I migliori cibi per il cervello: verdure e barbabietole messe alla prova

Il cacao e le verdure ricche di nitriti, come le foglie verdi e le barbabietole, vengono messe alla prova per la funzione cognitiva.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Altri cibi per il cervello? Nel caso vi foste persi il video precedente: Best Brain Foods – Berries and Nuts messi alla prova (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Best-Brain-Foods-Berries-and -Nuts-Put-to-the-Test)

Ecco altri video su cosa mangiare o evitare per mantenere il tuo pensiero acuto:
• Come rallentare l'invecchiamento cerebrale di due anni (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-slow- brain-aging-by-two-years/)<br/> • Benefici del rosmarino per la funzione cerebrale ( https://nutritionfacts.org/video/Benefits-of-Rosemary-for-Brain-Function)
• La marijuana causa danni permanenti al cervello negli adolescenti? (http://nutritionfacts.org/nutritionfacts.org/video/Does-Marijuana-Cause-Permanent-Brain-Damage-in-Teens)
• La marijuana provoca danni permanenti al cervello negli adulti? (http://nutritionfacts.org/nutritionfacts.org/video/Does-Marijuana-Cause-Permanent-Brain-Damage-in-Adults)
• Benefici dei mirtilli per il cervello (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/benefits- dei-mirtilli-per-il-cervello)

• Benefici dei mirtilli per l'umore e la mobilità (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/benefits-of-blueberries-for-mood-and-mobility)

Cos'altro possono fare le verdure ricche di nitrati?
• I cuori non dovrebbero saltare una barbabietola (https: //nutritionfacts.org/video/hearts-shouldnt-skip-a-beet/)
• Bella a Pee-nk (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/pretty-in-pee-nk/)
• Quindi dovremmo bere succo di barbabietola o no? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/so-should-we-drink-beet-juice-or-not/)
• Doping con succo di barbabietola (https://nutritionfacts.org /video/doping-con-succo-di-barbabietola/)
• Rallentare il nostro metabolismo con verdure ricche di nitrati (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/slowing-metabolism-nitrate-rich-vegetables/)
• Metodo di punteggio dei nitrati dietetici “Vege-Table” (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/veg-table-dietary -metodo-punteggio-nitrati/)
• Sangue ossigenante con verdure ricche di nitrati (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/oxygenating-blood-with-nitrate-rich-vegetables/)
• Barbabietole intere contro succo per migliorare le prestazioni atletiche (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/whole-beets- vs-succo-per-il-miglioramento-delle-prestazioni-atletiche/)
• Il dottor Greger in cucina: la mia nuova bevanda preferita (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/dr-greger-in-the-kitchen-my-new-favorite-beverage/)

Qual è il modo migliore per mangiare il cacao? Scopri:
• Cioccolato e rischio di ictus (https://nutritionfacts. org/video/chocolate-and-stroke-risk/)
• Il cioccolato fa aumentare di peso? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-chocolate-cause-weight-gain/)
• Cioccolato fondente e funzione arteria (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/dark-chocolate-and-artery-function/)

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/best-brain -foods-greens-and-beets-messo-alla-prova e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi avere un elenco di link a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate in http://nutritionfacts.org/video/best-brain-foods -verdure-e-barbabietole-messe-alla-prova. Troverai anche una trascrizione e ringraziamenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze, e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2,000 argomenti di salute.

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100 Risposte a “I migliori cibi per il cervello: verdure e barbabietole messe alla prova”

  1. I hope people aren't going to equate nitrates in beets grown in Nature with the carcinogenic man made isolate substance added to meats.

  2. if not for lionel nation i would never have found out about dr. gregor. dr gregor has been such a huge blessing in my life!

  3. L-Arginine (poultry, nuts, eggs, soy etc…) is the primary precursor of nitiric oxide, on the other side nitric oxide is the reduction product of nitrate ( nitrate rich food like beets), in addition citrulline rich food (watermelons) is shown to increase nitric oxide production . Excess Nitric oxide is shown to be involved in Alzheimer disease, Parkinson, Migraine, MS… Increasing nitric oxide may or may not be beneficial to the brain.

  4. The mayority of beets I get at markets have a bland flavor, only If I am lucky I get one that is sweet and tasty. Any tips on how to pick them?

  5. Ok for all you guys rejecting the best cheap solution for brain (eggs)
    here the best suppliment for brain: Essential amino acids pattern
    much needed for vegans and vegetarians, life changing suppliment for you.


    people review very good results on amazon:

    buy a cheap knock off, not the original ''MAP''.
    (warning: only tablets, powder taste very bad)

  6. A video on boosting brain and cognitive function that includes playing football as an example case test.
    Curious, what are the top 5 Nitrate Rich veggies that we should be consuming?

  7. Why beet juice and not the whole beet, boiled or raw? It seems to me that the whole beet would be more beneficial than just its juice, organic or not.

  8. ADHD as I've come to understand (I'm not an expert, but I have it) is an executive functioning disease, where basically the pre-frontal cortex isn't as active as it is in 'neurotypical' people. Could this increase in CBF from nitrate rich foods have any significant impact on the future treatment of ADHD?

    I would like to get away from ADHD medication eventually, so this connection seems somewhat hopeful.

  9. so only beet juice is this beneficial, not whole beets? it is difficult to find pure beet juice in stores without other stuff added to it. and I certainly am not going to buy a juicer and juice my own beets. I hear it takes many beets to make just one cup of juice.

  10. I like how his videos just seem to end all abruptly. I'm checking to see if I lost volume, nope that's just the end of the video. lol

  11. I haven't read all the comments so this may have already been asked and answered. Where does one get quality beat juice? Do I need to buy a juicer? If so, any recommendations? Is juice recommend because of concentration? For instance, how many whole beets would one have to eat to equal 1 cup of beet juice?

  12. Question: Is having low HDL detrimental if your LDL is also low? (trig 87 – total 122 – HDL 39 – LDL 66). I got it up to 46 one year, but my roommate is convinced I'm damaging my heart by having low HDL. Any articles or input welcome. Thanks.

  13. I don't think we are really supposed to eat beets. They come out the exact same way they went in, if you know what I mean. They can really give you a tummy ache too. Seems like that is your body's way of saying "don't eat that".

  14. NutritionFacts.org in your description, you say "nitrite-rich vegetables". I think you mean "nitrate-rich vegetables". I believe Dr. Greger talks about the detrimental effects of nitrites, which are added to processed meats to preserve color. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe nitrates are really good for us, and nitrites are really bad for us. I think you guys made a rather important typo.

  15. Okay but what was the placebo? Air? Because after you eat almost anything you could have improvements in functioning simply because it gives you energy

  16. I bet this will work for me with my motorcycle. I have to make split second decisions while cutting through traffic at speed and on the track. I work out too so this is good news. Bad news I hate beets. Good news i love smoothies, bad news i require TWO FULL CUPS OF THIS?! Yikes. Thats gonna impact the taste buds.

  17. +++++++Dr. Gregor could you discuss any nutrients/foods that are helpful in slowing Interstitual lung disease caused by rheumatoid arthritis? I always had a high RF level, not horrible 200-300. I never had classic symptoms of RA but did have fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. I am trying to slow this disease progression. Thanks for signing my book 🙂

  18. When I regularly drink a cup of beet juice right before a hard (HIT) cardio workout. I perform about 10% better.
    The only issue is….I don't want the calories (sugar) from the juice. I've been experimenting with beetroot powder but have not had as good of a response. Going to try another brand of beetroot powder.

  19. There are two things here about this cognitive research performed on people. 1) how confidence are we here to predicate the improvement to the beat juice? It could also be that the results just come from a natural learning curve of the brain and 2) who are test subjects here? Are they average and random picked healthy or are they from a cohort?

  20. I lost a couple of games of aoe3 yesterday versus a friend who eats the unhealthiest crap you can possibly imagine. And i lost them very badly (normally we where like 50-50%). I am on a plantbased diet (daily dozen) and he is on the "white bread with chocopasta+pizza" diet. But yes i had an asthma attack during those games, while he is able to run half a f'ing marathon and i sport 5 hours a week myself. PLZ explain to me why…I take the best B12 supplements, D3, omega 3 etc.

  21. Wonder if nitrates can influence dopamine receptors- thinking Parkinsons and other related disorders. Complex exercise has been shown to help (meaning sustained exercise where there is also a lot of quick decision making involved like many sports, not just plodding on a treadmill).

  22. The world of nutrition was in its dark age, it used to be archaic, dogmatic and ignorant, and often wrong – then Dr Greger came…

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