I farmaci bloccanti gli acidi sono sicuri?

I benefici superano i rischi dei farmaci antiacidi (inibitori della pompa protonica come Nexium/Prilosec/Prevacid)? E il bicarbonato di sodio?

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71 Risposte a “I farmaci bloccanti gli acidi sono sicuri?”

  1. I was diagnosed with IBS and put on Nexium (why??! I didn't even have reflux!) I was on it for a few years before I read up on how dangerous long-term use of it was. I got off of it by slowly decreasing the dosage in the capsules (breaking them open and using less and less of the medication inside of them). I'm still annoyed that I was every put on it.

  2. Nope. They can increase stomach cancer growth massively. Up regulation of gastrin 6x. They should all be sued for not alerting patients to this

  3. If you have acid re-flux and you forget to take your PPI … prepare yourself for a miserable day. Sometimes it's quality of life, not quantity. If you're never had acid re-flux, your opinion is probably not helpful.

  4. Is baking soda safe when cooking though? Whenever I cook beans I put ~1/4 teaspoon per cup of dry beans in the cooking water as it significantly aids the softening of the beans. Is there any harm in that?

  5. I take prilosec but I don't want to anymore but I do since I was diagnosed with chronic gastritis and I can barely eat anything and don't want stomach cancer from it.

  6. I have acid reflux and if I don’t take Oprazemol I get infections in my esophagus, which can lead to Barrett syndrome and esophagus or throat cancer. I would like to take no drugs but this is also a serious risk. How to deal with it otherwise? My diet is already a very healthy plant based/vegan and I always eat small amounts, regularly and never just before sleep. Even then without the pills I would have reflux every day, the whole day due to a fracture in my diaphragm. This video makes it too simplistic in my opinion

  7. Thank you so much for getting into this. I have a special interest in this subject.
    In 2004, a GP yelled at me for not wanting to take a Cox2 inhibitor with a proton pump inhibitor on the side, for osteoarthritis related pain I've had for decades now, which probably will never go away (caused by complex trauma from traffic accident in 1990). The guy was almost foaming at the mouth from me saying no to the Vioxx he wanted to prescribe, which he said was a "miracle drug" (only months before it got taken off the market, mind you) and yelling at me I needed to take painkillers, that with my injuries it's dangerous to not take these pills and not use marijuana instead (which I have used as a painkiller since the NSAIDs I first had prescribed to me gave me horrible stomach pains and even internal bleeding around 1992, nobody warned me about that, so I started to read about it myself, being in my late teens at the time). I told him to take it himself and learn more about what he was prescribing. I still have the pain, but in the meantime, while I was a vegetarian in 2004, I've been vegan now since 2012. I have less pain, because I have less inflammation, so less swelling in my knee and more mobility this way. Also, I just have more energy, because I'm healthier. I still don't take heavy painkillers and I'm way more active and mobile than doctors would expect, based on my injuries (I'm more active than a lot of people around me who are 10 years younger and have nothing wrong with them, but they eat lousy food and go everywhere by car, while I try to walk as much as possible). I even had the prognoses to need corrective surgery years ago, which would probably cause extra problems and not make my life better, it's a difficult orthopedic problem they can't promise me it will improve from surgery, they leave it up to me whether I want to try surgery or not, but I'm still going. I think it's criminal how easily heavy medication just gets prescribed to people, like in my case, they'd just give it to me for life: from teenager to probably early death. If I would have listened, who knows how awful my situation would be now, IF I'd still be alive. Especially some GPs seem to make all their money off prescribing painkillers, etc., and even pressure people into taking them, while hardly knowing anything about the subject. Or, at least I'd hope it's ignorance, because otherwise it would really be evil. This is why I like you and your channel so much: you have something here for everybody to make their lives better. Thank you.

  8. Check out Anthony William's books (Medical Medium) for info on gut health and nutrition. Also, Joel Fuhrman has the Eat to Live book, and Super Immunity. You don't need antacids you just need different food. It's the food.

  9. So, how about telling those of us with chronic acid reflux what we CAN do rather than saying "don't take the one thing that provides you some relief". I take prescription omeprezole now and if I am even a few minutes late taking it in the morning it's too late – I'll have horrible heartburn all day. Change in diet has had NO impact, which resulted in a 50 pound weight loss (so far) which also has had NO impact. Ginger, mint (real, not the candies), celery or cucumber, etc. all seem to make it worse. I've hit the 50 year mark, so I'm supposed to get a full scope (upper and lower GI) sometime within the next year. Maybe that'll tell us something.

  10. A number of years ago, someone gave me one of those 'purple pill' antacids tablets when i embarked on a more fiber rich diet and was inappropriately gassy where I worked at the time. It gave me the most horrible cramps I had ever experienced, so much so that I could not work for two days and was doubled over in bed during that time. That experience taught me a valuable lesson, to never take other peoples perception drugs. I also leasned to trust my body, allowing my then migration to a healther diet to take it's natural course. If you feed your body properly, it will heal itself making proper adjustments to self regulation naturally.

  11. When I have Gerd and a whole food plant based diet didn’t help and water can make it flair up. I will happily take my PPI , probiotics and digestive enzymes so I don’t get esophageal cancer.

  12. Just can't win! 😞 My husband (48 yo) has severe CAD, complete with 2 previous MIs and numerous stents. We are currently wfpb, no smoking, no drinking, no oil, etc. and are keeping his head above water with the disease at this time. However my husband has had GERD for 15 years or more, and we have mostly kept it managed by diet and OTC meds when absolutely necessary. He has been on dual antiplatelet therapy for 6 years and this year, the damage from the aspirin manifested in angina-like pain causing yet another trip to the ER. Luckily, his arteries were patent-as any angina symptoms end with an angiogram for my husband- including the stented areas and so the cardiologist surmised he'd had esophageal spasms (caused by damage from the aspirin) and recommended an upper GI. Unfortunately, the cardiologist declined to approve my husband from discontinuing his antiplatelet drugs for 3 days leading up to the upper GI, so the gastroenterologist was left with the option of Protonix since it doesn't interfere with Plavix like some of the other PPIs do. It has helped immensely and given my husband back a quality of life, but we have both wondered and worried about the long-term effects of this drug. And, quite frankly, we are especially concerned about the state of his stomach and feel helpless about how to get around it as he has been recommended for dual antiplatelet therapy for life! It's distressing AF, trying to fight this hateful disease AND fight the side effects of the drugs! He takes the bare minimum he can get away with, just the dual anti-platelet therapy and half a statin every other day. And now Protonix.

  13. Stop eating meat, processed foods, potato chips, etc and GERD will go away. If you can't go full vegan just cut out red meat, dairy and processed foods/snacks.
    Within a week your GERD will be gone.

  14. Thank God for these drugs! I had erosive gastritis and very bad GERD, almost an ulcer, due to excessive NSAID use. Nexium helped get through it. I've since weaned myself off them. They were never designed for long term use.

  15. I recently began bleeding internally from a stomach ulcer, although I had no warning I had one. I am a surviving cancer patient of 7 plus years. The doctors didn't seem surprised by this occurrence. Thet has just prescribed PROTINIX ,which is prescription grade Prilosec. I didnt like it seemed ro make my stomach hurt more. I had two separate HIPEC Infusions a few years ago before to kill the numerous cancerous tumors in my GI. I would guess heated chemo at 110 degrees flushes directly into the stomach and organs may cause some future problems. I've never been the same as far as eating. I am like an IBS patient. Chronic fatigue diarrhea upset stomach
    But I am alive and able to be here for my family.
    Doctors mean well but only know what Western medicine has indoctrinated them into. That's why everyone eventually dies because of treatment not usually cancer. And they won't stop because it's all they know and BIG PHARMA is in charge. 😖

  16. Can confirm that PPI have bad long-term side effects. After 18 years of PPI use, my bones got brittle and I had my first bone fracture. Have been treating my EOE with an elimination diet for the last 3 years instead.

  17. I have Barretts and are on PPIs. My dad died from esophageal cancer. Should I get off the PPI's? Esophageal cancer is a horrific death and I am very fearful to get off these meds. Been vegetarian most of my life, vegan and WFPB this past year.

  18. I have Barrett's Esophagus – how do I heal that and get off of Prilosec? I've been taking it since 1995, with just a few periods of time where I was able to get off.

  19. Gaviscon is Ok to consumed every week? I often get gastric so Gaviscon is a life savior…… for now. 😥I wish there is ways to cure gastric naturally.

  20. Sodium bicarbonate + hydrochloric acid = salt + water + carbon dioxide, even water is toxic at higher amounts. Sodium bicarbonate it is 🙂

  21. Dr Greger failed to point out that with long term use it is also well documented that they cause B12 deficiency due to reducing acid ergo not being able to absorb the vitamin from the diet. This causes damage to nerves (as B12 is needed for healthy nerves and the deficiency causes de-mylenation, similar to MS). This also effects the brain and is associated with higher risk of dementia/Parkinson's etc due to atrophy/brain shrinkage

    UK guidelines state this clearly yet drs prescribe these like candy (I am a nurse and also have B12 deficiency). The older you get the less stomach acid you have and these make it worse. Very worrying and not monitored

  22. If you eat a vegan diet you shouldn't need to use any antacid pills anyway because your diet is more alkaline ! These pills reduce your stomach acid when you should be increasing it by taking more betaine HCL .

  23. The problem is that people and their doctors have have stopped asking *why*.

    Instead of taking a pill for a symptom, folks should start asking why they have the symptoms in the first place.

    I had h pylor (likely caused by lead poisoning that blocked nutrients from absorbing)i, which surely caused my heartburn and numerous other nightmarish symptoms which are resolving with therapeutic doses of vitamins. Had I listened to medical doctors, I would have been on myriad pharmaceuticals.

    Unfortunately, my family member wasn't so fortunate. She trusted her doctor and developed osteoporosis, colon cancer, and now has advanced dementia, also from living next to a gun club shooting lead pellets. She took PPI's continually for relief.

    Also, drinking lead tainted water added to the mix. It's horrifying.

  24. Thank you very much. I am from the UK. I had terrible acid reflux when I had a bad diet and smoked. I was prescribed Lansoprazole (must be for 5 years now). Now that I eat a mostly WFPB diet and have stopped smoking my symptoms have mostly disappeared. Only appearing when I have eaten processed, highly refined, alcohol and animal food. I now avoid these.

    I have been off Lansoprazole for almost a month now and I feel much better. I had heard via an internet conference that PPIs affect B12 absorption. I do not know how true this is. Yet I know that a review of these medications is long overdue. In the UK I know a lot of people that have been prescribed PPIs and they have no idea of the possible side affects. Dr Greger – you are FAB 🙂

  25. I've been on one pill of OTC Nexium (esomeprazole) for a little over 6 years.
    Something to consider here is that this condition that the acid blocking drugs are treating, Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disorder (GERD), is a condition which almost exclusively effects the overweight, and/or people with horrible diet and lifestyle.
    So, I'm curious if these correlations between PPI's and later-life chronic illnesses are truly more than just the correlations between obesity/poor diet and later-life chronic illness. Because a lot of the people who are taking these PPI's are maintaining an obese weight and a very very poor diet. The PPI's let them go pain-free while continuing to eat and live in the toxic way which gave birth to the disorder.

  26. I've been vegetarian all my life and a vegan for years and still have severe acid reflux and this despite taking omeprazole prescription strength! What more can you do than eating a whole food plant based diet and exercise and live as clean a life as possible! You can quote all the papers in the world you want, but science has no answer so far to this debilitating condition I'm afraid Dr. Greger

  27. Here's a good way to cut down on heartburn: cut out carbonated drinks. It made all the difference in the word for me, so I recommend that anyone with acid reflux start there.

  28. Finally something about heartburn. Thank you very much! This is a problem I've been dealing with for a long time and I've been struggling to find a good solution.

  29. Read up a bit on the role of Pepsin and reflux. Pepsin is the culprit Gavison Double action solved my problem almost immediately. If you have an ulcer or H pylori then you need to fix that first. Also quit eating processed foods and eating after 4pm and finally you shouldn't eat more than your fist…also I'm not a doctor and I don't really know anything.

  30. I'd like Dr. Greger to comment on the rebound effect of PPI's. I was prescribed PPI's for stomach upset (no heartburn or reflux) and going off the drugs after three months, I now have rebound reflux.

  31. I've had bouts of heartburn since I was about 10 or 12 (I'm 25 now). I would take pepcid or tums to get relief. When I brought it up to doctors they would do a trial of prilosec OTC but eventually its start up again. Got to the point where I just self medicated with the prilosec daily until I got an endoscopy which showed I had a hiatal hernia aka there was nothing wrong with my stomach acid to begin with but with the physiology my stomach. Long story short my goal is to ween myself off of the 40mgs of pepcid I take twice a day and change my diet.

  32. A lot of people commenting that going vegan is the answer for fixing gastritus stomach ulcers but thats not true, personally when I got a stomach ulcer I didn't stop eating meat, I just cut down the spices and the meal size and ofcourse the acidic food (tomatoes, vinegar, onions…) and the episodes stopped. The only spice I use now is turmeric and the meat I eat is the same as I used to eat (chicken breast and tinned tuna). Cutting the acidic food is the most difficult for me so I just greatly reduced it, like no onions (also reduce garlic a lot), vinegar and mint cause which i see as poison now but for every salad i still use one small tomato as i just can't have a salad with a tomato, also can't have any sour sweets anymore as they are packed with different acids and had to reduce the amount of choclate i ate.

    Just wanted to say this for any meat eater out there, you don't have to give up eating meat to cure your ulcer. Reducing the amount you eat of it will help and reducing your meal size is important. Chicken broths are good for stomach lining, eating bananas(!!!!) between meals helps keep food in your stomach to stop acid affecting your ulcer, drinking camomila tea and most importantly listening to your body. If you get the feeling that you don't wan't to eat or drink something that you would consider tasty or just used to eat or drinking eat don't for the love of God eat or drink it. Watch yt videos on how to cure an ulcer and try to do that, cure it so you can get off those PPI asap.

    Also eat yougurt, great for the gut and a natural acid neutriliser + don't eat fruit like apples, oranges that have acids, bananas are good though.

    +never ever eat or drink anything acidic when you're hungry like fruit, fizzy water, orange juice, always start with something good for your ulcer when you're hungry.

  33. What if you use baking soda as an adult occasionally for acid reflux? And you only drink 1 teaspoon with a glass of water?

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