Hai il calcio? Fonti di calcio vegane senza latticini | Il dottor Michael Greger di Nutritionfacts.org

Il calcio è fortemente associato ai latticini, almeno negli Stati Uniti, quindi cosa deve fare un vegano? E i latticini hanno davvero proprietà protettive per le ossa? In questa intervista con il dottor Michael Greger di Nutritionfacts.org, esaminiamo le fonti di calcio vegane e la verità dietro tutto il clamore dei latticini. Per tenere traccia del tuo calcio, controlla Cronometer qui: http://www.BiteSizeVegan.org/Cronometer

Prova Cronometer: http://www.BiteSizeVegan.org/Cronometer

I latticini sono il numero 1 per calcio E saturi Grassi: http://ctt.ec/YNZE0<br/> Il latte aumenta la frattura Rischio: http://ctt.ec/U8RGU
Il mio fantastico Scherzo sul calcio: http://ctt.ec/ehrnY
Latte: fa qualcosa di terribile al corpo: http://ctt.ec/31gKO

Video in primo piano/Playlist:
Cosa c'è DAVVERO nel tuo cibo:
La verità sui latticini: Perché i latticini sono più crudeli della carne:
Latticini umani:
Cosa supporta la latteria:
Il dottor Greger sugli Omega: http://bit.ly/1GfYf4U
Serie di nutrizione vegana con Playlist del Dr. Greger: http://bit.ly/WhereDoYouGetYour

Playlist salute, nutrizione e fitness: http://bit.ly/1K5VedQ

Entra in contatto con il Dr. Greger:
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100 Risposte a “Hai il calcio? Fonti di calcio vegane senza latticini | Il dottor Michael Greger di Nutritionfacts.org”

  1. people forget bone health is not only handled by calcium but rather handled by a combo of vit d / vit k / calcium and one from that combo deficient would make bones fragile.

  2. veganhealth org has more detailed strategies on how to get more calcium. Molasses is a refined substance and tofu is a processed food. There are now some brands of tofu with 0 fiber so tofu can be junk food. All molasses have 0 fiber. Cronometer is probably a waste of time and it is not accurate bec. it does not consider the lower absorption of calcium from plant sources.

  3. i am worried that I am not getting enough calcium because no matter how much salad and fruit and consume i cant seem to get it to 100% on cronometer!!! maybe im not eating enough as a vegan (probably). but i also don't want to supplement… the struggle is real

  4. I watched a presentation this week, kinda an old one, that Michael did. What I liked about it was that he actually looked at studies and found problems with the vegan diet and then tried to provide solutions.

    One thing I am now doing is taking flax WITH other fatty foods I eat. I have no idea if it actually helps but it makes sense to me based on what I saw. Do we know if it matters?

    Also thank you for the information on the calcium bone leech thing. What study was referenced?

  5. Man, just when you think there's a simple solution — dark leafy greens — it turns out there might be thallium poisoning involved! What do we do??

  6. I'm allergic to milk and even when i didn't know i was when i was little we always had soy or almond. .. i drank it once and it was disgusting!!

  7. I was taking calcium carbonate for years and to my horror, I discovered I may have caused more health issues than good. So this video was exactly the info I was looking for , thanks so so so much !

  8. How on Earth did you manage to get that much calsium? What did you eat that day? I am a vegan and I really struggle to meet the requiremments, most of the time I only get half of what I should according to Cronometer…

  9. Not sure if dairy involves more cruelty than meat…??? I think any animal would rather be raped and have their kids taken than slaughtered than cut up into little pieces…

  10. Oh 600mg. I went by Cronometer which suggested I needed more than twice that. I've been upping my nut milk – mainly to get the additional fortified calcium.

  11. I remember you said you use iMovie to edit. How do you do multiple "picture in pictures" ? (Like in your outro, how you have many videos in screen playing at once?).

  12. Dr Gregor says "you get your calcium from green leafy vegtables" Dont you have to eat a massive amount of those though to get enough calcium?
    I ask because I am now trying to be vegan and am having a problem with my teeth. They are getting very thin and partly clear and I think I'm not getting enought calcium.

  13. the other day my 84 year old grandma "informed" me that equal portions of broccoli and milk have the same calcium except the broccoli calcium is more "bioavailable". Go Reader's Digest (because she only reads that…and the bible).

  14. I believe him but I would like to see the study with the facts. Does anyone have the link? I went to his site and can't find anything?

  15. I'd love to know if kids need more then the 600mg of calcium that he recommends. I am able to get 600 mg fairly easily (I can't get 1000mg) but I worry that the kids aren't getting that much because they aren't eating as many dark leafy greens.

  16. hi great videos I love watching your as a new vegan of 4 and a half months and was wondering if you ever thought of doing a video on vegan tooth care an how a vegan diet and help your teeth, just an idea love to see done some day thanks and keep the video coming 🙂

  17. What about mineral water? 1.5 litres of my local bottled water contains almost 1000mg of calcium and I drink around 2-3 litres per day and as far as I (and my doctor) know the body absorbs it just as well as from other sources of calcium. But oddly enough I hardly ever see people recommending mineral water?! I just don't get it, is there something I'm missing

  18. Even before I went paleo I went milk free. Words to make you scream: pus. I don't care how treated it is. It's still PUS. Like the ooze that comes out of pimples. Nasty. Keep doing awesome work!!

  19. Emily…i love you. hope that wasn't too creepy. 😘😂

    this video seriously made my day. your commentary is life 💞

  20. Jajaja ha right now on school trying to find an idea for FONTERRA's science fair thing… It seemed all f. Ed up until I got the idea of calcium y bones

  21. Vegetable oils (sunflower, canola etc) are very bad for you. Polyunsaturated oils are unstable and indigestible for humans. Oils like coconut oil and olive oil are the way to go. Even butter is okay for you apart from the pus and dairy factor.
    Just thought I would put this out here because the world needs to know.

  22. I wish Dr. G would do a video on which non-dairy milk is the best choice, similar to his videos on which nut and bean is the best. Is there some way to get a request like this to him? Also, has Dr. Greger ever some a video on moringa?

  23. Every day I have a bowl of Vector Cereal and 250 mls. of almond milk, which provides me with 60% of my calcium RDA in one meal. I also used to supplement this with tums, which was problematic because I also use them for heart burn, which I get often. This video has shown me how using supplements could be doing me more harm then good, so thanks for the information.

  24. Why wasn't D-vitamin mentioned in this video at all? It is a fact that calcium only absorbs in to your body if it gets d-vitamin also. The main source of d-vitamin is fish and eggs, meat and sunlight. I'm sure that some can get enough d-vitamin just being outside in the sun, but for example where I live the winter is really dark and long so as a vegan the only option is to that fish or take supplements. Lucily here in Finland our d-vitamin is added to milk so calcium absorbs really well drinking that. And also that 600 mg of calcium is really the bear minimum of calcium you need. World wide that ranges from 600mg to 1200 mg. You might get that 600 mg of calcium from vegetables only (but you'd have to eat a lot!) but in the end it might not do any difference because you didn't get the d-vitamin 🙁

  25. It's ridiculous that we are sold the idea that to get calcium we have to drink milk and have dairy. There are millions (probably in the billions) of people that are lactose intolerant (including myself) or allergic to dairy and the ability to digest dairy only developed relatively recently in human history. Although sadly we don't consume many wild species of greens any more that contain much more calcium than even kale and it is harder to find higher calcium containing greens in shops (e.g. turnip greens). Your definetly right that it is so much healthier to get your calcium from vegan sources – greens, certain pulses, seeds, fortified foods/drinks, oranges, dried fruit etc, tofu. When I first went to the doctor about my lactose intolerance, I was sent to a nutritionist who told me to eat hard cheeses (which I can stomach small amount of because it has less lactose but won't eat)! Now I just eat all the foods above.

  26. "How are calcium supplements different from calcium fortified Soy/Almond milks? I checked a few popular brands and they use the same form of calcium (Calcium Carbonate)If I drink 1 cup of Silk brand Soy milk, I get 475mg of Calcium in the form of Calcium Carbonate. If I take a supplement, I get 500mg (the smallest amount I could find per pill) again in the form of calcium carbonate. Based on this comparison, shouldn’t we just avoid fortified plant based milks as well?" – User aragaw http://www.nutritionfacts.org

  27. excelente video!! sigue así !!! y por favor no olvides en tener subtítulos en español 🙂
    saludos desde argentina!!!

  28. I've just found your channel! I loved this video! It was so informative. I hope that non-vegans watch this and realise that milk isn't all it's cracked up to be!

  29. Hi, i am vegan and since I found you yesterday, I started to use the cronometer… I am from Europe and some foods are missing. But well, it is a great tool. Already as non vegan I was taking a multivitamin supplement, so now I continue taking it, I think that I am not taking all the minerals including Calcium from the foods… I guess that it is not good to take the supplement since it doesn't replace healthy food but somehow I am not able to reach the levels with food. I am a bit overwhelmed.

  30. 2 tablespoons of tahini made form whole sesame seeds has 256 mgs of calcium. Be sure it is not made from hulled seeds. The brand I use is Pepperwood from Amazon. It is amazing. I eat it on toast, dip with raw veggies, eat if off the spoon, drizzle on cooked veggies, make salad dressing and so much more. I also take 1 tablespoon of black strap molasses for 200 mgs calcium. That is already 456 mgs of calcium. Bok Choy and collard greens have the highest calcium content of the veggies, even more than broccoli or kale.

  31. What about vitamin A? All I can find is fish liver oil or the synthetic palmitate. Already have night blondness and diabetes, don't want it to get worse. Any ideas?

  32. How much did you eat to get all that calcium? Broccoli is the highest out of the foods you mentioned, but you would need to eat 3kg of calcium to reach 1500mg…

  33. Hi there
    I follow dr caldwell esselstyns recommendstion to have 6 big handfuls of cooked kale per day….for heart health…and it gives me my calcium fir the day….i usually throw in another big serving of swiss chard or broccoli too..fir the vitamin e

  34. What fascinates me about our society is that it's weird to breastfeed your own child with your own milk but it's normal and accepted to give your baby another mammals breastmilk.

  35. Can someone help me out, I put 1000g of broccoli into cronometer (an unreasonable amount!) and it was only 50% of recommended amount (400mg) WHAT?! I dont understand how you say it's a good source?

  36. I drank allot of milk yet at 54 I lost allot of teeth my dentist didn't know why neither did my doctors years later n to late they blame diabities they charged my insurances thousands n no one knew their useless

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