I migliori cibi per migliorare la funzione sessuale

Scegliere gli alimenti per migliorare il flusso sanguigno pelvico e ridurre l'infiammazione sia a lungo termine che immediatamente dopo un pasto può migliorare il funzionamento sessuale negli uomini e nelle donne.

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Ho già toccato questo argomento in Survival of the Firmest: Erectile Dysfunction & Death (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/survival-of-the-firmest-erectile-disfunction-and-death/) e 000 Sfumature di verde (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/-sfumature-di-verdi/).

Una migliore funzione sessuale potrebbe portare a una salute migliore? Non è stato studiato nelle donne, ma nel mio ultimo video ho rivisto le prove disponibili per gli uomini: gli uomini che fanno più sesso vivono più a lungo? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Do-Men-Who-Have-More-Sex-Live-Longer) .<br/>
Che effetto potrebbe avere quell'infiammazione subito dopo un pasto malsano sulla funzione delle nostre arterie? Dai un'occhiata alla mia serie di endotossine in 3 parti che inizia con The Leaky Gut Theory of Why Animal Products Cause Inflammation ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-leaky-gut -teoria-del-perché-i-prodotti-animali-causano-infiammazione/).

E perché ancora, la fibra è anti -infiammatorio? Guarda il mio video Prebiotics: Tending Our Inner Garden (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/prebiotics-tending-our-inner-garden).

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78 Risposte a “I migliori cibi per migliorare la funzione sessuale”

  1. Thanks Doc, but do you have anything to slow us down? We are both 67 and after many years on a raw food diet we find that we are teenagers again!

  2. I'm not a big fan of the new graphics. Instead of making it easier to digest the information, they make it more difficult to concentrate and don't really simplify it. But I will say they're flashier than the old videos…just not so helpful.

  3. A plant-based diet works well in the long term but if you need a quick boost eat some watermelon 😉

  4. Skip the foods and use a penis health creme called Man1 Man Oil instead. It contains Vitamin C, which is great for blood flow and erections. I use it and it has made s huge difference in my sex life. It contains other vitamins too so it benefits my penis in other ways as well. An awesome product…. look into it.

  5. Someone want to explain the last point in this video? I`m not too sure I get it, is he saying that someone who took viagra pressed the button 1500 times or someone on a vegan diet pressed it 1500 times? I just dont see the association he was trying to make

  6. The plant based diet made my life more diificult. When I was on a keto meat diet, my libido was low, I was depressed and I was in a generally shitty condition. Now eating mostly plants, my health and mind got so much better, and my libido has skyrocketed, but now I am depressed again as my wife cant keep up.,,

  7. Imagine if it was legal one day to have those devices implanted in people and have the authority to make them orgasm, orgasm with increased pleasure, or to keep them from orgasm……. it's kinda sickening, like eating too much honey…..

  8. What exactly is Erectodom Secrets? How does this thing really work? I notice lots of people keep on speaking about this popular erectile dysfunction natural treatment.

  9. Hello there, have you considered Erectodom Secrets yet? Simply just do a search engine search. On there you will discover a great suggestions about how you can achieve total control over your erectile dysfunction. Why don't you give it a chance? perhaps it'll work for you too.

  10. I love eating plant based – and have done so for 6 years now, but a big downside is plummeting sex drive and ED. I noticed the decrease after 8-12 months after becoming plant-based vegan. So…I can't vouch AT ALL for the above information. Not that I'll ever go back to eating animals, but my libido was much higher when I consumed animals regularly. (I'm a 44 year old man…so age is certainly a contributing factor as well).

  11. Does Erectodom Secrets really help to solve your erectile dysfunction problem? I've learn numerous good things about this popular erectile dysfunction treatment.

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