I frullati verdi fanno male?

Mangiare cereali, fagioli e noci intatti (al contrario di pane, hummus e burro di noci) può avere alcuni vantaggi per la nostra flora intestinale e il controllo della glicemia, sollevando domande sulla miscelazione di frutta e verdura.

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Questo fa parte della mia serie di video in cinque parti. Se ti stai solo unendo al divertimento, assicurati di tornare indietro e dare un'occhiata alla prima puntata: i frullati verdi sono buoni per te? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-green-smoothies-good-for-you)

In arrivo per risolvere la questione una volta per tutte (fino a quando non verrà pubblicata una nuova scienza :), i prossimi tre finali sono: <br/> • Frullati verdi: cosa Lo dice la scienza? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/green-smoothies-what-does-the-science-say)
• Calorie liquide: i frullati portano ad un aumento di peso? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/liquid-calories-do-smoothies-lead-to-weight-gain)
• Il lato negativo dei frullati verdi (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-downside-of-green-smoothies)

Francamente più fagioli, meglio è, comunque li ottieni:
• Fagioli e Effetto secondo pasto (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/beans-and-the-second-meal-effect/)
• Fagioli in scatola o fagioli cotti? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/canned-beans-or-cooked-beans/)
• Aumento della durata della vita dai fagioli (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/increased-lifespan-from-beans/)
• Fagioli, fagioli, fanno bene al cuore (http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/beans-beans-theyre-good-for-your-heart)
• Fagioli cotti o germogliati? (

E i fitati però? Ti fanno bene!
• Fitati per la prevenzione del cancro (http://nutritionfacts.org /video/fitati-per-la-prevenzione-del-cancro/)
• Fitati per la riabilitazione delle cellule tumorali (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/phytates-for-rehabilitating-cancer-cells/)
• Phytates per il trattamento del cancro (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/phytates-for-the-treatment-of -cancer/)

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-green-smoothies-bad-for- tu e lui cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Joanna Slodownik via Flickr.

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100 Risposte a “I frullati verdi fanno male?”

  1. I just reckon that if evolution is the fact it's claimed to be then eating the foods we were designed to eat in the manner we were designed to has got to be the way. That means pick it fresh, process it minimally and eat it. Don't eat a lot, but eat a broad mix of what's available, maybe once or twice a week get by on just a bowl of porridge and an apple for the day.

    Again with evolution at play if we eat all this crap then in 100,000 years the only ones left standing will thrive on rubbish 🙂

  2. I'm not sure how much you've covered oxalates but I think this is worthy of comment in relation to smoothie diets.. I'm sure many people will not rotate the contents and maybe some direction here would be helpful ? Thank you for the amazing service you provide!

  3. Does the increased bioavailability of blended fruits and vegetables overload any of the processes in the upper GI tract? That's one of the other raps against smoothies.

  4. Great video as always! I'm hoping to hear if there's anything we could add to smoothies to prevent that spike in the next few video .

  5. Hi Dr. Greger, I have heard that drinking foods, like smoothies and juices, causes weight gain because of that:
    1. The saturation signal becomes deranged when the fuel comes as liquid
    2. You get to much sugar in the blood at once, causing the blood sugar first rising and then rapidly decline. And that will make you feel satisfied a shorter time
    3.It requires less energy for the digestion

    If we make an example. Zack and Julia always eat ten bananas for their lunch. Zack just peels them but Julia always blends them to a smoothie. Lets say they would do this every day in one year. Does that mean that Julia would fell less saturation after her lunch and therefor eat more calories for her dinner and gain more weight than Zack? We assume that those two persons have totally identical bodies, metabolisms and lifestyles.

    What do you think about this?

  6. my regular morning smoothie is grounded oatmeal, fruits, maple syrup or dates and tbs of vanilla extract. should i stop adding the oatmeal?

  7. Hi Dr. Greger,

    I have a question: if you are chewing the fruit VERY well, could that be compared to drink a smoothie slowly and lead to a faster absorption of the sugar or even blood sugar spikes?

    In this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BARsjJcC8wE&feature=youtu.be, you say "no matter how much we chew, the nutrients stay attached to the fiber" (1:28). If the nutrients still are attached to the fiber, I suppose that the fructose will do as well? As long as the fructose molecules do not easier get separated? You even say that the nutrients still attach to the fiber after using a high speed blender in 5 minutes (1:40)!? I think it is a bit contradictory when you tell, in your video "are green smoothies good for you", that some nutrients are stuck in the cell walls and can only be released when the fruits and vegetables are disrupted. And thats why blending is a great way to maximize your uptake of nutrients? Though I have read that soluble vitamins are destroyed when you mix them in a blender?

    You show that chewing very well, can speed up the absorption of sugar (2:55). "The smaller particles causes faster gastric emptying and produces greater glycemic and IRs". But if we assume that the fiber is still attached to the fructose, that is not the issue. The faster absorption must be caused by that the teeth have helped the digestion with the breakdown of the food, and thats a positive thing!? And if look at smoothies again, it is obviously that the faster consumption leads to a higher blood sugar. If this is the case, then I personally think it is a very strange advice to recommend people with diabetes to not chew their food properly. Instead they could just be told to eat slower!? But chewing very well also means eating during a longer period of time, would not this compensate for the faster sugar absorption caused by eating smaller particles?

  8. "Eat beans" sounds easy enough. But let me help the majority of you who decide to eat more beans/legumes. SPROUT THEM FIRST! I could not handle eating 1 or 2 cups of cooked beans a day because my gas would be so bad. I'm not just talking about farting, but my stomach would really hurt. Then I started sprouting my beans before cooking them, and like magic I have ZERO digestive problems with them. This is why sprouting is a common practice in the rest of the world.

  9. Boy, for a simple yes or no question about green smoothies this got way too complicated.  Where does rice and wheat come into the picture?  This is about GREEN SMOOTHIES.  I will see if this is answered at the end of the video.

  10. IMO, you're eating less greens in a smoothie than just eating a salad. The average salad has at least 2 cups of spinach or kale while a smoothie is lesss than 1/2 cup of greens.

  11. I tried to eat green smoothies but I think they are disgusting. Any ideas for how to make them nicer to eat? I tried to add fruit to it to make it more sweet but it was still disgusting.

  12. every time I have consumed a green smoothie, I have gotten violently ill. 30 minutes post consumption, I developed a fever and began vomiting. I figured the first time was a fluke, but it kept happening.

  13. What about those powdered greens that you just add to water, juice, etc and that are so popular (and expensive), are they just as effective, or even more, as eating whole veggies?

  14. I'm so conflicted. I hate eating leafy greens so I just spent $60 on a new blender so I could liquefy them and make them easier to consume. Now I'm afraid of starving my gut flora of nutrients. Some guidance would be appreciated.

  15. Is chewing gum really good for you? According to the ADA, chewing trident sugarless gum 20 minutes after eating is preventative in cavities, I think supposedly because of extra the saliva stimulation and the way that the gum picks up bits of food and bacteria and also because it has xylitol which is harmful to bacteria. Do you agree, or disagree, or seen any studies on the benefits of this? Thank you!

  16. Smoothies suck !!! I had green smoothies every day for a year ,used to blend everything with great recipes and stuff , started feeling not that good, it progressed to having reactive hypoglycemia even though fruit content was balanced, it developed then to histamine intolerance , heart palpitations and more … it ruined my gut flora !!! It took me one year to repair the damage . Strangely I was blending and rotating at least 400 g of spinach / kale / parsley etc all organic and the best available and my blood test turned out a disaster : magnesium and other minerals were almost 0 in my blood !!! Never again , human body evolved chewing not blending

  17. ok… now i get it…. my grandmother always used to say never eat fine flour wet or dry of anything…. she always preferred coarse grains, fruits, n vegetables…..

  18. disclaimer: sry for bad english, i am not a native speaker :')
    Hey Doc, the physican of my kids recommends to give my baby son melting flakes or baby oats instead of whole oaks. i should do this until he is 3 years old. he sais the reason for this is that little kids cant absorb their nutrions from whole oaks. but those baby oats are a highly processed food in my opinion. can you maybe make a video on plantbased diet for kids age 6 months to 3 years? i am on a whole plantfood based diet since 9 weeks now an feel great. but so confused what to feed my kids now.

  19. Yeah! I love my Blendtech! Veggie smoothies are my favorite way to eat veggies. Also, who would blend rice! Yuck. Yeah we get to blend beans!

  20. Summary of the vid: good to blend fruits and veggies and even beans (hummus) but not grains(rice) because they create a huge spike in sugar. Also why "intact whole grains are better than whole grain flours" (quote from his vid). Also, it's not good to chew them really well because they increase the sugar more. So don't chew your rice well hehe

  21. Omg
    I always chew like crazy and I'm a supee slow eater. I'm also always petite/skinny and always hungry. Could this be 1 reason why? :O

  22. Here's the video mentioned at the very end of this video where Dr Greger says, "we'll find out next".

    On a side note, I knew that whole grains are the way to go and that flour spikes your insulin, so avoid flour products, but I did not know blended beans does not affect the glycemic response. YAY!!! I can eat my oil-free homemade hummus!!!!

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