Il microbioma siamo ciò che mangiano

Cosa succede alla nostra flora intestinale quando passiamo da una dieta più animale a una dieta più vegetale?

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Ecco il link al video TMAO che ho mostrato: Carnitine, Choline, Cancer, and Cholesterol: The TMAO Connection ( -colesterolo-la-connessione-tmao/). Un aggiornamento su TMAO in Come i nostri batteri intestinali possono usare le uova per accelerare il cancro ( Eggs-to-Accelerate-Cancer) e risposta dell'industria delle uova a colina e TMAO ( egg-industry-response-to-choline-and-tmao/).<br/>
Maggiori informazioni su come mantenere felici i nostri insetti intestinali qui :
• Microbiome: The Inside Story (
• Prebiotici: Curare il nostro giardino interno ( prebiotics-tendente-il-nostro-giardino-interno/)
• Qual è il tuo enterotipo del microbioma intestinale? (
• Come cambiare il tuo enterotipo ( )
• Paleopoo: cosa possiamo imparare dalle feci fossilizzate (http: //
• Disbiosi intestinale: affamare il nostro microbico Sé (
• Come sviluppare un ecosistema di intestino sano ( -per-sviluppare-un-ecosistema-intestino-sano)
• Come diventare un super donatore di trapianto fecale (

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76 Risposte a “Il microbioma siamo ciò che mangiano”

  1. I had loose stool for some time until I started eating one type of food for a period of a week or so, then my stool went normal. The product in question is hand made pasta, which brought me (together with a plant based diet) to bowel movement normalisation (regularity and non-looseness). Any studies on "eating the same of whatever for a long period of time leading to better digestion of the whatever in question"?

  2. I believe a plant based diet and/or a proper nutritional plan is for those persons that are missing the necessary protection from their DNA. I have known people who die of old age on a lifelong diet made up of oils, dairy and sugar. My friend who is 60 years of age drinks a daily table spoon of olive oil and has never experienced cardiovascular issues as other younger family members. Other videos indicate oils can damage blood vessels. My wife of 28 years and who also happens to cook all the meals has never suffered from high sugar or cholesterol levels with a Calcium score of zero. However is affected by gold bladder stones that are supposed to be created by high cholesterol. You need to find out what affects you body and address the issues on an individual level. For me a plant based diet is crucial. It has totally reverse type 2 diabetes and lower LDL to 93 from years of high numbers.

  3. Since I started eating PBWF, I've noticed the evidence of many more friendlies in my life. Just thinking of all the money I wasted on acidopholis over the years while eating a less than optimal diet makes me mad.

  4. Is there a video or document that says how to overcome Candidiasis, Leaky Gut, SIBO, Parasites, with a Whole Food Plan Base diet?. I read a lot of documents and I've seen a lot of videos about these, but all they are Paleo-base diet or Ketogenic-base diet. I've never seen any WFPB document which talk about the earlier mentioned issues.

    Thanks in advance for the video!

  5. Someone needs to tell tigers that they can reduce their intestinal inflammation if they go vegan and you are talked about the choline TMAO hypothesis in another video.

  6. Everyone. I recommend going to "Noah Elkrief" channel, if you're suffering from ANYTHING; depression, anxiety, social anxiety, confusion, anger, unhappiness, etc. And to find what peace and happiness really is and the end of all suffering. PLS share this around.

  7. An interesting question might be; does our ability to digest and convert ALA from flax and other nuts into long chain omegas increase as our gut micro biome changes?

  8. World class video. I just came from Denver's ACSM science meeting AND the gut microbiome was a BIG area or research. Lots of really cool new discoveries coming out and as always, Dr. Greger is ahead of the game 😉

  9. BULLCRAP about meat and diary. The lactobacteria isn't called Lacto because they DON'T live in milk. idiotic claims!!

  10. Man has been meat eaters for 100s of years and now you say ugh meat bad…plant good…never mind all the tribes who live mostly meat and live longer then any humans on the planet….lol go tell them meat bad plant good!

  11. You know some of you vegans support Monsanto right? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that vegetables and fruits are all made in a laboratory and are virtually impossible to digest and to get any kind of nutrients from it; vitamins and hormones A, F, D k2 b6 b12. The animals that solely you love care for actually need to fertilize and to cultivate the  ground soil for organic produce, so you don't have to use monsanto seeds/soil, they don't want to keep growing it yourself and eating it like nature indented to do so, Try growing organic solely, the plants will be eaten, infected and poisoned as soon it's planted on regular soil it's hard to maintain, but can be ultimately grown like naturel intended. They want you to use their soil/seeds.  That is why it is slowly killing your body from no meat and to say that plants will just flush right out of the digestive tract system is a good thing, false that's a bold faced lie because, it doesn't know what to do with the microbiomes it will not ferment or glycation will form and AGE's an ultimately it will be destroyed by your gut flora weak strain of molecules against one thousands preventive biomes will fail when sugar is added to any kind of acid has nothing to absorb. The vegan agenda is in full effect as with the brainwashing that meat is a not the way to go, no freaking shit processed cooked meat or factory big meat is cancerogenic so is pasteurized milk, go to your local organic grass fed farms where they raise animals on grass fed pasture with no spray or gmo fertilizer, an which raw milk is illegal, btw that's your governmernt for you and worldwide effort is to promote agenda 21, go fucking eat your legumes,  veggies and nuts. Soon enough theyll have you starving for starberry jam or grape jelly so youll think its nutritious. When monsanto will run out of your favorite seeds? The answer is they never run out and will keep planting chemicals right up your arse as long as you give them your money. How's that six figure salary Greg!

  12. does this mean phytic acid doesn't negatively impact vegans in the long run? I soak my food anyway, but odly enough I feel like my food doesn't cook as well when I soak them or taste as good.

  13. People keep thinking that veganism is the only way to go… HOWEVER, if you read between the lines you can see that these studies are far from definitive…. the first one only showed a link between typical American diet and high incidence of inflammatory markers, if you want better data then they should exclude one food group at a time. The other study he showed said meat , dairy , and eggs are totally fine to eat provided they don't account for a bulk of the calories consumed….humans are omnivores, this trait has allowed us to infest every part of the globe. So if you tell me that a healthy human population can only follow 1 type of diet then I'm gonna be wanting better data than this.

  14. Red meat and tmao has been thoroughly debunked. I had severe dysbiosis on a plant based diet, switching to a low carb, high fat, moderate (animal) protein diet has literally given me a new life. I hope you can all keep an open mind and know that everyone is different.

  15. Dr. Greger, I grew up with the notion that we need yogurt for lacto-bacillus. Is that a myth as well? Please elucidate as I just turned vegan and am worried about the gut bacteria.

  16. Wait a second… We had our gut bacteria update it's software and thus updating our hardware?!?!? Oh wow. I'm willing to bet that we have a lot of DNA in common with our gut bacteria.

  17. Such a load of bull. Descended from generations of vegetarians I cannot vouch for any of these findings. The nicest, healthy, generous ( in their late 80s ) people I know simply do not fit into this vacuous model. Tripe!

  18. This should be updated. We now know that the ratio of human to microbe cells is about 1:1.3. 30 trillion to 39 trillion. The 10:1 ratio stems from a miscalculation in 1972.

  19. Maybe you can fully explain why many people with a whole gamut of health issues recover and thrive on a pure carnivore diet. Please bear in mind eating meat is eating processed fruit and vegetables and metabolized insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, antibiotics, growth hormones etc. Now that geographically separated foodstuffs are widely available everywhere has the gut flora become too abundant and would benefit from longer term adapted restrictive foodstuffs according to race culture religion and geographical limitation? . From a personal viewpoint I am unable to eat anything other than strict carnivore without severe pain and illness; maybe having digestive tract of a carnivore is my problem? Maybe you can communicate with Shawn Baker on this subject and inform us what we are doing wrong?

  20. I was just reading in your book "How Not to Diet" about Microbiome and how "More bacteria live and work in one linear centimeter of your lower colon than all the humans who have ever lived." A doctor removed my entire colon in 2000 due to ulcerative colitis. (since then I have learned that a plant- based diet would have cured it). My question is, do I store these magnificent bacteria somewhere else? My small intestine? Am I able to be as healthy as someone WITH a colon? I do eat WFPB.

  21. Yesterday I ate at olive garden, I was good by ordering the minestrone soup and a salad. I goofed up by agreeing to the cheese…I instantly started coughing my fool-head off. All I had to do is say "no thank you". My lord…I shall learn. I'm in recovery mode right now. Thank you for this channel!

  22. So what happens when I eats big bowl oatmeal daily a bowl of unpolished rice with 3 whole fruits and 2 servings of veggies a day but I also eat 1.5 serving of meat a day?

  23. Just take b12 , ofcourse only if you know the new update amount from the last webinar I guess it's a secret. Good luck to find the right amount

  24. If Meat causes bad bacteria to grow, why do the Hadza tribe tribe (which eat mostly meat) have one of the healthiest gut biomes in the world? My concern with taking this kind of data and applying it to the entire human population, is that these studies did not take into account what kinds of gut bacteria the people who did the trial had before the trial began. What they inherited from their mother, and what they picked up during their lifetime could play a massive role in the negative effects or positive effects of differing food types.

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