Il diabete come malattia della tossicità dei grassi

I “cicli viziosi gemelli” spiegano come l'accumulo di grasso nelle cellule dei nostri muscoli, fegato e pancreas causi il tipo 2 diabete, che spiega perché le raccomandazioni dietetiche per i diabetici incoraggiano una riduzione dell'assunzione di grassi.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Fa parte di una serie estesa sul diabete di tipo 2 che durerà per mesi. Li metterei tutti schiena contro schiena, ma poi sarebbe il diabete tutto il giorno tutti i giorni per settimane. Se vuoi davvero capire questo processo, ti suggerisco di guardare i tre video “prequel”:
• Quali sono le cause dell'insulino-resistenza? (<br/> • L'effetto spillover Collega l'obesità al diabete (
• Lipotossicità: come i grassi saturi aumentano la glicemia (à-how-saturo-grassi- raises-blood-zucchero)

Il motivo per cui sto entrando in tutti questi dettagli è che spero di potenziare sia coloro che soffrono della malattia che coloro che curano i malati in modo da comprendere meglio gli interventi dietetici per prevenire e curare l'epidemia. Forse un giorno registrerò lezioni specifiche sulla malattia della durata di un'ora che mettono tutto insieme per coloro che vorrebbero guardarlo tutto direttamente.

Nel frattempo ecco alcuni video sulla prevenzione:
• La medicina dello stile di vita è lo standard di cura per il prediabete (
• Come prevenire il prediabete nei bambini ( bambini)
• Prevenire il prediabete mangiando di più (http://www.nutritionfacts .org/video/preventing-prediabetes-by-eating-more/)
• Come prevenire la trasformazione del prediabete in diabete (
• Uova e diabete (
• Pesce e diabete ( -and-diabetes/)

Ed eccone un po' mento:
• Diete a base vegetale e diabete ( Diete-a-base-e-diabete)
• I diabetici dovrebbero prendere le loro pulsazioni (
• Amla contro Diabete (
• Semi di lino contro diabete ( diabete/)

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su -fat-toxicity e cercherà di rispondere!
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# diabete #hownottodie #drgreger

41 Risposte a “Il diabete come malattia della tossicità dei grassi”

  1. Questions:
    1. So there's no way to diagnose an imminent pancreatic insulin decline?
    2. Is this set of conditions, without exclusion, the sole reason for type II diabetes?
    3. Why is that many of those with hyperlipidemia for a decade or even longer, do not develop diabetes?
    4. Is there any relationship between statins and diabetes?*

    * Over the years I've noticed seniors (acquaintances of mine) who were put on stains for hyperlipidemia, within 2 to 3 years later are subsequently diagnosed with diabetes. None have had, or do have heart disease. Coincidence? Or, was is the exact set of circumstances the good Doc just described, as in, it was only a matter of time before the excess fat in their blood caused insulin resistance.

  2. BTW, as others have noticed, the feeds here on youtube for this channel are late, missing, out of chronological order, etc. Something's going on here. If you want the latest in order videos, you need to visit the website.

  3. Thank you so much for all your vital information, Dr. Greger! It's a shame that something/ someone is messing with your Youtube channel – I'll keep spreading the message of health and prosperity!

  4. I thought you could reverse diabetes with diet.  This video sounds like the cells that produce insulin in the pancreas are killed off.

    Can they come back or are you just screwed forever once these cells are injured?

  5. My fasting blood sugar is around 60 mg/dl. Some people say that is too low and a bad sign. However, I am fit and not really hungry when I wake up and sometimes exercise 30-60 minutes before breakfast without problems. Btw.: I eat a 85-90% carbs whole foods vegan diet.

    Is such a value ok for people like me or is that hypoglycemia?

  6. I hope you never give up posting this vital information for us, even if The Man continues to try and silence you. Thank you for your courage!!

  7. If you want to know what to eat in order to avoid diabetes and be lean and muscular look at the dietary habits of those that are lean and muscular. Hmm…lean and muscular? Who would that be? Oh yeah, bodybuilders and physique competitors. What do they all eat? Lean chicken and rice. Lean white fish and oatmeal. Egg whites and sweet potatoes. What do all these foods have in common? Carbs and protein with very little fat. Please point me to a physique competitor who is winning competitions eating butter? You can't because they don't exist.

  8. I can't even begin to understand this.

    Did you know since the 1977 low fat guideliens introduced by the US Senate, that obesity and diabetes has more than doubled in percentage from 20% to 40%? Americans were eating less fat, yet there is twice as much obesity and diabetes. It's obviously the carbs, espeically refined carbs that caused this not the fat.

  9. Where do you get your science? Site your sources please. You're the only one I've ever heard talking about this radical "fat spillover inteferes with insulin" theory.

  10. Thanks a lot Doctor. By ignorance myself and millions of people think that we develop diabetes by eating too much sugar how wrong I was. I am 48 now and became diabetic. I am really taking care of myself now I am dieting and exercising very seriously . My question is CAN WE REVERSE DIABETES? OR WE CAN JUST CONTROLE IT? thanks in advanced for your answer.

  11. As expert, I do think Hybetez Remedy is great
    way to cure your cholesterol safely. Why not give it a chance? perhaps
    it's going to work for you too.

  12. Why is it that people with Type 2 diabetes who go on a ketogenic diet lose weight, and reduce symptoms & insulin requirements then? Is it because the body is in a constant fat-burning state, so the saturated fat in the diet doesn't cause a fatty liver & start the vicious cycle?

  13. What would you say in leu of the American Diabetes/Diabetic Association being called out in the new documentary What The Health as PROMOTING diabetics to eat foods leading to and aiding in becoming/remaining diabetic ?

  14. if this is true, how are all these people getting great results with low carb/keto diets?
    even studies showing BETTER results than a low fat diet?

  15. SERIOUS QUESTION here. I'm a 60 year old woman with Type 2 diabetes (25 years since diagnosis) on insulin. How long after eliminating saturated animal fat can I expect to see better blood sugar control (especially because I'd now be eating more carbohydrates) and will my pancreas wake up to do the job of insulin production.

  16. Nice video with very good explanation. I noticed a discrepancy between what you said and what I read in the Banting Memorial lecture you have quoted in your video. You mentioned that due to excess fat exposure, the beta cells are killed off. But, in the Banting lecture transcript, Dr. Taylor has indicated that he was able to reverse type 2 diabetes and has mentioned "The β-cells had woken up! This has never been demonstrated before. Clearly, the β-cells are not permanently damaged in Type 2 diabetes, but are merely metabolically inhibited."

  17. The problem with this logic is that the fat in a fatty liver doesn't come from dietairy fat. It comes from sugar, specifically, fructose. Alcohol can do it too, but isn't necessary. Then it's called non alcoholic fatty liver disease.

    Why then, on a low fat high carb diet people don't get a fatty liver???

    Actually,… They do if they eat large amounts of sugar and fructose and not a lot of vegetables.

    Insulin resistance is the result of high energy stored in the blood. Eat more carbs and less fat, make them processed carbs, eat more frequent, and that's what you end up with, high levels of energy stored in the blood. Even if you exercize enough to maintain weight and aren't obese,.. you'll still develop insulin resistance.

    What happened to our diets since the 70's? The standard dietairy guidelines increased carb consumption and reduced fat consumption. And if you look it up, people did follow the guidelines, carb consumption went up and fat consumption went down.

    On top of that, fat got replaced with processed carbs and often in the form of sugar and fructose. Then, to make matters worse, a lot if saturated and monounsaturated fats got replaced by vegetable oils, which are polyunsaturated fats, which unfortunately, are super high in omega 6 and very low in omega 3. Even more unfortunate. Polyunsaturated fats aren't for energy. They are building blocks mostly. They're not metabolized for energy. Polyunsaturated fats in high quantities, most of them omega 6 cause inflamation which raises cholesterol.

    I just described the standard american diet. (Which isn't all that american by the way, it's how most of the world eats.)

    But in all of this you can see how fat toxicity is caused by blocking the cells from using fat for energy. The higher (unhealthy processed) carb intake is forcing the cells to just use glucose for energy.

    When your cells use glucose for energy most of the time, you have to eat low fat. High carb is fine on low fat.

    High fat is also fine if you eat low carb. If your cells can metabolize the fat you eat, it doesn't build up in the wrong places.

    Even the standard diet can work if you eat no processed food and don't eat every 3 hours so your cells get the chance to switch between glucose and fat metabolism.

  18. seriously ??? Fatty liver is caused by high consumption of CARBOHYDRATE! not Fat !!!!! man… eating fat will not cause people obese, it is the carbs ! Dr greg is so biased… never mentioned anything about the consequence of eating processed carbs and blame everything to fat .

  19. My relative has been grossly overweight and eating all kinds of meats and fried foods for the whole life; now 75ish, has never been diagnosed with t2dm and even her doctors always assume she has it when they talk with her because she is so very fat.

  20. insulin is a hormone for carbohydrates so it makes a whole lot of sense if it runs into an issue of not working right because of fat because fat is not a source of carbs especially meat eggs and dairy it makes a whole lot of sense why it would not work right. because its meant to handle carbohydrate sources and so if there is fat the fat will paralyze insulin and make it not work right

  21. if you wash a plate of food which has oil on it you have a hard time washing that plate because of the oil on the plate i could imagine it being exactly like that inside your body

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