L'uvetta è un buon spuntino per i bambini?

Non è necessario che il California Raisin Marketing Board abbia finanziato studi così fuorvianti data la salubrità del loro prodotto.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

I marketer dell'uva passa non sono gli unici a provare il metodo scientifico. Scopri:
• The Saturated Fat Studies: Buttering Up the Public (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/The-Saturated-Fat-Studies -Buttering-Up-the-Public)
• Gli studi sui grassi saturi: impostati per fallire ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/The-Saturated-Fat-set-up-Up-to-fail)
• BOLD Indeed: Beef Lowers Colesterolo? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/bold-indeed-beef-lowers-cholesterol/)<br/> • Come la Egg Board progetta studi fuorvianti (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-the-egg-board-designs-misleading-studies/ )

Come aiutare i nostri bambini a mangiare frutta e verdura:
• Trucchi per far mangiare i bambini in modo più sano a scuola (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/tricks-to-get-kids-to-eat-healthier-at- scuola/)
• Trucchi per far mangiare i bambini in modo più sano a casa (http: //nutritionfacts.org/video/tricks-to-get-kids-to-eat-healthier-at-home/)
• Trucchi per ottenere adulti mangiare più sano (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/tricks-to-get-adults-to-eat-healthier/)

Altri studi sulla frutta secca (il mio preferito è il mango essiccato):
• Better Than Goji Berries (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/better-than-goji-berries/)
• Le barrette di frutta e noci fanno aumentare di peso? (
• Mele secche, datteri, fichi o prugne secche per il colesterolo? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/dried-apples-dates-figs-or-prunes-for-cholesterol/)
• Aglio e uvetta per prevenire la nascita prematura (http:// Nutritionfacts.org/video/Garlic-and-Raisins-to-Prevent-Premature-Birth)

Fai una domanda per Il dottor Greger riguardo a questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-raisins-good-snacks-for-kids / e cercherà di rispondere!

Immagine di credito: sciencesque via Flickr.

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37 Risposte a “L'uvetta è un buon spuntino per i bambini?”

  1. I find your video very helpfull but I  find your english talking still a little too sophisticated. and too fast. If the talking was a little slowier, that would let time to digest all this usefull information. Your listener does not all have a nutritionist university level degree and are not  english speaking  as their first language.

  2. Raisins are great… more boron than any other fruit.. something we don't get enough of and that not many people know.

  3. 1:50 he didn't mention anything about the almonds. Of course almonds have a fair amount of fiber, and maybe more importantly, healthy fats, which adds greatly to satiety. Bottom line: snack on some trail mix, as long as there's no added sugars/chemicals/salt in any of the ingredients.

  4. I also heard that eating ten strips of bacon is healthier than you than twenty strips of bacon. See! Children need ten strips of bacon in their diet. What a joke these studies are. :/

  5. What about dates?  I recall one of your past videos claiming that dates are "fantastic" (quoted from the video).  Although it wasn't focused on consumption by kids.  One would think that dates are so similar being high in natural sugar, but also very high in fiber.  It would be surprising if one was vastly different than the other regarding raising blood sugar.

  6. Raisins are a little better than soda pop, that's not saying much.  There is more to worry about than weight gain.  Spiking insulin causes all kinds of problems.  The raisins are sticky and the sugar rests on the teeth longer.  

  7. The real "culprit" here is the rise in blood glucose which occurs faster with the raisins as opposed to the grapes because the raisiins are much easier to eat a larger amount quicker. The rise in blood glucose tells the brain that less food is needed and the Serotonn levels will rise telling the body, enough has been consumed. It reminds me why the Asian population serves rice first before the meal.. "spoiling" your appetite can be a good thing depending on what you "spoil" it with.

  8. Gee whiz!  Wonder what a study by the "California MARKETING raisin group" will have to say about raisins. . .

    great video my friend!  when we randomly meet in person some day, I'm going to give you the biggest bear hug ever.  much love!

  9. I'd be more concerned about dental cavities and raisins than anything else.  Otherwise, they seem pretty damn healthy.

  10. This is amazing information! I ate a couple of handfuls of raisins and chocolate chips for breakfast and I was full. I know that I should cut out the chocolate; I was just craving the same snack I had the night before. It normally takes hours of eating to fill me, so thank you for helping me to see that dried fruit will greatly cut down on my eating time!

  11. My only question: are conventionally grown raisins still healthy or do the pesticide residues negate the intrinsic benefits? Does anyone know definitely?

  12. hahahhaa! "when the snacks are fruit and the meal is pizza, the more we can ruin their appetite the better!!!" I love it!! Dr. Greger, you are awesome!!

  13. I am confused, this was supposed to be about raisins, but at the last minute he starts to talk about grapes. My question is are grapes OK to eat? I often hear talk about how drinking orange juice is the same as drinking soda pop, but what about eating grapes … they have so much water and sugar that I wonder if grapes are any better to eat than orange juice?

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