I vegani sono a rischio di carenza di iodio?

La maggior parte dei latti vegetali non sono arricchiti con iodio. I vegani hanno maggiori probabilità di sviluppare una carenza di iodio?

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Questo è il primo di una serie di quattro video sulla funzione tiroidea. I prossimi tre sono:
• La fonte naturale più salutare di iodio (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-healthiest-natural-source- di iodio)
• La dieta migliore per l'ipotiroidismo e l'ipertiroidismo (http://nutritionfacts.org /video/la-migliore dieta per l'ipotiroidismo e l'ipertiroidismo)<br/> • Dieta per l'ipotiroidismo: un trattamento naturale per la malattia di Hashimoto (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/diet-for-hypotiroidism-a-natural-treatment-for-hashimotos-disease)

Per ulteriori informazioni sullo iodio, vedere:
• Troppo iodio può essere tanto cattivo quanto troppo poco (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/too-much-iodio-can-be-as-bad-as-too-little/)
• Integratori di iodio prima, durante e dopo la gravidanza (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/iodio-supplements-before-during-and- dopo la gravidanza/)
• Vegane in gravidanza a rischio di carenza di iodio (https: //nutritionfacts.org/video/pregnant-vegans-at-risk-for-iodio-deficiency-2/)
• Evitare la carenza di iodio (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/avoiding-idine-deficiency-2/)

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92 Risposte a “I vegani sono a rischio di carenza di iodio?”

  1. Wow, i think the Koreans are up to something when they got the tradition of eating seaweed soup for nursing women everyday for a month and once a week for pregnant women.

  2. Also too much iodine can be a problem, it can make trigger/cause Hashimotos, an autoimmune disorder. Hashimotos is responsible for 90% of people who have hypothyroidism in first world countries

  3. I am from Nepal and we use a lots of salt in ever meal.The salt I use says it’s iodized in the package. Does it suffice to use iodized salt? It’s hard to get seaweed around here. I’ve been vegan for a year and I do not have any thyroid complications but still I wonder if the salt is even iodized like it says in the packet something !

  4. First of all Dr Greger isn't vegan since he is ok with animal testing and doesn't know the difference between a vegan and someone who is merely plant based. Vegetarians shouldn't even be discussed as they still consume animal secretions and bird periods.
    There are sea vegetable supplements like kelp drops, powder, etc.

  5. As a vegan, I've always eaten seaweed and watched your videos about it but my TSH has always been a little bit higher than normal. I have no clue how it was before

  6. I am a vegan on a low salt diet and I have hypothyroidism (before veganism), I am not sure if this means that I should take iodine supplements?

  7. That value of 100 is a suspiciously round number. Are those "average" vegans with a value in the upper 70s actually deficient? Do they actually have increased complications of low iodine?

  8. Does a goitre reverse completely if you start supplementing? If not is there anyway to reverse the goitre? Mine has reduced in size since supplementing but still enlarged. Any help appreciated!

  9. In 2007 after reading Dr David Brownstein’s book “Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It” I gradually increased my daily iodine intake from 400 mcg to 50,000 mcg. About two years ago I bumped it up to 200,000 mcg daily (to match the amount eaten by the “Blue Zone” Japanese.

    Melissa Gallico, and her excellent book “The Hidden Cause of Acne” taught me that about 5 percent of people are hypersensitive to iodine (and fluoride) and need to start with very low daily intake 20-40 mcg, and progress to higher dosages much more slowly.

    Taking the co-factors that assist the body absorb iodine (B2, B3, selenium & salt!) is always a good idea as you ramp up to an amount that satisfies the whole body.

    Another great book is “The Iodine Crisis” by Lynne Farrow.

  10. I take sea kelp whenever I think of it.
    I was underactive (Hypo) thyroid for many years as a child taking Armour Throid 3 gr. daily.
    That is a Very High dosage!!
    I was taking it for many years. I weaned myself off of it. Blood tests didn’t show much difference. I decided to take Sea Kelp after being vegan for many years. I hope this helps keep my thyroid in a good place!
    I buy my Sea Kelp in WF, I believe less than $5.00.

  11. Thanks for this video! Unrelated question: can the NutritionFacts team tackle the science on diet and tinnitus? I'm trying to do the research myself, but some papers seem to contradict each other or even themselves. I'd be very grateful if people with a science and medical background could synthesize the research available. Thanks again 🙂

  12. Nature didnt do any mistake, disgusting algae are foods mainly for animals living in water, humans surely dont salivate seeing these on the beach, most plants foods contains more or less iodine and some contains significant amount (potatoes with peel, pineapple, some berries, white navy beans, some bananas and others) but with intensive agriculture and environemental problems caused mostly by humans and plants often picked too early not completely ripe, foods contains much less iodine than in the past but some wild animals eating wild foods showed to have good lvl of iodine.

    The rain is sensed to contain iodine to feed the soil, not sure it is working correctly nowadays knowing what we did to our mother earth.

  13. I'm WFPB and stay away from SOS and finally just bought some kelp flakes to add to various dishes. I don't like seaweed snacks or that taste so hopefully I can blend them in enough that I don't taste them. The plant based milk makers need to get on the ball and fortify their milks with iodine already. You can eat greens and get a ton of calcium it doesn't necessarily need to be from drinking (plant) milk. But they also don't need to add canola oil to their plant-based milks for crying out loud. Until I went SOS based I didn't even realize that.

  14. how would someone following a paelo diet even get iodine defiency

    you only have to eat a bit of fish together with red meat eggs ect…

  15. I'm not vegan, but I make sure to take a daily kelp supplement for the iodine. Unlike fiber and potassium, iodine is hard to obtain from food.

  16. When my doctor (MD) advised me to go vegan in 1997, she , nor any other doc I have seen since, ever recommended iodine. Even as my TSH went from 1 to 2 to 4 to 8… nothing. 4 years ago my naturopathic doctor put me on a regimen of Selenium, zinc, iodine and Vit C which did bring the TSH down to 2, but it did not last over time. Starting taking Cytomel. Now my FNP wants to see if I can get off of it, so weaned the meds over a month and will get labs done 6 weeks later. I asked her if I should be taking iodine now and she said no. I take it anyway! I never had one symptom of hypothroidism, I suspect Thyroid labs were affected by insufficient iodine in my diet. The taste of seaweed gags me, but I will try again! Sorry for rambling…..

  17. in the beginning Greger says the source of the iodine in milk is mainly the disinfectant used for the cow's udders and tanks.

    However in 2018 i actually emailed the co-author of this study titled "The main determinants of iodine in cows milk in Switzerland" https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29508687/ asking if this is really the main source of iodine in milk. she replied (in german):

    "Die Mittel zur Desinfektion können wohl einen gewissen Effekt haben auf die Milch-Jod Konzentration. Den grösseren Effekt hat aber wahrscheinlich in den meisten Fällen das Futter. Das Futter der Tiere wird mit Mineralstoffen angereichert. Und je nach Konzentration des Jod im Futter ist dann die Menge an Jod in Milch auch unterschiedlich. Hier gibt es einen linearen Zusammenhang."

    so basically the main source isn't the tincture but the feed additives/supplementation.

    i then asked her wether cows milk would still be a good source of iodine if cows just ate grass. and [even more importantly i asked her] if it wouldn't be a better idea to take the iodine ourself instead of taking the detour via the animal…. she never replied.

    why? i only now realized she is also the vice president of the SGE, which is the swiss counterpart of the AND releasing the national dietary guidelines. switzerland (and germany) are one of the only dietary guidelines committees in the world still holding the view that vegan diets are not to be recommended at all. this stance of course goes against the consenus in the USA, UK, canada, australia, portugal etc that an appropriately planned vegan diet is adequate for all stages in the human life cycle.

  18. My dietary iodine deficiency became apparent when I started logging my days worth of eating in an app for a couple of weeks. Been on kelp supplements since.

  19. The bottom line: a vegan diet + fatty fish 2 times a week like sardines/Atlantic Mackerel is the healthiest and most balanced. It provides iodine, EPA + DHA, a little bit of heme-iron, zinc, b12, b6, b2 and many more needed vitamins for vegans.

  20. Hack for vegans : incorporate sea vegetables in your diet – kelp Wakame irish moss red brown blue green algae plankton they are flushed with high essential minerals and ofc the omega-3s they claim are in fish (because they eat said algae)

  21. tho what ppl usually dont take into account: when they walked this earth…for say…20 years…and didnt have much iodine intake during those years then the 150 micrograms/day as recommended wont ever fix their longterm deficiency they had all those years
    since tolerable upper iodine is 1000 or 1100 micrograms it would be good just to do 300-600 for a while to get back to baseline – and later then resume with the 150-250 or so 😇


  23. Why do you want iodine added to more foods, Dr Greger? People can supplement so why add it to foods?

    There are a few nutrients that I get a huge dose of just because I eat well and sometimes eat processed foods, maybe 5% calories. But you cannot seem to get away from everything being supplemented.

    If someone needs iodine in their diet they can buy drops, or use iodized salt or use sea vegetables, etc.

    Don't we already know that supplementing with things like calcium isn't that great for you yet they add calcium to many foods like cereals, plant milks, etc.

  24. Wow, been watching your videos for years but how did I ever miss this 😂? Thought I'd hear "oh but whole foods people are fine because…" but no 😅 hmmm okay so I'm terribly at risk I guess. Going to look up symptoms and sources right away…

  25. I guess we're saved here by low-sodium salt that we only consume enough to meet the iodine's daily intake. 😐

  26. man i miss life before nutrition, i grew up without having to worry about deficiencies or what i eat and that was the life man, i cant live like this im not built for this sht, ive always relied on being as natural as possible to keep me safe but as a vegan i feel like its just doing the opposite and that aint right.. all these deficiency scares are consuming my life and giving me crippling anxiety, im exhausted after watching this video and doing some research, i cant live like this man.. my biggest dream is that he comes out with a video saying he was wrong about deficiencies and it was just milk or oil or chlorine or something causing the problem, i need it man

  27. TLDR; I'm concerned with Iodine & Iron absorption because last winter I was colder since going wfpb. How to get both in one meal? Broccoli? Help me understand.

    So from… Overdosing on Greens. Nov 3rd, 2010 mentions…

    —cruciferous have natural goitrogenic compounds in this family of vegetables that can interfere with thyroid function in people with marginal iodine intake.

    How much is too much? I (Dr Greger) specify raw here, because an enzyme that releases these compounds is deactivated by cooking. —
    My concern, does cooking reduce the Vitamin C in the greens/broccoli that help with Iron absorption?

    The healthiest iron sources are whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and green, leafy vegetables, which can be paired at the same meal with vitamin C-rich foods such as citrus, bell peppers, broccoli, and tropical fruits to boost iron absorption. From : Iron at NF .org

    So, Grapefruit, apples, Kale, brussle sprouts red cabbage broccoli carrot and a non oxalate green are my favorite. I feel like there is a catch 22 with something because broccoli is a green with vitamin c for Iron but goitrogenic to iodine unless cooked. Thank you your thoughts

  28. This has been a grievance of mine for a long time. I found out two years after becoming vegan that I had a mild iodine deficiency so I looked up vegan sources. I discovered that the USDA don't even include it in their nutrition information so it rarely appears on any nutrition information on products even here in Australia. I upped my spud intake, started eating dried cranberries on my oats and munching a couple of nori snacks every day so I'm hoping that's enough! I'll get my blood tested again soon so crossing my fingers. Mylk is a good source of calcium (and where I get half of mine) so why don't they include iodine, too?!

  29. Note that (organic) soy milk with Lithothamnion calcareum algae (for calcium) automatically provides some iodine, even if not advertised / labeled. Typically it contains 0.4g algae per 100ml, which translates to ~ 32.8µg/g * 0.4g = 13µg iodine per 100ml soy milk (PMC2877502). Thus about 1/3 RDA iodine with 1/3 litre of such soy milk. Together with iodized salt and maybe a 1/2 multivitamin that may do the job.

  30. I developed a goiter back in the early 90's, long before going vegan. No symptoms, just saw it in the mirror one morning. My older sister and her son also have hypothyroidism.

  31. I gargle with a weak iodine mouthwash to stop bad breath. 2 drops of iodine 2% tincture in a glass of water. I always swallow a little bit.

  32. How did ancient humans get enough iodine? Seems like it's only found in animal products as a result of farming practices, so where did people get it in the past, before these practices were used? Not every group of historical humans has included sea vegetables in their diet

  33. Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the dreamtime via sonar energy. Reality has always been aglow with pilgrims whose hearts are nurtured by energy. Who are we? Where on the great myth will we be guided?

  34. i think we are just beginning to understand the importance of how are food is grown and how it effects the nutrient density of foods. i almost always eat organic but even this is not a guarantee of high nutrient density , that comes from the soil. for an insight into regenerative growing to optimize our foods nutrition check out some of nigel palmers videos. i think it may tie in nicely with some of the concerns i read in the comments of deficiencies, fortified products and supplements and how to avoid them, as well how we direct our purchasing dollars. if nothing else it is very fascinating and i think it is a big part of what those on a wfpbd are concerned with.

  35. I see that cranberries are quite high in iodine in several websites on the internet. about 400 mcg/4oz. Is this true? I eat a lot of dried cranberries in my trail mix blend and just want to know if I can actually rely on this number. Can't find a reliable source.

  36. After years of getting married oh my God you did this for me I will serve you till I die,on a faithful day I met doctor wale on YouTube here where someone write about him ,I didn't believe that I thought its scam ,so I make up my mind not to write him later it keep bothering me so I wrote to him ,I told him my problem about pregnancy he said did I believe I can conceive I said yes so he cast a spell of pregnancy on me today am a mother I really thank YouTube for allowing something like this you can also write him if you have any spiritual problem or you want tour wish to come true am a living testimony.. I will drop his WhatsApp line for you in my next post

  37. I don't understand why people are deficient on iodine!! 1 gr. of table salt has about 45 mcg. of iodine, so about 23 gr. of table salt per week (a little more than a table spoon) is more than enough! I know table salt is not the best food, but if you use it in moderation only in your main cooking (legumes, soups, etc.), it can really help with your iodine deficiency.

  38. Well, we are all doomed anyway – just do your best … most people I know are deficient in something or other.

  39. If meat and dairy eaters are only getting iodine because their foods tend to be fortified with it / its used in the production process (which is what seemed to be implied from the start of the video, although I may have misunderstood),where would humans 'naturally' get iodine from? I'm sure most cultures throughout history haven't consumed large quantities of seaweed.

  40. Who would take advice from a clown that ate raw Elderberries and didn't know they were toxic to humans. I would follow his advice as much as I would jump into a black bottomless dark hole like a lemming in front of me.

  41. Very important topic, thanks Dr Gregor! Vegetables are also an important source of iodine, but only if they are grown in an area where the soil has a sufficient iodine content. I live in Europe, where soil iodine levels are low. Some very healthy foods typically on a WFPB diet contain goitrogens, which can block the synthesis of thyroid hormone. These include soy products and cruciferous veggies. Iodine has many functions in the body other than thyroid health, so even if your blood results show healthy thyroid function, you may find you feel better taking an iodine supplement.

  42. I’d rather not have iodine in the milk, I drink a lot of soy milk and don’t want to worry about Oding on iodine, I take independent supplements

  43. Let's see. 150 micrograms of iodine is .15 milligrams for the RDA. Our bodies have or need about 1500mg of iodine. The thyroid can store 50mg and storage occurs in the breasts, salivary glands and ovaries which also make T2. Japanese intake is about 13mg per day and they have low cancer and thyroid issues. Our bodies need iodide and iodine (Lugols iodine). If you ate saltwater fish for every meal you would achieve less than 1mg per day. Babies are experiencing hashimotos, low IQ, asthma and other development issues due to insufficient iodine. Add low vitamin D is another problem. Seek out a naturopath or do your own research.

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