Kiwi per il comune raffreddore

Rispetto alle banane, mangiare kiwi riduce l'incidenza e la gravità delle infezioni del tratto respiratorio superiore?

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Il vantaggio del conflitto di interessi finanziario è che offre una rara fonte di finanziamento per la ricerca sugli ortofrutticoli. Maggiori informazioni sui kiwi qui:
• Kiwi per la sindrome dell'intestino irritabile ( /)
• Kiwi e riparazione del DNA ( and-dna-repair/)
• Kiwifruit for Insomnia ( /video/kiwifruit-for-insomnia/)

Cos'altro possiamo fare per ridurre il rischio di fastidiose infezioni respiratorie? Check out:
• I gargarismi possono prevenire il comune raffreddore? (
• Prevenire il comune raffreddore con i probiotici? (
• Lievito nutrizionale per prevenire il comune raffreddore ( the-common-cold/)

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Credito immagine: PublicDomainPictures via Pixabay.
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33 Risposte a “Kiwi per il comune raffreddore”

  1. The real question is why do kiwi fruits help the common cold? My guess is their high vitamin c content, especially as there are studies showing how well they raise vitamin c blood levels.

  2. I've been vegan for more than twenty years and not had any colds or flu in that time, though I had typically one to three colds every year or two in the years before.

  3. I was surprised when I found gold kiwis at Sam's Club yesterday. They usually sell green ones,which I'm not a big fan of. Bought a ton of them. Sitting and eating them right now,watching videos and this one popped out,what a coincidence! Overall,after becoming vegan(mostly raw), I had significantly fewer cases of cold and flu,with no phlegm at all and just one or two days of really light symptoms (nobody even notices,but me). Before I had awful reaction to any virus I catch, congestion for couple of weeks,body aches,whole nine yards.

  4. im not vegan, but i eat A LOT of fruits and veggies daily. i also supplement. all organic and natural foods and supplements. i started doing this three years ago when i was 23 years old. i am now 26, and i haven't been sick in over 3 years.

  5. I have read that kiwis can cause kidney stones due to the high oxalate concentration but I have not seen any evidence in medical journals. Do kiwis cause kidney stones due to the oxalate?

  6. Off topic question: what's the best way to serve oatmeal in order to get the full nutritional benefits? I add mine to boiling water and I wait until it absorbs all or most of the water. Am I destroying all of the nutrients this way?

  7. awesome, I am a kiwi freak!…. I sooooo LOVE Kiwies….and I actually just had 16 organic kiwis for breakfast this morning….  yeahh!!   🙂

  8. I'd want to see the difference between gold and green Kiwifruit, recent research (New Scientist) suggests that our doctoring of foods with exceptional health properties affects those properties. The article used broccoli and some other veg in their research.

  9. Video nicely done. I just bought a bag of organic Kiwis yesterday, forgot how good they taste and I recall earlier research before this video showing Kiwi has an immunity benefit. Great video, my question is, & I will try to do more research on this, is the immune benefit of Kiwi from its vitamin C content or is it something else or a combination there of? Nonetheless, I don't think Kiwi is the end all be all, but in combination with a nutrient dense plant based diet, I would certainly think that its synergistic effects would really aid one's resistance to colds or the flu.

  10. Since Gold Kiwi Fruit has carotenoids that the green ones don't have, I'm not sure if this study would apply to the kiwis that are accessible to most people.

  11. couldn't this simply have to do with the acidic properties of kiwi compared to banana? I wonder if the same results would have come from a group having some apple cider vinegar instead of kiwi.

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