How to Treat Asthma with a Low Salt Diet

Cutting 2 teaspoons of salt’s worth of sodium from one’s daily diet can significantly improve lung function in asthmatics.

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What does salt intake have to do with inflammation? Find out in my next video, Sodium and Autoimmune Disease: Rubbing Salt in the Wound? (

What else can we do for asthma? See:
• Preventing Asthma With Fruits and Vegetables (<br />• Treating Asthma With Fruits and Vegetables (
• Treating Asthma With Plants vs. Supplements? (
• Treating Asthma and Eczema with Plant-based Diets (
• Vitamin D for Asthma (

Heard that salt reduction was controversial? That’s what the processed food industry wants you to think. Check out the science in:
• High Blood Pressure May Be a Choice (
• Sprinkling Doubt: Taking Sodium Skeptics with a Pinch of Salt (
• The Evidence that Salt Raises Blood Pressure (
• Sodium Skeptics Try to Shake up the Salt Debate (
• Shaking the Salt Habit (
• Sodium and Arterial Function: A-Salting our Endothelium (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

Image credit: Jack Lawrence via flickr. Image has been modified.
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60 Risposte a “How to Treat Asthma with a Low Salt Diet”

  1. This information would've been great to have while I was younger. Thank you, for shedding some light on the matter

  2. I heard it was fat and dairy causing asthma, but then again those ingredients are generally surrounded by a lot of sodium in processed food recipes…

  3. According to, while consuming 3347.6 calories I was getting 300.5 mg of sodium. People in modern society are eating extremely high levels of sodium when compared to a whole unrefined plant based vegan diet which has been suggested to be the natural diet for humans.

  4. But… can we please have some evidence showing, if any, the difference between Himalayan, Celtic, and unprocessed sea salt versus the hyper-processed salt. Processed salt is heated to over 1200 degrees, altering the chemical structure and is pumped full of anti-caking agents and follow agents.

  5. Is there any pathophysiological explanation/experiment backing this up? Is it bekcause of the altered vessel function or the direct action of sodium in the eosinophils/other immune/lung cels, or something else ?

  6. This information is gold! I've struggled with severe asthma my entire life, and my father has been struggling with his a lot lately. Diet affects so much more than we think. Time to get back to my SOS-free meals!!

  7. doctors never really helped me with asthma but thanks to internet i helped myself . beeing on vegetarian diet is one of the best thing that happened to me. i want to help people lose weight in future but need to pass exams first 😊

  8. To keep my sodium down, my meals always have something sweet like sweet potatoes, corn, frozen green peas, banana, mango etc. Just throwing all the goodness in a big bowl, mixing it and loving it! Not an asthmatic, just doing it for general health!

  9. What a strange coincidence. This past weekend I had a migraine and my preferred treatment is Alka Setzer (yes, I tried ginger). I also ran out of kale for kale chips, on which I usually sprinkle a bunch of KCl (salt substitute)*. Since Monday I noticed a return of my 'aches and pains' which I had for the most part not experienced since adopting a mostly WFPB diet. First I thought it might be a rebound from the aspirin, then this morning at breakfast I realized my Na/K intake is way off what it should be. Then I sat down to this video…

    *re: potassium and autoimmune disease (one of my favorite Nutritionfacts videos):

    3:53 genius indeed

  10. I've noticed my blood pressure goes down and my asthma improves if I do daily exercise where I sweat. The opposite occurs when I don't. I wonder if it's to do with sweating out the salt from my body?

  11. Breathing vs Taste …?
    You would think breathing should win over taste ….but only when you're NOT the one about to take a bite!
    Salt makes everything taste better 🙁

  12. Hi Dr. Greger, I have a question about this video. I do have asthma, but it has gotten much better since my childhood (I'm in my mid-twenties now and only have symptoms when running outside or when exposed to allergens). I would like to try lowering my salt to see if it affects my symptoms when running, but since I was young I was advised to eat more salt because of my low blood pressure. Would you recommend I still give it a try?
    Already eating whole foods plant-based diet for about 1.5 years now!

  13. I wish I had known this as a kid. Several friends had asthma. I would have loved to try and convince them to give it a try.

  14. I visited a 'Salt Cave' which was actually a constructed environment simulation in Scotland last year. The standing joke there was.. 'they gave the Coal Miners their two week annual holiday – in the Salt Mines, to improve the lungs'.
    I'm quite resistant to crank remedies but was breathing much easier after an hour there.
    Of course it could have been sitting in a warm area with the relaxing sea-shore soundtrack.
    But perhaps there is some truth there, breathing in salt dust could have a different effect than ingesting it? Anyone else been to a salt cave?

  15. I noticed a significant improvement in my asthma symptoms when I went vegan, but they came back when I started eating vegan junk food. Chalk another one up for whole plant foods!

  16. Maybe I misinterpret something here. But one teaspoon of salt equals ca. 5 gram and three teaspoons equal ca. 15g. But isn´t the recommended daily intake of salt only 6 gram? The answer would be very helpful. Thx in advance 🙂

  17. this is bullshit when i eat low fat i get asthma were when i boost it up it goes away in fact i know if i have to little fat in my diet if i start getting asthma like symptoms

  18. The idea of giving up salt is too intimidating for most people. This is probably going to be one of those slow social transitions like people giving up cigarettes.

  19. The three-dimensional animations of the cited studies were far too distracting in this video. I've enjoyed the new editing techniques in the last few videos, but this one just doesn't work.

  20. I never thought that there could be a connection between high sodium levels and my asthma. I've had asthma almost all of my life. I now have high blood pressure. My asthma as improved, I just thought that it was my meds at work, not the lowering of my sodium intake. This seems to be a good case for moving more towards a plant-based lifestyle for me.

  21. It's not sodium, it is the chemicals in processed foods. Bisulfite, metibisulfite, sulfites. It's in many of the processed foods which also contain often salty foods. Also old carpets, or even carpets hold on to dust. Bottled lemon juice, dried fruits, grape juice. It's all hell. It's not the Hymilaya Salt. Maybe it's the caking agent in cheap salt!

  22. How about also talking about why albuterol inhalers are so expensive in the US? Because we needed a new "ozone friendly" propellant which allowed the drug industry to take a generic, low profit drug, and put it back on patent. The drug industry used the govt and the tree huggers for their own profit. But all three are complicit.

  23. The mechanism for the higher incidence of asthma on the high sodium diet wasn't addressed. The significant reduction in asthma in unvaccinated kids suggest that the mechanism might be due to the documented problems in the guts of vaccinated people.

  24. How about air pollution, chem trails, dirty ocean and radiation in fish, how about sulfites in foods in fast foods intake, dried fruit, instant potatoes, lettuce white, rBEST hormones in milk etc….

  25. I bet my bottom dollar that salt has nothing to do with it. It must be the foods that contain lots of salt. Foods like cheese, processed meat, salted nuts and seeds, eggs etc. Because astma attacks are strongly related to food allergies and salt simply doesn't contain any proteins that are related to allergies…

  26. Though! When my asthma is bothering me I dissolve a little bit of pink Himalayan salt in my mouth, and it helps bring up mucus from my lungs which helps asthma
    But yah, I do feel like people are eating way too much salt

  27. MAN though I used to take my inhaler at least two times a day, once in the morning and once at night, and usually once or twice during the day because of exercise. BUT since I went vegan I only really need to take my inhaler once a month, wild how things change. (Though my asthma still bothers me a little, but not enough for a inhaler)

  28. Yes.. food plays a major factor. Back in the 50,60,70, Hospitals. gave children steroids..Steriods did not become a controlled substance until around 1992..That was due to the excessive use by weight lifters and other athletes…Anyway, My cousin never got better as a young child, she is now in her late 60s and still on the inhaler…SO sad.. The only thing the steroids did for her is put on weight that she will never ever lose. and she is only 4.5"

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