely consuming more is better than only consuming some now and then?

  37. Nts: blended fruits, juice can spike blood sugar and insulin, and then cause blood sugar crash (body panics). Ingesting over a longer time can reduce the panic response. Berries, however, can improve the panic response.

  38. Interesting how some people make up their own science, then twist it to suit their needs. Drug companies and MDs do this all the time.

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