Gli effetti antiossidanti dell'acai contro le mele

Le bacche di acai sono pubblicizzate per il loro potere antiossidante, ma questo si traduce in una maggiore capacità antiossidante del flusso sanguigno quando le mangi?

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Cosa c'è di così bello negli antiossidanti? Scopri:
• Antiossidanti e depressione (
• Trattare l'asma con frutta e verdura ( frutta e verdura/)<br/> • Antiossidanti alimentari e cancro (https://nutritionfacts .org/video/food-antioxidants-and-cancer/)
• Cibi ricchi di antiossidanti ad ogni pasto (
• Minimo “Consigliato Daily Allowance” di Antiossidanti (

Dove altro puoi trovarli? Vedi Antiossidanti in un pizzico ( e il potere antiossidante delle piante rispetto agli alimenti di origine animale ( -alimenti-animali/).

Quali sono gli aspetti nutrizionali di questi spiedini di carne? Vedi:
• Bug Appétit: Barriers to Entomophagy ( -barriere-all-entomofagia/)
• Larva buona: la carne più sana (

Restate sintonizzati per l'emozionante conclusione in The Benefits of Acai vs. Blueberries for Artery Function ( The-Benefits-of-Acai-vs-Blueberries-for-Artery-Function).

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61 Risposte a “Gli effetti antiossidanti dell'acai contro le mele”

  1. Acai and apples. Both taste great! Apples are way cheaper though. Those zambazon acai drinks are really tasty, especially when they're on sell lol. I grab them sometimes when I'm on the go.

  2. Great to watch this! I've been an apple fan since veeery early age… People always made fun of it :p My num 1 food! And my go-to snack! In any case, I believe in berries too 😉 Thanks for the info!

  3. thanks for filtering all that data for your viewers and putting it into perspective. you and your team are informing and helping many!

  4. Your videos are the high point of my day. I so enjoy them and the information they contain. You are very bright and I particularly love your wit and sarcasm. Thank you never says enough. Blessings.

    PS Have you read The Nader Reports "The Chemical Feast" by Turner? The state of food and diet in America today is due to 110 years of FDA shenanigans and corruption. Written in 1969 nothing much has changed at all.

  5. the store bought apples I get are always waxed and probably sprayed with some creepy stuff,is that a big problem and can you help it?

  6. If you want to eat these kind of berry products or even fresh or frozen berries of any kind, you would need to be rich or get a second job just to pay for these trendy and expensive products.
    I'll just stick to my apples, pears, bananas and citrus thanks.

  7. The Japanese eat a ton of fish. They also eat beef. How in the world do they live so long? They should be dropping dead at young ages left and right (if you believe what this "doctor" claims about diet).

  8. Newsflash: apples are the new superfood. They're kind of like a genetically modified super acai berry that's green when unripe and becomes red in later stages of development. Since it's made with loving care by Monsanto, it will be infinitely cheaper than the overpriced and overhyped Brazilian acai berry, but sadly not as tasty 😕

    #satire #itsajoke #dontpanic

  9. Maqui > Acai anyway but..
    Its common sense raw living foods that still hold their molecular and crystalline structure how nature intended will work better than freeze dried/dried or powered for example. (Enzymes and Bio-photons)

  10. Lesson of the day: It doesn't matter who it is, be it a tobacco company, meat producer, or even one selling veggie/fruit products. If they are sponsoring a study chances are the results are one sided.

  11. Now I don't feel so bad for hating the taste of acai and not eating it. Frozen blueberries and frozen scuppernongs rock my world!

  12. Where I live açaí is cheaper than apples and blueberries. Your videos air where some details may not be true. I will continur eat all 3 especially when it's no sugar added.

  13. Is acai still the craze it was 14 years ago. I remember direct marketing outfits trying to launch around selling fancy wine bottles of the stuff like it was going to change the world

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